Source code for pennylane_qiskit.ibmq

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains the :class:`~.IBMQDevice` class, a PennyLane device that allows
evaluation and differentiation of IBM Q's Quantum Processing Units (QPUs)
using PennyLane.
import os

from qiskit_ibm_provider import IBMProvider
from qiskit_ibm_provider.exceptions import IBMAccountError
from qiskit_ibm_provider.accounts.exceptions import AccountsError
from qiskit_ibm_provider.job import IBMJobError

from .qiskit_device import QiskitDevice

[docs] class IBMQDevice(QiskitDevice): """A PennyLane device for the IBMQ API (remote) backend. For more details, see the `Qiskit documentation <>`_ You need to register at `IBMQ <>`_ in order to recieve a token that is used for authentication using the API. As of the writing of this documentation, the API is free of charge, although there is a credit system to limit access to the quantum devices. Args: wires (int or Iterable[Number, str]]): Number of subsystems represented by the device, or iterable that contains unique labels for the subsystems as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings (``['ancilla', 'q1', 'q2']``). Note that for some backends, the number of wires has to match the number of qubits accessible. provider (Provider): The IBM Q provider you wish to use. If not provided, then the default provider returned by ``IBMProvider()`` is used. backend (str): the desired provider backend shots (int): number of circuit evaluations/random samples used to estimate expectation values and variances of observables timeout_secs (int): A timeout value in seconds to wait for job results from an IBMQ backend. The default value of ``None`` means no timeout Keyword Args: ibmqx_token (str): The IBM Q API token. If not provided, the environment variable ``IBMQX_TOKEN`` is used. ibmqx_url (str): The IBM Q URL. If not provided, the environment variable ``IBMQX_URL`` is used, followed by the default URL. noise_model (NoiseModel): NoiseModel Object from ``qiskit_aer.noise``. Only applicable for simulator backends. hub (str): Name of the provider hub. group (str): Name of the provider group. project (str): Name of the provider project. """ short_name = "qiskit.ibmq" def __init__( self, wires, provider=None, backend="ibmq_qasm_simulator", shots=1024, timeout_secs=None, **kwargs, ): # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments # Connection to IBMQ connect(kwargs) hub = kwargs.get("hub", "ibm-q") group = kwargs.get("group", "open") project = kwargs.get("project", "main") instance = "/".join([hub, group, project]) # get a provider p = provider or IBMProvider(instance=instance) super().__init__(wires=wires, provider=p, backend=backend, shots=shots, **kwargs) self.timeout_secs = timeout_secs
[docs] def batch_execute(self, circuits): # pragma: no cover, pylint:disable=arguments-differ res = super().batch_execute(circuits, timeout=self.timeout_secs) if self._track_run() return res
def _track_run(self): # pragma: no cover """Provide runtime information.""" expected_keys = {"created", "running", "finished"} time_per_step = self._current_job.time_per_step() if not set(time_per_step).issuperset(expected_keys): # self._current_job.result() should have already run by now # tests see a race condition, so this is ample time for that case timeout_secs = self.timeout_secs or 60 self._current_job.wait_for_final_state(timeout=timeout_secs) self._current_job.refresh() time_per_step = self._current_job.time_per_step() if not set(time_per_step).issuperset(expected_keys): raise IBMJobError( f"time_per_step had keys {set(time_per_step)}, needs {expected_keys}. If your program takes a long time, you may want to configure the device with a higher `timeout_secs`" ) job_time = { "queued": (time_per_step["running"] - time_per_step["created"]).total_seconds(), "running": (time_per_step["finished"] - time_per_step["running"]).total_seconds(), } self.tracker.update(job_time=job_time) self.tracker.record()
def connect(kwargs): """Function that allows connection to IBMQ. Args: kwargs(dict): dictionary that contains the token and the url""" hub = kwargs.get("hub", "ibm-q") group = kwargs.get("group", "open") project = kwargs.get("project", "main") instance = "/".join([hub, group, project]) token = kwargs.get("ibmqx_token", None) or os.getenv("IBMQX_TOKEN") url = kwargs.get("ibmqx_url", None) or os.getenv("IBMQX_URL") saved_accounts = IBMProvider.saved_accounts() if not token: if not saved_accounts: raise IBMAccountError("No active IBM Q account, and no IBM Q token provided.") try: IBMProvider(url=url, instance=instance) except AccountsError as e: raise AccountsError( f"Accounts were found ({set(saved_accounts)}), but all failed to load." ) from e return for account in saved_accounts.values(): if account["token"] == token: return IBMProvider.save_account(token=token, url=url, instance=instance)