
This section contains the API documentation for the PennyLane-AQT plugin.


Unless you are a PennyLane plugin developer, you likely do not need to use these classes and functions directly.

See the overview page for more details using the available AQT devices with PennyLane.

This is the top level module from which all PennyLane-AQT device classes can be directly imported.


AQTNoisySimulatorDevice(wires[, shots, ...])

AQTNoisySimulatorDevice for PennyLane.

AQTSimulatorDevice(wires[, shots, api_key, ...])

AQTSimulatorDevice for PennyLane.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of pennylane_aqt.simulator.AQTNoisySimulatorDevice, pennylane_aqt.simulator.AQTSimulatorDevice