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This is the top level module from which all basic functions and classes of PennyLane can be directly imported.



Prints the information for pennylane installation.

add_noise(tape, noise_model[, level])

Insert operations according to a provided noise model.

adjoint(fn[, lazy])

Create the adjoint of an Operator or a function that applies the adjoint of the provided function.


Implements the adjoint method outlined in Jones to compute the metric tensor.

apply(op[, context])

Apply an instantiated operator or measurement to a queuing context.

apply_controlled_Q(tape, wires, target_wire, ...)

Applies the transform that performs a controlled version of the Q unitary defined in this paper.

assert_equal(op1, op2[, check_interface, ...])

Function to assert that two operators, measurements, or tapes are equal

batch_input(tape, argnum)

Transform a circuit to support an initial batch dimension for gate inputs.

batch_params(tape[, all_operations])

Transform a QNode to support an initial batch dimension for operation parameters.

batch_partial(qnode[, all_operations, ...])

Create a batched partial callable object from the QNode specified.

binary_mapping(bose_operator[, n_states, ...])

Convert a bosonic operator to a qubit operator using the standard-binary mapping.

bravyi_kitaev(fermi_operator, n[, ps, ...])

Convert a fermionic operator to a qubit operator using the Bravyi-Kitaev mapping.


A function which freezes execution and launches the PennyLane debugger (PLDB).

center(g[, pauli])

A function to compute the center of a Lie algebra.

christiansen_mapping(bose_operator[, ps, ...])

Convert a bosonic operator to a qubit operator using the Christiansen mapping.

classical_shadow(wires[, seed])

The classical shadow measurement protocol.

clifford_t_decomposition(tape[, epsilon, method])

Decomposes a circuit into the Clifford+T basis.

comm(op1, op2[, pauli])

Compute commutator between two operators in PennyLane


Construct the pairwise-commutation DAG (directed acyclic graph) representation of a quantum circuit.

commutator(op1, op2[, pauli])

Compute commutator between two operators in PennyLane

compile(tape[, pipeline, basis_set, num_passes])

Compile a circuit by applying a series of transforms to a quantum function.

cond(condition[, true_fn, false_fn, elifs])

Quantum-compatible if-else conditionals --- condition quantum operations on parameters such as the results of mid-circuit qubit measurements.

counts([op, wires, all_outcomes])

Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the dev.shots attribute of the corresponding device, returning the number of counts for each sample.

ctrl(op, control[, control_values, work_wires])

Create a method that applies a controlled version of the provided op.

cut_circuit(tape[, auto_cutter, ...])

Cut up a quantum circuit into smaller circuit fragments.

cut_circuit_mc(tape[, ...])

Cut up a circuit containing sample measurements into smaller fragments using a Monte Carlo method.


Compute the expectation value of an observable at the current point in the quantum circuit.

debug_probs([wires, op])

Compute the probability distribution for the state at the current point in the quantum circuit.


Compute the quantum state at the current point in the quantum circuit.


Access the tape of the quantum circuit.

defer_measurements(tape[, ...])

Quantum function transform that substitutes operations conditioned on measurement outcomes to controlled operations.


Quantum density matrix in the computational basis.

device(name, *args, **kwargs)

Load a device and return the instance.

dot(coeffs, ops[, pauli, grouping_type, method])

Returns the dot product between the coeffs vector and the ops list of operators.

draw(qnode[, wire_order, show_all_wires, ...])

Create a function that draws the given qnode or quantum function.

draw_mpl(qnode[, wire_order, ...])

Draw a qnode with matplotlib

dynamic_one_shot(tape, **kwargs)

Transform a QNode to into several one-shot tapes to support dynamic circuit execution.

eigvals(op[, k, which])

The eigenvalues of one or more operations.

equal(op1, op2[, check_interface, ...])

Function for determining operator, measurement, and tape equality.

evolve(*args, **kwargs)

This method is dispatched and its functionality depends on the type of the input op.

execute(tapes, device[, diff_method, ...])

A function for executing a batch of tapes on a device with compatibility for auto-differentiation.

exp(op[, coeff, num_steps, id])

Take the exponential of an Operator times a coefficient.


Expectation value of the supplied observable.

for_loop([start, ]stop[, step])

A qjit() compatible for-loop for PennyLane programs.

from_openfermion(openfermion_op[, wires, tol])

Convert OpenFermion FermionOperator to PennyLane FermiWord or FermiSentence and OpenFermion QubitOperator to PennyLane LinearCombination.


Loads pyQuil Program objects by using the converter in the PennyLane-Rigetti plugin.

from_qasm(quantum_circuit[, measurements])

Loads quantum circuits from a QASM string using the converter in the PennyLane-Qiskit plugin.

from_qiskit(quantum_circuit[, measurements])

Converts a Qiskit QuantumCircuit into a PennyLane quantum function.

from_qiskit_noise(noise_model[, verbose, ...])

Converts a Qiskit NoiseModel into a PennyLane NoiseModel.

from_qiskit_op(qiskit_op[, params, wires])

Converts a Qiskit SparsePauliOp into a PennyLane Operator.


Loads quantum circuits from a Quil string using the converter in the PennyLane-Rigetti plugin.


Loads quantum circuits from a Quil file using the converter in the PennyLane-Rigetti plugin.

generator(op[, format])

Returns the generator of an operation.

import_operator(qubit_observable[, format, ...])

Convert an external operator to a PennyLane operator.

is_commuting(operation1, operation2)

Check if two operations are commuting using a lookup table.


Check if the operation is hermitian.


Check if the operation is unitary.

iterative_qpe(base, aux_wire, iters)

Performs the iterative quantum phase estimation circuit.

jacobian(func[, argnum, method, h])

Returns the Jacobian as a callable function of vector-valued (functions of) QNodes.

jordan_wigner(fermi_operator[, ps, ...])

Convert a fermionic operator to a qubit operator using the Jordan-Wigner mapping.

jvp(f, params, tangents[, method, h, argnum])

A qjit() compatible Jacobian-vector product of PennyLane programs.

layer(template, depth, *args, **kwargs)

Repeatedly applies a unitary a given number of times.

lie_closure(generators[, max_iterations, ...])

Compute the dynamical Lie algebra from a set of generators.

map_wires(input, wire_map[, queue, replace])

Changes the wires of an operator, tape, qnode or quantum function according to the given wire map.

matrix(op[, wire_order])

The matrix representation of an operation or quantum circuit.

measure(wires[, reset, postselect])

Perform a mid-circuit measurement in the computational basis on the supplied qubit.

metric_tensor(tape[, argnum, approx, ...])

Returns a function that computes the metric tensor of a given QNode or quantum tape.

mutual_info(wires0, wires1[, log_base])

Mutual information between the subsystems prior to measurement:

parity_transform(fermi_operator, n[, ps, ...])

Convert a fermionic operator to a qubit operator using the parity mapping.

pattern_matching(circuit_dag, pattern_dag)

Function that applies the pattern matching algorithm and returns the list of maximal matches.

pattern_matching_optimization(tape, ...[, ...])

Quantum function transform to optimize a circuit given a list of patterns (templates).

pauli_decompose(H[, hide_identity, ...])

Decomposes a Hermitian matrix into a linear combination of Pauli operators.

paulix_ops(generators, num_qubits)

Generate the single qubit Pauli-X operators σxi for each symmetry τj, such that it anti-commutes with τj and commutes with all others symmetries τkj.

poly_to_angles(poly, routine[, angle_solver])

Computes the angles needed to implement a polynomial transformation with quantum signal processing (QSP) or quantum singular value transformation (QSVT).

pow(base[, z, lazy, id])

Raise an Operator to a power.

probs([wires, op])

Probability of each computational basis state.

prod(*ops[, id, lazy])

Construct an operator which represents the generalized product of the operators provided.


The purity of the system prior to measurement.

qjit([fn, compiler])

A decorator for just-in-time compilation of hybrid quantum programs in PennyLane.

qnode(func, device[, interface, ...])

Represents a quantum node in the hybrid computational graph.

qsvt(A, poly[, encoding_wires, block_encoding])

Implements the Quantum Singular Value Transformation (QSVT) for a matrix or Hamiltonian A, using a polynomial defined by poly and a block encoding specified by block_encoding.

qsvt_legacy(A, angles, wires[, convention])

Implements the quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) circuit.

quantum_monte_carlo(tape, wires, ...)

Applies the transform quantum Monte Carlo estimation algorithm.


Scan installed PennyLane plugins to refresh the device list.


Returns a dictionary that maps register names to Wires.

s_prod(scalar, operator[, lazy, id])

Construct an operator which is the scalar product of the given scalar and operator provided.

sample([op, wires])

Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the dev.shots attribute of the corresponding device, returning raw samples.

shadow_expval(H[, k, seed])

Compute expectation values using classical shadows in a differentiable manner.


Simplifies an operator, tape, qnode or quantum function by reducing its arithmetic depth or number of rotation parameters.


This transform processes Snapshot instances contained in a circuit, depending on the compatibility of the execution device.

specs(qnode[, level])

Resource information about a quantum circuit.


Quantum state in the computational basis.

structure_constants(g[, pauli, is_orthogonal])

Compute the structure constants that make up the adjoint representation of a Lie algebra.

sum(*summands[, grouping_type, method, id, lazy])

Construct an operator which is the sum of the given operators.


Compute the generators {τ1,,τk} for a Hamiltonian over the binary field Z2.

taper(h, generators, paulixops, paulix_sector)

Transform a Hamiltonian with a Clifford operator and then taper qubits.

taper_operation(operation, generators, ...)

Transform a gate operation with a Clifford operator and then taper qubits.

to_openfermion(pennylane_op[, wires, tol])

Convert a PennyLane operator to OpenFermion QubitOperator or FermionOperator.

transform(quantum_transform[, ...])

Generalizes a function that transforms tapes to work with additional circuit-like objects such as a QNode.

transform_angles(angles, routine1, routine2)

Converts angles for quantum signal processing (QSP) and quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) routines.

trotterize(qfunc[, n, order, reverse])

Generates higher order Suzuki-Trotter product formulas from a set of operations defined in a function.

unary_mapping(bose_operator[, n_states, ps, ...])

Convert a bosonic operator to a qubit operator using the unary mapping.


Variance of the supplied observable.


Returns the PennyLane version number.

vjp(f, params, cotangents[, method, h, argnum])

A qjit() compatible Vector-Jacobian product of PennyLane programs.

vn_entropy(wires[, log_base])

Von Neumann entropy of the system prior to measurement.


A qjit() compatible for-loop for PennyLane programs.


AQFT(order, wires)

Apply an approximate quantum Fourier transform (AQFT).

AdagradOptimizer([stepsize, eps])

Gradient-descent optimizer with past-gradient-dependent learning rate in each dimension.

AdamOptimizer([stepsize, beta1, beta2, eps])

Gradient-descent optimizer with adaptive learning rate, first and second moment.

AdaptiveOptimizer([param_steps, stepsize])

Optimizer for building fully trained quantum circuits by adding gates adaptively.

Adder(k, x_wires[, mod, work_wires, id])

Performs the in-place modular addition operation.

AllSinglesDoubles(weights, wires, hf_state)

Builds a quantum circuit to prepare correlated states of molecules by applying all SingleExcitation and DoubleExcitation operations to the initial Hartree-Fock state.

AmplitudeAmplification(U, O[, iters, ...])

Applies amplitude amplification.

AmplitudeDamping(gamma, wires[, id])

Single-qubit amplitude damping error channel.

AmplitudeEmbedding(features, wires[, ...])

Encodes 2n features into the amplitude vector of n qubits.

AngleEmbedding(features, wires[, rotation, id])

Encodes N features into the rotation angles of n qubits, where Nn.

ApproxTimeEvolution(hamiltonian, time, n[, id])

Applies the Trotterized time-evolution operator for an arbitrary Hamiltonian, expressed in terms of Pauli gates.

ArbitraryStatePreparation(weights, wires[, id])

Implements an arbitrary state preparation on the specified wires.

ArbitraryUnitary(weights, wires[, id])

Implements an arbitrary unitary on the specified wires.


The Barrier operator, used to separate the compilation process into blocks or as a visual tool.

BasicEntanglerLayers(weights[, wires, ...])

Layers consisting of one-parameter single-qubit rotations on each qubit, followed by a closed chain or ring of CNOT gates.

BasisEmbedding(features, wires[, id])

Encodes n binary features into a basis state of n qubits.

BasisRotation(wires, unitary_matrix[, check, id])

Implement a circuit that provides a unitary that can be used to do an exact single-body basis rotation.

BasisState(state, wires)

Prepares a single computational basis state.

Beamsplitter(theta, phi, wires[, id])

Beamsplitter interaction.

BitFlip(p, wires[, id])

Single-qubit bit flip (Pauli X) error channel.

BlockEncode(A, wires)

Construct a unitary U(A) such that an arbitrary matrix A is encoded in the top-left block.

BooleanFn(fn[, name])

Wrapper for simple callables with Boolean output that can be manipulated and combined with bitwise operators.


Dictionary used to represent a Bose sentence, a linear combination of Bose words, with the keys as BoseWord instances and the values correspond to coefficients.


Dictionary used to represent a Bose word, a product of bosonic creation and annihilation operators, that can be constructed from a standard dictionary.


CCZ (controlled-controlled-Z) gate.


The controlled-Hadamard operator


The controlled-NOT operator


alias of pennylane.ops.op_math.controlled_ops.ControlledPhaseShift

CPhaseShift00(phi, wires[, id])

A qubit controlled phase shift.

CPhaseShift01(phi, wires[, id])

A qubit controlled phase shift.

CPhaseShift10(phi, wires[, id])

A qubit controlled phase shift.

CRX(phi, wires[, id])

The controlled-RX operator

CRY(phi, wires[, id])

The controlled-RY operator

CRZ(phi, wires[, id])

The controlled-RZ operator

CRot(phi, theta, omega, wires[, id])

The controlled-Rot operator


The controlled-swap operator

CVNeuralNetLayers(theta_1, phi_1, varphi_1, ...)

A sequence of layers of a continuous-variable quantum neural network, as specified in Killoran et al. (2019).


The controlled-Y operator


The controlled-Z operator

CatState(a, phi, p, wires[, id])

Prepares a cat state.

CircuitGraph(ops, obs, wires[, par_info, ...])

Represents a quantum circuit as a directed acyclic graph.

ClassicalShadow(bits, recipes[, wire_map])

Class for classical shadow post-processing expectation values, approximate states, and entropies.

CoherentState(a, phi, wires[, id])

Prepares a coherent state.

CommutingEvolution(hamiltonian, time[, ...])

Applies the time-evolution operator for a Hamiltonian expressed as a linear combination of mutually commuting Pauli words.


Configuration class.

ControlledAddition(s, wires[, id])

Controlled addition operation.

ControlledPhase(s, wires[, id])

Controlled phase operation.

ControlledPhaseShift(phi, wires[, id])

A qubit controlled phase shift.

ControlledQubitUnitary(U, control_wires, ...)

Apply an arbitrary fixed unitary to wires with control from the control_wires.

ControlledQutritUnitary(U, control_wires, ...)

Apply an arbitrary fixed unitary to wires with control from the control_wires.

ControlledSequence(base, control[, id])

Creates a sequence of controlled gates raised to decreasing powers of 2.


Prepares an initial state with a cosine wave function.

CrossKerr(kappa, wires[, id])

Cross-Kerr interaction.

CubicPhase(gamma, wires[, id])

Cubic phase shift.

DepolarizingChannel(p, wires[, id])

Single-qubit symmetrically depolarizing error channel.


Exception raised when it encounters an illegal operation in the quantum circuit.

DiagonalQubitUnitary(D, wires)

Apply an arbitrary diagonal unitary matrix with a dimension that is a power of two.

DisplacedSqueezedState(a, phi_a, r, phi_r, wires)

Prepares a displaced squeezed vacuum state.

Displacement(a, phi, wires[, id])

Phase space displacement.

DisplacementEmbedding(features, wires[, ...])

Encodes N features into the displacement amplitudes r or phases ϕ of M modes, where NM.

DoubleExcitation(phi, wires[, id])

Double excitation rotation.

DoubleExcitationMinus(*params[, wires, id])

Double excitation rotation with negative phase-shift outside the rotation subspace.

DoubleExcitationPlus(phi, wires[, id])

Double excitation rotation with positive phase-shift outside the rotation subspace.


An echoed RZX(π/2) gate.

FABLE(input_matrix, wires[, tol, id])

Construct a unitary with the fast approximate block encoding method.


The fermionic annihilation operator a


The fermionic creation operator a


Immutable dictionary used to represent a Fermi sentence, a linear combination of Fermi words, with the keys as FermiWord instances and the values correspond to coefficients.


Immutable dictionary used to represent a Fermi word, a product of fermionic creation and annihilation operators, that can be constructed from a standard dictionary.

FermionicDoubleExcitation(weight[, wires1, ...])

Circuit to exponentiate the tensor product of Pauli matrices representing the double-excitation operator entering the Unitary Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles (UCCSD) ansatz.

FermionicSWAP(phi, wires[, id])

Fermionic SWAP rotation.

FermionicSingleExcitation(weight[, wires, id])

Circuit to exponentiate the tensor product of Pauli matrices representing the single-excitation operator entering the Unitary Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles (UCCSD) ansatz.

FlipSign(n, wires[, id])

Flips the sign of a given basis state.

FockDensityMatrix(state, wires[, id])

Prepare subsystems using the given density matrix in the Fock basis.

FockState(n, wires[, id])

Prepares a single Fock state.

FockStateProjector(n, wires[, id])

The number state observable |nn|.

FockStateVector(state, wires[, id])

Prepare subsystems using the given ket vector in the Fock basis.

GQSP(unitary, angles, control[, id])

Implements the generalized quantum signal processing (GQSP) circuit.

GateFabric(weights, wires, init_state[, ...])

Implements a local, expressive, and quantum-number-preserving ansatz proposed by Anselmetti et al. (2021).

GaussianState(V, r, wires[, id])

Prepare subsystems in a given Gaussian state.

GellMann(wires[, index, id])

The Gell-Mann observables for qutrits

GeneralizedAmplitudeDamping(gamma, p, wires)

Single-qubit generalized amplitude damping error channel.

GlobalPhase(phi[, wires, id])

A global phase operation that multiplies all components of the state by eiϕ.


Basic gradient-descent optimizer.

GroverOperator(wires[, work_wires, id])

Performs the Grover Diffusion Operator.


H(wires) The Hadamard operator


The Hadamard operator


alias of pennylane.ops.op_math.linear_combination.LinearCombination

Hermitian(A, wires[, id])

An arbitrary Hermitian observable.

HilbertSchmidt(*params, v_function, v_wires, ...)

Create a Hilbert-Schmidt template that can be used to compute the Hilbert-Schmidt Test (HST).


The Identity operator

IQPEmbedding(features, wires[, n_repeats, ...])

Encodes n features into n qubits using diagonal gates of an IQP circuit.


The i-swap operator

Identity([wires, id])

The Identity operator

IntegerComparator(value, geq, wires)

Apply a controlled Pauli X gate using integer comparison as the condition.

Interferometer(theta, phi, varphi, wires[, ...])

General linear interferometer, an array of beamsplitters and phase shifters.

InterferometerUnitary(U, wires[, id])

A linear interferometer transforming the bosonic operators according to the unitary matrix U.

IsingXX(phi, wires[, id])

Ising XX coupling gate

IsingXY(phi, wires[, id])

Ising (XX + YY) coupling gate

IsingYY(phi, wires[, id])

Ising YY coupling gate

IsingZZ(phi, wires[, id])

Ising ZZ coupling gate

Kerr(kappa, wires[, id])

Kerr interaction.

LocalHilbertSchmidt(*params, v_function, ...)

Create a Local Hilbert-Schmidt template that can be used to compute the Local Hilbert-Schmidt Test (LHST).

MERA(wires, n_block_wires, block, n_params_block)

The MERA template broadcasts an input circuit across many wires following the architecture of a multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz tensor network.

MPS(wires, n_block_wires, block[, ...])

The MPS template broadcasts an input circuit across many wires following the architecture of a Matrix Product State tensor network.

MPSPrep(mps, wires[, id])

Prepares an initial state from a matrix product state (MPS) representation.

ModExp(x_wires, output_wires, base[, mod, ...])

Performs the out-place modular exponentiation operation.

MomentumOptimizer([stepsize, momentum])

Gradient-descent optimizer with momentum.

MomentumQNGOptimizer([stepsize, momentum, ...])

A generalization of the Quantum Natural Gradient (QNG) optimizer by considering a discrete-time Langevin equation with QNG force.

MottonenStatePreparation(state_vector, wires)

Prepares an arbitrary state on the given wires using a decomposition into gates developed by Möttönen et al. (2004).

MultiControlledX(control_wires, wires, ...)

Apply a Pauli X gate controlled on an arbitrary computational basis state.

MultiRZ(theta, wires[, id])

Arbitrary multi Z rotation.

Multiplier(k, x_wires[, mod, work_wires, id])

Performs the in-place modular multiplication operation.

NesterovMomentumOptimizer([stepsize, momentum])

Gradient-descent optimizer with Nesterov momentum.

NoiseModel(model_map[, meas_map])

Builds a noise model based on the mappings of conditionals to callables that define noise operations using some optional metadata.


The photon number observable ˆn.

OrbitalRotation(phi, wires[, id])

Spin-adapted spatial orbital rotation.

OutAdder(x_wires, y_wires, output_wires[, ...])

Performs the out-place modular addition operation.

OutMultiplier(x_wires, y_wires, output_wires)

Performs the out-place modular multiplication operation.

OutPoly(polynomial_function, ...[, mod, ...])

Performs the out-of-place polynomial operation.

PCPhase(phi, dim, wires)

A projector-controlled phase gate.

PSWAP(phi, wires[, id])

Phase SWAP gate

ParticleConservingU1(weights, wires[, ...])

Implements the heuristic VQE ansatz for quantum chemistry simulations using the particle-conserving gate U1,ex proposed by Barkoutsos et al. in arXiv:1805.04340.

ParticleConservingU2(weights, wires[, ...])

Implements the heuristic VQE ansatz for Quantum Chemistry simulations using the particle-conserving entangler Uent(θ,ϕ) proposed in arXiv:1805.04340.

PauliError(operators, p, wires[, id])

Pauli operator error channel for an arbitrary number of qubits.

PauliRot(theta, pauli_word, wires[, id])

Arbitrary Pauli word rotation.

PauliX(wires[, id])

The Pauli X operator

PauliY(wires[, id])

The Pauli Y operator

PauliZ(wires[, id])

The Pauli Z operator


Warning raised when a PennyLane feature is being deprecated.

Permute(permutation, wires[, id])

Applies a permutation to a set of wires.

PhaseAdder(k, x_wires[, mod, work_wire, id])

Performs the in-place modular phase addition operation.

PhaseDamping(gamma, wires[, id])

Single-qubit phase damping error channel.

PhaseFlip(p, wires[, id])

Single-qubit bit flip (Pauli Z) error channel.

PhaseShift(phi, wires[, id])

Arbitrary single qubit local phase shift

PolyXP(q, wires[, id])

An arbitrary second-order polynomial observable.

PrepSelPrep(lcu[, control, id])

Implements a block-encoding of a linear combination of unitaries.

Projector(state, wires[, id])

Observable corresponding to the state projector P=|ϕϕ|.

QAOAEmbedding(features, weights, wires[, ...])

Encodes N features into n>N qubits, using a layered, trainable quantum circuit that is inspired by the QAOA ansatz proposed by Killoran et al. (2020).

QDrift(hamiltonian, time[, n, seed, id])

An operation representing the QDrift approximation for the complex matrix exponential of a given Hamiltonian.


Apply a quantum Fourier transform (QFT).

QNGOptimizer([stepsize, approx, lam])

Optimizer with adaptive learning rate, via calculation of the diagonal or block-diagonal approximation to the Fubini-Study metric tensor.

QNSPSAOptimizer([stepsize, regularization, ...])

Quantum natural SPSA (QNSPSA) optimizer.

QNode(func, device[, interface, ...])

Represents a quantum node in the hybrid computational graph.

QROM(bitstrings, control_wires, ...[, clean, id])

Applies the QROM operator.

QSVT(UA, projectors)

Implements the quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) circuit.

QuadOperator(phi, wires[, id])

The generalized quadrature observable ˆxϕ=ˆxcosϕ+ˆpsinϕ.


The momentum quadrature observable ˆp.


The position quadrature observable ˆx.

QuadraticPhase(s, wires[, id])

Quadratic phase shift.


Exception raised when an illegal operation is defined in a quantum function.

QuantumMonteCarlo(probs, func, target_wires, ...)

Performs the quantum Monte Carlo estimation algorithm.

QuantumPhaseEstimation(unitary[, ...])

Performs the quantum phase estimation circuit.


Apply the QubitCarry operation to four input wires.

QubitChannel(K_list, wires[, id])

Apply an arbitrary fixed quantum channel.

QubitDensityMatrix(state, wires)

Prepare subsystems using the given density matrix.


Apply a QubitSum operation on three input wires.

QubitUnitary(U, wires)

Apply an arbitrary unitary matrix with a dimension that is a power of two.

Qubitization(hamiltonian, control[, id])

Applies the Qubitization operator.


Singleton global entry point for managing active recording contexts.

QutritAmplitudeDamping(gamma_10, gamma_20, ...)

Single-qutrit amplitude damping error channel.

QutritBasisState(n, wires)

Prepares a single computational basis state for a qutrit system.

QutritBasisStatePreparation(basis_state, wires)

Prepares a basis state on the given wires using a sequence of TShift gates.

QutritChannel(K_list[, wires, id])

Apply an arbitrary fixed qutrit channel.

QutritDepolarizingChannel(p, wires[, id])

Single-qutrit symmetrically depolarizing error channel.

QutritUnitary(*params, wires)

Apply an arbitrary, fixed unitary matrix.

RMSPropOptimizer([stepsize, decay, eps])

Root mean squared propagation optimizer.

RX(phi, wires[, id])

The single qubit X rotation

RY(phi, wires[, id])

The single qubit Y rotation

RZ(phi, wires[, id])

The single qubit Z rotation

RandomLayers(weights, wires[, ratio_imprim, ...])

Layers of randomly chosen single qubit rotations and 2-qubit entangling gates, acting on randomly chosen qubits.

Reflection(U[, alpha, reflection_wires, id])

Apply a reflection about a state |Ψ.

ResetError(p0, p1, wires[, id])

Single-qubit Reset error channel.

RiemannianGradientOptimizer(circuit[, ...])

Riemannian gradient optimizer.

Rot(phi, theta, omega, wires[, id])

Arbitrary single qubit rotation

Rotation(phi, wires[, id])

Phase space rotation.


Rotoselect gradient-free optimizer.

RotosolveOptimizer([substep_optimizer, ...])

Rotosolve gradient-free optimizer.


The single-qubit phase gate


The square root of i-swap operator.

SPSAOptimizer([maxiter, alpha, gamma, c, A, a])

The Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation method (SPSA) is a stochastic approximation algorithm for optimizing cost functions whose evaluation may involve noise.


alias of pennylane.ops.qubit.non_parametric_ops.SISWAP


The swap operator


The single-qubit Square-Root X operator.

Select(ops, control[, id])

Applies specific input operations depending on the state of the designated control qubits.

ShotAdaptiveOptimizer(min_shots[, ...])

Optimizer where the shot rate is adaptively calculated using the variances of the parameter-shift gradient.

SimplifiedTwoDesign(initial_layer_weights, ...)

Layers consisting of a simplified 2-design architecture of Pauli-Y rotations and controlled-Z entanglers proposed in Cerezo et al. (2021).

SingleExcitation(phi, wires[, id])

Single excitation rotation.

SingleExcitationMinus(phi, wires[, id])

Single excitation rotation with negative phase-shift outside the rotation subspace.

SingleExcitationPlus(phi, wires[, id])

Single excitation rotation with positive phase-shift outside the rotation subspace.

Snapshot([tag, measurement])

The Snapshot operation saves the internal execution state of the quantum function at a specific point in the execution pipeline.

SparseHamiltonian(H, wires[, id])

A Hamiltonian represented directly as a sparse matrix in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format.

SpecialUnitary(theta, wires[, id])

Gate from the group SU(N) with N=2n for n qubits.

SqueezedState(r, phi, wires[, id])

Prepares a squeezed vacuum state.

Squeezing(r, phi, wires[, id])

Phase space squeezing.

SqueezingEmbedding(features, wires[, ...])

Encodes N features into the squeezing amplitudes r0 or phases ϕ[0,2π) of M modes, where NM.

StatePrep(state, wires[, pad_with, ...])

Prepare subsystems using the given ket vector in the computational basis.

StronglyEntanglingLayers(weights, wires[, ...])

Layers consisting of single qubit rotations and entanglers, inspired by the circuit-centric classifier design arXiv:1804.00633.

Superposition(coeffs, bases, wires, work_wire)

Prepare a superposition of computational basis states.


The single-qubit T gate


The 2-qutrit controlled add gate


Ternary Clock gate

THadamard(wires, subspace)

The ternary Hadamard operator

THermitian(A, wires[, id])

An arbitrary Hermitian observable for qutrits.

TRX(phi, wires[, subspace, id])

The single qutrit X rotation

TRY(phi, wires[, subspace, id])

The single qutrit Y rotation

TRZ(phi, wires[, subspace, id])

The single qutrit Z rotation


The ternary swap operator.


The qutrit shift operator

TTN(wires, n_block_wires, block, n_params_block)

The TTN template broadcasts an input circuit across many wires following the architecture of a tree tensor network.


The tensor product of the NumberOperator acting on different wires.

ThermalRelaxationError(pe, t1, t2, tg, wires)

Thermal relaxation error channel.

ThermalState(nbar, wires[, id])

Prepares a thermal state.


Toffoli (controlled-controlled-X) gate.

Tracker([dev, callback, persistent])

This class stores information about device executions and allows users to interact with that data upon individual executions and batches, even within parameter-shift gradients and optimization steps.

TritFlip(p_01, p_02, p_12, wires[, id])

Single-qutrit trit flip error channel, used for applying "bit flips" on each qutrit subspace.

TrotterProduct(hamiltonian, time[, n, ...])

An operation representing the Suzuki-Trotter product approximation for the complex matrix exponential of a given Hamiltonian.

TrotterizedQfunc(time, *trainable_args[, ...])

An operation representing the Suzuki-Trotter product approximation applied to a set of operations defined in a function.

TwoLocalSwapNetwork(wires[, acquaintances, ...])

Apply two-local gate operations using a canonical 2-complete linear (2-CCL) swap network.

TwoModeSqueezing(r, phi, wires[, id])

Phase space two-mode squeezing.

U1(phi, wires[, id])

U1 gate.

U2(phi, delta, wires[, id])

U2 gate.

U3(theta, phi, delta, wires[, id])

Arbitrary single qubit unitary.

UCCSD(weights, wires[, s_wires, d_wires, ...])

Implements the Unitary Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles (UCCSD) ansatz.


The wire cut operation, used to manually mark locations for wire cuts.


The Pauli X operator


The Pauli Y operator


The Pauli Z operator

grad(func[, argnum, method, h])

Returns the gradient as a callable function of hybrid quantum-classical functions.

kUpCCGSD(weights, wires[, k, delta_sz, ...])

Implements the k-Unitary Pair Coupled-Cluster Generalized Singles and Doubles (k-UpCCGSD) ansatz.
