This is the top level module from which all basic functions and classes of PennyLane can be directly imported.
Prints the information for pennylane installation. |
Insert operations according to a provided noise model. |
Create the adjoint of an Operator or a function that applies the adjoint of the provided function. |
Implements the adjoint method outlined in Jones to compute the metric tensor. |
Apply an instantiated operator or measurement to a queuing context. |
Applies the transform that performs a controlled version of the Q unitary defined in this paper. |
Function to assert that two operators, measurements, or tapes are equal |
Transform a circuit to support an initial batch dimension for gate inputs. |
Transform a QNode to support an initial batch dimension for operation parameters. |
Create a batched partial callable object from the QNode specified. |
Convert a bosonic operator to a qubit operator using the standard-binary mapping. |
Convert a fermionic operator to a qubit operator using the Bravyi-Kitaev mapping. |
A function which freezes execution and launches the PennyLane debugger (PLDB). |
A function to compute the center of a Lie algebra. |
Convert a bosonic operator to a qubit operator using the Christiansen mapping. |
The classical shadow measurement protocol. |
Decomposes a circuit into the Clifford+T basis. |
Compute commutator between two operators in PennyLane |
Construct the pairwise-commutation DAG (directed acyclic graph) representation of a quantum circuit. |
Compute commutator between two operators in PennyLane |
Compile a circuit by applying a series of transforms to a quantum function. |
Quantum-compatible if-else conditionals --- condition quantum operations on parameters such as the results of mid-circuit qubit measurements. |
Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the |
Create a method that applies a controlled version of the provided op. |
Cut up a quantum circuit into smaller circuit fragments. |
Cut up a circuit containing sample measurements into smaller fragments using a Monte Carlo method. |
Compute the expectation value of an observable at the current point in the quantum circuit. |
Compute the probability distribution for the state at the current point in the quantum circuit. |
Compute the quantum state at the current point in the quantum circuit. |
Access the tape of the quantum circuit. |
Quantum function transform that substitutes operations conditioned on measurement outcomes to controlled operations. |
Quantum density matrix in the computational basis. |
Load a device and return the instance. |
Returns the dot product between the |
Create a function that draws the given qnode or quantum function. |
Draw a qnode with matplotlib |
Transform a QNode to into several one-shot tapes to support dynamic circuit execution. |
The eigenvalues of one or more operations. |
Function for determining operator, measurement, and tape equality. |
This method is dispatched and its functionality depends on the type of the input |
A function for executing a batch of tapes on a device with compatibility for auto-differentiation. |
Take the exponential of an Operator times a coefficient. |
Expectation value of the supplied observable. |
A |
Convert OpenFermion FermionOperator to PennyLane |
Loads pyQuil Program objects by using the converter in the PennyLane-Rigetti plugin. |
Loads quantum circuits from a QASM string using the converter in the PennyLane-Qiskit plugin. |
Converts a Qiskit QuantumCircuit into a PennyLane quantum function. |
Converts a Qiskit NoiseModel into a PennyLane |
Converts a Qiskit SparsePauliOp into a PennyLane |
Loads quantum circuits from a Quil string using the converter in the PennyLane-Rigetti plugin. |
Loads quantum circuits from a Quil file using the converter in the PennyLane-Rigetti plugin. |
Returns the generator of an operation. |
Convert an external operator to a PennyLane operator. |
Check if two operations are commuting using a lookup table. |
Check if the operation is hermitian. |
Check if the operation is unitary. |
Performs the iterative quantum phase estimation circuit. |
Returns the Jacobian as a callable function of vector-valued (functions of) QNodes. |
Convert a fermionic operator to a qubit operator using the Jordan-Wigner mapping. |
A |
Repeatedly applies a unitary a given number of times. |
Compute the dynamical Lie algebra from a set of generators. |
Changes the wires of an operator, tape, qnode or quantum function according to the given wire map. |
The matrix representation of an operation or quantum circuit. |
Perform a mid-circuit measurement in the computational basis on the supplied qubit. |
Returns a function that computes the metric tensor of a given QNode or quantum tape. |
Mutual information between the subsystems prior to measurement: |
Convert a fermionic operator to a qubit operator using the parity mapping. |
Function that applies the pattern matching algorithm and returns the list of maximal matches. |
Quantum function transform to optimize a circuit given a list of patterns (templates). |
Decomposes a Hermitian matrix into a linear combination of Pauli operators. |
Generate the single qubit Pauli-X operators σxi for each symmetry τj, such that it anti-commutes with τj and commutes with all others symmetries τk≠j. |
Computes the angles needed to implement a polynomial transformation with quantum signal processing (QSP) or quantum singular value transformation (QSVT). |
Raise an Operator to a power. |
Probability of each computational basis state. |
Construct an operator which represents the generalized product of the operators provided. |
The purity of the system prior to measurement. |
A decorator for just-in-time compilation of hybrid quantum programs in PennyLane. |
Represents a quantum node in the hybrid computational graph. |
Implements the Quantum Singular Value Transformation (QSVT) for a matrix or Hamiltonian |
Implements the quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) circuit. |
Applies the transform quantum Monte Carlo estimation algorithm. |
Scan installed PennyLane plugins to refresh the device list. |
Returns a dictionary that maps register names to |
Construct an operator which is the scalar product of the given scalar and operator provided. |
Sample from the supplied observable, with the number of shots determined from the |
Compute expectation values using classical shadows in a differentiable manner. |
Simplifies an operator, tape, qnode or quantum function by reducing its arithmetic depth or number of rotation parameters. |
This transform processes |
Resource information about a quantum circuit. |
Quantum state in the computational basis. |
Compute the structure constants that make up the adjoint representation of a Lie algebra. |
Construct an operator which is the sum of the given operators. |
Compute the generators {τ1,…,τk} for a Hamiltonian over the binary field Z2. |
Transform a Hamiltonian with a Clifford operator and then taper qubits. |
Transform a gate operation with a Clifford operator and then taper qubits. |
Convert a PennyLane operator to OpenFermion QubitOperator or FermionOperator. |
Generalizes a function that transforms tapes to work with additional circuit-like objects such as a |
Converts angles for quantum signal processing (QSP) and quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) routines. |
Generates higher order Suzuki-Trotter product formulas from a set of operations defined in a function. |
Convert a bosonic operator to a qubit operator using the unary mapping. |
Variance of the supplied observable. |
Returns the PennyLane version number. |
A |
Von Neumann entropy of the system prior to measurement. |
A |
Apply an approximate quantum Fourier transform (AQFT). |
Gradient-descent optimizer with past-gradient-dependent learning rate in each dimension. |
Gradient-descent optimizer with adaptive learning rate, first and second moment. |
Optimizer for building fully trained quantum circuits by adding gates adaptively. |
Performs the in-place modular addition operation. |
Builds a quantum circuit to prepare correlated states of molecules by applying all |
Applies amplitude amplification. |
Single-qubit amplitude damping error channel. |
Encodes 2n features into the amplitude vector of n qubits. |
Encodes N features into the rotation angles of n qubits, where N≤n. |
Applies the Trotterized time-evolution operator for an arbitrary Hamiltonian, expressed in terms of Pauli gates. |
Implements an arbitrary state preparation on the specified wires. |
Implements an arbitrary unitary on the specified wires. |
The Barrier operator, used to separate the compilation process into blocks or as a visual tool. |
Layers consisting of one-parameter single-qubit rotations on each qubit, followed by a closed chain or ring of CNOT gates. |
Encodes n binary features into a basis state of n qubits. |
Implement a circuit that provides a unitary that can be used to do an exact single-body basis rotation. |
Prepares a single computational basis state. |
Beamsplitter interaction. |
Single-qubit bit flip (Pauli X) error channel. |
Construct a unitary U(A) such that an arbitrary matrix A is encoded in the top-left block. |
Wrapper for simple callables with Boolean output that can be manipulated and combined with bitwise operators. |
Dictionary used to represent a Bose sentence, a linear combination of Bose words, with the keys as BoseWord instances and the values correspond to coefficients. |
Dictionary used to represent a Bose word, a product of bosonic creation and annihilation operators, that can be constructed from a standard dictionary. |
CCZ (controlled-controlled-Z) gate. |
The controlled-Hadamard operator |
The controlled-NOT operator |
alias of |
A qubit controlled phase shift. |
A qubit controlled phase shift. |
A qubit controlled phase shift. |
The controlled-RX operator |
The controlled-RY operator |
The controlled-RZ operator |
The controlled-Rot operator |
The controlled-swap operator |
A sequence of layers of a continuous-variable quantum neural network, as specified in Killoran et al. (2019). |
The controlled-Y operator |
The controlled-Z operator |
Prepares a cat state. |
Represents a quantum circuit as a directed acyclic graph. |
Class for classical shadow post-processing expectation values, approximate states, and entropies. |
Prepares a coherent state. |
Applies the time-evolution operator for a Hamiltonian expressed as a linear combination of mutually commuting Pauli words. |
Configuration class. |
Controlled addition operation. |
Controlled phase operation. |
A qubit controlled phase shift. |
Apply an arbitrary fixed unitary to |
Apply an arbitrary fixed unitary to |
Creates a sequence of controlled gates raised to decreasing powers of 2. |
Prepares an initial state with a cosine wave function. |
Cross-Kerr interaction. |
Cubic phase shift. |
Single-qubit symmetrically depolarizing error channel. |
Exception raised when it encounters an illegal operation in the quantum circuit. |
Apply an arbitrary diagonal unitary matrix with a dimension that is a power of two. |
Prepares a displaced squeezed vacuum state. |
Phase space displacement. |
Encodes N features into the displacement amplitudes r or phases ϕ of M modes, where N≤M. |
Double excitation rotation. |
Double excitation rotation with negative phase-shift outside the rotation subspace. |
Double excitation rotation with positive phase-shift outside the rotation subspace. |
An echoed RZX(π/2) gate. |
Construct a unitary with the fast approximate block encoding method. |
The fermionic annihilation operator a |
The fermionic creation operator a† |
Immutable dictionary used to represent a Fermi sentence, a linear combination of Fermi words, with the keys as FermiWord instances and the values correspond to coefficients. |
Immutable dictionary used to represent a Fermi word, a product of fermionic creation and annihilation operators, that can be constructed from a standard dictionary. |
Circuit to exponentiate the tensor product of Pauli matrices representing the double-excitation operator entering the Unitary Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles (UCCSD) ansatz. |
Fermionic SWAP rotation. |
Circuit to exponentiate the tensor product of Pauli matrices representing the single-excitation operator entering the Unitary Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles (UCCSD) ansatz. |
Flips the sign of a given basis state. |
Prepare subsystems using the given density matrix in the Fock basis. |
Prepares a single Fock state. |
The number state observable |n⟩⟨n|. |
Prepare subsystems using the given ket vector in the Fock basis. |
Implements the generalized quantum signal processing (GQSP) circuit. |
Implements a local, expressive, and quantum-number-preserving ansatz proposed by Anselmetti et al. (2021). |
Prepare subsystems in a given Gaussian state. |
The Gell-Mann observables for qutrits |
Single-qubit generalized amplitude damping error channel. |
A global phase operation that multiplies all components of the state by e−iϕ. |
Basic gradient-descent optimizer. |
Performs the Grover Diffusion Operator. |
H(wires) The Hadamard operator |
The Hadamard operator |
alias of |
An arbitrary Hermitian observable. |
Create a Hilbert-Schmidt template that can be used to compute the Hilbert-Schmidt Test (HST). |
The Identity operator |
Encodes n features into n qubits using diagonal gates of an IQP circuit. |
The i-swap operator |
The Identity operator |
Apply a controlled Pauli X gate using integer comparison as the condition. |
General linear interferometer, an array of beamsplitters and phase shifters. |
A linear interferometer transforming the bosonic operators according to the unitary matrix U. |
Ising XX coupling gate |
Ising (XX + YY) coupling gate |
Ising YY coupling gate |
Ising ZZ coupling gate |
Kerr interaction. |
Create a Local Hilbert-Schmidt template that can be used to compute the Local Hilbert-Schmidt Test (LHST). |
The MERA template broadcasts an input circuit across many wires following the architecture of a multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz tensor network. |
The MPS template broadcasts an input circuit across many wires following the architecture of a Matrix Product State tensor network. |
Prepares an initial state from a matrix product state (MPS) representation. |
Performs the out-place modular exponentiation operation. |
Gradient-descent optimizer with momentum. |
A generalization of the Quantum Natural Gradient (QNG) optimizer by considering a discrete-time Langevin equation with QNG force. |
Prepares an arbitrary state on the given wires using a decomposition into gates developed by Möttönen et al. (2004). |
Apply a Pauli X gate controlled on an arbitrary computational basis state. |
Arbitrary multi Z rotation. |
Performs the in-place modular multiplication operation. |
Gradient-descent optimizer with Nesterov momentum. |
Builds a noise model based on the mappings of conditionals to callables that define noise operations using some optional metadata. |
The photon number observable ⟨ˆn⟩. |
Spin-adapted spatial orbital rotation. |
Performs the out-place modular addition operation. |
Performs the out-place modular multiplication operation. |
Performs the out-of-place polynomial operation. |
A projector-controlled phase gate. |
Phase SWAP gate |
Implements the heuristic VQE ansatz for quantum chemistry simulations using the particle-conserving gate U1,ex proposed by Barkoutsos et al. in arXiv:1805.04340. |
Implements the heuristic VQE ansatz for Quantum Chemistry simulations using the particle-conserving entangler Uent(→θ,→ϕ) proposed in arXiv:1805.04340. |
Pauli operator error channel for an arbitrary number of qubits. |
Arbitrary Pauli word rotation. |
The Pauli X operator |
The Pauli Y operator |
The Pauli Z operator |
Warning raised when a PennyLane feature is being deprecated. |
Applies a permutation to a set of wires. |
Performs the in-place modular phase addition operation. |
Single-qubit phase damping error channel. |
Single-qubit bit flip (Pauli Z) error channel. |
Arbitrary single qubit local phase shift |
An arbitrary second-order polynomial observable. |
Implements a block-encoding of a linear combination of unitaries. |
Observable corresponding to the state projector P=|ϕ⟩⟨ϕ|. |
Encodes N features into n>N qubits, using a layered, trainable quantum circuit that is inspired by the QAOA ansatz proposed by Killoran et al. (2020). |
An operation representing the QDrift approximation for the complex matrix exponential of a given Hamiltonian. |
Apply a quantum Fourier transform (QFT). |
Optimizer with adaptive learning rate, via calculation of the diagonal or block-diagonal approximation to the Fubini-Study metric tensor. |
Quantum natural SPSA (QNSPSA) optimizer. |
Represents a quantum node in the hybrid computational graph. |
Applies the QROM operator. |
Implements the quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) circuit. |
The generalized quadrature observable ˆxϕ=ˆxcosϕ+ˆpsinϕ. |
The momentum quadrature observable ˆp. |
The position quadrature observable ˆx. |
Quadratic phase shift. |
Exception raised when an illegal operation is defined in a quantum function. |
Performs the quantum Monte Carlo estimation algorithm. |
Performs the quantum phase estimation circuit. |
Apply the |
Apply an arbitrary fixed quantum channel. |
Prepare subsystems using the given density matrix. |
Apply a |
Apply an arbitrary unitary matrix with a dimension that is a power of two. |
Applies the Qubitization operator. |
Singleton global entry point for managing active recording contexts. |
Single-qutrit amplitude damping error channel. |
Prepares a single computational basis state for a qutrit system. |
Prepares a basis state on the given wires using a sequence of TShift gates. |
Apply an arbitrary fixed qutrit channel. |
Single-qutrit symmetrically depolarizing error channel. |
Apply an arbitrary, fixed unitary matrix. |
Root mean squared propagation optimizer. |
The single qubit X rotation |
The single qubit Y rotation |
The single qubit Z rotation |
Layers of randomly chosen single qubit rotations and 2-qubit entangling gates, acting on randomly chosen qubits. |
Apply a reflection about a state |Ψ⟩. |
Single-qubit Reset error channel. |
Riemannian gradient optimizer. |
Arbitrary single qubit rotation |
Phase space rotation. |
Rotoselect gradient-free optimizer. |
Rotosolve gradient-free optimizer. |
The single-qubit phase gate |
The square root of i-swap operator. |
The Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation method (SPSA) is a stochastic approximation algorithm for optimizing cost functions whose evaluation may involve noise. |
The swap operator |
The single-qubit Square-Root X operator. |
Applies specific input operations depending on the state of the designated control qubits. |
Optimizer where the shot rate is adaptively calculated using the variances of the parameter-shift gradient. |
Layers consisting of a simplified 2-design architecture of Pauli-Y rotations and controlled-Z entanglers proposed in Cerezo et al. (2021). |
Single excitation rotation. |
Single excitation rotation with negative phase-shift outside the rotation subspace. |
Single excitation rotation with positive phase-shift outside the rotation subspace. |
The Snapshot operation saves the internal execution state of the quantum function at a specific point in the execution pipeline. |
A Hamiltonian represented directly as a sparse matrix in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format. |
Gate from the group SU(N) with N=2n for n qubits. |
Prepares a squeezed vacuum state. |
Phase space squeezing. |
Encodes N features into the squeezing amplitudes r≥0 or phases ϕ∈[0,2π) of M modes, where N≤M. |
Prepare subsystems using the given ket vector in the computational basis. |
Layers consisting of single qubit rotations and entanglers, inspired by the circuit-centric classifier design arXiv:1804.00633. |
Prepare a superposition of computational basis states. |
The single-qubit T gate |
The 2-qutrit controlled add gate |
Ternary Clock gate |
The ternary Hadamard operator |
An arbitrary Hermitian observable for qutrits. |
The single qutrit X rotation |
The single qutrit Y rotation |
The single qutrit Z rotation |
The ternary swap operator. |
The qutrit shift operator |
The TTN template broadcasts an input circuit across many wires following the architecture of a tree tensor network. |
The tensor product of the |
Thermal relaxation error channel. |
Prepares a thermal state. |
Toffoli (controlled-controlled-X) gate. |
This class stores information about device executions and allows users to interact with that data upon individual executions and batches, even within parameter-shift gradients and optimization steps. |
Single-qutrit trit flip error channel, used for applying "bit flips" on each qutrit subspace. |
An operation representing the Suzuki-Trotter product approximation for the complex matrix exponential of a given Hamiltonian. |
An operation representing the Suzuki-Trotter product approximation applied to a set of operations defined in a function. |
Apply two-local gate operations using a canonical 2-complete linear (2-CCL) swap network. |
Phase space two-mode squeezing. |
U1 gate. |
U2 gate. |
Arbitrary single qubit unitary. |
Implements the Unitary Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles (UCCSD) ansatz. |
The wire cut operation, used to manually mark locations for wire cuts. |
The Pauli X operator |
The Pauli Y operator |
The Pauli Z operator |
Returns the gradient as a callable function of hybrid quantum-classical functions. |
Implements the k-Unitary Pair Coupled-Cluster Generalized Singles and Doubles (k-UpCCGSD) ansatz. |