Building a plugin

For adding a plugin that inherits from the legacy interface, see Building a legacy plugin.


In your plugin module, standard NumPy (not the wrapped Autograd version of NumPy) should be imported in all places (i.e., import numpy as np).

PennyLane plugins allow an external quantum library to take advantage of the automatic differentiation ability of PennyLane. Writing your own plugin is a simple and easy process. In this section, we discuss the methods and concepts involved in the device interface. To see the implementation of a minimal device, we recommend looking at the implementation in pennylane/devices/

Creating your device

In order to define a custom device, you only need to override the execute() method.

from pennylane.devices import Device, DefaultExecutionConfig
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript, QuantumScriptOrBatch

class MyDevice(Device):
    """My Documentation."""

    def execute(self, circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch, execution_config: "ExecutionConfig" = DefaultExecutionConfig):
        # your implementation here.

For example:

class MyDevice(Device):
    """My Documentation."""

    def execute(self, circuits: QuantumScriptOrBatch, execution_config: "ExecutionConfig" = DefaultExecutionConfig):
        return 0.0 if isinstance(circuits, qml.tape.QuantumScript) else tuple(0.0 for c in circuits)

dev = MyDevice()

def circuit():
    return qml.state()


This execute method works in tandem with the optional Device.preprocss, described below in more detail. Preprocessing turns generic circuits into ones supported by the device, or raises an error if the circuit is invalid. Execution then turns those supported circuits into numerical results.

In a more minimal example, for any initial batch of quantum tapes and a config object, we expect to be able to do:

transform_program, execution_config = dev.preprocess(initial_config)
circuit_batch, postprocessing = transform_program(initial_circuit_batch)
results = dev.execute(circuit_batch, execution_config)
final_results = postprocessing(results)


While the workflow default for shots is specified by pennylane.devices.Device.shots, the device itself should use the number of shots specified in the shots property for each quantum tape. By pulling shots dynamically for each circuit, users can efficiently distribute a shot budget across batch of circuits.

>>> tape0 = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.sample(wires=0)], shots=5)
>>> tape1 = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.sample(wires=0)], shots=10)
>>> dev = qml.device('default.qubit')
>>> dev.execute((tape0, tape1))
(array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))

The Shots class describes the shots. Users can optionally specify a shot vector, or different numbers of shots to use when calculating the final expecation value.

>>> tape0 = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.expval(qml.PauliX(0))], shots=(5, 500, 1000))
>>> tape0.shots.shot_vector
(ShotCopies(5 shots x 1),
 ShotCopies(500 shots x 1),
 ShotCopies(1000 shots x 1))
>>> list(tape0.shots)
[5, 500, 1000]
>>> list(tape0.shots.bins())
[(0, 5), (5, 505), (505, 1505)]
>>> dev.execute(tape0)
(0.2, -0.052, -0.014)

The first number 0.2 is calculated with 5 shots, the second -0.052 is calculated with 500 shots, and -0.014 is calculated with 1000 shots. All 1,505 shots can be requested together in one batch, but the post processing into the expecation value is done with shots 0:5, 5:505, and 505:1505 respectively.

shots.total_shots is None indicates an analytic execution (infinite shots). bool(shots) also can be used to detect the difference between finite shots and analytic executions. If shots is truthy, then finite shots exist. If shots is falsy, then an analytic execution should be performed.


The preprocessing method has two main responsibilities:

  1. Create a TransformProgram capable of turning an arbitrary batch of QuantumScripts into a new batch of tapes supported by the execute method.

  2. Setup the ExecutionConfig dataclass by filling in device options and making decisions about differentiation.

Once the transform program has been applied to a batch of circuits, that batch should be able to run via Device.execute without error.

transform_program, execution_config = dev.preprocess(initial_config)
batch, fn = transform_program(initial_batch)
fn(dev.execute(batch, execution_config))

These two tasks can be extracted into private methods or helper functions if that improves source code organization.

See the section on the Execution Config below for more information on step 2.

Once a program is created, an individual transform can be added to the program with the add_transform() method.

from pennylane.devices.preprocess import validate_device_wires, validate_measurements, decompose

program = qml.transforms.core.TransformProgram()
program.add_transform(validate_device_wires, wires=qml.wires.Wires((0,1,2)), name="my_device")
program.add_transform(validate_measurements, name="my_device")

def supports_operation(op):
    return getattr(op, "name", None) in operation_names

program.add_transform(decompose, stopping_condition=supports_operation, name="my_device")

Preprocessing and validation can also exist inside the execute() method, but placing them in the preprocessing program has several benefits. Validation can happen earlier, leading to fewer resources spent before the error is raised. Users can inspect, draw, and spec out the tapes at different stages throughout preprocessing. This provides users a better awareness of what the device is actually executing. When device gradients are used, the preprocessing transforms are tracked by the machine learning interfaces. With the ML framework tracking the classical component of preprocessing, the device does not need to manually track the classical component of any decompositions or compilation. For example,

>>> @qml.qnode(qml.device('reference.qubit', wires=2))
... def circuit(x):
...     qml.IsingXX(x, wires=(0,1))
...     qml.CH((0,1))
...     return qml.expval(qml.X(0))
>>> print(qml.draw(circuit, level="device")(0.5))
0: ─╭●──RX(0.50)─╭●────────────╭●──RY(-1.57)─┤  <Z>
1: ─╰X───────────╰X──RY(-0.79)─╰Z──RY(0.79)──┤

Allows the user to see that both IsingXX and CH are decomposed by the device, and that the diagonalizing gates for qml.expval(qml.X(0)) are applied.

Even with these benefits, devices can still opt to place some transforms inside the execute method. For example, default.qubit maps wires to simulation indices inside execute instead of in preprocess.

The execute() method can assume that device preprocessing has been run on the input tapes, and has no obligation to re-validate the input or provide sensible error messages. In the below example, we see default.qubit erroring out when unsupported operations and unsupported measurements are present.

>>> op = qml.Permute([2,1,0], wires=(0,1,2))
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([op], [qml.probs(wires=(0,1))])
>>> qml.device('default.qubit').execute(tape)
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.density_matrix(wires=0)], shots=50)
>>> qml.device('default.qubit').execute(tape)
AttributeError: 'DensityMatrixMP' object has no attribute 'process_samples'

Devices may define their own transforms following the description in the transforms module, or can include in-built transforms such as:


Devices can now either:

  1. Strictly use wires provided by the user on initialization: device(name, wires=wires)

  2. Infer the number and ordering of wires provided by the submitted circuit.

  3. Strictly require specific wire labels

Option 2 allows workflows to change the number and labeling of wires over time, but sometimes users want to enfore a wire convention and labels. If a user does provide wires, preprocess() should validate that submitted circuits only have wires in the requested range.

>>> dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1)
>>> circuit = qml.tape.QuantumScript([qml.CNOT((0,1))], [qml.state()])
>>> dev.preprocess()[0]((circuit,))
WireError: Cannot run circuit(s) of default.qubit as they contain wires not found on the device.

PennyLane wires can be any hashable object, where wire labels are distinguished by their equality and hash. If working with successive integers (0, 1, 2, …) is preferred internally, the map_to_standard_wires() method can be used inside of the execute() method. The map_wires transform can also map the wires of the submitted circuit to internal labels.

Sometimes, hardware qubit labels cannot be arbitrarily mapped without a change in behaviour. Connectivity, noise, performance, and other constraints can make it so that operations on qubit 1 cannot be arbitrarily exchanged with the same operation on qubit 2. In such a situation, the device can hard code a list of the only acceptable wire labels. In such a case, it will be on the user to deliberately map wires if they wish such a thing to occur.

>>> qml.device('my_hardware').wires
<Wires = [0, 1, 2, 3]>
>>> qml.device('my_hardware', wires=(10, 11, 12, 13))
TypeError: MyHardware.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'wires'

To implement such validation, a device developer can simply leave wires from the initialization call signature and hard code the wires property. They should additionally make sure to include validate_device_wires in the transform program.

class MyDevice(qml.devices.Device):

    def __init__(self, shots=None):

    def wires(self):
        return qml.wires.Wires((0,1,2,3))

Execution Config

The execution config stores two kinds of information:

  1. Information about how the device should perform the execution. Examples include device_options and gradient_method.

  2. Information about how PennyLane should interact with the device. Examples include use_device_gradient and grad_on_execution.

Device options:

Device options are any device specific options used to configure the behavior of an execution. For example, default.qubit has max_workers, rng, and prng_key. default.tensor has contract, cutoff, dtype, method, and max_bond_dim. These options are often set with default values on initialization. These values should be placed into the ExecutionConfig.device_options dictionary on preprocessing.

>>> dev = qml.device('default.tensor', wires=2, max_bond_dim=4, contract="nonlocal", dtype=np.complex64)
>>> dev.preprocess()[1].device_options
{'contract': 'nonlocal',
 'cutoff': 1.1920929e-07,
 'dtype': numpy.complex64,
 'method': 'mps',
 'max_bond_dim': 4}

Even if the property is stored as an attribute on the device, execution should pull the value of these properties from the config instead of from the device instance. While not yet integrated at the top user level, we aim to allow dynamic configuration of the device.

>>> dev = qml.device('default.qubit')
>>> config = qml.devices.ExecutionConfig(device_options={"rng": 42})
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape([qml.Hadamard(0)], [qml.sample(wires=0)], shots=10)
>>> dev.execute(tape, config)
array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0])
>>> dev.execute(tape, config)
array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0])

By pulling options from this dictionary instead of from device properties, we unlock two key pieces of functionality.

  1. Track and specify the exact configuration of the execution by only inspecting the ExecutionConfig object

  2. Dynamically configure the device over the course of a workflow.

Workflow Configuration:

Note that these properties are only applicable to devices that provided derivatives or VJPs. If your device does not provide derivatives, you can safely ignore these properties.

The workflow options are use_device_gradient, use_device_jacobian_product, and grad_on_execution. use_device_gradient=True indicates that workflow should request derivatives from the device. grad_on_execution=True indicates a preference to use execute_and_compute_derivatives instead of execute followed by compute_derivatives. Finally, use_device_jacobian_product indicates a request to call compute_vjp instead of compute_derivatives. Note that if use_device_jacobian_product is True, this takes precedence over calculating the full jacobian.

>>> config = qml.devices.ExecutionConfig(gradient_method="adjoint")
>>> processed_config = qml.device('default.qubit').preprocess(config)[1]
>>> processed_config.use_device_jacobian_product
>>> processed_config.use_device_gradient
>>> processed_config.grad_on_execution


For documentation on the expected result type output, please refer to Return Type Specification.

The device API allows individual devices to calculate results in whatever way makes sense for the individual device. With this freedom over the implementation does come more responsibility to handle each stage in the process.

PennyLane does provide some helper functions to assist in executing circuits. Any StateMeasurement has process_state and process_density_matrix methods for classical post-processing of a state vector or density matrix, and SampleMeasurement’s implement both process_samples and process_counts. The pennylane.devices.qubit module also contains functions that implement parts of a Python-based statevector simulation.

Suppose you are accessing hardware that can only return raw samples. Here, we use the mp.process_samples methods to process the subsamples into the requested final result object. Note that we need to squeeze out singleton dimensions when we have no shot vector or a single measurement.

def single_tape_execution(tape) -> qml.typing.Result:
    samples = get_samples(tape)
    results = []
    for lower, upper in tape.shots.bins():
        sub_samples = samples[lower:upper]
            tuple(mp.process_samples(sub_samples, tape.wires) for mp in tape.measurements)
    if len(tape.measurements) == 1:
        results = tuple(res[0] for res in results)
    if tape.shots.has_partitioned_shots:
        results = results[0]
    return results

Device Modifiers

PennyLane currently provides two device modifiers.

For example, with a custom device we can add simulator-style tracking and the ability to handle a single circuit. See the documentation for each modifier for more details.

class MyDevice(qml.devices.Device):

    def execute(self, circuits, execution_config = qml.devices.DefaultExecutionConfig):
        return tuple(0.0 for _ in circuits)
>>> dev = MyDevice()
>>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape([qml.S(0)], [qml.expval(qml.X(0))])
>>> with dev.tracker:
...     out = dev.execute(tape)
>>> out
>>> dev.tracker.history
{'batches': [1],
 'simulations': [1],
 'executions': [1],
 'results': [0.0],
 'resources': [Resources(num_wires=1, num_gates=1,
 gate_types=defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'S': 1}),
 gate_sizes=defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {1: 1}), depth=1,
 shots=Shots(total_shots=None, shot_vector=()))]}

Device tracker support

The device tracker stores and records information when tracking mode is turned on. Devices can store data like the number of executions, number of shots, number of batches, or remote simulator cost for users to interact with in a customizable way.

Three aspects of the Tracker class are relevant to plugin designers:

  • The boolean active attribute that denotes whether or not to update and record

  • update method which accepts keyword-value pairs and stores the information

  • record method which users can customize to log, print, or otherwise do something with the stored information

To gain simulation-like tracking behavior, the simulator_tracking() decorator can be added to the device:

class MyDevice(Device):

simulator_tracking is useful when the device can simulataneously measure non-commuting measurements or handle parameter-broadcasting, as it both tracks simulations and the corresponding number of QPU-like circuits.

To implement your own tracking, we recommend placing the following code in the execute method:

    self.tracker.update(batches=1, executions=len(circuits))
    for c in circuits:

If the device provides differentiation logic, we also recommend tracking the number of derivative batches, number of execute and derivative batches, and number of derivatives.

While this is the recommended usage, the update and record methods can be called at any location within the device. While the above example tracks executions, shots, and batches, the update() method can accept any combination of keyword-value pairs. For example, a device could also track cost and a job ID via:

price_for_execution = 0.10
job_id = "abcde"
self.tracker.update(price=price_for_execution, job_id=job_id)

Identifying and installing your device

When performing a hybrid computation using PennyLane, one of the first steps is often to initialize the quantum device(s). PennyLane identifies the devices via their name, which allows the device to be initialized in the following way:

import pennylane as qml
dev1 = qml.device(name)

where name is a string that uniquely identifies the device. The name should have the form pluginname.devicename, using periods for delimitation.

PennyLane uses a setuptools entry_points approach to plugin discovery/integration. In order to make the devices of your plugin accessible to PennyLane, simply provide the following keyword argument to the setup() function in your file:

devices_list = [
        'example.mydevice1 = MyModule.MySubModule:MyDevice1'
        'example.mydevice2 = MyModule.MySubModule:MyDevice2'
setup(entry_points={'pennylane.plugins': devices_list})


  • devices_list is a list of devices you would like to register,

  • example.mydevice1 is the name of the device, and

  • MyModule.MySubModule is the path to your Device class, MyDevice1.

To ensure your device is working as expected, you can install it in developer mode using pip install -e pluginpath, where pluginpath is the location of the plugin. It will then be accessible via PennyLane.