
class NoiseModel(model_map, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Builds a noise model based on a mapping of conditionals to callables that defines noise operations using some optional metadata.

  • model_map (dict[BooleanFn -> Callable]) – Data for the noise model as a {conditional: noise_fn} dictionary. The signature of noise_fn must be noise_fn(op: Operation, **kwargs) -> None, where op is the operation that the conditional evaluates and kwargs are the specified metadata arguments.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments for specifying metadata related to noise model.


For each key-value pair of model_map:

  • The conditional should be either a function decorated with BooleanFn, a callable object built via constructor functions in the qml.noise module, or their bitwise combination.

  • The definition of noise_fn(op, **kwargs) should have the operations in the same the order in which they are to be queued for an operation op, whenever the corresponding conditional evaluates to True.


# Set up the conditionals
c0 = qml.noise.op_eq(qml.PauliX) | qml.noise.op_eq(qml.PauliY)
c1 = qml.noise.op_eq(qml.Hadamard) & qml.noise.wires_in([0, 1])

# Set up the noise functions
def n0(op, **kwargs):
    qml.ThermalRelaxationError(0.4, kwargs["t1"], 0.2, 0.6, op.wires)

n1 = qml.noise.partial_wires(qml.AmplitudeDamping, 0.4)

# Set up noise model
noise_model = qml.NoiseModel({c0: n0}, t1=0.04)
noise_model += {c1: n1}
>>> noise_model
    OpEq(PauliX) | OpEq(PauliY): n0
    OpEq(Hadamard) & WiresIn([0, 1]): AmplitudeDamping(0.4, wires),
}, t1=0.04)


Gives the metadata for the noise model.


Gives the conditional model for the noise model.


Gives the metadata for the noise model.


Gives the conditional model for the noise model.


Method to validate the model map for constructing a NoiseModel.

static check_model(model)[source]

Method to validate the model map for constructing a NoiseModel.