Source code for catalyst.passes

# Copyright 2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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This module contains Python decorators for enabling and configuring
individual Catalyst MLIR compiler passes.

.. note::

    Unlike PennyLane :doc:`circuit transformations <introduction/compiling_circuits>`,
    the QNode itself will not be changed or transformed by applying these

    As a result, circuit inspection tools such as :func:`~.draw` will continue
    to display the circuit as written in Python.

    Instead, these compiler passes are applied at the MLIR level, which occurs
    outside of Python during compile time. To inspect the compiled MLIR from
    Catalyst, use :func:`~.get_compilation_stage` with


import copy
import functools
from typing import Optional

import pennylane as qml

from catalyst.jax_primitives import apply_registered_pass_p, transform_named_sequence_p
from catalyst.tracing.contexts import EvaluationContext

## API ##
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
[docs]def pipeline(pass_pipeline: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, str]]] = None): """Configures the Catalyst MLIR pass pipeline for quantum circuit transformations for a QNode within a qjit-compiled program. Args: fn (QNode): The QNode to run the pass pipeline on. pass_pipeline (dict[str, dict[str, str]]): A dictionary that specifies the pass pipeline order, and optionally arguments for each pass in the pipeline. Keys of this dictionary should correspond to names of passes found in the `catalyst.passes < /__init__.html#module-catalyst.passes>`_ module, values should either be empty dictionaries (for default pass options) or dictionaries of valid keyword arguments and values for the specific pass. The order of keys in this dictionary will determine the pass pipeline. If not specified, the default pass pipeline will be applied. Returns: ~.QNode: For a list of available passes, please see the :doc:`catalyst.passes module <code/passes>`. The default pass pipeline when used with Catalyst is currently empty. **Example** ``pipeline`` can be used to configure the pass pipeline order and options of a QNode within a qjit-compiled function. Configuration options are passed to specific passes via dictionaries: .. code-block:: python my_pass_pipeline = { "cancel_inverses": {}, "my_circuit_transformation_pass": {"my-option" : "my-option-value"}, } @pipeline(my_pass_pipeline) @qnode(dev) def circuit(x): qml.RX(x, wires=0) return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)) @qjit def fn(x): return jnp.sin(circuit(x ** 2)) ``pipeline`` can also be used to specify different pass pipelines for different parts of the same qjit-compiled workflow: .. code-block:: python my_pipeline = { "cancel_inverses": {}, "my_circuit_transformation_pass": {"my-option" : "my-option-value"}, } my_other_pipeline = {"cancel_inverses": {}} @qjit def fn(x): circuit_pipeline = pipeline(my_pipeline)(circuit) circuit_other = pipeline(my_other_pipeline)(circuit) return jnp.abs(circuit_pipeline(x) - circuit_other(x)) .. note:: As of Python 3.7, the CPython dictionary implementation orders dictionaries based on insertion order. However, for an API gaurantee of dictionary order, ``collections.OrderedDict`` may also be used. Note that the pass pipeline order and options can be configured *globally* for a qjit-compiled function, by using the ``circuit_transform_pipeline`` argument of the :func:`~.qjit` decorator. .. code-block:: python my_pass_pipeline = { "cancel_inverses": {}, "my_circuit_transformation_pass": {"my-option" : "my-option-value"}, } @qjit(circuit_transform_pipeline=my_pass_pipeline) def fn(x): return jnp.sin(circuit(x ** 2)) Global and local (via ``@pipeline``) configurations can coexist, however local pass pipelines will always take precedence over global pass pipelines. """ def _decorator(fn=None, **kwargs): if fn is None: return functools.partial(pipeline, **kwargs) if not isinstance(fn, qml.QNode): raise TypeError(f"A QNode is expected, got the classical function {fn}") if pass_pipeline is None: # TODO: design a default peephole pipeline return fn fn_original_name = fn.__name__ wrapped_qnode_function = fn.func fn_clone = copy.copy(fn) uniquer = str(_rename_to_unique()) fn_clone.__name__ = fn_original_name + "_transformed" + uniquer pass_names = _API_name_to_pass_name() def wrapper(*args, **kwrags): # TODO: we should not match pass targets by function name. # The quantum scope work will likely put each qnode into a module # instead of a `func.func ... attributes {qnode}`. # When that is in place, the qnode's module can have a proper attribute # (as opposed to discardable) that records its transform schedule, i.e. # module_with_transform @name_of_module { # // transform schedule # } { # // contents of the module # } # This eliminates the need for matching target functions by name. if EvaluationContext.is_tracing(): for API_name, pass_options in pass_pipeline.items(): opt = "" for option, option_value in pass_options.items(): opt += " " + str(option) + "=" + str(option_value) apply_registered_pass_p.bind( pass_name=pass_names[API_name], options=f"func-name={fn_original_name}" + "_transformed" + uniquer + opt, ) return wrapped_qnode_function(*args, **kwrags) fn_clone.func = wrapper fn_clone._peephole_transformed = True # pylint: disable=protected-access return fn_clone return _decorator
[docs]def cancel_inverses(fn=None): """ Specify that the ``-removed-chained-self-inverse`` MLIR compiler pass for cancelling two neighbouring self-inverse gates should be applied to the decorated QNode during :func:`~.qjit` compilation. The full list of supported gates are as follows: One-bit Gates: :class:`qml.Hadamard <pennylane.Hadamard>`, :class:`qml.PauliX <pennylane.PauliX>`, :class:`qml.PauliY <pennylane.PauliY>`, :class:`qml.PauliZ <pennylane.PauliZ>` Two-bit Gates: :class:`qml.CNOT <pennylane.CNOT>`, :class:`qml.CY <pennylane.CY>`, :class:`qml.CZ <pennylane.CZ>`, :class:`qml.SWAP <pennylane.SWAP>` Three-bit Gates: - :class:`qml.Toffoli <pennylane.Toffoli>` .. note:: Unlike PennyLane :doc:`circuit transformations <introduction/compiling_circuits>`, the QNode itself will not be changed or transformed by applying these decorators. As a result, circuit inspection tools such as :func:`~.draw` will continue to display the circuit as written in Python. To instead view the optimized circuit, the MLIR must be viewed after the ``"QuantumCompilationPass"`` stage via the :func:`~.get_compilation_stage` function. Args: fn (QNode): the QNode to apply the cancel inverses compiler pass to Returns: ~.QNode: **Example** .. code-block:: python from catalyst.debug import get_compilation_stage from catalyst.passes import cancel_inverses dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1) @qjit(keep_intermediate=True) @cancel_inverses @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(x: float): qml.RX(x, wires=0) qml.Hadamard(wires=0) qml.Hadamard(wires=0) return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)) >>> circuit(0.54) Array(0.85770868, dtype=float64) Note that the QNode will be unchanged in Python, and will continue to include self-inverse gates when inspected with Python (for example, with :func:`~.draw`). To instead view the optimized circuit, the MLIR must be viewed after the ``"QuantumCompilationPass"`` stage: >>> print(get_compilation_stage(circuit, stage="QuantumCompilationPass")) module @circuit { func.func public @jit_circuit(%arg0: tensor<f64>) -> tensor<f64> attributes {llvm.emit_c_interface} { %0 = call @circuit(%arg0) : (tensor<f64>) -> tensor<f64> return %0 : tensor<f64> } func.func private @circuit(%arg0: tensor<f64>) -> tensor<f64> attributes {diff_method = "parameter-shift", llvm.linkage = #llvm.linkage<internal>, qnode} { quantum.device["catalyst/utils/../lib/librtd_lightning.dylib", "LightningSimulator", "{'shots': 0, 'mcmc': False, 'num_burnin': 0, 'kernel_name': None}"] %0 = quantum.alloc( 1) : !quantum.reg %1 = quantum.extract %0[ 0] : !quantum.reg -> !quantum.bit %extracted = tensor.extract %arg0[] : tensor<f64> %out_qubits = quantum.custom "RX"(%extracted) %1 : !quantum.bit %2 = quantum.namedobs %out_qubits[ PauliZ] : !quantum.obs %3 = quantum.expval %2 : f64 %from_elements = tensor.from_elements %3 : tensor<f64> %4 = quantum.insert %0[ 0], %out_qubits : !quantum.reg, !quantum.bit quantum.dealloc %4 : !quantum.reg quantum.device_release return %from_elements : tensor<f64> } func.func @setup() { quantum.init return } func.func @teardown() { quantum.finalize return } } It can be seen that both Hadamards have been cancelled, and the measurement directly follows the ``RX`` gate: .. code-block:: mlir %out_qubits = quantum.custom "RX"(%extracted) %1 : !quantum.bit %2 = quantum.namedobs %out_qubits[ PauliZ] : !quantum.obs %3 = quantum.expval %2 : f64 """ if not isinstance(fn, qml.QNode): raise TypeError(f"A QNode is expected, got the classical function {fn}") funcname = fn.__name__ wrapped_qnode_function = fn.func uniquer = str(_rename_to_unique()) def wrapper(*args, **kwrags): if EvaluationContext.is_tracing(): apply_registered_pass_p.bind( pass_name="remove-chained-self-inverse", options=f"func-name={funcname}" + "_cancel_inverses" + uniquer, ) return wrapped_qnode_function(*args, **kwrags) fn_clone = copy.copy(fn) fn_clone.func = wrapper fn_clone.__name__ = funcname + "_cancel_inverses" + uniquer return fn_clone
[docs]def merge_rotations(fn=None): """ Specify that the ``-merge-rotations`` MLIR compiler pass for merging roations (peephole) will be applied. The full list of supported gates are as follows: :class:`qml.RX <pennylane.RX>`, :class:`qml.CRX <pennylane.CRX>`, :class:`qml.RY <pennylane.RY>`, :class:`qml.CRY <pennylane.CRY>`, :class:`qml.RZ <pennylane.RZ>`, :class:`qml.CRZ <pennylane.CRZ>`, :class:`qml.PhaseShift <pennylane.PhaseShift>`, :class:`qml.ControlledPhaseShift <pennylane.ControlledPhaseShift>`, :class:`qml.Rot <pennylane.Rot>`, :class:`qml.CRot <pennylane.CRot>`, :class:`qml.MultiRZ <pennylane.MultiRZ>`. .. note:: Unlike PennyLane :doc:`circuit transformations <introduction/compiling_circuits>`, the QNode itself will not be changed or transformed by applying these decorators. As a result, circuit inspection tools such as :func:`~.draw` will continue to display the circuit as written in Python. To instead view the optimized circuit, the MLIR must be viewed after the ``"QuantumCompilationPass"`` stage via the :func:`~.get_compilation_stage` function. Args: fn (QNode): the QNode to apply the cancel inverses compiler pass to Returns: ~.QNode: **Example** In this example the three :class:`qml.RX <pennylane.RX>` will be merged in a single one with the sum of angles as parameter. .. code-block:: python from catalyst.debug import get_compilation_stage from catalyst.passes import merge_rotations dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1) @qjit(keep_intermediate=True) @merge_rotations @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(x: float): qml.RX(x, wires=0) qml.RX(0.1, wires=0) qml.RX(x**2, wires=0) return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)) >>> circuit(0.54) Array(0.5965506257017892, dtype=float64) """ if not isinstance(fn, qml.QNode): raise TypeError(f"A QNode is expected, got the classical function {fn}") funcname = fn.__name__ wrapped_qnode_function = fn.func uniquer = str(_rename_to_unique()) def wrapper(*args, **kwrags): if EvaluationContext.is_tracing(): apply_registered_pass_p.bind( pass_name="merge-rotations", options=f"func-name={funcname}" + "_merge_rotations" + uniquer, ) return wrapped_qnode_function(*args, **kwrags) fn_clone = copy.copy(fn) fn_clone.func = wrapper fn_clone.__name__ = funcname + "_merge_rotations" + uniquer return fn_clone
## IMPL and helpers ## # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring class _PipelineNameUniquer: def __init__(self, i): self.i = i def get(self): self.i += 1 return self.i def reset(self): self.i = -1 PipelineNameUniquer = _PipelineNameUniquer(-1) def _rename_to_unique(): return PipelineNameUniquer.get() def _API_name_to_pass_name(): return {"cancel_inverses": "remove-chained-self-inverse", "merge_rotations": "merge-rotations"} def _inject_transform_named_sequence(): """ Inject a transform_named_sequence jax primitive. This must be called when preprocessing the traced function in QJIT.capture(), since to invoke -apply-transform-sequence, a transform_named_sequence primitive must be in the jaxpr. """ transform_named_sequence_p.bind()