MLIR Dialects in Catalyst

Introduction to MLIR dialects

A dialect in MLIR is intended to represent a certain abstraction level, computing domain, or set of thematically-connected program elements, by grouping all necessarily IR objects into a common namespace. In MLIR, the relevant IR objects include operations, types, attributes, traits, interfaces, and passes (among others).

A well-scoped dialect can form a reusable component across different compiler IRs, for example the built-in func dialect provides everything needed to represent functions (including function definitions & declarations), call graphs, and inlining transformations. This means dialects are not monolithic program representations, but instead can be composed with other dialects to represent a large variety of programs. This structure is especially well-suited to represent heterogenous programs (like quantum algorithms).

Additionally, dialects are typically organized in an abstraction hierarchy, with conversion rules describing how programs can be lowered from a high-level representation (or abstraction) to a low-level one. One such conversion rule might involve the decomposition of complex instructions into a sequence of simpler instructions, or the allocation of memory for various high-level objects. Alongside of optimization rules, these processes form the core part of program compilation.

For additional information on MLIR dialects, and the type of IR objects provided by MLIR, refer to the following documentation pages:

  • the MLIR language reference: A technical reference for the MLIR language (the textual IR format), as well as its concepts and building blocks.

  • built-in MLIR dialects: A list of dialects and associated documentation for dialects developed with the MLIR project or contributed upstream.

  • defining MLIR dialects: Documentation describing how to define MLIR dialects and all its components.

  • debugging tips: Useful reference for any kind of MLIR development, especially the debugging flags for mlir-opt like tools.

The remainder of this document will guide you through, in concrete terms, how to add a new dialect to Catalyst.

Catalyst dialect structure

A strong design principle in the MLIR project is the avoidance of boilerplate code, favoring a single source of truth to specify IR components. This is achieved via one or more descriptive languages based on the TableGen format known from LLVM. Consequently, dialects, as well as many operations, types, attributes, and other IR objects, are specified in two parts:

  • a declarative part: The main way to define new IR objects via a simple language called Operation Definition Specification (ODS). ODS specifications live in TableGen (.td) files, which will automatically generate both C++ header and implementation files via the build system.

    In Catalyst, TableGen files for dialects can be found in the public include directory, under catalyst/mlir/include/<DialectName>/IR.

  • a C++ part: Additional hand-written logic, and most transformations, are defined directly in C++ source files. An example might be a storage class for a data type, or the implementation of interface methods for an operation declared in ODS. Note that while the usage of ODS is strongly recommended, full control over the underlying objects can always be achieved by directly working with the relevant C++ classes.

    In Catalyst, hand-written implementations for classes & methods can be found in the source directory, under catalyst/mlir/lib/<DialectName>/IR.

An alternative tutorial on creating a basic MLIR dialect can also be found in the official docs, see Creating a Dialect.

Creating a new dialect

Let’s see how we can add a new dialect to Catalyst, using OpenQASM as an example! Note that all auto-generated files and build artifacts mentioned in the guide will only appear at the end of the Using the dialect section when the make dialects command is run.

Start by creating a new TableGen file, located at mlir/include/OpenQASM/, with the following content:

include "mlir/IR/"

def OpenQASMDialect : Dialect {
    let summary = "An OpenQASM 3 dialect in MLIR.";
    let description = [{

    /// This is the namespace of the dialect in MLIR, which is used as a prefix for types and ops.
    let name = "oq";

    /// This is the C++ namespace that the dialect, and all sub-components, get placed in.
    let cppNamespace = "::catalyst::openqasm";

    /// Use the default type printing/parsing hooks, otherwise we would have to explicitly define them.
    let useDefaultTypePrinterParser = 1;

Note the use of def in TableGen indicates that we are defining a new type of object - under the hood this results in a new C++ class. To avoid repeating common parts of object definitions, this object creation mechanism itself supports classes. def OpenQASMDialect : Dialect defines an instance of the (built-in) Dialect TableGen type. In this way, OpenQASMDialect will inherit all properties defined for the Dialect type.

We could also have subtyped the Dialect type with class QuantumDialect : Dialect, and then created two kinds of quantum dialects as def OpenQASMDialect : QuantumDialect and def QIRDialect : QuantumDialect - if we thought that the two shared some common elements. Objects defined with def are terminal and can no longer be subtyped or inherited from.

Similarly, a new data type for our dialect can be added by via the built-in TypeDef class (in the same file):

include "mlir/IR/"

class OpenQASM_Type<string name, string nameInIR> : TypeDef<OpenQASMDialect, name, []> {
    let mnemonic = nameInIR;

def QubitType : OpenQASM_Type<"Qubit", "qubit"> {
    let summary = "A single quantum bit reference.";

TableGen classes accept parameters in angular brackets (<>) that can be used in the definition of class properties, as well as passed on to parent classes.


Do not confuse TableGen classes with C++ classes. Two TableGen objects that inherit from the same TableGen class will not share a common base class in C++!

Lastly, let’s also add an operation to our dialect (again in the same file), which will allow us to run a small example at the end.

include "mlir/IR/"

class OpenQASM_Op<string nameInIR> : Op<OpenQASMDialect, nameInIR, []>;

def RZGate : OpenQASM_Op<"RZ"> {
    let summary = "A single-qubit rotation around the Z-axis by an angle θ.";

    let arguments = (ins

    let results = (outs

    let assemblyFormat = [{
        `(` $theta `)` $qubit attr-dict `:` type($qubit)

Operations are primarily defined via their arguments and results. In the IR, argument & result values are what organize operations into a graph (the so-called SSA graph), which encodes the flow of data through the program. The MLIR guide Understanding the IR Structure can be helpful in obtaining a deeper understanding of this concept.

Further, operations can define nested regions with additional operations. How the nested region will be executed is entirely up to the operation and its lowering mechanism. The concept of nesting operations is used in many places in MLIR. The built-in operations module and func are themselves just implemented as regular operations with a nested region. The structured control flow dialect (SCF) also uses it to represent branching and looping in a much more intuitive fashion than LLVM.

Lastly, we also defined a custom syntax (assemblyFormat) for our operation. MLIR provides two ways of representing operations in its textual assembly format:

  • generic assembly format: This format is a one-to-one mapping from how MLIR objects are represented in memory, and contains all necessary information to uniquely represent an MLIR program with it. As a consequence, this format can be used to parse and print operations from any dialect, even unknown ones!

    The generic assembly format can be very useful for debugging, as it more truthfully represents the IR state. It also suffers less from crashing in the case of an invalid IR state.

  • pretty assembly format: This format can be fully customized (with some restrictions) by the dialect designer. Generally speaking the IR can be much more human-readable when printed in this form. Common improvements include imitating a particular syntax (e.g. indexed array access), structuring operands into groups, and omitting redundant type information.

More information on defining operations and other dialect objects can be found in the dialects, attributes & types, and operations pages of the MLIR documentation.

Building the dialect

The easiest way to build dialects is to use predefined CMake functions provided by MLIR for this purpose. The build system will then generate C++ code based on the given TableGen definitions.

Add a new file mlir/include/OpenQASM/CMakeLists.txt with the following content:

add_mlir_dialect(OpenQASM oq)

The first argument, OpenQASM, has to match the name of the main TableGen file of our dialect exactly (“main” because TableGen files can be included in other TableGen files, and it can be useful to organize definitions across several files) - in our case that file is The second argument, oq, has to match the chosen dialect name (or prefix) in MLIR.

With the provided TableGen definitions, CMake will generate a set of C++ files as follows:

  • A C++ header file for dialect-related class declarations.

  • A C++ source file for (certain) dialect method definitions.

  • A C++ header file with declarations of our dialect types.

  • A C++ source file with definitions of type-related methods, including for example how to print & parse a given type (thanks to useDefaultTypePrinterParser = 1).

  • A C++ header file with declarations for all our dialect operations.

  • A C++ source file with definitions of operation methods, such as printing & parsing as well as instantiating new operations (MLIR calls these operation builders).

Depending on the features provided by a dialect, you may see additional files here, such as for attributes, interfaces, and other types of MLIR objects.

The suffix .inc indicates that the files have been automatically generated, and are by themselves not sufficient to produce a library with our dialect. Instead, all these files are meant to be included in a few header and source files of our own.

Let’s start with a public header file for our dialect. Other Catalyst code can then include this header to manipulate objects from our dialect. Create a file mlir/include/OpenQASM/OpenQASM.h with the following content:

#pragma once

#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"

// Dialect header

#include "OpenQASM/"

// Types header

#include "OpenQASM/"

// Operations header

#include "OpenQASM/"

Here we directly included declarations for all the object types we defined in a single header. Note that some auto-generated files allow you to selectively include code via pre-processor flags, as done here for types and operations. It can be a good idea to directly look into .inc to understand the type of code they provide.

Lastly, let’s create a main source file for our dialect at mlir/lib/OpenQASM/OpenQASM.cpp:

#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"

#include "OpenQASM/OpenQASM.h"

using namespace mlir;
using namespace catalyst::openqasm;

// Dialect source

#include "OpenQASM/"

void OpenQASMDialect::initialize()
#include "OpenQASM/"

#define GET_OP_LIST
#include "OpenQASM/"

// Types source

#include "OpenQASM/"

// Operations source

#include "OpenQASM/"

Besides ensuring that the right MLIR headers for our code are included, we mainly need to insert all the auto-generated C++ source files, just like we did for the dialect header. The snippet also demonstrates that some methods need to be manually implemented, like the dialect initialization function OpenQASMDialect::initialize(). Other methods that are typically manually added include operation verifiers and operation folding & canonicalization methods.

The accompanying CMake script mlir/lib/OpenQASM/CMakeLists.txt will generate a build target that other Catalyst components can depend on:



Note the naming scheme: MLIROpenQASM is a name of our choice for the dialect build target, while MLIROpenQASMIncGen is a target automatically provided by the add_mlir_dialect function from the provided TableGen file name (OpenQASM). The latter represents the generation of C++ files from TableGen.


For any newly added CMakeLists.txt, be sure to add it to its parent CMake file with add_subdirectory(<name of new folder>). In this case, both mlir/include/CMakeLists.txt and mlir/lib/CMakeLists.txt will need to be updated with add_subdirectory(OpenQASM).

Using the dialect

MLIR’s standard tool for testing dialects and compiler passes is the opt tool (inherited from LLVM). The tool parses a program in the textual MLIR format, applies arbitrary passes, and prints the transformed program back out. Parsing and printing out a program without any transformations is also referred to as “round-tripping”. Let’s see if we can pass this first test with our dialect!

Catalyst comes with its own version of the opt tool, quantum-opt, preloaded with all builtin MLIR dialects and transformations, as well all additional compiler components developed for Catalyst specifically. Add the following two lines to the mlir/tools/quantum-opt/quantum-opt.cpp file:

// ...
#include "OpenQASM/OpenQASM.h"  // add me

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // ...
    registry.insert<catalyst::openqasm::OpenQASMDialect>();  // add me

    // ...

Similarly, update the corresponding mlir/tools/quantum-opt/CMakeLists.txt to include the build target for our dialect as a dependent library:

# ...
    # ...
    MLIROpenQASM  # add me

# ...

That’s it! We can now build our additions with the rest of the dialects and test them out. Assuming Catalyst has already been built successfully at least once, simply run:

make dialects

Save the following test file somewhere and run it through the quantum-opt tool:

func.func @my_circuit(%q0 : !oq.qubit) {
    %phi = arith.constant 0.3 : f64

    oq.RZ(%phi) %q0 : !oq.qubit

./mlir/build/bin/quantum-opt my_test_file.mlir

You should see the same code in the input file printed back out to you:

func.func @my_circuit(%q0 : !oq.qubit) {
    %phi = arith.constant 0.3 : f64

    oq.RZ(%phi) %q0 : !oq.qubit



If you are encoutering issues, or would like to quickly try out the dialect described in this guide, you can have a look at or cherry-pick this commit which includes all changes described above:

Build your own

To take your dialect to the next level, be sure to also check out the Catalyst transformation guide for information on how to write transformation passes for Catalyst.

For additional inspiration and reference implementations, don’t forget to check out the existing dialects at catalyst/mlir/include.