Source code for pennylane_lightning.lightning_gpu.lightning_gpu

# Copyright 2022-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module contains the :class:`~.LightningGPU` class, a PennyLane simulator device that
interfaces with the NVIDIA cuQuantum cuStateVec simulator library for GPU-enabled calculations.
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import sys
from ctypes.util import find_library
from dataclasses import replace
from importlib import util as imp_util
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.devices import DefaultExecutionConfig, ExecutionConfig
from pennylane.devices.default_qubit import adjoint_ops
from pennylane.devices.modifiers import simulator_tracking, single_tape_support
from pennylane.devices.preprocess import (
from pennylane.measurements import MidMeasureMP
from pennylane.operation import DecompositionUndefinedError, Operator, Tensor
from pennylane.ops import Prod, SProd, Sum
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript
from pennylane.transforms.core import TransformProgram
from pennylane.typing import Result

from pennylane_lightning.core.lightning_newAPI_base import (

    from pennylane_lightning.lightning_gpu_ops import (


except (ImportError, ValueError) as ex:
    warn(str(ex), UserWarning)
    backend_info = None

from ._adjoint_jacobian import LightningGPUAdjointJacobian
from ._measurements import LightningGPUMeasurements
from ._mpi_handler import MPIHandler
from ._state_vector import LightningGPUStateVector

# The set of supported operations.
_operations = frozenset(
# End the set of supported operations.

# The set of supported observables.
_observables = frozenset(

def stopping_condition(op: Operator) -> bool:
    """A function that determines whether or not an operation is supported by ``lightning.gpu``."""
    # To avoid building matrices beyond the given thresholds.
    # This should reduce runtime overheads for larger systems.
    if isinstance(op, qml.QFT):
        return len(op.wires) < 10
    if isinstance(op, qml.GroverOperator):
        return len(op.wires) < 13
    if isinstance(op, qml.PauliRot):
        return False

    return in _operations

def stopping_condition_shots(op: Operator) -> bool:
    """A function that determines whether or not an operation is supported by ``lightning.gpu``
    with finite shots."""
    return stopping_condition(op) or isinstance(op, (MidMeasureMP, qml.ops.op_math.Conditional))

def accepted_observables(obs: Operator) -> bool:
    """A function that determines whether or not an observable is supported by ``lightning.gpu``."""
    return in _observables

def adjoint_observables(obs: Operator) -> bool:
    """A function that determines whether or not an observable is supported by ``lightning.gpu``
    when using the adjoint differentiation method."""
    if isinstance(obs, qml.Projector):
        return False

    if isinstance(obs, Tensor):
        if any(isinstance(o, qml.Projector) for o in obs.non_identity_obs):
            return False
        return True

    if isinstance(obs, SProd):
        return adjoint_observables(obs.base)

    if isinstance(obs, (Sum, Prod)):
        return all(adjoint_observables(o) for o in obs)

    return in _observables

def adjoint_measurements(mp: qml.measurements.MeasurementProcess) -> bool:
    """Specifies whether or not an observable is compatible with adjoint differentiation on DefaultQubit."""
    return isinstance(mp, qml.measurements.ExpectationMP)

def _supports_adjoint(circuit):
    if circuit is None:
        return True

    prog = TransformProgram()

    except (DecompositionUndefinedError, qml.DeviceError, AttributeError):
        return False
    return True

def _adjoint_ops(op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool:
    """Specify whether or not an Operator is supported by adjoint differentiation."""
    return not isinstance(op, qml.PauliRot) and adjoint_ops(op)

def _add_adjoint_transforms(program: TransformProgram) -> None:
    """Private helper function for ``preprocess`` that adds the transforms specific
    for adjoint differentiation.

        program (TransformProgram): where we will add the adjoint differentiation transforms

    Side Effects:
        Adds transforms to the input program.


    name = "adjoint + lightning.gpu"
    program.add_transform(no_sampling, name=name)
    program.add_transform(validate_observables, accepted_observables, name=name)
        validate_measurements, analytic_measurements=adjoint_measurements, name=name

# LightningGPU specific methods
def check_gpu_resources() -> None:
    """Check the available resources of each Nvidia GPU"""
    if find_library("custatevec") is None and not imp_util.find_spec("cuquantum"):

        raise ImportError(
            "cuStateVec libraries not found. Please pip install the appropriate cuStateVec library in a virtual environment."

    if not DevPool.getTotalDevices():
        raise ValueError("No supported CUDA-capable device found")

    if not is_gpu_supported():
        raise ValueError(f"CUDA device is an unsupported version: {get_gpu_arch()}")

[docs]@simulator_tracking @single_tape_support class LightningGPU(LightningBase): """PennyLane Lightning GPU device. A device that interfaces with C++ to perform fast linear algebra calculations. Use of this device requires pre-built binaries or compilation from source. Check out the :doc:`/lightning_gpu/installation` guide for more details. Args: wires (int): the number of wires to initialize the device with c_dtype: Datatypes for statevector representation. Must be one of ``np.complex64`` or ``np.complex128``. shots (int): How many times the circuit should be evaluated (or sampled) to estimate the expectation values. Defaults to ``None`` if not specified. Setting to ``None`` results in computing statistics like expectation values and variances analytically. batch_obs (bool): Determine whether we process observables in parallel when computing the jacobian. This value is only relevant when the lightning.gpu is built with MPI. Default is False. mpi (bool): declare if the device will use the MPI support. mpi_buf_size (int): size of GPU memory (in MiB) set for MPI operation and its default value is 64 MiB. use_async (bool): is host-device data copy asynchronized or not. """ # General device options _device_options = ("c_dtype", "batch_obs") # Device specific options _CPP_BINARY_AVAILABLE = LGPU_CPP_BINARY_AVAILABLE _backend_info = backend_info if LGPU_CPP_BINARY_AVAILABLE else None # This `config` is used in Catalyst-Frontend config = Path(__file__).parent / "lightning_gpu.toml" # TODO: Move supported ops/obs to TOML file operations = _operations # The names of the supported operations. observables = _observables # The names of the supported observables. def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, wires: Union[int, List], *, c_dtype: Union[np.complex128, np.complex64] = np.complex128, shots: Union[int, List] = None, batch_obs: bool = False, # GPU and MPI arguments mpi: bool = False, mpi_buf_size: int = 0, use_async: bool = False, ): if not self._CPP_BINARY_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError( "Pre-compiled binaries for lightning.gpu are not available. " "To manually compile from source, follow the instructions at " "" ) check_gpu_resources() super().__init__( wires=wires, c_dtype=c_dtype, shots=shots, batch_obs=batch_obs, ) # Set the attributes to call the LightningGPU classes self._set_lightning_classes() # GPU specific options self._dp = DevPool() self._use_async = use_async # Creating the state vector self._mpi_handler = MPIHandler(mpi, mpi_buf_size, len(self.wires), c_dtype) self._statevector = self.LightningStateVector( num_wires=len(self.wires), dtype=c_dtype, mpi_handler=self._mpi_handler, use_async=self._use_async, ) @property def name(self): """The name of the device.""" return "lightning.gpu" def _set_lightning_classes(self): """Load the LightningStateVector, LightningMeasurements, LightningAdjointJacobian as class attribute""" self.LightningStateVector = LightningGPUStateVector self.LightningMeasurements = LightningGPUMeasurements self.LightningAdjointJacobian = LightningGPUAdjointJacobian def _setup_execution_config(self, config): """ Update the execution config with choices for how the device should be used and the device options. """ updated_values = {} if config.gradient_method == "best": updated_values["gradient_method"] = "adjoint" if config.use_device_gradient is None: updated_values["use_device_gradient"] = config.gradient_method in ("best", "adjoint") if config.grad_on_execution is None: updated_values["grad_on_execution"] = True new_device_options = dict(config.device_options) for option in self._device_options: if option not in new_device_options: new_device_options[option] = getattr(self, f"_{option}", None) # It is necessary to set the mcmc default configuration to complete the requirements of ExecuteConfig mcmc_default = {"mcmc": False, "kernel_name": None, "num_burnin": 0, "rng": None} new_device_options.update(mcmc_default) return replace(config, **updated_values, device_options=new_device_options)
[docs] def preprocess(self, execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig): """This function defines the device transform program to be applied and an updated device configuration. Args: execution_config (Union[ExecutionConfig, Sequence[ExecutionConfig]]): A data structure describing the parameters needed to fully describe the execution. Returns: TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig: A transform program that when called returns :class:`~.QuantumTape`'s that the device can natively execute as well as a postprocessing function to be called after execution, and a configuration with unset specifications filled in. This device: * Supports any qubit operations that provide a matrix * Currently does not support finite shots * Currently does not intrinsically support parameter broadcasting """ exec_config = self._setup_execution_config(execution_config) program = TransformProgram() program.add_transform(validate_measurements, program.add_transform(validate_observables, accepted_observables, program.add_transform(validate_device_wires, self.wires, program.add_transform( mid_circuit_measurements, device=self, mcm_config=exec_config.mcm_config ) program.add_transform( decompose, stopping_condition=stopping_condition, stopping_condition_shots=stopping_condition_shots, skip_initial_state_prep=True,, ) program.add_transform(qml.transforms.broadcast_expand) if exec_config.gradient_method == "adjoint": _add_adjoint_transforms(program) return program, exec_config
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def execute( self, circuits: QuantumTape_or_Batch, execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig, ) -> Result_or_ResultBatch: """Execute a circuit or a batch of circuits and turn it into results. Args: circuits (Union[QuantumTape, Sequence[QuantumTape]]): the quantum circuits to be executed execution_config (ExecutionConfig): a datastructure with additional information required for execution Returns: TensorLike, tuple[TensorLike], tuple[tuple[TensorLike]]: A numeric result of the computation. """ results = [] for circuit in circuits: if self._wire_map is not None: [circuit], _ = qml.map_wires(circuit, self._wire_map) results.append( self.simulate( circuit, self._statevector, postselect_mode=execution_config.mcm_config.postselect_mode, ) ) return tuple(results)
[docs] def supports_derivatives( self, execution_config: Optional[ExecutionConfig] = None, circuit: Optional[qml.tape.QuantumTape] = None, ) -> bool: """Check whether or not derivatives are available for a given configuration and circuit. ``LightningGPU`` supports adjoint differentiation with analytic results. Args: execution_config (ExecutionConfig): The configuration of the desired derivative calculation circuit (QuantumTape): An optional circuit to check derivatives support for. Returns: Bool: Whether or not a derivative can be calculated provided the given information """ if execution_config is None and circuit is None: return True if execution_config.gradient_method not in {"adjoint", "best"}: return False if circuit is None: return True return _supports_adjoint(circuit=circuit)
[docs] def simulate( self, circuit: QuantumScript, state: LightningGPUStateVector, postselect_mode: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Result: """Simulate a single quantum script. Args: circuit (QuantumTape): The single circuit to simulate state (LightningGPUStateVector): handle to Lightning state vector postselect_mode (str): Configuration for handling shots with mid-circuit measurement postselection. Use ``"hw-like"`` to discard invalid shots and ``"fill-shots"`` to keep the same number of shots. Default is ``None``. Returns: Tuple[TensorLike]: The results of the simulation Note that this function can return measurements for non-commuting observables simultaneously. """ if circuit.shots and (any(isinstance(op, MidMeasureMP) for op in circuit.operations)): if self._mpi_handler.use_mpi: raise qml.DeviceError( "Lightning-GPU-MPI does not support Mid-circuit measurements." ) results = [] aux_circ = QuantumScript( circuit.operations, circuit.measurements, shots=[1], trainable_params=circuit.trainable_params, ) for _ in range(circuit.shots.total_shots): state.reset_state() mid_measurements = {} final_state = state.get_final_state( aux_circ, mid_measurements=mid_measurements, postselect_mode=postselect_mode ) results.append( self.LightningMeasurements(final_state).measure_final_state( aux_circ, mid_measurements=mid_measurements ) ) return tuple(results) state.reset_state() final_state = state.get_final_state(circuit) return self.LightningMeasurements(final_state).measure_final_state(circuit)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_c_interface(): """Returns a tuple consisting of the device name, and the location to the shared object with the C/C++ device implementation. """ # The shared object file extension varies depending on the underlying operating system file_extension = "" OS = sys.platform if OS == "linux": file_extension = ".so" else: raise RuntimeError( f"'LightningGPUSimulator' shared library not available for '{OS}' platform" ) # pragma: no cover lib_name = "liblightning_gpu_catalyst" + file_extension package_root = Path(__file__).parent # The absolute path of the plugin shared object varies according to the installation mode. # Wheel mode: # Fixed location at the root of the project wheel_mode_location = package_root.parent / lib_name if wheel_mode_location.is_file(): return "LightningGPUSimulator", wheel_mode_location.as_posix() # Editable mode: # The build directory contains a folder which varies according to the platform: # lib.<system>-<architecture>-<python-id>" # To avoid mismatching the folder name, we search for the shared object instead. # TODO: locate where the naming convention of the folder is decided and replicate it here. editable_mode_path = package_root.parent.parent / "build_lightning_gpu" for path, _, files in os.walk(editable_mode_path): if lib_name in files: lib_location = (Path(path) / lib_name).as_posix() return "LightningGPUSimulator", lib_location raise RuntimeError("'LightningGPUSimulator' shared library not found") # pragma: no cover