Lightning Kokkos device¶
The lightning.kokkos
device can run using a variety of HPC-focused backends, including GPUs,
enabling accelerated simulation of quantum state-vector evolution.
A lightning.kokkos
device can be loaded using:
import pennylane as qml
dev = qml.device("lightning.kokkos", wires=2)
The lightning.kokkos
device also directly supports quantum circuit gradients using the adjoint differentiation method. This can be enabled at the PennyLane QNode level with:
qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="adjoint")
def circuit(params):
Check out the Lightning-Kokkos installation guide for more information.
Supported operations and observables¶
Supported operations:
Prepares a single computational basis state. |
The controlled-NOT operator |
A qubit controlled phase shift. |
Apply an arbitrary fixed unitary matrix |
The controlled-Rot operator |
The controlled-RX operator |
The controlled-RY operator |
The controlled-RZ operator |
The controlled-swap operator |
The controlled-Y operator |
The controlled-Z operator |
Apply an arbitrary diagonal unitary matrix with a dimension that is a power of two. |
Double excitation rotation. |
Double excitation rotation with negative phase-shift outside the rotation subspace. |
Double excitation rotation with positive phase-shift outside the rotation subspace. |
An echoed RZX(π/2) gate. |
The Hadamard operator |
The Identity operator |
Ising XX coupling gate |
Ising (XX + YY) coupling gate |
Ising YY coupling gate |
Ising ZZ coupling gate |
The i-swap operator |
Apply a |
Arbitrary multi Z rotation. |
Spin-adapted spatial orbital rotation. |
The Pauli X operator |
The Pauli Y operator |
The Pauli Z operator |
Arbitrary single qubit local phase shift |
Phase SWAP gate |
Apply the |
Apply a |
Apply an arbitrary unitary matrix with a dimension that is a power of two. |
Arbitrary single qubit rotation |
The single qubit X rotation |
The single qubit Y rotation |
The single qubit Z rotation |
The single-qubit phase gate |
Single excitation rotation. |
Single excitation rotation with negative phase-shift outside the rotation subspace. |
Single excitation rotation with positive phase-shift outside the rotation subspace. |
The square root of i-swap operator. |
alias of |
The swap operator |
The single-qubit Square-Root X operator. |
The single-qubit T gate |
Toffoli (controlled-controlled-X) gate. |
Supported observables:
The Identity operator |
The Hadamard operator |
The Pauli X operator |
The Pauli Y operator |
The Pauli Z operator |
Observable corresponding to the state projector P=|ϕ⟩⟨ϕ|. |
An arbitrary Hermitian observable. |
alias of |
A Hamiltonian represented directly as a sparse matrix in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format. |
A symbolic operator representing the exponential of a operator. |
Symbolic operator representing the product of operators. |
Arithmetic operator representing the scalar product of an operator with the given scalar. |
Symbolic operator representing the sum of operators. |