Source code for pennylane.devices.default_mixed

# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
The default.mixed device is PennyLane's standard qubit simulator for mixed-state computations.

It implements some built-in qubit :doc:`operations </introduction/operations>`,
providing a simple mixed-state simulation ofqubit-based quantum circuits.
# isort: skip_file
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, ungrouped-imports
import logging

import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.math import get_canonical_interface_name
from pennylane.logging import debug_logger, debug_logger_init

# We deliberately separate the imports to avoid confusion with the legacy device
import warnings
from import Callable, Sequence
from dataclasses import replace
from typing import Optional, Union

from pennylane.devices.qubit_mixed import simulate
from import __qubit_channels__ as channels
from pennylane.transforms.core import TransformProgram
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript
from pennylane.typing import Result, ResultBatch

from . import Device
from .execution_config import ExecutionConfig
from .preprocess import (
from .modifiers import simulator_tracking, single_tape_support

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

observables = {

operations = {

[docs]def observable_stopping_condition(obs: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool: """Specifies whether an observable is accepted by DefaultQubitMixed.""" if in {"Prod", "Sum"}: return all(observable_stopping_condition(observable) for observable in obs.operands) if == "LinearCombination": return all(observable_stopping_condition(observable) for observable in obs.terms()[1]) if == "SProd": return observable_stopping_condition(obs.base) return in observables
[docs]def stopping_condition(op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool: """Specify whether an Operator object is supported by the device.""" expected_set = operations | {"Snapshot"} | channels return in expected_set
[docs]@qml.transform def warn_readout_error_state( tape: qml.tape.QuantumTape, ) -> tuple[Sequence[qml.tape.QuantumTape], Callable]: """If a measurement in the QNode is an analytic state or density_matrix, warn that readout error will not be applied. Args: tape (QuantumTape, .QNode, Callable): a quantum circuit. Returns: qnode (pennylane.QNode) or quantum function (callable) or tuple[List[.QuantumTape], function]: The unaltered input circuit. """ if not tape.shots: for m in tape.measurements: if isinstance(m, qml.measurements.StateMP): warnings.warn(f"Measurement {m} is not affected by readout error.") return (tape,), null_postprocessing
[docs]@simulator_tracking @single_tape_support class DefaultMixed(Device): r"""A PennyLane Python-based device for mixed-state qubit simulation. Args: wires (int, Iterable[Number, str]): Number of wires present on the device, or iterable that contains unique labels for the wires as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings (``['ancilla', 'q1', 'q2']``). shots (int, Sequence[int], Sequence[Union[int, Sequence[int]]]): The default number of shots to use in executions involving this device. seed (Union[str, None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator, jax.random.PRNGKey]): A seed-like parameter matching that of ``seed`` for ``numpy.random.default_rng``, or a request to seed from numpy's global random number generator. The default, ``seed="global"`` pulls a seed from NumPy's global generator. ``seed=None`` will pull a seed from the OS entropy. If a ``jax.random.PRNGKey`` is passed as the seed, a JAX-specific sampling function using ``jax.random.choice`` and the ``PRNGKey`` will be used for sampling rather than ``numpy.random.default_rng``. r_dtype (numpy.dtype): Real datatype to use for computations. Default is np.float64. c_dtype (numpy.dtype): Complex datatype to use for computations. Default is np.complex128. readout_prob (float): Probability of readout error for qubit measurements. Must be in :math:`[0,1]`. """ _device_options = ("rng", "prng_key") # tuple of string names for all the device options. @property def name(self): """The name of the device.""" return "default.mixed" # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments @debug_logger_init def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, wires=None, shots=None, seed="global", readout_prob=None, ) -> None: if isinstance(wires, int) and wires > 23: raise ValueError( "This device does not currently support computations on more than 23 wires" ) self.readout_err = readout_prob # Check that the readout error probability, if entered, is either integer or float in [0,1] if self.readout_err is not None: if not isinstance(self.readout_err, float) and not isinstance(self.readout_err, int): raise TypeError( "The readout error probability should be an integer or a floating-point number in [0,1]." ) if self.readout_err < 0 or self.readout_err > 1: raise ValueError("The readout error probability should be in the range [0,1].") super().__init__(wires=wires, shots=shots) # Seed setting seed = np.random.randint(0, high=10000000) if seed == "global" else seed if qml.math.get_interface(seed) == "jax": self._prng_key = seed self._rng = np.random.default_rng(None) else: self._prng_key = None self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._debugger = None
[docs] @debug_logger def supports_derivatives( self, execution_config: Optional[ExecutionConfig] = None, circuit: Optional[QuantumScript] = None, ) -> bool: """Check whether or not derivatives are available for a given configuration and circuit. ``DefaultQubitMixed`` supports backpropagation derivatives with analytic results. Args: execution_config (ExecutionConfig): The configuration of the desired derivative calculation. circuit (QuantumTape): An optional circuit to check derivatives support for. Returns: bool: Whether or not a derivative can be calculated provided the given information. """ if execution_config is None or execution_config.gradient_method in {"backprop", "best"}: return circuit is None or not circuit.shots return False
[docs] @debug_logger def execute( self, circuits: QuantumScript, execution_config: Optional[ExecutionConfig] = None, ) -> Union[Result, ResultBatch]: return tuple( simulate( c, rng=self._rng, prng_key=self._prng_key, debugger=self._debugger, interface=execution_config.interface, readout_errors=self.readout_err, ) for c in circuits )
def _setup_execution_config(self, execution_config: ExecutionConfig) -> ExecutionConfig: """This is a private helper for ``preprocess`` that sets up the execution config. Args: execution_config (ExecutionConfig): an unprocessed execution config. Returns: ExecutionConfig: a preprocessed execution config. """ updated_values = {} # Add gradient related if execution_config.gradient_method == "best": updated_values["gradient_method"] = "backprop" updated_values["use_device_gradient"] = execution_config.gradient_method in { "backprop", "best", } updated_values["grad_on_execution"] = False execution_config.interface = get_canonical_interface_name(execution_config.interface) # Add device options updated_values["device_options"] = dict(execution_config.device_options) # copy for option in execution_config.device_options: if option not in self._device_options: raise qml.DeviceError(f"device option {option} not present on {self}") for option in self._device_options: if option not in updated_values["device_options"]: updated_values["device_options"][option] = getattr(self, f"_{option}") return replace(execution_config, **updated_values)
[docs] @debug_logger def preprocess( self, execution_config: ExecutionConfig = None, ) -> tuple[TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig]: """This function defines the device transform program to be applied and an updated device configuration. Args: execution_config (Union[ExecutionConfig, Sequence[ExecutionConfig]]): A data structure describing the parameters needed to fully describe the execution. Returns: TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig: A transform program that when called returns ``QuantumTape`` objects that the device can natively execute, as well as a postprocessing function to be called after execution, and a configuration with unset specifications filled in. This device: * Supports any qubit operations that provide a matrix * Supports any qubit channel that provides Kraus matrices """ execution_config = execution_config or ExecutionConfig() config = self._setup_execution_config(execution_config) transform_program = TransformProgram() # Defer first since it addes wires to the device transform_program.add_transform(qml.defer_measurements, allow_postselect=False) transform_program.add_transform( decompose, stopping_condition=stopping_condition,, ) # TODO: If the setup_execution_config method becomes circuit-dependent in the future, # we should handle this case directly within setup_execution_config. This would # eliminate the need for the no_sampling transform in this section. if config.gradient_method == "backprop": transform_program.add_transform(no_sampling, name="backprop + default.mixed") if self.readout_err is not None: transform_program.add_transform(warn_readout_error_state) # Add the validate section transform_program.add_transform(validate_device_wires, self.wires, transform_program.add_transform( validate_measurements, analytic_measurements=qml.devices.default_qubit.accepted_analytic_measurement, sample_measurements=qml.devices.default_qubit.accepted_sample_measurement,, ) transform_program.add_transform( validate_observables, stopping_condition=observable_stopping_condition, ) return transform_program, config