Source code for pennylane.devices.device_constructor
# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""This module contains code for the main device construction delegation logic."""fromimportlibimportmetadatafromsysimportversion_infofrompackaging.specifiersimportSpecifierSetfrompackaging.versionimportVersionimportpennylaneasqmldef_get_device_entrypoints():"""Returns a dictionary mapping the device short name to the loadable entrypoint"""entries=(metadata.entry_points()["pennylane.plugins"]ifversion_info[:2]==(3,9)# pylint:disable=unexpected-keyword-argelsemetadata.entry_points(group="pennylane.plugins"))return{}# get list of installed devicesplugin_devices=_get_device_entrypoints()
[docs]defrefresh_devices():"""Scan installed PennyLane plugins to refresh the device list."""# This function does not return anything; instead, it has a side effect# which is to update the global plugin_devices variable.# We wish to retain the behaviour of a global plugin_devices dictionary,# as re-importing metadata can be a very slow operation on systems# with a large number of installed packages.globalplugin_devices# pylint:disable=global-statementplugin_devices=_get_device_entrypoints()
# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs]defdevice(name,*args,**kwargs):r"""Load a device and return the instance. This function is used to load a particular quantum device, which can then be used to construct QNodes. PennyLane comes with support for the following devices: * :mod:`'default.qubit' <pennylane.devices.default_qubit>`: a simple state simulator of qubit-based quantum circuit architectures. * :mod:`'default.mixed' <pennylane.devices.default_mixed>`: a mixed-state simulator of qubit-based quantum circuit architectures. * ``'lightning.qubit'``: a more performant state simulator of qubit-based quantum circuit architectures written in C++. * :mod:`'default.qutrit' <pennylane.devices.default_qutrit>`: a simple state simulator of qutrit-based quantum circuit architectures. * :mod:`'default.qutrit.mixed' <pennylane.devices.default_qutrit_mixed>`: a mixed-state simulator of qutrit-based quantum circuit architectures. * :mod:`'default.gaussian' <pennylane.devices.default_gaussian>`: a simple simulator of Gaussian states and operations on continuous-variable circuit architectures. * :mod:`'default.clifford' <pennylane.devices.default_clifford>`: an efficient simulator of Clifford circuits. * :mod:`'default.tensor' <pennylane.devices.default_tensor>`: a simulator of quantum circuits based on tensor networks. Additional devices are supported through plugins — see the `available plugins <>`_ for more details. To list all currently installed devices, run :func:`qml.about <pennylane.about>`. Args: name (str): the name of the device to load wires (int): the number of wires (subsystems) to initialise the device with. Note that this is optional for certain devices, such as ``default.qubit`` Keyword Args: config (pennylane.Configuration): a PennyLane configuration object that contains global and/or device specific configurations. custom_decomps (Dict[Union(str, Operator), Callable]): Custom decompositions to be applied by the device at runtime. All devices must be loaded by specifying their **short-name** as listed above, followed by the **wires** (subsystems) you wish to initialize. The ``wires`` argument can be an integer, in which case the wires of the device are addressed by consecutive integers: .. code-block:: python dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=5) def circuit(): qml.Hadamard(wires=1) qml.Hadamard(wires=[0]) qml.CNOT(wires=[3, 4]) ... The ``wires`` argument can also be a sequence of unique numbers or strings, specifying custom wire labels that the user employs to address the wires: .. code-block:: python dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=['ancilla', 'q11', 'q12', -1, 1]) def circuit(): qml.Hadamard(wires='q11') qml.Hadamard(wires=['ancilla']) qml.CNOT(wires=['q12', -1]) ... On some newer devices, such as ``default.qubit``, the ``wires`` argument can be omitted altogether, and instead the wires will be computed when executing a circuit depending on its contents. >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit") Most devices accept a ``shots`` argument which specifies how many circuit executions are used to estimate stochastic return values. As an example, ``qml.sample()`` measurements will return as many samples as specified in the shots argument. The shots argument can be changed on a per-call basis using the built-in ``shots`` keyword argument. Note that the ``shots`` argument can be a single integer or a list of shot values. .. code-block:: python dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1, shots=10) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(a): qml.RX(a, wires=0) return qml.sample(qml.Z(0)) >>> circuit(0.8) # 10 samples are returned array([ 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1]) >>> circuit(0.8, shots=[3, 4, 4]) # default is overwritten for this call (array([1, 1, 1]), array([ 1, -1, 1, 1]), array([1, 1, 1, 1])) >>> circuit(0.8) # back to default of 10 samples array([ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) When constructing a device, we may optionally pass a dictionary of custom decompositions to be applied to certain operations upon device execution. This is useful for enabling support of gates on devices where they would normally be unsupported. For example, suppose we are running on an ion trap device which does not natively implement the CNOT gate, but we would still like to write our circuits in terms of CNOTs. On a ion trap device, CNOT can be implemented using the ``IsingXX`` gate. We first define a decomposition function (such functions have the signature ``decomposition(*params, wires)``): .. code-block:: python def ion_trap_cnot(wires, **_): return [ qml.RY(np.pi/2, wires=wires[0]), qml.IsingXX(np.pi/2, wires=wires), qml.RX(-np.pi/2, wires=wires[0]), qml.RY(-np.pi/2, wires=wires[0]), qml.RY(-np.pi/2, wires=wires[1]) ] Next, we create a device, and a QNode for testing. When constructing the QNode, we can set the expansion strategy to ``"device"`` to ensure the decomposition is applied and will be viewable when we draw the circuit. Note that custom decompositions should accept keyword arguments even when it is not used. .. code-block:: python # As the CNOT gate normally has no decomposition, we can use default.qubit # here for expository purposes. dev = qml.device( 'default.qubit', wires=2, custom_decomps={"CNOT" : ion_trap_cnot} ) @qml.qnode(dev) def run_cnot(): qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1]) return qml.expval(qml.X(1)) >>> print(qml.draw(run_cnot, level="device")()) 0: ──RY(1.57)─╭IsingXX(1.57)──RX(-1.57)──RY(-1.57)─┤ 1: ───────────╰IsingXX(1.57)──RY(-1.57)────────────┤ <X> Some devices may accept additional arguments. For instance, ``default.gaussian`` accepts the keyword argument ``hbar``, to set the convention used in the commutation relation :math:`[\x,\p]=i\hbar` (by default set to 2). Please refer to the documentation for the individual devices to see any additional arguments that might be required or supported. """ifnamenotinplugin_devices:# Device does not exist in the loaded device list.# Attempt to refresh the devices, in case the user# installed the plugin during the current Python session.refresh_devices()ifnameinplugin_devices:options={}# load global configuration settings if availableconfig=kwargs.get("config",qml.default_config)ifconfig:# combine configuration options with keyword arguments.# Keyword arguments take preference, followed by device options,# followed by plugin options, followed by global options.options.update(config["main"])options.update(config[name.split(".")[0]+".global"])options.update(config[name])# Pop the custom decomposition keyword argument; we will use it here# only and not pass it to the device.custom_decomps=kwargs.pop("custom_decomps",None)kwargs.pop("config",None)options.update(kwargs)# loads the device classplugin_device_class=plugin_devices[name].load()def_safe_specifier_set(version_str):"""Safely create a SpecifierSet from a version string."""operators=["<",">","==","!=","<=",">=","~=","==="]ifany(version_str.startswith(op)foropinoperators):# This is tested in the plugin-test-matrixreturnSpecifierSet(version_str,prereleases=True)# pragma: no coverreturnSpecifierSet(f"=={version_str}",prereleases=True)ifhasattr(plugin_device_class,"pennylane_requires"):required_versions=_safe_specifier_set(plugin_device_class.pennylane_requires)current_version=Version(qml.version())ifcurrent_versionnotinrequired_versions:raiseqml.DeviceError(f"The {name} plugin requires PennyLane versions {required_versions}, "f"however PennyLane version {qml.version()} is installed.")# Construct the devicedev=plugin_device_class(*args,**options)# Once the device is constructed, we set its custom expansion function if# any custom decompositions were specified.ifcustom_decompsisnotNone:ifisinstance(dev,qml.devices.LegacyDevice):custom_decomp_expand_fn=qml.transforms.create_decomp_expand_fn(custom_decomps,dev)dev.custom_expand(custom_decomp_expand_fn)else:custom_decomp_preprocess=qml.transforms.tape_expand._create_decomp_preprocessing(custom_decomps,dev)dev.preprocess=custom_decomp_preprocessifisinstance(dev,qml.devices.LegacyDevice):dev=qml.devices.LegacyDeviceFacade(dev)returndevraiseqml.DeviceError(f"Device {name} does not exist. Make sure the required plugin is installed.")