Source code for pennylane.devices.reference_qubit

# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
Contains the ReferenceQubit device, a minimal device that can be used for testing
and plugin development purposes.

import numpy as np

import pennylane as qml

from .device_api import Device
from .execution_config import DefaultExecutionConfig
from .modifiers import simulator_tracking, single_tape_support
from .preprocess import decompose, validate_device_wires, validate_measurements

[docs]def sample_state(state: np.ndarray, shots: int, seed=None): """Generate samples from the provided state and number of shots.""" probs = np.imag(state) ** 2 + np.real(state) ** 2 basis_states = np.arange(len(probs)) num_wires = int(np.log2(len(probs))) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) probs /= np.sum(probs) # Fix: Normalize to prevent sum ≠ 1 errors in NumPy 2.0+ basis_samples = rng.choice(basis_states, shots, p=probs) # convert basis state integers to array of booleans bin_strings = (format(s, f"0{num_wires}b") for s in basis_samples) return np.array([[int(val) for val in s] for s in bin_strings])
[docs]def simulate(tape: qml.tape.QuantumTape, seed=None) -> qml.typing.Result: """Simulate a tape and turn it into results. Args: tape (.QuantumTape): a representation of a circuit seed (Any): A seed to use to control the generation of samples. """ # 1) create the initial state state = np.zeros(2 ** len(tape.wires)) state[0] = 1.0 # 2) apply all the operations for op in tape.operations: op_mat = op.matrix(wire_order=tape.wires) if qml.math.get_interface(op_mat) != "numpy": raise ValueError("Reference qubit can only work with numpy data.") state = qml.math.matmul(op_mat, state) # 3) perform measurements # note that shots are pulled from the tape, not from the device if tape.shots: samples = sample_state(state, shots=tape.shots.total_shots, seed=seed) # Shot vector support results = [] for lower, upper in tape.shots.bins(): sub_samples = samples[lower:upper] results.append( tuple(mp.process_samples(sub_samples, tape.wires) for mp in tape.measurements) ) if len(tape.measurements) == 1: results = [res[0] for res in results] if not tape.shots.has_partitioned_shots: results = results[0] else: results = tuple(results) else: results = tuple(mp.process_state(state, tape.wires) for mp in tape.measurements) if len(tape.measurements) == 1: results = results[0] return results
operations = frozenset({"PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "Hadamard", "CNOT", "CZ", "RX", "RY", "RZ"})
[docs]def supports_operation(op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool: """This function used by preprocessing determines what operations are natively supported by the device. While in theory ``simulate`` can support any operation with a matrix, we limit the target gate set for improved testing and reference purposes. """ return getattr(op, "name", None) in operations
[docs]@simulator_tracking # update device.tracker with some relevant information @single_tape_support # add support for device.execute(tape) in addition to device.execute((tape,)) class ReferenceQubit(Device): """A slimmed down numpy-based simulator for reference and testing purposes. Args: wires (int, Iterable[Number, str]): Number of wires present on the device, or iterable that contains unique labels for the wires as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings (``['aux', 'q1', 'q2']``). Default ``None`` if not specified. While this device allows for ``wires`` to be unspecified at construction time, other devices may make this argument mandatory. Devices can also implement additional restrictions on the possible wires. shots (int, Sequence[int], Sequence[Union[int, Sequence[int]]]): The default number of shots to use in executions involving this device. Note that during execution, shots are pulled from the circuit, not from the device. seed (Union[str, None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator, jax.random.PRNGKey]): A seed-like parameter matching that of ``seed`` for ``numpy.random.default_rng``. This is an optional keyword argument added to follow recommend NumPy best practices. Other devices do not need this parameter if it does not make sense for them. """ name = "reference.qubit" def __init__(self, wires=None, shots=None, seed=None): super().__init__(wires=wires, shots=shots) # seed and rng not necessary for a device, but part of recommended # numpy practices to use a local random number generator self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
[docs] def preprocess(self, execution_config=DefaultExecutionConfig): # Here we convert an arbitrary tape into one natively supported by the device program = qml.transforms.core.TransformProgram() program.add_transform(validate_device_wires, wires=self.wires, name="reference.qubit") program.add_transform(qml.defer_measurements, allow_postselect=False) program.add_transform(qml.transforms.split_non_commuting) program.add_transform(qml.transforms.diagonalize_measurements) program.add_transform( decompose, stopping_condition=supports_operation, skip_initial_state_prep=False, name="reference.qubit", ) program.add_transform(validate_measurements, name="reference.qubit") program.add_transform(qml.transforms.broadcast_expand) # no need to preprocess the config as the device does not support derivatives return program, execution_config
[docs] def execute(self, circuits, execution_config=DefaultExecutionConfig): for tape in circuits: assert all(supports_operation(op) for op in tape.operations) return tuple(simulate(tape, seed=self._rng) for tape in circuits)