Source code for pennylane.pauli.trace_inner_product

# Copyright 2025 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

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"""Utility tools for dynamical Lie algebra functionality"""
from typing import Iterable, Union

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import Operator
from pennylane.pauli import PauliSentence
from pennylane.typing import TensorLike

[docs]def trace_inner_product( A: Union[PauliSentence, Operator, TensorLike], B: Union[PauliSentence, Operator, TensorLike] ): r"""Trace inner product :math:`\langle A, B \rangle = \text{tr}\left(A^\dagger B\right)/\text{dim}(A)` between two operators :math:`A` and :math:`B`. If the inputs are ``np.ndarray``, leading [broadcasting]( axes are supported for either or both inputs. .. warning:: Operator inputs are assumed to be Hermitian. In particular, sums of Pauli operators are assumed to have real-valued coefficients. We recommend to use matrix representations for non-Hermitian inputs. In case of non-Hermitian :class:`~PauliSentence` or :class:`Operator` inputs, the Hermitian conjugation needs to be done manually by inputting :math:`A^\dagger`. Args: A (Union[PauliSentence, Operator, TensorLike]): First operator B (Union[PauliSentence, Operator, TensorLike]): Second operator of the same type as ``A`` Returns: Union[float, TensorLike]: Result is either a single float or an array of floats (in batches of the broadcasting dimension). **Example** >>> from pennylane.pauli import trace_inner_product >>> trace_inner_product(qml.X(0) + qml.Y(0), qml.Y(0) + qml.Z(0)) 1.0 If both operators are arrays, a leading batch dimension is broadcasted. >>> batch = 10 >>> ops1 = np.random.rand(batch, 16, 16) >>> op2 = np.random.rand(16, 16) >>> trace_inner_product(ops1, op2).shape (10,) >>> trace_inner_product(op2, ops1).shape (10,) We can also have both arguments broadcasted. >>> trace_inner_product(ops1, ops1).shape (10, 10) .. details:: :title: Usage Details :class:`~PauliSentence` and :class:`~Operator` inputs are assumed to be Hermitian. In particular, the input ``A`` is not conjugated when operators are used. To get correct results, we can either use the matrix representation or manually conjugate the operator. >>> A = qml.X(0) - 1j * qml.Y(0) >>> Ad = qml.X(0) + 1j * qml.Y(0) >>> B = qml.X(0) + 1j * qml.Y(0) >>> trace_inner_product(Ad, B) == trace_inner_product(qml.matrix(A), qml.matrix(B)) True """ if getattr(A, "pauli_rep", None) is not None and getattr(B, "pauli_rep", None) is not None: # No dagger needed as paulis are Hermitian return (A.pauli_rep @ B.pauli_rep).trace() if isinstance(A, Iterable) and isinstance(B, Iterable): if isinstance(A, (list, tuple)): interface_A = qml.math.get_interface(A[0]) A = qml.math.stack(A, like=interface_A) if isinstance(B, (list, tuple)): interface_B = qml.math.get_interface(B[0]) B = qml.math.stack(B, like=interface_B) # tr(A^dagger @ B) = (A^dagger)_ij B_ji = A^*_ji B_ji return ( qml.math.tensordot(qml.math.conj(A), B, axes=[[-2, -1], [-2, -1]]) / qml.math.shape(A)[-1] ) raise NotImplementedError( "Inputs to pennylane.pauli.trace_inner_product need to be of the same type and iterables of matrices or operators with a pauli_rep" )