# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""This module contains the functions needed for computing integrals over basis functions."""# pylint: disable= unbalanced-tuple-unpacking, too-many-argumentsimportitertoolsasitimportnumpyasnpfromscipy.specialimportfactorial2asfac2importpennylaneasqml
[docs]defprimitive_norm(l,alpha):r"""Compute the normalization constant for a primitive Gaussian function. A Gaussian function centred at the position :math:`r = (x, y, z)` is defined as .. math:: G = x^{l_x} y^{l_y} z^{l_z} e^{-\alpha r^2}, where :math:`l = (l_x, l_y, l_z)` defines the angular momentum quantum number and :math:`\alpha` is the Gaussian function exponent. The normalization constant for this function is computed as .. math:: N(l, \alpha) = (\frac{2\alpha}{\pi})^{3/4} \frac{(4 \alpha)^{(l_x + l_y + l_z)/2}} {(2l_x-1)!! (2l_y-1)!! (2l_z-1)!!)^{1/2}}. Args: l (tuple[int]): angular momentum quantum number of the basis function alpha (array[float]): exponent of the primitive Gaussian function Returns: array[float]: normalization coefficient **Example** >>> l = (0, 0, 0) >>> alpha = np.array([3.425250914]) >>> n = primitive_norm(l, alpha) >>> print(n) array([1.79444183]) """lx,ly,lz=ln=((2*alpha/np.pi)**0.75*(4*alpha)**(sum(l)/2)/qml.math.sqrt(_fac2(2*lx-1)*_fac2(2*ly-1)*_fac2(2*lz-1)))returnn
[docs]defcontracted_norm(l,alpha,a):r"""Compute the normalization constant for a contracted Gaussian function. A contracted Gaussian function is defined as .. math:: \psi = a_1 G_1 + a_2 G_2 + a_3 G_3, where :math:`a` denotes the contraction coefficients and :math:`G` is a primitive Gaussian function. The normalization constant for this function is computed as .. math:: N(l, \alpha, a) = [\frac{\pi^{3/2}(2l_x-1)!! (2l_y-1)!! (2l_z-1)!!}{2^{l_x + l_y + l_z}} \sum_{i,j} \frac{a_i a_j}{(\alpha_i + \alpha_j)^{{l_x + l_y + l_z+3/2}}}]^{-1/2} where :math:`l` and :math:`\alpha` denote the angular momentum quantum number and the exponent of the Gaussian function, respectively. Args: l (tuple[int]): angular momentum quantum number of the primitive Gaussian functions alpha (array[float]): exponents of the primitive Gaussian functions a (array[float]): coefficients of the contracted Gaussian functions Returns: array[float]: normalization coefficient **Example** >>> l = (0, 0, 0) >>> alpha = np.array([3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404]) >>> a = np.array([1.79444183, 0.50032649, 0.18773546]) >>> n = contracted_norm(l, alpha, a) >>> print(n) 0.39969026908800853 """lx,ly,lz=lc=np.pi**1.5/2**sum(l)*_fac2(2*lx-1)*_fac2(2*ly-1)*_fac2(2*lz-1)s=((a.reshape(len(a),1)*a)/((alpha.reshape(len(alpha),1)+alpha)**(sum(l)+1.5))).sum()n=1/qml.math.sqrt(c*s)returnn
def_fac2(n):"""Compute the double factorial of an integer. The function uses the definition :math:`(-1)!! = 1`. Args: n (int): number for which the double factorial is computed Returns: int: the computed double factorial """returnint(fac2(n)ifn!=-1else1)def_generate_params(params,args):"""Generate basis set parameters. The default values are used for the non-differentiable parameters and the user-defined values are used for the differentiable ones. Generate params returns params in order: [alpha, coeff, coord] Args: params (list(array[float])): default values of the basis set parameters args (list(array[float])): initial values of the differentiable basis set parameters Returns: list(array[float]): basis set parameters """# Developer note for ordering with JAX:# 1. params order is [ALPHA COEFF COORD]# 2. args order is [COORD COEFF ALPHA]basis_params=[]c=0fori,pinenumerate(params):iflen(args)==0:basis_params.append(p)continueinterface=qml.math.get_deep_interface(p)ifinterface=="autograd":ifgetattr(p,"requires_grad",False):basis_params.append(args[c])c+=1else:basis_params.append(p)else:ifqml.math.requires_grad(args[2-i]):basis_params.append(args[2-i])else:basis_params.append(p)returnbasis_params
[docs]defexpansion(la,lb,ra,rb,alpha,beta,t):r"""Compute Hermite Gaussian expansion coefficients recursively for two Gaussian functions. An overlap distribution, which defines the product of two Gaussians, can be written as a Hermite expansion as [`Helgaker (1995) p798 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_] .. math:: \Omega_{ij} = \sum_{t=0}^{i+j} E_t^{ij} \Lambda_t, where :math:`\Lambda` is a Hermite polynomial of degree :math:`t`, :math:`E` denotes the expansion coefficients, :math:`\Omega_{ij} = G_i G_j`, and :math:`G` is a Gaussian function. The overlap integral between two Gaussian functions can be simply computed by integrating over the overlap distribution which requires obtaining the expansion coefficients. This can be done recursively as [`Helgaker (1995) p799 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_] .. math:: E_t^{i+1,j} = \frac{1}{2p} E_{t-1}^{ij} - \frac{qr}{\alpha} E_{t}^{ij} + (t+1) E_{t+1}^{ij}, and .. math:: E_t^{i,j+1} = \frac{1}{2p} E_{t-1}^{ij} + \frac{qr}{\beta} E_{t}^{ij} + (t+1) E_{t+1}^{ij}, where :math:`p = \alpha + \beta` and :math:`q = \alpha \beta / (\alpha + \beta)` are computed from the Gaussian exponents :math:`\alpha, \beta` and the position :math:`r` is computed as :math:`r = r_\alpha - r_\beta`. The starting coefficient is .. math:: E_0^{00} = e^{-qr^2}, and :math:`E_t^{ij} = 0` if :math:`t < 0` or :math:`t > (i+j)`. Args: la (integer): angular momentum component for the first Gaussian function lb (integer): angular momentum component for the second Gaussian function ra (float): position component of the first Gaussian function rb (float): position component of the second Gaussian function alpha (array[float]): exponent of the first Gaussian function beta (array[float]): exponent of the second Gaussian function t (integer): number of nodes in the Hermite Gaussian Returns: array[float]: expansion coefficients for each Gaussian combination **Example** >>> la, lb = 0, 0 >>> ra, rb = 0.0, 0.0 >>> alpha = np.array([3.42525091]) >>> beta = np.array([3.42525091]) >>> t = 0 >>> c = expansion(la, lb, ra, rb, alpha, beta, t) >>> c array([1.]) """p=alpha+betaq=qml.math.array(alpha*beta/p)r=ra-rbifla==lb==t==0:returnqml.math.exp(-q*r**2)ift<0ort>(la+lb):return0.0iflb==0:return((1/(2*p))*expansion(la-1,lb,ra,rb,alpha,beta,t-1)-(q*r/alpha)*expansion(la-1,lb,ra,rb,alpha,beta,t)+(t+1)*expansion(la-1,lb,ra,rb,alpha,beta,t+1))return((1/(2*p))*expansion(la,lb-1,ra,rb,alpha,beta,t-1)+(q*r/beta)*expansion(la,lb-1,ra,rb,alpha,beta,t)+(t+1)*expansion(la,lb-1,ra,rb,alpha,beta,t+1))
[docs]defgaussian_overlap(la,lb,ra,rb,alpha,beta):r"""Compute overlap integral for two primitive Gaussian functions. The overlap integral between two Gaussian functions denoted by :math:`a` and :math:`b` can be computed as [`Helgaker (1995) p803 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_]: .. math:: S_{ab} = E^{ij} E^{kl} E^{mn} \left (\frac{\pi}{p} \right )^{3/2}, where :math:`E` is a coefficient that can be computed recursively, :math:`i-n` are the angular momentum quantum numbers corresponding to different Cartesian components and :math:`p` is computed from the exponents of the two Gaussian functions as :math:`p = \alpha + \beta`. Args: la (integer): angular momentum for the first Gaussian function lb (integer): angular momentum for the second Gaussian function ra (float): position vector of the first Gaussian function rb (float): position vector of the second Gaussian function alpha (array[float]): exponent of the first Gaussian function beta (array[float]): exponent of the second Gaussian function Returns: array[float]: overlap integral between primitive Gaussian functions **Example** >>> la, lb = (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0) >>> ra, rb = np.array([0., 0., 0.]), np.array([0., 0., 0.]) >>> alpha = np.array([np.pi/2]) >>> beta = np.array([np.pi/2]) >>> o = gaussian_overlap(la, lb, ra, rb, alpha, beta) >>> o array([1.]) """p=alpha+betas=1.0foriinrange(3):s=s*qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(la[i],lb[i],ra[i],rb[i],alpha,beta,0)returns
def_check_requires_grad(basis_param,normalize,args,index):"""Helper function that returns differentiability of params For JAX arrays, only JAX tracers are considered differentiable. """return(getattr(basis_param,"requires_grad",False)ornormalizeor(len(args)>0andqml.math.get_deep_interface(basis_param)=="jax"andqml.math.requires_grad(args[index])))
[docs]defoverlap_integral(basis_a,basis_b,normalize=True):r"""Return a function that computes the overlap integral for two contracted Gaussian functions. Args: basis_a (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): first basis function basis_b (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): second basis function normalize (bool): if True, the basis functions get normalized Returns: function: function that computes the overlap integral **Example** >>> symbols = ['H', 'H'] >>> geometry = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], requires_grad = False) >>> mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry) >>> args = [] >>> overlap_integral(mol.basis_set[0], mol.basis_set[0])(*args) 1.0 """def_overlap_integral(*args):r"""Normalize and compute the overlap integral for two contracted Gaussian functions. Args: *args (array[float]): initial values of the differentiable parameters Returns: array[float]: the overlap integral between two contracted Gaussian orbitals """args_a=[arg[0]forarginargs]args_b=[arg[1]forarginargs]alpha,ca,ra=_generate_params(basis_a.params,args_a)beta,cb,rb=_generate_params(basis_b.params,args_b)if_check_requires_grad(basis_a.params[1],normalize,args,1):ca=ca*primitive_norm(basis_a.l,alpha)cb=cb*primitive_norm(basis_b.l,beta)na=contracted_norm(basis_a.l,alpha,ca)nb=contracted_norm(basis_b.l,beta,cb)else:na=nb=1.0return(na*nb*((ca[:,np.newaxis]*cb)*gaussian_overlap(basis_a.l,basis_b.l,ra,rb,alpha[:,np.newaxis],beta)).sum())return_overlap_integral
[docs]defhermite_moment(alpha,beta,t,order,r):r"""Compute the Hermite moment integral recursively. The Hermite moment integral in one dimension is defined as .. math:: M_{t}^{e} = \int_{-\infty }^{+\infty} q^e \Lambda_t dq, where :math:`e` is a positive integer, that is represented by the ``order`` argument, :math:`q = x, y, z` is the coordinate at which the integral is evaluatedand and :math:`\Lambda_t` is the :math:`t` component of the Hermite Gaussian function. The integral can be computed recursively as [`Helgaker (1995) p802 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_] .. math:: M_{t}^{e+1} = t M_{t-1}^{e} + Q M_{t}^{e} + \frac{1}{2p} M_{t+1}^{e}, where :math:`Q` is the distance between the center of the Hermite Gaussian function and the origin, at dimension :math:`q = x, y, z` of the Cartesian coordinates system. This integral is zero for :math:`t > e` and the base case solution is .. math:: M_t^0 = \delta _{t0} \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{p}}, where :math:`p = \alpha + \beta` and :math:`\alpha, \beta` are the exponents of the Gaussian functions that construct the Hermite Gaussian function :math:`\Lambda`. Args: alpha (array[float]): exponent of the left Gaussian function beta (array[float]): exponent of the right Gaussian function t (integer): order of the Hermite Gaussian function order (integer): exponent of the position component r (array[float]): distance between the center of the Hermite Gaussian function and the origin Returns: array[float]: the Hermite moment integral **Example** >>> alpha = np.array([3.42525091]) >>> beta = np.array([3.42525091]) >>> t = 0 >>> order = 1 >>> r = 1.5 >>> hermite_moment(alpha, beta, t, order, r) array([1.0157925]) """p=alpha+betaift>orderor(order==0andt!=0):return0.0iforder==0andt==0:returnqml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)m=(hermite_moment(alpha,beta,t-1,order-1,r)*t+hermite_moment(alpha,beta,t,order-1,r)*r+hermite_moment(alpha,beta,t+1,order-1,r)/(2*p))returnm
[docs]defgaussian_moment(li,lj,ri,rj,alpha,beta,order,r):r"""Compute the one-dimensional multipole moment integral for two primitive Gaussian functions. The multipole moment integral in one dimension is defined as .. math:: S_{ij}^e = \left \langle G_i | q^e | G_j \right \rangle, where :math:`G` is a Gaussian function at dimension :math:`q = x, y, z` of the Cartesian coordinates system and :math:`e` is a positive integer that is represented by the ``order`` argument. The integrals can be evaluated as [`Helgaker (1995) p803 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_] .. math:: S_{ij}^e = \sum_{t=0}^{\mathrm{min}(i+j, \ e)} E_t^{ij} M_t^e, where :math:`E` and :math:`M` are the Hermite Gaussian expansion coefficient and the Hermite moment integral, respectively, that can be computed recursively. Args: li (integer): angular momentum for the left Gaussian function lj (integer): angular momentum for the right Gaussian function ri (float): position of the left Gaussian function rj (float): position of the right Gaussian function alpha (array[float]): exponent of the left Gaussian function beta (array[float]): exponent of the right Gaussian function order (integer): exponent of the position component r (array[float]): distance between the center of the Hermite Gaussian function and origin Returns: array[float]: one-dimensional multipole moment integral between primitive Gaussian functions **Example** >>> li, lj = 0, 0 >>> ri, rj = np.array([2.0]), np.array([2.0]) >>> alpha = np.array([3.42525091]) >>> beta = np.array([3.42525091]) >>> order = 1 >>> r = 1.5 >>> gaussian_moment(li, lj, ri, rj, alpha, beta, order, r) array([1.0157925]) """s=0.0fortinrange(min(li+lj,order)+1):s=s+expansion(li,lj,ri,rj,alpha,beta,t)*hermite_moment(alpha,beta,t,order,r)returns
[docs]defmoment_integral(basis_a,basis_b,order,idx,normalize=True):r"""Return a function that computes the multipole moment integral for two contracted Gaussians. The multipole moment integral for two primitive Gaussian functions is computed as .. math:: S^e = \left \langle G_i | q^e | G_j \right \rangle \left \langle G_k | G_l \right \rangle \left \langle G_m | G_n \right \rangle, where :math:`G_{i-n}` is a one-dimensional Gaussian function, :math:`q = x, y, z` is the coordinate at which the integral is evaluated and :math:`e` is a positive integer that is represented by the ``order`` argument. For contracted Gaussians, these integrals will be computed over primitive Gaussians, multiplied by the normalized contraction coefficients and finally summed over. The ``idx`` argument determines the coordinate :math:`q` at which the integral is computed. It can be :math:`0, 1, 2` for :math:`x, y, z` components, respectively. Args: basis_a (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): left basis function basis_b (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): right basis function order (integer): exponent of the position component idx (integer): index determining the dimension of the multipole moment integral normalize (bool): if True, the basis functions get normalized Returns: function: function that computes the multipole moment integral **Example** >>> symbols = ['H', 'Li'] >>> geometry = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, 0.0]], requires_grad = True) >>> mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry) >>> args = [mol.r] # initial values of the differentiable parameters >>> order, idx = 1, 0 >>> moment_integral(mol.basis_set[0], mol.basis_set[1], order, idx)(*args) 3.12846324e-01 """def_moment_integral(*args):r"""Normalize and compute the multipole moment integral for two contracted Gaussians. Args: *args (array[float]): initial values of the differentiable parameters Returns: array[float]: the multipole moment integral between two contracted Gaussian orbitals """args_a=[arg[0]forarginargs]args_b=[arg[1]forarginargs]la=basis_a.llb=basis_b.lalpha,ca,ra=_generate_params(basis_a.params,args_a)beta,cb,rb=_generate_params(basis_b.params,args_b)if_check_requires_grad(basis_a.params[1],normalize,args,1):ca=ca*primitive_norm(basis_a.l,alpha)cb=cb*primitive_norm(basis_b.l,beta)na=contracted_norm(basis_a.l,alpha,ca)nb=contracted_norm(basis_b.l,beta,cb)else:na=nb=1.0p=alpha[:,np.newaxis]+betaq=qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)r=(alpha[:,np.newaxis]*ra[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]+beta*rb[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis])/pi,j,k=qml.math.roll(qml.math.array([0,2,1]),idx)s=(gaussian_moment(la[i],lb[i],ra[i],rb[i],alpha[:,np.newaxis],beta,order,r[i])*expansion(la[j],lb[j],ra[j],rb[j],alpha[:,np.newaxis],beta,0)*q*expansion(la[k],lb[k],ra[k],rb[k],alpha[:,np.newaxis],beta,0)*q)return(na*nb*(ca[:,np.newaxis]*cb)*s).sum()return_moment_integral
def_diff2(i,j,ri,rj,alpha,beta):r"""Compute the second order differentiated integral needed for evaluating a kinetic integral. The second-order integral :math:`D_{ij}^2`, where :math:`i` and :math:`j` denote angular momentum components of Gaussian functions, is computed from overlap integrals :math:`S` and the Gaussian exponent :math:`\beta` as [`Helgaker (1995) p804 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_]: .. math:: D_{ij}^2 = j(j-1)S_{i,j-2}^0 - 2\beta(2j+1)S_{i,j}^0 + 4\beta^2 S_{i,j+2}^0. Args: i (integer): angular momentum component for the first Gaussian function j (integer): angular momentum component for the second Gaussian function ri (array[float]): position component of the first Gaussian function rj (array[float]): position component of the second Gaussian function alpha (array[float]): exponent of the first Gaussian function beta (array[float]): exponent of the second Gaussian function Returns: array[float]: second-order differentiated integral between two Gaussian functions """p=alpha+betad1=j*(j-1)*qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(i,j-2,ri,rj,alpha,beta,0)d2=(-2*beta*(2*j+1)*qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(i,j,ri,rj,alpha,beta,0))d3=4*beta**2*qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(i,j+2,ri,rj,alpha,beta,0)returnd1+d2+d3
[docs]defgaussian_kinetic(la,lb,ra,rb,alpha,beta):r"""Compute the kinetic integral for two primitive Gaussian functions. The kinetic integral between two Gaussian functions denoted by :math:`a` and :math:`b` is computed as [`Helgaker (1995) p805 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_]: .. math:: T_{ab} = -\frac{1}{2} \left ( D_{ij}^2 D_{kl}^0 D_{mn}^0 + D_{ij}^0 D_{kl}^2 D_{mn}^0 + D_{ij}^0 D_{kl}^0 D_{mn}^2\right ), where :math:`D_{ij}^0 = S_{ij}^0` is an overlap integral and :math:`D_{ij}^2` is computed from overlap integrals :math:`S` and the Gaussian exponent :math:`\beta` as .. math:: D_{ij}^2 = j(j-1)S_{i,j-2}^0 - 2\beta(2j+1)S_{i,j}^0 + 4\beta^2 S_{i,j+2}^0. Args: la (tuple[int]): angular momentum for the first Gaussian function lb (tuple[int]): angular momentum for the second Gaussian function ra (array[float]): position vector of the first Gaussian function rb (array[float]): position vector of the second Gaussian function alpha (array[float]): exponent of the first Gaussian function beta (array[float]): exponent of the second Gaussian function Returns: array[float]: kinetic integral between two Gaussian functions **Example** >>> la, lb = (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0) >>> ra = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) >>> rb = rb = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) >>> alpha = np.array([np.pi/2]) >>> beta = np.array([np.pi/2]) >>> t = gaussian_kinetic(la, lb, ra, rb, alpha, beta) >>> t array([2.35619449]) """p=alpha+betat1=(_diff2(la[0],lb[0],ra[0],rb[0],alpha,beta)*qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(la[1],lb[1],ra[1],rb[1],alpha,beta,0)*qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(la[2],lb[2],ra[2],rb[2],alpha,beta,0))t2=(qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(la[0],lb[0],ra[0],rb[0],alpha,beta,0)*_diff2(la[1],lb[1],ra[1],rb[1],alpha,beta)*qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(la[2],lb[2],ra[2],rb[2],alpha,beta,0))t3=(qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(la[0],lb[0],ra[0],rb[0],alpha,beta,0)*qml.math.sqrt(np.pi/p)*expansion(la[1],lb[1],ra[1],rb[1],alpha,beta,0)*_diff2(la[2],lb[2],ra[2],rb[2],alpha,beta))return-0.5*(t1+t2+t3)
[docs]defkinetic_integral(basis_a,basis_b,normalize=True):r"""Return a function that computes the kinetic integral for two contracted Gaussian functions. Args: basis_a (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): first basis function basis_b (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): second basis function normalize (bool): if True, the basis functions get normalized Returns: function: function that computes the kinetic integral **Example** >>> symbols = ['H', 'H'] >>> geometry = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], requires_grad = False) >>> alpha = np.array([[3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404], >>> [3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404]], requires_grad = True) >>> mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry, alpha=alpha) >>> args = [mol.alpha] >>> kinetic_integral(mol.basis_set[0], mol.basis_set[1])(*args) 0.38325367405312843 """def_kinetic_integral(*args):r"""Compute the kinetic integral for two contracted Gaussian functions. Args: *args (array[float]): initial values of the differentiable parameters Returns: array[float]: the kinetic integral between two contracted Gaussian orbitals """args_a=[arg[0]forarginargs]args_b=[arg[1]forarginargs]alpha,ca,ra=_generate_params(basis_a.params,args_a)beta,cb,rb=_generate_params(basis_b.params,args_b)if_check_requires_grad(basis_a.params[1],normalize,args,1):ca=ca*primitive_norm(basis_a.l,alpha)cb=cb*primitive_norm(basis_b.l,beta)na=contracted_norm(basis_a.l,alpha,ca)nb=contracted_norm(basis_b.l,beta,cb)else:na=nb=1.0return(na*nb*((ca[:,np.newaxis]*cb)*gaussian_kinetic(basis_a.l,basis_b.l,ra,rb,alpha[:,np.newaxis],beta)).sum())return_kinetic_integral
def_boys(n,t):r"""Evaluate the Boys function. The :math:`n`-th order `Boys function <https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.01488>`_ is defined as .. math:: F_n(t) = \int_{0}^{1}x^{2n} e^{-tx^2}dx. The Boys function is related to the lower incomplete Gamma `function <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incomplete_gamma_function>`_, :math:`\gamma`, as .. math:: F_n(t) = \frac{1}{2t^{n + 0.5}} \gamma(n + 0.5, t), where .. math:: \gamma(m, t) = \int_{0}^{t} x^{m-1} e^{-x} dx. Args: n (float): order of the Boys function t (array[float]): exponent of the Boys function Returns: (array[float]): value of the Boys function """returnqml.math.where(t==0.0,1/(2*n+1),qml.math.gammainc(n+0.5,t+(t==0.0))*qml.math.gamma(n+0.5)/(2*(t+(t==0.0))**(n+0.5)),)# (t == 0.0) is added to avoid divide by zerodef_hermite_coulomb(t,u,v,n,p,dr):"""Evaluate the Hermite integral needed to compute the nuclear attraction and electron repulsion integrals. These integrals are computed recursively starting from the Boys function [`Helgaker (1995) p817 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_]: .. math:: R_{000}^n = (-2p)^n F_n(pR_{CP}^2), where :math:`F_n` is the Boys function, :math:`p` is computed from the exponents of the two Gaussian functions as :math:`p = \alpha + \beta`, and :math:`R_{CP}` is the distance between the center of the composite Gaussian centered at :math:`P` and the electrostatic potential generated by a nucleus at :math:`C`. The following recursive equations are used to compute the higher-order Hermite integrals .. math:: R_{t+1, u, v}^n = t R_{t-1, u, v}^{n+1} + x R_{t, u, v}^{n+1}, R_{t, u+1, v}^n = u R_{t, u-1, v}^{n+1} + y R_{t, u, v}^{n+1}, R_{t, u, v+1}^n = v R_{t, u, v-1}^{n+1} + z R_{t, u, v}^{n+1}, where :math:`x`, :math:`y` and :math:`z` are the Cartesian components of :math:`R_{CP}`. Args: t (integer): order of Hermite derivative in x u (integer): order of Hermite derivative in y v (float): order of Hermite derivative in z n (integer): order of the Boys function p (float): sum of the Gaussian exponents dr (array[float]): distance between the center of the composite Gaussian and the nucleus Returns: array[float]: value of the Hermite integral """x,y,z=dr[0:3]T=p*(dr**2).sum(axis=0)r=0ift==u==v==0:return((-2*p)**n)*_boys(n,T)ift==u==0:ifv>1:r=r+(v-1)*_hermite_coulomb(t,u,v-2,n+1,p,dr)r=r+z*_hermite_coulomb(t,u,v-1,n+1,p,dr)returnrift==0:ifu>1:r=r+(u-1)*_hermite_coulomb(t,u-2,v,n+1,p,dr)r=r+y*_hermite_coulomb(t,u-1,v,n+1,p,dr)returnrift>1:r=r+(t-1)*_hermite_coulomb(t-2,u,v,n+1,p,dr)r=r+x*_hermite_coulomb(t-1,u,v,n+1,p,dr)returnr
[docs]defnuclear_attraction(la,lb,ra,rb,alpha,beta,r):r"""Compute nuclear attraction integral between primitive Gaussian functions. The nuclear attraction integral between two Gaussian functions denoted by :math:`a` and :math:`b` can be computed as [`Helgaker (1995) p820 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_] .. math:: V_{ab} = \frac{2\pi}{p} \sum_{tuv} E_t^{ij} E_u^{kl} E_v^{mn} R_{tuv}, where :math:`E` and :math:`R` represent the Hermite Gaussian expansion coefficients and the Hermite Coulomb integral, respectively. The sum goes over :math:`i + j + 1`, :math:`k + l + 1` and :math:`m + n + 1` for :math:`t`, :math:`u` and :math:`v`, respectively, and :math:`p` is computed from the exponents of the two Gaussian functions as :math:`p = \alpha + \beta`. Args: la (tuple[int]): angular momentum for the first Gaussian function lb (tuple[int]): angular momentum for the second Gaussian function ra (array[float]): position vector of the first Gaussian function rb (array[float]): position vector of the second Gaussian function alpha (array[float]): exponent of the first Gaussian function beta (array[float]): exponent of the second Gaussian function r (array[float]): position vector of nucleus Returns: array[float]: nuclear attraction integral between two Gaussian functions """l1,m1,n1=lal2,m2,n2=lbp=alpha+betargp=(alpha*ra[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]+beta*rb[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis])/(alpha+beta)dr=rgp-r[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]a=0.0fort,u,vinit.product(*[range(l)forlin[l1+l2+1,m1+m2+1,n1+n2+1]]):a=a+expansion(l1,l2,ra[0],rb[0],alpha,beta,t)*expansion(m1,m2,ra[1],rb[1],alpha,beta,u)*expansion(n1,n2,ra[2],rb[2],alpha,beta,v)*_hermite_coulomb(t,u,v,0,p,dr)a=a*2*np.pi/preturna
[docs]defattraction_integral(r,basis_a,basis_b,normalize=True):r"""Return a function that computes the nuclear attraction integral for two contracted Gaussian functions. Args: r (array[float]): position vector of nucleus basis_a (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): first basis function basis_b (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): second basis function normalize (bool): if True, the basis functions get normalized Returns: function: function that computes the electron-nuclear attraction integral **Example** >>> symbols = ['H', 'H'] >>> geometry = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], requires_grad = False) >>> alpha = np.array([[3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404], >>> [3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404]], requires_grad = True) >>> mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry, alpha=alpha) >>> basis_a = mol.basis_set[0] >>> basis_b = mol.basis_set[1] >>> args = [mol.alpha] >>> attraction_integral(geometry[0], basis_a, basis_b)(*args) 0.801208332328965 """def_attraction_integral(*args):r"""Compute the electron-nuclear attraction integral for two contracted Gaussian functions. Args: *args (array[float]): initial values of the differentiable parameters Returns: array[float]: the electron-nuclear attraction integral """if_check_requires_grad(r,False,args,0):coor=args[0]args_a=[arg[0]forarginargs[1:]]args_b=[arg[1]forarginargs[1:]]else:coor=rargs_a=[arg[0]forarginargs]args_b=[arg[1]forarginargs]alpha,ca,ra=_generate_params(basis_a.params,args_a)beta,cb,rb=_generate_params(basis_b.params,args_b)if_check_requires_grad(basis_a.params[1],normalize,args,1)andqml.math.requires_grad(basis_a.params[1]):ca=ca*primitive_norm(basis_a.l,alpha)cb=cb*primitive_norm(basis_b.l,beta)na=contracted_norm(basis_a.l,alpha,ca)nb=contracted_norm(basis_b.l,beta,cb)else:na=nb=1.0v=(na*nb*((ca*cb[:,np.newaxis])*nuclear_attraction(basis_a.l,basis_b.l,ra,rb,alpha,beta[:,np.newaxis],coor)).sum())returnvreturn_attraction_integral
[docs]defelectron_repulsion(la,lb,lc,ld,ra,rb,rc,rd,alpha,beta,gamma,delta):r"""Compute the electron-electron repulsion integral between four primitive Gaussian functions. The electron repulsion integral between four Gaussian functions denoted by :math:`a`, :math:`b` , :math:`c` and :math:`d` is computed as [`Helgaker (1995) p820 <https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789812832115_0001>`_] .. math:: g_{abcd} = \frac{2\pi^{5/2}}{pq\sqrt{p+q}} \sum_{tuv} E_t^{o_a o_b} E_u^{m_a m_b} E_v^{n_a n_b} \sum_{rsw} (-1)^{r+s+w} E_r^{o_c o_d} E_s^{m_c m_d} E_w^{n_c n_d} R_{t+r, u+s, v+w}, where :math:`E` and :math:`R` are the Hermite Gaussian expansion coefficients and the Hermite Coulomb integral, respectively. The sums go over the angular momentum quantum numbers :math:`o_i + o_j + 1`, :math:`m_i + m_j + 1` and :math:`n_i + n_j + 1` respectively for :math:`t, u, v` and :math:`r, s, w`. The exponents of the Gaussian functions are used to compute :math:`p` and :math:`q` as :math:`p = \alpha + \beta` and :math:`q = \gamma + \delta`. Args: la (tuple[int]): angular momentum for the first Gaussian function lb (tuple[int]): angular momentum for the second Gaussian function lc (tuple[int]): angular momentum for the third Gaussian function ld (tuple[int]): angular momentum for the forth Gaussian function ra (array[float]): position vector of the first Gaussian function rb (array[float]): position vector of the second Gaussian function rc (array[float]): position vector of the third Gaussian function rd (array[float]): position vector of the forth Gaussian function alpha (array[float]): exponent of the first Gaussian function beta (array[float]): exponent of the second Gaussian function gamma (array[float]): exponent of the third Gaussian function delta (array[float]): exponent of the forth Gaussian function Returns: array[float]: electron-electron repulsion integral between four Gaussian functions """l1,m1,n1=lal2,m2,n2=lbl3,m3,n3=lcl4,m4,n4=ldp=alpha+betaq=gamma+deltap_ab=(alpha*ra[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]+beta*rb[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis])/(alpha+beta)p_cd=(gamma*rc[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]+delta*rd[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis])/(gamma+delta)ra0,ra1,ra2=ra[0:3]rb0,rb1,rb2=rb[0:3]rc0,rc1,rc2=rc[0:3]rd0,rd1,rd2=rd[0:3]g_t=[expansion(l1,l2,ra0,rb0,alpha,beta,t)fortinrange(l1+l2+1)]g_u=[expansion(m1,m2,ra1,rb1,alpha,beta,u)foruinrange(m1+m2+1)]g_v=[expansion(n1,n2,ra2,rb2,alpha,beta,v)forvinrange(n1+n2+1)]g_r=[expansion(l3,l4,rc0,rd0,gamma,delta,r)forrinrange(l3+l4+1)]g_s=[expansion(m3,m4,rc1,rd1,gamma,delta,s)forsinrange(m3+m4+1)]g_w=[expansion(n3,n4,rc2,rd2,gamma,delta,w)forwinrange(n3+n4+1)]g=0.0lengths=[l1+l2+1,m1+m2+1,n1+n2+1,l3+l4+1,m3+m4+1,n3+n4+1]fort,u,v,r,s,winit.product(*[range(length)forlengthinlengths]):g=g+g_t[t]*g_u[u]*g_v[v]*g_r[r]*g_s[s]*g_w[w]*((-1)**(r+s+w))*_hermite_coulomb(t+r,u+s,v+w,0,(p*q)/(p+q),p_ab-p_cd)g=g*2*(np.pi**2.5)/(p*q*qml.math.sqrt(p+q))returng
[docs]defrepulsion_integral(basis_a,basis_b,basis_c,basis_d,normalize=True):r"""Return a function that computes the electron-electron repulsion integral for four contracted Gaussian functions. Args: basis_a (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): first basis function basis_b (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): second basis function basis_c (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): third basis function basis_d (~qchem.basis_set.BasisFunction): fourth basis function normalize (bool): if True, the basis functions get normalized Returns: function: function that computes the electron repulsion integral **Example** >>> symbols = ['H', 'H'] >>> geometry = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], requires_grad = False) >>> alpha = np.array([[3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404], >>> [3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404], >>> [3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404], >>> [3.425250914, 0.6239137298, 0.168855404]], requires_grad = True) >>> mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry, alpha=alpha) >>> basis_a = mol.basis_set[0] >>> basis_b = mol.basis_set[1] >>> args = [mol.alpha] >>> repulsion_integral(basis_a, basis_b, basis_a, basis_b)(*args) 0.45590152106593573 """def_repulsion_integral(*args):r"""Compute the electron-electron repulsion integral for four contracted Gaussian functions. Args: *args (array[float]): initial values of the differentiable parameters Returns: array[float]: the electron repulsion integral between four contracted Gaussian functions """args_a=[arg[0]forarginargs]args_b=[arg[1]forarginargs]args_c=[arg[2]forarginargs]args_d=[arg[3]forarginargs]alpha,ca,ra=_generate_params(basis_a.params,args_a)beta,cb,rb=_generate_params(basis_b.params,args_b)gamma,cc,rc=_generate_params(basis_c.params,args_c)delta,cd,rd=_generate_params(basis_d.params,args_d)if_check_requires_grad(basis_a.params[1],normalize,args,1):ca=ca*primitive_norm(basis_a.l,alpha)cb=cb*primitive_norm(basis_b.l,beta)cc=cc*primitive_norm(basis_c.l,gamma)cd=cd*primitive_norm(basis_d.l,delta)n1=contracted_norm(basis_a.l,alpha,ca)n2=contracted_norm(basis_b.l,beta,cb)n3=contracted_norm(basis_c.l,gamma,cc)n4=contracted_norm(basis_d.l,delta,cd)else:n1=n2=n3=n4=1.0e=(n1*n2*n3*n4*((ca*cb[:,np.newaxis]*cc[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*cd[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis])*electron_repulsion(basis_a.l,basis_b.l,basis_c.l,basis_d.l,ra,rb,rc,rd,alpha,beta[:,np.newaxis],gamma[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],delta[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],)).sum())returnereturn_repulsion_integral