Source code for pennylane.qchem.vibrational.localize_modes

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"""This module contains functions to localize normal modes."""

import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy

import pennylane as qml

# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value, too-many-statements

def _mat_transform(u, qmat):
    r"""Returns the rotated displacement vectors matrix for a given rotation unitary u
    and displacement vectors matrix qmat.

        u (TensorLike[float]): unitary rotation matrix
        qmat (TensorLike[float]): matrix of displacement vectors

        TensorLike[float]: rotated matrix of displacement vectors

    qloc = np.einsum("qp,iaq->iap", u, qmat)

    return qloc

def _params_to_unitary(params, nmodes):
    r"""Transforms a one-dimensional vector of parameters specifying a unitary rotation
    into its associated matrix u.

        params (list[float]): parameters for unitary rotation
        nmodes (int): number of normal modes

        TensorLike[float]: unitary rotation matrix

    ugen = np.zeros((nmodes, nmodes))

    idx = 0
    for m1 in range(nmodes):
        for m2 in range(m1):
            ugen[m1, m2] += params[idx]
            ugen[m2, m1] -= params[idx]
            idx += 1

    return scipy.linalg.expm(ugen)

def _params_cost(params, qmat, nmodes):
    r"""Returns the Pipek-Mezey cost function to be minimized for localized displacements.

        params (list[float]): initial parameters
        qmat (TensorLike[float]): matrix of displacement vectors
        nmodes (int): number of normal modes
        float: Pipek-Mezek cost function

    uparams = _params_to_unitary(params, nmodes)
    qrot = _mat_transform(uparams, qmat)
    xi_pm = np.sum(np.sum(qrot**2, axis=1) ** 2)

    return -xi_pm

def _normalize_q(qmat):
    r"""Returns the normalized displacement vectors.

        qmat (TensorLike[float]): matrix of displacement vectors

        TensorLike[float]: normalized matrix of displacement vectors


    qnormalized = np.zeros_like(qmat)
    nmodes = qmat.shape[2]

    for m in range(nmodes):
        m_norm = np.sum(np.abs(qmat[:, :, m]) ** 2)
        qnormalized[:, :, m] = qmat[:, :, m] / np.sqrt(m_norm)

    return qnormalized

def _localization_unitary(qmat):
    r"""Calculates the unitary matrix to localize the displacement vectors and
    displacement vectors.

        qmat (TensorLike[float]): matrix of displacement vectors associated with normal-modes

        tuple: A tuple containing the following:
         - TensorLike[float] : unitary matrix to localize the displacement vectors
         - TensorLike[float] : localized displacement vectors


    nmodes = qmat.shape[2]
    num_params = nmodes * (nmodes - 1) // 2

    rng = qml.math.random.default_rng(1000)
    params = 2 * np.pi * rng.random(num_params)

    qnormalized = _normalize_q(qmat)

    optimization_res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_params_cost, params, args=(qnormalized, nmodes))

    # Check if the minimization was successful; if it wasn't, proceed with the normal modes.
    if not optimization_res.success:
            "Mode localization finished unsuccessfully, returning normal modes..."
        )  # pragma: no cover
        return _params_to_unitary(np.zeros_like(params), nmodes), qmat  # pragma: no cover

    params_opt = optimization_res.x
    uloc = _params_to_unitary(params_opt, nmodes)

    qloc = _mat_transform(uloc, qmat)

    return uloc, qloc

def _localize_modes(freqs, vecs):
    r"""Performs the mode localization for a given set of frequencies and displacement vectors.

        freqs (list[float]): normal mode frequencies
        vecs (list[float]): displacement vectors along the normal modes

        tuple: A tuple containing the following:
         - list[float] : localized frequencies
         - TensorLike[float] : localized displacement vectors
         - TensorLike[float] : localization matrix

    nmodes = len(freqs)
    hess_normal = np.diag(np.square(freqs))

    qmat = np.array([vecs[m] for m in range(nmodes)]).transpose(1, 2, 0)

    uloc, qloc = _localization_unitary(qmat)
    hess_loc = uloc.transpose() @ hess_normal @ uloc
    loc_freqs = np.sqrt(np.array([hess_loc[m, m] for m in range(nmodes)]))

    loc_perm = np.argsort(loc_freqs)
    loc_freqs = loc_freqs[loc_perm]
    qloc = qloc[:, :, loc_perm]
    uloc = uloc[:, loc_perm]

    return loc_freqs, qloc, uloc

[docs]def localize_normal_modes(freqs, vecs, bins=[2600]): """ Localizes vibrational normal modes. The normal modes are localized by separating frequencies into specified ranges following the procedure described in `J. Chem. Phys. 141, 104105 (2014) < Efficient-anharmonic-vibrational-spectroscopy-for?redirectedFrom=fulltext>`_. Args: freqs (list[float]): normal mode frequencies in ``cm^-1`` vecs (TensorLike[float]): displacement vectors for normal modes bins (list[float]): List of upper bound frequencies in ``cm^-1`` for creating separation bins . Default is ``[2600]`` which means having one bin for all frequencies between ``0`` and ``2600 cm^-1``. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the following: - list[float] : localized frequencies - TensorLike[float] : localized displacement vectors - TensorLike[float] : localization matrix describing the relationship between original and localized modes. **Example** >>> freqs = np.array([1326.66001461, 2297.26736859, 2299.65032901]) >>> vectors = np.array([[[ 5.71518696e-18, -4.55642350e-01, 5.20920552e-01], ... [ 1.13167924e-17, 4.55642350e-01, 5.20920552e-01], ... [-1.23163569e-17, 5.09494945e-12, -3.27565762e-02]], ... [[-4.53008817e-17, 4.90364125e-01, 4.90363894e-01], ... [-1.98591028e-16, 4.90361513e-01, -4.90361744e-01], ... [-2.78235498e-18, -3.08350419e-02, -6.75886679e-08]], ... [[ 5.75393451e-17, 5.37047963e-01, 4.41957355e-01], ... [ 6.53049347e-17, -5.37050348e-01, 4.41959740e-01], ... [-5.49709883e-17, 7.49851221e-08, -2.77912798e-02]]]) >>> freqs_loc, vecs_loc, uloc = qml.qchem.localize_normal_modes(freqs, vectors) >>> freqs_loc array([1332.62008773, 2296.73455892, 2296.7346082 ]) """ if not bins: raise ValueError("The `bins` list cannot be empty.") nmodes = len(freqs) num_seps = len(bins) natoms = vecs.shape[1] modes_arr = [min_modes := np.nonzero(freqs <= bins[0])[0]] freqs_arr = [freqs[min_modes]] displ_arr = [vecs[min_modes]] for sep_idx in range(num_seps - 1): mid_modes = np.nonzero((bins[sep_idx] <= freqs) & (bins[sep_idx + 1] >= freqs))[0] modes_arr.append(mid_modes) freqs_arr.append(freqs[mid_modes]) displ_arr.append(vecs[mid_modes]) modes_arr.append(max_modes := np.nonzero(freqs >= bins[-1])[0]) freqs_arr.append(freqs[max_modes]) displ_arr.append(vecs[max_modes]) loc_freqs_arr, qlocs_arr, ulocs_arr = [], [], [] for idx in range(num_seps + 1): num_freqs = len(freqs_arr[idx]) freqs_block, qloc, uloc_block = [], np.zeros((natoms, 3, 0)), np.zeros((0, 0)) if num_freqs > 1: freqs_block, qloc, uloc_block = _localize_modes(freqs_arr[idx], displ_arr[idx]) elif num_freqs == 1: freqs_block = freqs_arr[idx] qloc = np.zeros((natoms, 3, 1)) qloc[:, :, 0] = displ_arr[idx][0] uloc_block = np.eye(1) loc_freqs_arr.append(freqs_block) qlocs_arr.append(qloc) ulocs_arr.append(uloc_block) uloc = np.zeros((nmodes, nmodes)) for idx, indices in enumerate(modes_arr): uloc[np.ix_(indices, indices)] = ulocs_arr[idx] loc_freqs = np.concatenate(loc_freqs_arr) loc_vecs = [ qlocs_arr[idx][:, :, m] for idx in range(num_seps + 1) for m in range(len(loc_freqs_arr[idx])) ] return loc_freqs, loc_vecs, uloc