Source code for pennylane.qchem.vibrational.vibrational_class

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"""This module contains functions and classes to generate a pes object.
This object stores all the necessary information to construct
vibrational Hamiltonian for a given molecule."""

from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np

from ..openfermion_pyscf import _import_pyscf

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, unused-variable, too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-arguments

[docs]@dataclass class VibrationalPES: r"""Data class to save potential energy surface information computed along vibrational normal modes. Args: freqs (list[float]): normal-mode frequencies in atomic units grid (list[float]): the sample points on the Gauss-Hermite quadrature grid gauss_weights (list[float]): the weights on the Gauss-Hermite quadrature grid uloc (TensorLike[float]): localization matrix indicating the relationship between original and localized modes pes_data (list[TensorLike[float]]): tuple containing one-mode, two-mode and three-mode PES dipole_data (list[TensorLike[float]]): tuple containing one-mode, two-mode and three-mode dipole localized (bool): Flag that localization of modes was used to generate PES and dipole. Default is ``True``. dipole_level (int): The level up to which dipole matrix elements are to be calculated. Input values can be 1, 2, or 3 for upto one-mode dipole, two-mode dipole and three-mode dipole, respectively. Default value is 1. **Example** >>> freqs = np.array([0.01885397]) >>> grid, weights = np.polynomial.hermite.hermgauss(9) >>> pes_onebody = [[0.05235573, 0.03093067, 0.01501878, 0.00420778, 0.0, ... 0.00584504, 0.02881817, 0.08483433, 0.22025702]] >>> pes_twobody = None >>> dipole_onebody = [[[-1.92201700e-16, 1.45397041e-16, -1.40451549e-01], ... [-1.51005108e-16, 9.53185441e-17, -1.03377032e-01], ... [-1.22793018e-16, 7.22781963e-17, -6.92825934e-02], ... [-1.96537436e-16, -5.86686504e-19, -3.52245369e-02], ... [ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00], ... [ 5.24758835e-17, -1.40650833e-16, 3.69955543e-02], ... [-4.52407941e-17, 1.38406311e-16, 7.60888733e-02], ... [-4.63820104e-16, 5.42928787e-17, 1.17726042e-01], ... [ 1.19224372e-16, 9.12491386e-17, 1.64013197e-01]]] >>> vib_obj = qml.qchem.VibrationalPES(freqs=freqs, grid=grid, gauss_weights=weights, ... uloc=None, pes_data=[pes_onebody, pes_twobody], ... dipole_data=[dipole_onebody], localized=False) >>> vib_obj.freqs array([0.01885397]) """ def __init__( self, freqs, grid, gauss_weights, uloc, pes_data, dipole_data, localized=True, dipole_level=1, ): self.freqs = freqs self.grid = grid self.gauss_weights = gauss_weights self.uloc = uloc self.pes_onemode = pes_data[0] self.pes_twomode = pes_data[1] self.pes_threemode = pes_data[2] if len(pes_data) > 2 else None self.dipole_onemode = dipole_data[0] self.dipole_twomode = dipole_data[1] if dipole_level >= 2 else None self.dipole_threemode = dipole_data[2] if dipole_level >= 3 else None self.localized = localized self.dipole_level = dipole_level
def _harmonic_analysis(scf_result, method="rhf"): r"""Performs harmonic analysis by evaluating the Hessian using PySCF routines. Args: scf_result (pyscf.scf object): pyscf object from electronic structure calculations method (str): Electronic structure method that can be either restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock, ``'rhf'`` and ``'uhf'``, respectively. Default is ``'rhf'``. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the following: - list[float]: normal mode frequencies in ``cm^-1`` - TensorLike[float]: corresponding displacement vectors for each normal mode """ pyscf = _import_pyscf() from pyscf.hessian import thermo method = method.strip().lower() if method not in ["rhf", "uhf"]: raise ValueError(f"Specified electronic structure method, {method} is not available.") hess = getattr(pyscf.hessian, method).Hessian(scf_result).kernel() harmonic_res = thermo.harmonic_analysis(scf_result.mol, hess) return harmonic_res["freq_wavenumber"], harmonic_res["norm_mode"] def _single_point(molecule, method="rhf"): r"""Runs electronic structure calculation. Args: molecule (:func:`~pennylane.qchem.molecule.Molecule`): Molecule object. method (str): Electronic structure method that can be either restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock, ``'rhf'`` and ``'uhf'``, respectively. Default is ``'rhf'``. Returns: pyscf.scf object from electronic structure calculation """ pyscf = _import_pyscf() method = method.strip().lower() if method not in ["rhf", "uhf"]: raise ValueError(f"Specified electronic structure method, {method}, is not available.") geom = [ [symbol, tuple(np.array(molecule.coordinates)[i])] for i, symbol in enumerate(molecule.symbols) ] spin = int((molecule.mult - 1) / 2) mol = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom=geom, symmetry="C1", spin=spin, charge=molecule.charge, unit="Bohr") mol.basis = molecule.basis_name if method == "rhf": scf_obj = pyscf.scf.RHF(mol).run(verbose=0) else: scf_obj = pyscf.scf.UHF(mol).run(verbose=0) return scf_obj def _import_geometric(): """Import geometric.""" try: import geometric except ImportError as Error: raise ImportError( "This feature requires geometric. It can be installed with: pip install geometric." ) from Error return geometric
[docs]def optimize_geometry(molecule, method="rhf"): r"""Computes the equilibrium geometry of a molecule. Args: molecule (:func:`~pennylane.qchem.molecule.Molecule`): Molecule object method (str): Electronic structure method that can be either restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock, ``'rhf'`` and ``'uhf'``, respectively. Default is ``'rhf'``. Returns: array[array[float]]: optimized atomic positions in Cartesian coordinates **Example** >>> symbols = ['H', 'F'] >>> geometry = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ... [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) >>> mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry) >>> eq_geom = qml.qchem.optimize_geometry(mol) >>> eq_geom array([[ 0. , 0. , -0.40277116], [ 0. , 0. , 1.40277116]]) """ pyscf = _import_pyscf() geometric = _import_geometric() from pyscf.geomopt.geometric_solver import optimize scf_res = _single_point(molecule, method) geom_eq = optimize(scf_res, maxsteps=100) if molecule.unit == "angstrom": return geom_eq.atom_coords(unit="A") return geom_eq.atom_coords(unit="B")
def _get_rhf_dipole(scf_result): """ Given a restricted Hartree-Fock object, evaluate the dipole moment in the restricted Hartree-Fock state. Args: scf_result(pyscf.scf object): pyscf object from electronic structure calculations Returns: TensorLike[float]: dipole moment """ charges = scf_result.mol.atom_charges() coords = scf_result.mol.atom_coords() masses = scf_result.mol.atom_mass_list(isotope_avg=True) nuc_mass_center = np.einsum("z,zx->x", masses, coords) / masses.sum() scf_result.mol.set_common_orig_(nuc_mass_center) dip_ints = scf_result.mol.intor("int1e_r", comp=3) t_dm1 = scf_result.make_rdm1() if len(t_dm1.shape) == 3: dipole_e_alpha = np.einsum("xij,ji->x", dip_ints, t_dm1[0, ::]) dipole_e_beta = np.einsum("xij,ji->x", dip_ints, t_dm1[1, ::]) dipole_e = dipole_e_alpha + dipole_e_beta else: dipole_e = np.einsum("xij,ji->x", dip_ints, t_dm1) centered_coords = np.copy(coords) for num_atom in range(len(charges)): centered_coords[num_atom, :] -= nuc_mass_center dipole_n = np.einsum("z,zx->x", charges, centered_coords) dipole = -dipole_e + dipole_n return dipole def _get_uhf_dipole(scf_result): """ Given an unrestricted Hartree-Fock object, evaluate the dipole moment in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock state. Args: scf_result(pyscf.scf object): pyscf object from electronic structure calculations Returns: TensorLike[float]: dipole moment """ charges = scf_result.mol.atom_charges() coords = scf_result.mol.atom_coords() masses = scf_result.mol.atom_mass_list(isotope_avg=True) nuc_mass_center = np.einsum("z,zx->x", masses, coords) / masses.sum() scf_result.mol.set_common_orig_(nuc_mass_center) t_dm1_alpha, t_dm1_beta = scf_result.make_rdm1() dip_ints = scf_result.mol.intor("int1e_r", comp=3) dipole_e_alpha = np.einsum("xij,ji->x", dip_ints, t_dm1_alpha) dipole_e_beta = np.einsum("xij,ji->x", dip_ints, t_dm1_beta) dipole_e = dipole_e_alpha + dipole_e_beta centered_coords = np.copy(coords) for num_atom in range(len(charges)): centered_coords[num_atom, :] -= nuc_mass_center dipole_n = np.einsum("z,zx->x", charges, centered_coords) dipole = -dipole_e + dipole_n return dipole def _get_dipole(scf_result, method): r"""Evaluate the dipole moment for a Hartree-Fock state. Args: scf_result (pyscf.scf object): pyscf object from electronic structure calculations method (str): Electronic structure method that can be either restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock, ``'rhf'`` and ``'uhf'``, respectively. Default is ``'rhf'``. Returns: TensorLike[float]: dipole moment """ method = method.strip().lower() if method == "rhf": return _get_rhf_dipole(scf_result) return _get_uhf_dipole(scf_result)