Source code for pennylane.tape.tape

# Copyright 2018-2022 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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This module contains the base quantum tape.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,protected-access,too-many-branches,too-many-public-methods, too-many-arguments
import copy
from import Sequence
from threading import RLock

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.measurements import CountsMP, MeasurementProcess, ProbabilityMP, SampleMP
from pennylane.operation import DecompositionUndefinedError, Operator, StatePrepBase
from pennylane.pytrees import register_pytree
from pennylane.queuing import AnnotatedQueue, QueuingManager, process_queue

from .qscript import QuantumScript

[docs]class TapeError(ValueError): """An error raised with a quantum tape."""
def _err_msg_for_some_meas_not_qwc(measurements): """Error message for the case when some operators measured on the same wire are not qubit-wise commuting.""" return ( "Only observables that are qubit-wise commuting " "Pauli words can be returned on the same wire, " f"some of the following measurements do not commute:\n{measurements}" ) def _validate_computational_basis_sampling(tape): """Auxiliary function for validating computational basis state sampling with other measurements considering the qubit-wise commutativity relation.""" measurements = tape.measurements n_meas = len(measurements) n_mcms = sum(qml.transforms.is_mcm(op) for op in tape.operations) non_comp_basis_sampling_obs = [] comp_basis_sampling_obs = [] comp_basis_indices = [] for i, o in enumerate(measurements): if o.samples_computational_basis: comp_basis_sampling_obs.append(o) comp_basis_indices.append(i) else: non_comp_basis_sampling_obs.append(o) if non_comp_basis_sampling_obs: all_wires = [] empty_wires = qml.wires.Wires([]) for idx, (cb_obs, global_idx) in enumerate( zip(comp_basis_sampling_obs, comp_basis_indices) ): if global_idx < n_meas - n_mcms: if cb_obs.wires == empty_wires: all_wires = qml.wires.Wires.all_wires([m.wires for m in measurements]) break all_wires.append(cb_obs.wires) if idx == len(comp_basis_sampling_obs) - 1: all_wires = qml.wires.Wires.all_wires(all_wires) # This happens when a MeasurementRegisterMP is the only computational basis state measurement if all_wires == empty_wires: return with ( QueuingManager.stop_recording() ): # stop recording operations - the constructed operator is just aux pauliz_for_cb_obs = ( qml.Z(all_wires) if len(all_wires) == 1 else qml.ops.Prod(*[qml.Z(w) for w in all_wires]) ) for obs in non_comp_basis_sampling_obs: # Cover e.g., qml.probs(wires=wires) case by checking obs attr if obs.obs is not None and not qml.pauli.utils.are_pauli_words_qwc( [obs.obs, pauliz_for_cb_obs] ): raise qml.QuantumFunctionError(_err_msg_for_some_meas_not_qwc(measurements)) def rotations_and_diagonal_measurements(tape): """Compute the rotations for overlapping observables, and return them along with the diagonalized observables.""" if not tape.obs_sharing_wires: return [], tape.measurements with ( QueuingManager.stop_recording() ): # stop recording operations to active context when computing qwc groupings try: rotations, diag_obs = qml.pauli.diagonalize_qwc_pauli_words(tape.obs_sharing_wires) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: if any(isinstance(m, (ProbabilityMP, SampleMP, CountsMP)) for m in tape.measurements): raise qml.QuantumFunctionError( "Only observables that are qubit-wise commuting " "Pauli words can be returned on the same wire.\n" "Try removing all probability, sample and counts measurements " "this will allow for splitting of execution and separate measurements " "for each non-commuting observable." ) from e raise qml.QuantumFunctionError(_err_msg_for_some_meas_not_qwc(tape.measurements)) from e measurements = copy.copy(tape.measurements) for o, i in zip(diag_obs, tape.obs_sharing_wires_id): new_m = tape.measurements[i].__class__(obs=o) measurements[i] = new_m return rotations, measurements # TODO: move this function to its own file and rename def expand_tape(tape, depth=1, stop_at=None, expand_measurements=False): """Expand all objects in a tape to a specific depth. Args: tape (QuantumTape): The tape to expand depth (int): the depth the tape should be expanded stop_at (Callable): A function which accepts a queue object, and returns ``True`` if this object should *not* be expanded. If not provided, all objects that support expansion will be expanded. expand_measurements (bool): If ``True``, measurements will be expanded to basis rotations and computational basis measurements. Returns: QuantumTape: The expanded version of ``tape``. .. seealso:: :func:`~.pennylane.devices.preprocess.decompose` for a transform that performs the same job and fits into the current transform architecture. .. warning:: This method cannot be used with a tape with non-commuting measurements, even if ``expand_measurements=False``. >>> from pennylane.tape.tape import expand_tape >>> mps = [qml.expval(qml.X(0)), qml.expval(qml.Y(0))] >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], mps) >>> expand_tape(tape) QuantumFunctionError: Only observables that are qubit-wise commuting Pauli words can be returned on the same wire, some of the following measurements do not commute: [expval(X(0)), expval(Y(0))] Since commutation is determined by pauli word arithmetic, non-pauli words cannot share wires with other measurements, even if they commute: >>> measurements = [qml.expval(qml.Projector([0], 0)), qml.probs(wires=0)] >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], measurements) >>> expand_tape(tape) QuantumFunctionError: Only observables that are qubit-wise commuting Pauli words can be returned on the same wire, some of the following measurements do not commute: [expval(Projector(array([0]), wires=[0])), probs(wires=[0])] For this reason, we recommend the use of :func:`~.pennylane.devices.preprocess.decompose` instead. .. details:: :title: Usage Details >>> from pennylane.tape.tape import expand_tape >>> ops = [qml.Permute((2,1,0), wires=(0,1,2)), qml.X(0)] >>> measurements = [qml.expval(qml.X(0))] >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript(ops, measurements) >>> expanded_tape = expand_Tape(tape) >>> print(expanded_tape.draw()) 0: ─╭SWAP──Rϕ──RX──Rϕ─┤ <X> 2: ─╰SWAP─────────────┤ Specifying a depth greater than one decomposes operations multiple times. >>> expanded_tape2 = expand_tape(tape, depth=2) >>> print(expanded_tape2.draw()) 0: ─╭●─╭X─╭●──RZ──GlobalPhase──RX──RZ──GlobalPhase─┤ <Z> 2: ─╰X─╰●─╰X──────GlobalPhase──────────GlobalPhase─┤ The ``stop_at`` callable allows the specification of terminal operations that should no longer be decomposed. In this example, the ``X`` operator is not decomposed because ``stop_at(qml.X(0)) == True``. >>> def stop_at(obj): ... return isinstance(obj, qml.X) >>> expanded_tape = expand_tape(tape, stop_at=stop_at) >>> print(expanded_tape.draw()) 0: ─╭SWAP──X─┤ <X> 2: ─╰SWAP────┤ .. warning:: If an operator does not have a decomposition, it will not be decomposed, even if ``stop_at(obj) == False``. If you want to decompose to reach a certain gateset, you will need an extra validation pass to ensure you have reached the gateset. >>> def stop_at(obj): ... return getattr(obj, "name", "") in {"RX", "RY"} >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([qml.RZ(0.1, 0)]) >>> expand_tape(tape, stop_at=stop_at).circuit [RZ(0.1, wires=[0])] If more than one observable exists on a wire, the diagonalizing gates will be applied and the observable will be substituted for an analogous combination of ``qml.Z`` operators. This will happen even if ``expand_measurements=False``. >>> mps = [qml.expval(qml.X(0)), qml.expval(qml.X(0) @ qml.X(1))] >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], mps) >>> expanded_tape = expand_tape(tape) >>> print(expanded_tape.draw()) 0: ──RY─┤ <Z> ╭<Z@Z> 1: ──RY─┤ ╰<Z@Z> Setting ``expand_measurements=True`` applies any diagonalizing gates and converts the measurement into a wires+eigvals representation. .. warning:: Many components of PennyLane do not support the wires + eigvals representation. Setting ``expand_measurements=True`` should be used with extreme caution. >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript([], [qml.expval(qml.X(0))]) >>> expand_tape(tape, expand_measurements=True).circuit [H(0), expval(eigvals=[ 1. -1.], wires=[0])] """ if depth == 0: return tape if stop_at is None: # by default expand all objects def stop_at(obj): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return False new_ops = [] new_measurements = [] # Check for observables acting on the same wire. If present, observables must be # qubit-wise commuting Pauli words. In this case, the tape is expanded with joint # rotations and the observables updated to the computational basis. Note that this # expansion acts on the original tape in place. if tape.samples_computational_basis and len(tape.measurements) > 1: _validate_computational_basis_sampling(tape) diagonalizing_gates, diagonal_measurements = rotations_and_diagonal_measurements(tape) for queue, new_queue in [ (tape.operations + diagonalizing_gates, new_ops), (diagonal_measurements, new_measurements), ]: for obj in queue: stop_at_meas = not expand_measurements and isinstance(obj, MeasurementProcess) if stop_at_meas or stop_at(obj): # do not expand out the object; append it to the # new tape, and continue to the next object in the queue new_queue.append(obj) continue if isinstance(obj, Operator): if obj.has_decomposition: with QueuingManager.stop_recording(): obj = QuantumScript(obj.decomposition()) else: new_queue.append(obj) continue elif isinstance(obj, qml.measurements.MeasurementProcess): # Object is an operation; query it for its expansion try: obj = obj.expand() except DecompositionUndefinedError: # Object does not define an expansion; treat this as # a stopping condition. new_queue.append(obj) continue # recursively expand out the newly created tape expanded_tape = expand_tape(obj, stop_at=stop_at, depth=depth - 1) new_ops.extend(expanded_tape.operations) new_measurements.extend(expanded_tape.measurements) # preserves inheritance structure # if tape is a QuantumTape, returned object will be a quantum tape new_tape = tape.__class__(new_ops, new_measurements, shots=tape.shots) # Update circuit info new_tape._batch_size = tape._batch_size return new_tape
[docs]def expand_tape_state_prep(tape, skip_first=True): """Expand all instances of StatePrepBase operations in the tape. Args: tape (QuantumScript): The tape to expand. skip_first (bool): If ``True``, will not expand a ``StatePrepBase`` operation if it is the first operation in the tape. Returns: QuantumTape: The expanded version of ``tape``. **Example** If a ``StatePrepBase`` occurs as the first operation of a tape, the operation will not be expanded: >>> ops = [qml.StatePrep([0, 1], wires=0), qml.Z(1), qml.StatePrep([1, 0], wires=0)] >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumScript(ops, []) >>> new_tape = qml.tape.tape.expand_tape_state_prep(tape) >>> new_tape.operations [StatePrep(array([0, 1]), wires=[0]), Z(1), MottonenStatePreparation(array([1, 0]), wires=[0])] To force expansion, the keyword argument ``skip_first`` can be set to ``False``: >>> new_tape = qml.tape.tape.expand_tape_state_prep(tape, skip_first=False) [MottonenStatePreparation(array([0, 1]), wires=[0]), Z(1), MottonenStatePreparation(array([1, 0]), wires=[0])] """ first_op = tape.operations[0] new_ops = ( [first_op] if not isinstance(first_op, StatePrepBase) or skip_first else first_op.decomposition() ) for op in tape.operations[1:]: if isinstance(op, StatePrepBase): new_ops.extend(op.decomposition()) else: new_ops.append(op) # preserves inheritance structure # if tape is a QuantumTape, returned object will be a quantum tape new_tape = tape.__class__(new_ops, tape.measurements, shots=tape.shots) # Update circuit info new_tape._batch_size = tape._batch_size return new_tape
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class QuantumTape(QuantumScript, AnnotatedQueue): r"""A quantum tape recorder, that records and stores variational quantum programs. Args: ops (Iterable[Operator]): An iterable of the operations to be performed measurements (Iterable[MeasurementProcess]): All the measurements to be performed prep (Iterable[Operator]): Arguments to specify state preparations to perform at the start of the circuit. These should go at the beginning of ``ops`` instead. Keyword Args: shots (None, int, Sequence[int], ~.Shots): Number and/or batches of shots for execution. Note that this property is still experimental and under development. trainable_params (None, Sequence[int]): the indices for which parameters are trainable .. note:: If performance and memory usage is a concern, and the queueing capabilities of this class are not crucial to your use case, we recommend using the :class:`~.QuantumScript` class instead, which is a drop-in replacement with a similar interface. For more information, check :ref:`tape-vs-script`. **Example** Tapes can be constructed by directly providing operations and measurements: >>> ops = [qml.BasisState([1, 0], wires=[0, 1]), qml.S(0), qml.T(1)] >>> measurements = [qml.state()] >>> tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape(ops, measurements) >>> tape.circuit [BasisState(array([1, 0]), wires=[0, 1]), S(0), T(1), state(wires=[])] They can also be populated into a recording tape via queuing. .. code-block:: python with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape: qml.RX(0.432, wires=0) qml.RY(0.543, wires=0) qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 'a']) qml.RX(0.133, wires='a') qml.expval(qml.Z(0)) A ``QuantumTape`` can also be constructed directly from an :class:`~.AnnotatedQueue`: .. code-block:: python with qml.queuing.AnnotatedQueue() as q: qml.RX(0.432, wires=0) qml.RY(0.543, wires=0) qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 'a']) qml.RX(0.133, wires='a') qml.expval(qml.Z(0)) tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape.from_queue(q) Once constructed, the tape may act as a quantum circuit and information about the quantum circuit can be queried: >>> list(tape) [RX(0.432, wires=[0]), RY(0.543, wires=[0]), CNOT(wires=[0, 'a']), RX(0.133, wires=['a']), expval(Z(0))] >>> tape.operations [RX(0.432, wires=[0]), RY(0.543, wires=[0]), CNOT(wires=[0, 'a']), RX(0.133, wires=['a'])] >>> tape.observables [expval(Z(0))] >>> tape.get_parameters() [0.432, 0.543, 0.133] >>> tape.wires Wires([0, 'a']) >>> tape.num_params 3 The existing circuit is overridden upon exiting a recording context. Iterating over the quantum circuit can be done by iterating over the tape object: >>> for op in tape: ... print(op) RX(0.432, wires=[0]) RY(0.543, wires=[0]) CNOT(wires=[0, 'a']) RX(0.133, wires=['a']) expval(Z(0)) Tapes can also as sequences and support indexing and the ``len`` function: >>> tape[0] RX(0.432, wires=[0]) >>> len(tape) 5 The :class:`~.CircuitGraph` can also be accessed: >>> tape.graph <pennylane.circuit_graph.CircuitGraph object at 0x7fcc0433a690> Once constructed, the quantum tape can be executed directly on a supported device via the :func:`~.pennylane.execute` function: >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=[0, 'a']) >>> qml.execute([tape], dev, diff_method=None) [array([0.77750694])] A new tape can be created by passing new parameters along with the indices to be updated to :meth:`~pennylane.tape.QuantumScript.bind_new_parameters`: >>> new_tape = tape.bind_new_parameters(params=[0.56], indices=[0]) >>> tape.get_parameters() [0.432, 0.543, 0.133] >>> new_tape.get_parameters() [0.56, 0.543, 0.133] To prevent the tape from being queued use :meth:`~.queuing.QueuingManager.stop_recording`. .. code-block:: python with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape1: with qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording(): with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape2: qml.RX(0.123, wires=0) Here, tape2 records the RX gate, but tape1 doesn't record tape2. >>> tape1.operations [] >>> tape2.operations [RX(0.123, wires=[0])] This is useful for when you want to transform a tape first before applying it. """ _lock = RLock() """threading.RLock: Used to synchronize appending to/popping from global QueueingContext.""" def __init__( self, ops=None, measurements=None, shots=None, trainable_params=None ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments AnnotatedQueue.__init__(self) QuantumScript.__init__(self, ops, measurements, shots, trainable_params=trainable_params) def __enter__(self): QuantumTape._lock.acquire() QueuingManager.append(self) QueuingManager.add_active_queue(self) return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): QueuingManager.remove_active_queue() QuantumTape._lock.release() self._process_queue() self._trainable_params = None
[docs] def adjoint(self): adjoint_tape = super().adjoint() QueuingManager.append(adjoint_tape) return adjoint_tape
# ======================================================== # construction methods # ======================================================== # This is a temporary attribute to fix the operator queuing behaviour. # Tapes may be nested and therefore processed into the `_ops` list. _queue_category = "_ops" def _process_queue(self): """Process the annotated queue, creating a list of quantum operations and measurement processes. Sets: _ops (list[~.Operation]): Main tape operations _measurements (list[~.MeasurementProcess]): Tape measurements Also calls `_update()` which invalidates the cached properties since ops and measurements are updated. """ self._ops, self._measurements = process_queue(self) self._update() def __getitem__(self, key): """ Overrides the default because QuantumTape is both a QuantumScript and an AnnotatedQueue. If key is an int, the caller is likely indexing the backing QuantumScript. Otherwise, the caller is likely indexing the backing AnnotatedQueue. """ if isinstance(key, int): return QuantumScript.__getitem__(self, key) return AnnotatedQueue.__getitem__(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, val): AnnotatedQueue.__setitem__(self, key, val) def __hash__(self): return QuantumScript.__hash__(self)
QuantumTapeBatch = Sequence[QuantumTape] register_pytree(QuantumTape, QuantumTape._flatten, QuantumTape._unflatten)