Source code for pennylane.templates.state_preparations.state_prep_mps
# Copyright 2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License."""Contains the MPSPrep template."""importnumpyasnpimportpennylaneasqmlfrompennylane.operationimportOperationfrompennylane.wiresimportWiresdef_validate_mps_shape(mps):r"""Validate that the MPS dimensions are correct. Args: mps (list[TensorLike]): List of tensors representing the MPS. """# Validate the shape and dimensions of the first tensorassertqml.math.isclose(len(qml.math.shape(mps[0])),2),"The first tensor must have exactly 2 dimensions."dj0,dj2=qml.math.shape(mps[0])assertqml.math.isclose(dj0,2),"The first dimension of the first tensor must be exactly 2."assertqml.math.log2(dj2).is_integer(),"The second dimension of the first tensor must be a power of 2."# Validate the shapes of the intermediate tensorsfori,arrayinenumerate(mps[1:-1],start=1):shape=qml.math.shape(array)assertqml.math.isclose(len(shape),3),f"Tensor {i} must have exactly 3 dimensions."new_dj0,new_dj1,new_dj2=shapeassertqml.math.isclose(new_dj1,2),f"The second dimension of tensor {i} must be exactly 2."assertqml.math.log2(new_dj0).is_integer(),f"The first dimension of tensor {i} must be a power of 2."assertqml.math.isclose(new_dj1,2),f"The second dimension of tensor {i} must be exactly 2."assertqml.math.log2(new_dj2).is_integer(),f"The third dimension of tensor {i} must be a power of 2."assertqml.math.isclose(new_dj0,dj2),f"Dimension mismatch: tensor {i}'s first dimension does not match the previous third dimension."dj2=new_dj2# Validate the shape and dimensions of the last tensorassertqml.math.isclose(len(qml.math.shape(mps[-1])),2),"The last tensor must have exactly 2 dimensions."new_dj0,new_dj1=qml.math.shape(mps[-1])assertnew_dj1==2,"The second dimension of the last tensor must be exactly 2."assertqml.math.log2(new_dj0).is_integer(),"The first dimension of the last tensor must be a power of 2."assertqml.math.isclose(new_dj0,dj2),"Dimension mismatch: the last tensor's first dimension does not match the previous third dimension."
[docs]defright_canonicalize_mps(mps):r"""Transform a matrix product state (MPS) into its right-canonical form. A right-canonicalized MPS is a matrix product state in which the constituent tensors, :math:`A^{(j)}`, satisfy the following orthonormality condition [Eq. (21) of `arXiv:2310.18410 <>`_]: .. math:: \sum_{d_{j,1}, d_{j,2}} A^{(j)}_{d_{j, 0}, d_{j, 1}, d_{j, 2}} \left( A^{(j)}_{d'_{j, 0}, d_{j, 1}, d_{j, 2}} \right)^* = \delta_{d_{j, 0}, d'_{j, 0}}, where :math:`d_{i,j}` denotes the :math:`j` dimension of the :math:`i` tensor and :math:`\delta` is the Kronecker delta. Args: mps (list[TensorLike]): List of tensors representing the MPS. Returns: List of tensors representing the MPS in right-canonical form with the same dimensions as the initial MPS. .. seealso:: :class:`~.MPSPrep`. **Example** .. code-block:: n_sites = 4 mps = ([np.ones((2, 4))] + [np.ones((4, 2, 4)) for _ in range(1, n_sites - 1)] + [np.ones((4, 2))]) mps_rc = qml.right_canonicalize_mps(mps) # Check that the right-canonical definition is fulfilled for i in range(1, n_sites - 1): tensor = mps_rc[i] contraction_matrix = np.tensordot(tensor, tensor.conj(), axes=([1, 2], [1, 2])) assert np.allclose(contraction_matrix, np.eye(tensor.shape[0])) .. details:: :title: Usage Details The input MPS must be a list of :math:`n` tensors :math:`[A^{(0)}, ..., A^{(n-1)}]` with shapes :math:`d_0, ..., d_{n-1}`, respectively. The first and last tensors have rank :math:`2` while the intermediate tensors have rank :math:`3`. The first tensor must have the shape :math:`d_0 = (d_{0,0}, d_{0,1})` where :math:`d_{0,0}` and :math:`d_{0,1}` correspond to the physical dimension of the site and an auxiliary bond dimension connecting it to the next tensor, respectively. The last tensor must have the shape :math:`d_{n-1} = (d_{n-1,0}, d_{n-1,1})` where :math:`d_{n-1,0}` and :math:`d_{n-1,1}` represent the auxiliary dimension from the previous site and the physical dimension of the site, respectively. The intermediate tensors must have the shape :math:`d_j = (d_{j,0}, d_{j,1}, d_{j,2})`, where: - :math:`d_{j,0}` is the bond dimension connecting to the previous tensor - :math:`d_{j,1}` is the physical dimension for the site - :math:`d_{j,2}` is the bond dimension connecting to the next tensor Note that the bond dimensions must match between adjacent tensors such that :math:`d_{j-1,2} = d_{j,0}`. Additionally, the physical dimension of the site should always be fixed at :math:`2` (since the dimension of a qubit is :math:`2`), while the other dimensions must be powers of two. The following example shows a valid MPS input containing four tensors with dimensions :math:`[(2,2), (2,2,4), (4,2,2), (2,2)]` which satisfy the criteria described above. .. code-block:: mps = [ np.array([[0.0, 0.107], [0.994, 0.0]]), np.array( [ [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0]], [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0]], ] ), np.array( [ [[-1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]], [[0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]], ] ), np.array([[-1.0, -0.0], [-0.0, -1.0]]), ] """_validate_mps_shape(mps)mps=mps.copy()mps[0]=mps[0].reshape((1,*mps[0].shape))mps[-1]=mps[-1].reshape((*mps[-1].shape,1))ifnotqml.math.is_abstract(mps[0]):is_right_canonical=Truefortensorinmps[1:-1]:# Right-canonical definitioninput_matrix=qml.math.tensordot(tensor,tensor.conj(),axes=([1,2],[1,2]))ifnotqml.math.allclose(input_matrix,qml.math.eye(tensor.shape[0])):is_right_canonical=Falsebreakifis_right_canonical:mps[0]=mps[0][0]mps[-1]=mps[-1][:,:,0]returnmpsd_shapes=[]fortensorinmps[1:-1]:d_shapes+=tensor.shapemax_bond_dim=qml.math.max(d_shapes)n_sites=len(mps)output_mps=[None]*n_sites# Procedure analogous to the left-canonical conversion but starting from the right and storing the Vd,# where Vd is the right matrix in the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)foriinrange(n_sites-1,0,-1):chi_left,d,chi_right=mps[i].shapeinput_matrix=mps[i].reshape(chi_left,d*chi_right)u_matrix,s_diag,vd_matrix=qml.math.linalg.svd(input_matrix,full_matrices=False)# Truncate SVD components if neededchi_new=min(int(max_bond_dim),len(s_diag))u_matrix=u_matrix[:,:chi_new]s_diag=s_diag[:chi_new]vd_matrix=vd_matrix[:chi_new,:]# Store Vd reshaped as an MPS tensor in the output MPSoutput_mps[i]=vd_matrix.reshape(chi_new,d,chi_right)# Contract U with diag(S) and merge it with the preceding MPS tensor, preserving the canonical structuremps[i-1]=qml.math.tensordot(mps[i-1],u_matrix@qml.math.diag(s_diag),axes=([2],[0]))output_mps[0]=mps[0][0]output_mps[-1]=output_mps[-1][:,:,0]returnoutput_mps
[docs]classMPSPrep(Operation):r"""Prepares an initial state from a matrix product state (MPS) representation. .. note:: This operator is natively supported on the ``lightning.tensor`` device, which is designed to run MPS structures efficiently. For other devices, this operation prepares the state vector represented by the MPS using a gate-based decomposition from Eq. (23) in `arXiv:2310.18410 <>`_, which requires the right canonicalization of the MPS using the :func:`~.right_canonicalize_mps` function and defining auxiliary qubits with ``work_wires``. Args: mps (list[TensorLike]): list of arrays of rank-3 and rank-2 tensors representing an MPS state as a product of site matrices. See the usage details section for more information. wires (Sequence[int]): wires that the template acts on. It should match the number of MPS tensors. work_wires (Sequence[int]): list of extra qubits needed in the decomposition. If the maximum dimension of the MPS tensors is :math:`2^k`, then :math:`k` ``work_wires`` will be needed. If no ``work_wires`` are given, this operator can only be executed on the ``lightning.tensor`` device. Default is ``None``. right_canonicalize (bool): indicates whether a conversion to right-canonical form should be performed to the MPS. Default is ``False``. .. seealso:: :func:`~.right_canonicalize_mps`. **Example** Example using the ``lightning.tensor`` device: .. code-block:: mps = [ np.array([[0.0, 0.107], [0.994, 0.0]]), np.array( [ [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]], ] ), np.array([[-1.0, -0.0], [-0.0, -1.0]]), ] dev = qml.device("lightning.tensor", wires=3) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.MPSPrep(mps, wires = [0,1,2]) return qml.state() .. code-block:: pycon >>> print(circuit()) [ 0. +0.j -0.10705513+0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j -0.99451217+0.j 0. +0.j] Example using the ``default.qubit`` device: .. code-block:: dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=4) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.MPSPrep(mps, wires = [1,2,3], work_wires = [0]) return qml.state() .. code-block:: pycon >>> print(circuit()[:8]) [ 0. +0.j -0.10705513+0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j 0. +0.j -0.99451217+0.j 0. +0.j] .. details:: :title: Usage Details The input MPS must be a list of :math:`n` tensors :math:`[A^{(0)}, ..., A^{(n-1)}]` with shapes :math:`d_0, ..., d_{n-1}`, respectively. The first and last tensors have rank :math:`2` while the intermediate tensors have rank :math:`3`. The first tensor must have the shape :math:`d_0 = (d_{0,0}, d_{0,1})` where :math:`d_{0,0}` and :math:`d_{0,1}` correspond to the physical dimension of the site and an auxiliary bond dimension connecting it to the next tensor, respectively. The last tensor must have the shape :math:`d_{n-1} = (d_{n-1,0}, d_{n-1,1})` where :math:`d_{n-1,0}` and :math:`d_{n-1,1}` represent the auxiliary dimension from the previous site and the physical dimension of the site, respectively. The intermediate tensors must have the shape :math:`d_j = (d_{j,0}, d_{j,1}, d_{j,2})`, where: - :math:`d_{j,0}` is the bond dimension connecting to the previous tensor - :math:`d_{j,1}` is the physical dimension for the site - :math:`d_{j,2}` is the bond dimension connecting to the next tensor Note that the bond dimensions must match between adjacent tensors such that :math:`d_{j-1,2} = d_{j,0}`. Additionally, the physical dimension of the site should always be fixed at :math:`2` (since the dimension of a qubit is :math:`2`), while the other dimensions must be powers of two. The following example shows a valid MPS input containing four tensors with dimensions :math:`[(2,2), (2,2,4), (4,2,2), (2,2)]` which satisfy the criteria described above. .. code-block:: mps = [ np.array([[0.0, 0.107], [0.994, 0.0]]), np.array( [ [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0]], [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0]], ] ), np.array( [ [[-1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]], [[0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]], ] ), np.array([[-1.0, -0.0], [-0.0, -1.0]]), ] """def__init__(self,mps,wires,work_wires=None,right_canonicalize=False,id=None):# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments_validate_mps_shape(mps)self.hyperparameters["input_wires"]=qml.wires.Wires(wires)self.hyperparameters["right_canonicalize"]=right_canonicalizeifwork_wires:self.hyperparameters["work_wires"]=qml.wires.Wires(work_wires)all_wires=self.hyperparameters["input_wires"]+self.hyperparameters["work_wires"]else:self.hyperparameters["work_wires"]=Noneall_wires=self.hyperparameters["input_wires"]super().__init__(*mps,wires=all_wires,id=id)@propertydefmps(self):"""list representing the MPS input"""returnself.datadef_flatten(self):hyperparameters=(("wires",self.hyperparameters["input_wires"]),("work_wires",self.hyperparameters["work_wires"]),("right_canonicalize",self.hyperparameters["right_canonicalize"]),)returnself.mps,hyperparameters@classmethoddef_unflatten(cls,data,metadata):hyperparams_dict=dict(metadata)returncls(data,**hyperparams_dict)
@classmethoddef_primitive_bind_call(cls,mps,wires,id=None):# pylint: disable=arguments-differifcls._primitiveisNone:# guard against this being called when primitive is not defined.returntype.__call__(cls,mps=mps,wires=wires,id=id)# pragma: no coverreturncls._primitive.bind(*mps,wires=wires,id=id)
[docs]@staticmethoddefcompute_decomposition(mps,wires,work_wires,right_canonicalize=False):# pylint: disable=arguments-differr"""Representation of the operator as a product of other operators. The decomposition follows Eq. (23) in `arXiv:2310.18410 <>`_. Args: mps (list[Array]): list of arrays of rank-3 and rank-2 tensors representing an MPS state as a product of site matrices. wires (Sequence[int]): wires that the template acts on. It should match the number of MPS tensors. work_wires (Sequence[int]): list of extra qubits needed in the decomposition. If the maximum dimension of the MPS tensors is `2^k``, then k ``work_wires`` will be needed. If no ``work_wires`` are given, this operator can only be executed on the ``lightning.tensor`` device. Default is ``None``. right_canonicalize (bool): Indicates whether a conversion to right-canonical form should be performed to the mps. Default is ``False``. Returns: list[.Operator]: Decomposition of the operator """ifwork_wiresisNone:raiseValueError("The qml.MPSPrep decomposition requires `work_wires` to be specified.")max_bond_dimension=0foriinrange(len(mps)-1):bond_dim=mps[i].shape[-1]max_bond_dimension=max(max_bond_dimension,bond_dim)ifmax_bond_dimension>2**len(work_wires):raiseValueError(f"Incorrect number of `work_wires`. At least {int(qml.math.ceil(qml.math.log2(max_bond_dimension)))} `work_wires` must be provided.")ops=[]n_wires=len(work_wires)+1mps=mps.copy()# Transform the MPS to ensure that the generated matrix is unitaryifright_canonicalize:mps=right_canonicalize_mps(mps)mps[0]=mps[0].reshape((1,*mps[0].shape))mps[-1]=mps[-1].reshape((*mps[-1].shape,1))interface,dtype=qml.math.get_interface(mps[0]),mps[0].dtypefori,Aiinenumerate(mps):# Encode the tensor Ai in a unitary matrix following Eq.23 in[]forcolumninAi:vector=qml.math.zeros(2**n_wires,like=interface,dtype=dtype)ifinterface=="jax"[:len(column[0])].set(column[0])[2**(n_wires-1):2**(n_wires-1)+len(column[1])].set(column[1])else:vector[:len(column[0])]=column[0]vector[2**(n_wires-1):2**(n_wires-1)+len(column[1])]=column[1]vectors.append(vector)vectors=qml.math.stack(vectors).T# The unitary is completed using QR decompositiond,k=vectors.shapenew_columns=qml.math.array(np.random.RandomState(42).random((d,d-k)))unitary_matrix,R=qml.math.linalg.qr(qml.math.hstack([vectors,new_columns]))unitary_matrix*=qml.math.sign(qml.math.diag(R))# Enforce uniqueness for QR decompositionops.append(qml.QubitUnitary(unitary_matrix,wires=[wires[i]]+work_wires))returnops