Source code for pennylane.templates.subroutines.qsvt

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Contains the QSVT template and qsvt wrapper function.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
import copy
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial, chebyshev

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.operation import AnyWires, Operation
from pennylane.ops.op_math import adjoint
from pennylane.queuing import QueuingManager
from pennylane.wires import Wires

# pylint: disable=too-many-branches, unused-argument
[docs]def qsvt(A, poly, encoding_wires=None, block_encoding=None, **kwargs): r""" Implements the Quantum Singular Value Transformation (QSVT) for a matrix or Hamiltonian ``A``, using a polynomial defined by ``poly`` and a block encoding specified by ``block_encoding``. .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} A & * \\ * & * \\ \end{pmatrix} \xrightarrow{QSVT} \begin{pmatrix} \text{poly}(A) + i \dots & * \\ * & * \\ \end{pmatrix} The polynomial transformation is encoded as the real part of the top left term after applying the operator. This function calculates the required phase angles from the polynomial using :func:`~.poly_to_angles`. .. note:: The function ``poly_to_angles``, used within ``qsvt``, is not JIT-compatible, which prevents ``poly`` from being traceable in ``qsvt``. However, ``A`` is traceable and can be optimized by JIT within this function. Args: A (Union[tensor_like, Operator]): The matrix on which the QSVT will be applied. This can be an array or an object that has a Pauli representation. See :func:`~.pauli_decompose`. poly (tensor_like): coefficients of the polynomial ordered from lowest to highest power encoding_wires (Sequence[int]): The qubit wires used for the block encoding. See Usage Details below for more information on ``encoding_wires`` depending on the block encoding used. block_encoding (str): Specifies the type of block encoding to use. Options include: - ``"prepselprep"``: Embeds the Hamiltonian ``A`` using :class:`~pennylane.PrepSelPrep`. Default encoding for Hamiltonians. - ``"qubitization"``: Embeds the Hamiltonian ``A`` using :class:`~pennylane.Qubitization`. - ``"embedding"``: Embeds the matrix ``A`` using :class:`~pennylane.BlockEncode`. Template not hardware compatible. Default encoding for matrices. - ``"fable"``: Embeds the matrix ``A`` using :class:`~pennylane.FABLE`. Template hardware compatible. Returns: (Operator): A quantum operator implementing QSVT on the matrix ``A`` with the specified encoding and projector phases. .. seealso:: :class:`~.QSVT` Example: .. code-block:: python # P(x) = -x + 0.5 x^3 + 0.5 x^5 poly = np.array([0, -1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]) hamiltonian =[0.3, 0.7], [qml.Z(1), qml.X(1) @ qml.Z(2)]) dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.qsvt(hamiltonian, poly, encoding_wires=[0], block_encoding="prepselprep") return qml.state() matrix = qml.matrix(circuit, wire_order=[0, 1, 2])() .. code-block:: pycon >>> print(matrix[:4, :4].real) [[-0.1625 0. -0.3793 0. ] [ 0. -0.1625 0. 0.3793] [-0.3793 0. 0.1625 0. ] [ 0. 0.3793 0. 0.1625]] .. details:: :title: Usage Details If the input ``A`` is a Hamiltonian, the valid ``block_encoding`` values are ``"prepselprep"`` and ``"qubitization"``. In this case, ``encoding_wires`` refers to the ``control`` parameter in the templates :class:`~pennylane.PrepSelPrep` and :class:`~pennylane.Qubitization`, respectively. These wires represent the auxiliary qubits necessary for the block encoding of the Hamiltonian. The number of ``encoding_wires`` required must be :math:`\lceil \log_2(m) \rceil`, where :math:`m` is the number of terms in the Hamiltonian. .. code-block:: python # P(x) = -1 + 0.2 x^2 + 0.5 x^4 poly = np.array([-1, 0, 0.2, 0, 0.5]) hamiltonian =[0.3, 0.4, 0.3], [qml.Z(2), qml.X(2) @ qml.Z(3), qml.X(2)]) dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.qsvt(hamiltonian, poly, encoding_wires=[0, 1], block_encoding="prepselprep") return qml.state() matrix = qml.matrix(circuit, wire_order=[0, 1, 2, 3])() .. code-block:: pycon >>> print(np.round(matrix[:4, :4], 4).real) [[-0.7158 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0. -0.975 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. -0.7158 0. ] [ 0. -0. 0. -0.975 ]] Alternatively, if the input ``A`` is a matrix, the valid values for ``block_encoding`` are ``"embedding"`` and ``"fable"``. In this case, the ``encoding_wires`` parameter corresponds to the ``wires`` attribute in the templates :class:`~pennylane.BlockEncode` and :class:`~pennylane.FABLE`, respectively. Note that for QSVT to work, the input matrix must be Hermitian. .. code-block:: python # P(x) = -1 + 0.2 x^2 + 0.5 x^4 poly = np.array([-0.1, 0, 0.2, 0, 0.5]) A = np.array([[-0.1, 0, 0, 0.1], [0, 0.2, 0, 0], [0, 0, -0.2, -0.2], [0.1, 0, -0.2, -0.1]]) dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.qsvt(A, poly, encoding_wires=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], block_encoding="fable") return qml.state() matrix = qml.matrix(circuit, wire_order=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])() .. code-block:: pycon >>> print(np.round(matrix[:4, :4], 4).real) [[-0.0954 0. -0.0056 -0.0054] [ 0. -0.0912 -0. -0. ] [-0.0056 0. -0.0788 0.0164] [-0.0054 -0. 0.0164 -0.0842]] Note that for the FABLE block encoding to function correctly, it must comply with the following: .. math:: d \|A\|^2 \leq 1, where :math:`d` is the maximum dimension of :math:`A` and :math:`\|A\|` is the 2-norm of :math:`A`. In the previous example this is satisfied since :math:`d = 4` and :math:`\|A\|^2 = 0.2`: .. code-block:: pycon >>> print(4* np.linalg.norm(A, ord='fro')**2) 0.8000000000000004 """ projectors = [] # If the input A is a Hamiltonian if hasattr(A, "pauli_rep"): if block_encoding not in ["prepselprep", "qubitization", None]: raise ValueError( "block_encoding = {block_encoding} not supported for A of type {type(A)}. When A is a Hamiltonian or has a Pauli decomposition, block_encoding should take the value 'prepselprep' or 'qubitization'. Otherwise, please provide the matrix of the Hamiltonian as input. For more details, see the 'qml.matrix' function." ) if any(wire in qml.wires.Wires(encoding_wires) for wire in A.wires): raise ValueError( f"Control wires in '{block_encoding}' should be different from the hamiltonian wires" ) encoding = ( qml.Qubitization(A, control=encoding_wires) if block_encoding == "qubitization" else qml.PrepSelPrep(A, control=encoding_wires) ) angles = qml.poly_to_angles(poly, "QSVT") projectors = [ qml.PCPhase(angle, dim=2 ** len(A.wires), wires=encoding_wires + A.wires) for angle in angles ] else: if block_encoding not in ["embedding", "fable", None]: raise ValueError( "block_encoding = {block_encoding} not supported for A of type {type(A)}. When A is a matrix block_encoding should take the value 'embedding' or 'fable'. Otherwise, please provide an input with a Pauli decomposition. For more details, see the 'qml.pauli_decompose' function." ) A = qml.math.atleast_2d(A) max_dimension = 1 if len(qml.math.array(A).shape) == 0 else max(A.shape) if block_encoding == "fable": if qml.math.linalg.norm(max_dimension * qml.math.ravel(A), np.inf) > 1: raise ValueError( "The subnormalization factor should be lower than 1. Ensure that the product of the maximum dimension of A and its square norm is less than 1." ) # FABLE encodes A / 2^n, need to rescale to obtain desired block-encoding fable_norm = int(np.ceil(np.log2(max_dimension))) encoding = qml.FABLE(2**fable_norm * A, wires=encoding_wires) angles = qml.poly_to_angles(poly, "QSVT") projectors = [qml.PCPhase(angle, dim=len(A), wires=encoding_wires) for angle in angles] else: c, r = qml.math.shape(A) angles = qml.poly_to_angles(poly, "QSVT") for idx, phi in enumerate(angles): dim = c if idx % 2 else r projectors.append(qml.PCPhase(phi, dim=dim, wires=encoding_wires)) encoding = qml.BlockEncode(A, wires=encoding_wires) return QSVT(encoding, projectors)
[docs]class QSVT(Operation): r"""QSVT(UA,projectors) Implements the `quantum singular value transformation <>`__ (QSVT) circuit. .. note :: This template allows users to define hardware-compatible block encoding and projector-controlled phase shift circuits. For a QSVT implementation that is tailored to work directly with an input matrix and a transformation polynomial see :func:`~.qsvt`. Given an :class:`~.Operator` :math:`U`, which block encodes the matrix :math:`A`, and a list of projector-controlled phase shift operations :math:`\vec{\Pi}_\phi`, this template applies a circuit for the quantum singular value transformation as follows. When the number of projector-controlled phase shifts is even (:math:`d` is odd), the QSVT circuit is defined as: .. math:: U_{QSVT} = \tilde{\Pi}_{\phi_1}U\left[\prod^{(d-1)/2}_{k=1}\Pi_{\phi_{2k}}U^\dagger \tilde{\Pi}_{\phi_{2k+1}}U\right]\Pi_{\phi_{d+1}}. And when the number of projector-controlled phase shifts is odd (:math:`d` is even): .. math:: U_{QSVT} = \left[\prod^{d/2}_{k=1}\Pi_{\phi_{2k-1}}U^\dagger\tilde{\Pi}_{\phi_{2k}}U\right] \Pi_{\phi_{d+1}}. This circuit applies a polynomial transformation (:math:`Poly^{SV}`) to the singular values of the block encoded matrix: .. math:: \begin{align} U_{QSVT}(A, \vec{\phi}) &= \begin{bmatrix} Poly^{SV}(A) & \cdot \\ \cdot & \cdot \end{bmatrix}. \end{align} .. seealso:: :func:`~.qsvt` and `A Grand Unification of Quantum Algorithms <>`_. Args: UA (Operator): the block encoding circuit, specified as an :class:`~.Operator`, like :class:`~.BlockEncode` projectors (Sequence[Operator]): a list of projector-controlled phase shifts that implement the desired polynomial Raises: ValueError: if the input block encoding is not an operator **Example** To implement QSVT in a circuit, we can use the following method: >>> dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=[0]) >>> block_encoding = qml.Hadamard(wires=0) # note H is a block encoding of 1/sqrt(2) >>> phase_shifts = [qml.RZ(-2 * theta, wires=0) for theta in (1.23, -0.5, 4)] # -2*theta to match convention >>> >>> @qml.qnode(dev) >>> def example_circuit(): ... qml.QSVT(block_encoding, phase_shifts) ... return qml.expval(qml.Z(0)) >>> >>> example_circuit() 0.5403023058681395 We can visualize the circuit as follows: >>> print(qml.draw(example_circuit)()) 0: ──QSVT─┤ <Z> To see the implementation details, we can expand the circuit: >>> q_script = qml.tape.QuantumScript(ops=[qml.QSVT(block_encoding, phase_shifts)]) >>> print(q_script.expand().draw(decimals=2)) 0: ──RZ(-2.46)──H──RZ(1.00)──H†──RZ(-8.00)─┤ See the Usage Details section for more examples on implementing QSVT with different block encoding methods. .. details:: :title: Usage Details The QSVT operation can be used with different block encoding methods, depending on the initial operator for which the singular value transformation is applied and the desired backend device. Examples are provided below. If we want to transform the singular values of a matrix, the matrix can be block-encoded with either the :class:`~.BlockEncode` or :class:`~.FABLE` operations. Note that :class:`~.BlockEncode` is more efficient on simulator devices but it cannot be used with hardware backends because it currently has no gate decomposition. The :class:`~.FABLE` operation is less efficient on simulator devices but is hardware compatible. The following example applies the polynomial :math:`p(x) = -x + 0.5x^3 + 0.5x^5` to an arbitrary hermitian matrix using :class:`~.BlockEncode` for block encoding. .. code-block:: poly = np.array([0, -1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]) angles = qml.poly_to_angles(poly, "QSVT") input_matrix = np.array([[0.2, 0.1], [0.1, -0.1]]) wires = [0, 1] block_encode = qml.BlockEncode(input_matrix, wires=wires) projectors = [ qml.PCPhase(angles[i], dim=len(input_matrix), wires=wires) for i in range(len(angles)) ] dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.QSVT(block_encode, projectors) return qml.state() .. code-block:: pycon >>> circuit() array([-0.194205 +0.66654551j, -0.097905 +0.35831418j, 0.3319832 -0.51047262j, -0.09551437+0.01043668j]) If we want to transform the singular values of a linear combination of unitaries, e.g., a Hamiltonian, it can be block-encoded with operations such as :class:`~.PrepSelPrep` or :class:`~.Qubitization`. Note that both of these operations have a gate decomposition and can be implemented on hardware. The following example applies the polynomial :math:`p(x) = -x + 0.5x^3 + 0.5x^5` to the Hamiltonian :math:`H = 0.1X_3 - 0.7X_3Z_4 - 0.2Z_3Y_4`, block-encoded with :class:`~.PrepSelPrep`. .. code-block:: poly = np.array([0, -1, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]) H = 0.1 * qml.X(2) - 0.7 * qml.X(2) @ qml.Z(3) - 0.2 * qml.Z(2) control_wires = [0, 1] block_encode = qml.PrepSelPrep(H, control=control_wires) angles = qml.poly_to_angles(poly, "QSVT") projectors = [ qml.PCPhase(angles[i], dim=2 ** len(H.wires), wires=control_wires + H.wires) for i in range(len(angles)) ] dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(): qml.QSVT(block_encode, projectors) return qml.state() .. code-block:: pycon >>> circuit() array([ 1.44000000e-01+1.01511390e-01j, 0.00000000e+00+0.00000000e+00j, 4.32000000e-01+3.04534169e-01j, 0.00000000e+00+0.00000000e+00j, 1.92998954e-17+5.00377363e-17j, 0.00000000e+00+0.00000000e+00j, 5.59003542e-01+9.65699229e-02j, 0.00000000e+00+0.00000000e+00j, 4.22566958e-01+7.30000000e-02j, 0.00000000e+00+0.00000000e+00j, -3.16925218e-01-5.47500000e-02j, 0.00000000e+00+0.00000000e+00j, -2.98448441e-17-3.10878188e-17j, 0.00000000e+00+0.00000000e+00j, -2.79501771e-01-4.82849614e-02j, 0.00000000e+00+0.00000000e+00j]) """ num_wires = AnyWires """int: Number of wires that the operator acts on.""" grad_method = None """Gradient computation method.""" def _flatten(self): data = (self.hyperparameters["UA"], self.hyperparameters["projectors"]) return data, tuple() @classmethod def _primitive_bind_call(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls._primitive.bind(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _unflatten(cls, data, _) -> "QSVT": return cls(*data) def __init__(self, UA, projectors, id=None): if not isinstance(UA, qml.operation.Operator): raise ValueError("Input block encoding must be an Operator") self._hyperparameters = { "UA": UA, "projectors": projectors, } total_wires = qml.wires.Wires.all_wires( [proj.wires for proj in projectors] ) + qml.wires.Wires(UA.wires) super().__init__(wires=total_wires, id=id)
[docs] def map_wires(self, wire_map: dict): # pylint: disable=protected-access new_op = copy.deepcopy(self) new_op._wires = Wires([wire_map.get(wire, wire) for wire in self.wires]) new_op._hyperparameters["UA"] = qml.map_wires(new_op._hyperparameters["UA"], wire_map) new_op._hyperparameters["projectors"] = [ qml.map_wires(proj, wire_map) for proj in new_op._hyperparameters["projectors"] ] return new_op
@property def data(self): r"""Flattened list of operator data in this QSVT operation. This ensures that the backend of a ``QuantumScript`` which contains a ``QSVT`` operation can be inferred with respect to the types of the ``QSVT`` block encoding and projector-controlled phase shift data. """ return tuple(datum for op in self._operators for datum in @data.setter def data(self, new_data): # We need to check if ``new_data`` is empty because ``Operator.__init__()`` will attempt to # assign the QSVT data to an empty tuple (since no positional arguments are provided). if new_data: for op in self._operators: if op.num_params > 0: = new_data[: op.num_params] new_data = new_data[op.num_params :] def __copy__(self): # Override Operator.__copy__() to avoid setting the "data" property before the new instance # is assigned hyper-parameters since QSVT data is derived from the hyper-parameters. clone = QSVT.__new__(QSVT) # Ensure the operators in the hyper-parameters are copied instead of aliased. clone._hyperparameters = { "UA": copy.copy(self._hyperparameters["UA"]), "projectors": list(map(copy.copy, self._hyperparameters["projectors"])), } for attr, value in vars(self).items(): if attr != "_hyperparameters": setattr(clone, attr, value) return clone @property def _operators(self) -> list[qml.operation.Operator]: """Flattened list of operators that compose this QSVT operation.""" return [self._hyperparameters["UA"], *self._hyperparameters["projectors"]]
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_decomposition( *_data, UA, projectors, **_kwargs ): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ r"""Representation of the operator as a product of other operators. The :class:`~.QSVT` is decomposed into alternating block encoding and projector-controlled phase shift operators. This is defined by the following equations, where :math:`U` is the block encoding operation and both :math:`\Pi_\phi` and :math:`\tilde{\Pi}_\phi` are projector-controlled phase shifts with angle :math:`\phi`. When the number of projector-controlled phase shifts is even (:math:`d` is odd), the QSVT circuit is defined as: .. math:: U_{QSVT} = \Pi_{\phi_1}U\left[\prod^{(d-1)/2}_{k=1}\Pi_{\phi_{2k}}U^\dagger \tilde{\Pi}_{\phi_{2k+1}}U\right]\Pi_{\phi_{d+1}}. And when the number of projector-controlled phase shifts is odd (:math:`d` is even): .. math:: U_{QSVT} = \left[\prod^{d/2}_{k=1}\Pi_{\phi_{2k-1}}U^\dagger\tilde{\Pi}_{\phi_{2k}}U\right] \Pi_{\phi_{d+1}}. .. seealso:: :meth:`~.QSVT.decomposition`. Args: UA (Operator): the block encoding circuit, specified as a :class:`~.Operator` projectors (list[Operator]): a list of projector-controlled phase shift circuits that implement the desired polynomial Returns: list[.Operator]: decomposition of the operator """ op_list = [] UA_adj = copy.copy(UA) for idx, op in enumerate(projectors[:-1]): if qml.QueuingManager.recording(): qml.apply(op) op_list.append(op) if idx % 2 == 0: if qml.QueuingManager.recording(): qml.apply(UA) op_list.append(UA) else: op_list.append(adjoint(UA_adj)) if qml.QueuingManager.recording(): qml.apply(projectors[-1]) op_list.append(projectors[-1]) return op_list
[docs] def label(self, decimals=None, base_label=None, cache=None): op_label = base_label or self.__class__.__name__ return op_label
[docs] def queue(self, context=QueuingManager): context.remove(self._hyperparameters["UA"]) for op in self._hyperparameters["projectors"]: context.remove(op) context.append(self) return self
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_matrix(*args, **kwargs): r"""Representation of the operator as a canonical matrix in the computational basis (static method). The canonical matrix is the textbook matrix representation that does not consider wires. Implicitly, this assumes that the wires of the operator correspond to the global wire order. .. seealso:: :meth:`~.Operator.matrix` and :func:`~.matrix` Args: *params (list): trainable parameters of the operator, as stored in the ``parameters`` attribute **hyperparams (dict): non-trainable hyperparameters of the operator, as stored in the ``hyperparameters`` attribute Returns: tensor_like: matrix representation """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument op_list = [] UA = kwargs["UA"] projectors = kwargs["projectors"] with ( QueuingManager.stop_recording() ): # incase this method is called in a queue context, this prevents UA_copy = copy.copy(UA) # us from queuing operators unnecessarily for idx, op in enumerate(projectors[:-1]): op_list.append(op) if idx % 2 == 0: op_list.append(UA) else: op_list.append(adjoint(UA_copy)) op_list.append(projectors[-1]) mat = qml.matrix(*tuple(op_list[::-1]))) return mat
def _complementary_poly(poly_coeffs): r""" Computes the complementary polynomial Q given a polynomial P. The polynomial Q is complementary to P if it satisfies the following equation: .. math: |P(e^{i\theta})|^2 + |Q(e^{i\theta})|^2 = 1, \quad \forall \quad \theta \in \left[0, 2\pi\right] The method is based on computing an auxiliary polynomial R, finding its roots, and reconstructing Q by using information extracted from the roots. For more details see `arXiv:2308.01501 <>`_. Args: poly_coeffs (tensor-like): coefficients of the complex polynomial P Returns: tensor-like: coefficients of the complementary polynomial Q """ poly_degree = len(poly_coeffs) - 1 # Build the polynomial R(z) = z^degree * (1 - conj(P(1/z)) * P(z)), deduced from (eq.33) and (eq.34) of # `arXiv:2308.01501 <>`_. # Note that conj(P(1/z)) * P(z) could be expressed as z^-degree * conj(P(z)[::-1]) * P(z) R = Polynomial.basis(poly_degree) - Polynomial(poly_coeffs) * Polynomial( np.conj(poly_coeffs[::-1]) ) r_roots = R.roots() inside_circle = [root for root in r_roots if np.abs(root) <= 1] outside_circle = [root for root in r_roots if np.abs(root) > 1] scale_factor = np.sqrt(np.abs(R.coef[-1] * Q_poly = scale_factor * Polynomial.fromroots(inside_circle) return Q_poly.coef def _compute_qsp_angle(poly_coeffs): r""" Computes the Quantum Signal Processing (QSP) angles given the coefficients of a polynomial F. The method for computing the QSP angles is adapted from the approach described in [`arXiv:2406.04246 <>`_] for Generalized-QSP. Args: poly_coeffs (tensor-like): coefficients of the input polynomial F Returns: (tensor-like): QSP angles corresponding to the input polynomial F .. details:: :title: Implementation details Based on the appendix A in `arXiv:2406.04246 <>`_, the target polynomial :math:`F` is transformed into a new polynomial :math:`P` by following the steps below: 0. The input to the function are the coefficients of :math:`F`, e.g. :math:`[c_0, 0, c_1, 0, c_2]`. 1. We express the polynomial in the Chebyshev basis by applying the Chebyshev transform. This generates a new representation :math:`[a_0, 0, a_1, 0, a_2]`. 2. We generate :math:`P` by reordering the array, moving the zeros to the initial positions. :math:`P = [0, 0, a_0, a_1, a_2]`. The polynomial :math:`P` can now be used in Algorithm 1 of [`arXiv:2308.01501 <>`_] in order to find the desired angles. The above algorithm is specific to Generalized-QSP so an adaptation has been made to return the required angles: - The :math:`R(\theta, \phi, \lambda)` gate, is simplified into a :math:`R_Y(\theta)` gate. - The calculation of :math:`\theta_d` is updated to :math:`\theta_d = \tan^{-1}(\frac{a_d}{b_d})`. In this way, the sign introduced by :math:`\phi_d` and :math:`\lambda_d` is absorbed in the :math:`\theta_d` value. """ parity = (len(poly_coeffs) - 1) % 2 P = np.concatenate( [np.zeros(len(poly_coeffs) // 2), chebyshev.poly2cheb(poly_coeffs)[parity::2]] ) * (1 - 1e-12) complementary = _complementary_poly(P) polynomial_matrix = np.array([P, complementary]) num_terms = polynomial_matrix.shape[1] rotation_angles = np.zeros(num_terms) # Adaptation of Algorithm 1 of [arXiv:2308.01501] with qml.QueuingManager.stop_recording(): for idx in range(num_terms - 1, -1, -1): poly_a, poly_b = polynomial_matrix[:, idx] rotation_angles[idx] = np.arctan2(poly_b.real, poly_a.real) rotation_op = qml.matrix(qml.RY(-2 * rotation_angles[idx], wires=0)) updated_poly_matrix = rotation_op @ polynomial_matrix polynomial_matrix = np.array( [updated_poly_matrix[0][1 : idx + 1], updated_poly_matrix[1][0:idx]] ) return rotation_angles def _gqsp_u3_gate(theta, phi, lambd): r""" Computes the U3 gate matrix for Generalized Quantum Signal Processing (GQSP) as described in [`arXiv:2406.04246 <>`_] """ exp_phi = qml.math.exp(1j * phi) exp_lambda = qml.math.exp(1j * lambd) exp_lambda_phi = qml.math.exp(1j * (lambd + phi)) matrix = np.array( [ [exp_lambda_phi * qml.math.cos(theta), exp_phi * qml.math.sin(theta)], [exp_lambda * qml.math.sin(theta), -qml.math.cos(theta)], ], dtype=complex, ) return matrix def _compute_gqsp_angles(poly_coeffs): r""" Computes the Generalized Quantum Signal Processing (GQSP) angles given the coefficients of a polynomial P. The method for computing the GQSP angles is based on the algorithm described in [`arXiv:2406.04246 <>`_]. The complementary polynomial is calculated using root-finding methods. Args: poly_coeffs (tensor-like): Coefficients of the input polynomial P. Returns: (tensor-like): QSP angles corresponding to the input polynomial P. The shape is (3, P-degree) """ complementary = _complementary_poly(poly_coeffs) # Algorithm 1 in [arXiv:2308.01501] input_data = qml.math.array([poly_coeffs, complementary]) num_elements = input_data.shape[1] angles_theta, angles_phi, angles_lambda = qml.math.zeros([3, num_elements]) for idx in range(num_elements - 1, -1, -1): component_a, component_b = input_data[:, idx] angles_theta[idx] = qml.math.arctan2(np.abs(component_b), qml.math.abs(component_a)) angles_phi[idx] = ( 0 if qml.math.isclose(qml.math.abs(component_b), 0, atol=1e-10) else qml.math.angle(component_a * qml.math.conj(component_b)) ) if idx == 0: angles_lambda[0] = qml.math.angle(component_b) else: updated_matrix = ( _gqsp_u3_gate(angles_theta[idx], angles_phi[idx], 0).conj().T @ input_data ) input_data = qml.math.array([updated_matrix[0][1 : idx + 1], updated_matrix[1][0:idx]]) return angles_theta, angles_phi, angles_lambda
[docs]def transform_angles(angles, routine1, routine2): r""" Converts angles for quantum signal processing (QSP) and quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) routines. The transformation is based on Appendix A.2 of `arXiv:2105.02859 <>`_. Note that QSVT is equivalent to taking the reflection convention of QSP. Args: angles (tensor-like): angles to be transformed routine1 (str): the current routine for which the angles are obtained, must be either ``"QSP"`` or ``"QSVT"`` routine2 (str): the target routine for which the angles should be transformed, must be either ``"QSP"`` or ``"QSVT"`` Returns: tensor-like: the transformed angles as an array **Example** .. code-block:: >>> qsp_angles = np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.5]) >>> qsvt_angles = qml.transform_angles(qsp_angles, "QSP", "QSVT") >>> print(qsvt_angles) [-6.86858347 1.87079633 -0.28539816] .. details:: :title: Usage Details This example applies the polynomial :math:`P(x) = x - \frac{x^3}{2} + \frac{x^5}{3}` to a block-encoding of :math:`x = 0.2`. .. code-block:: poly = np.array([0, 1.0, 0, -1/2, 0, 1/3]) qsp_angles = qml.poly_to_angles(poly, "QSP") qsvt_angles = qml.transform_angles(qsp_angles, "QSP", "QSVT") x = 0.2 # Encodes x in the top left of the matrix block_encoding = qml.RX(2 * np.arccos(x), wires=0) projectors = [qml.PCPhase(angle, dim=1, wires=0) for angle in qsvt_angles] @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit")) def circuit_qsvt(): qml.QSVT(block_encoding, projectors) return qml.state() output = qml.matrix(circuit_qsvt, wire_order=[0])()[0, 0] expected = sum(coef * (x**i) for i, coef in enumerate(poly)) print("output qsvt: ", output.real) print("P(x) = ", expected) .. code-block:: pycon output qsvt: 0.19610666666647059 P(x) = 0.19610666666666668 """ if routine1 == "QSP" and routine2 == "QSVT": num_angles = len(angles) update_vals = np.empty(num_angles) update_vals[0] = 3 * np.pi / 4 - (3 + num_angles % 4) * np.pi / 2 update_vals[1:-1] = np.pi / 2 update_vals[-1] = -np.pi / 4 update_vals = qml.math.convert_like(update_vals, angles) return angles + update_vals if routine1 == "QSVT" and routine2 == "QSP": num_angles = len(angles) update_vals = np.empty(num_angles) update_vals[0] = 3 * np.pi / 4 - (3 + num_angles % 4) * np.pi / 2 update_vals[1:-1] = np.pi / 2 update_vals[-1] = -np.pi / 4 update_vals = qml.math.convert_like(update_vals, angles) return angles - update_vals raise AssertionError( f"Invalid conversion. The conversion between {routine1} --> {routine2} is not defined." )
[docs]def poly_to_angles(poly, routine, angle_solver: Literal["root-finding"] = "root-finding"): r""" Computes the angles needed to implement a polynomial transformation with quantum signal processing (QSP) or quantum singular value transformation (QSVT). The polynomial :math:`P(x) = \sum_n a_n x^n` must satisfy :math:`|P(x)| \leq 1` for :math:`x \in [-1, 1]`, the coefficients :math:`a_n` must be real and the exponents :math:`n` must be either all even or all odd. For more details see `arXiv:2105.02859 <>`_. Args: poly (tensor-like): coefficients of the polynomial ordered from lowest to highest power routine (str): the routine for which the angles are computed. Must be either ``"QSP"`` or ``"QSVT"``. angle_solver (str): the method used to calculate the angles. Default is ``"root-finding"``. ``"root-finding"`` is currently the only supported method. Returns: (tensor-like): computed angles for the specified routine Raises: AssertionError: if ``poly`` is not valid AssertionError: if ``routine`` or ``angle_solver`` is not supported **Example** This example generates the ``QSVT`` angles for the polynomial :math:`P(x) = x - \frac{x^3}{2} + \frac{x^5}{3}`. .. code-block:: >>> poly = np.array([0, 1.0, 0, -1/2, 0, 1/3]) >>> qsvt_angles = qml.poly_to_angles(poly, "QSVT") >>> print(qsvt_angles) [-5.49778714 1.57079633 1.57079633 0.5833829 1.61095884 0.74753829] .. details:: :title: Usage Details This example applies the polynomial :math:`P(x) = x - \frac{x^3}{2} + \frac{x^5}{3}` to a block-encoding of :math:`x = 0.2`. .. code-block:: poly = np.array([0, 1.0, 0, -1/2, 0, 1/3]) qsvt_angles = qml.poly_to_angles(poly, "QSVT") x = 0.2 # Encode x in the top left of the matrix block_encoding = qml.RX(2 * np.arccos(x), wires=0) projectors = [qml.PCPhase(angle, dim=1, wires=0) for angle in qsvt_angles] @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit")) def circuit_qsvt(): qml.QSVT(block_encoding, projectors) return qml.state() output = qml.matrix(circuit_qsvt, wire_order=[0])()[0, 0] expected = sum(coef * (x**i) for i, coef in enumerate(poly)) print("output qsvt: ", output.real) print("P(x) = ", expected) .. code-block:: pycon output qsvt: 0.19610666666647059 P(x) = 0.19610666666666668 """ poly = qml.math.trim_zeros(qml.math.array(poly, like="numpy"), trim="b") if len(poly) == 1: raise AssertionError("The polynomial must have at least degree 1.") for x in [-1, 0, 1]: if qml.math.abs(qml.math.sum(coeff * x**i for i, coeff in enumerate(poly))) > 1: # Check that |P(x)| ≤ 1. Only points -1, 0, 1 will be checked. raise AssertionError("The polynomial must satisfy that |P(x)| ≤ 1 for all x in [-1, 1]") if routine in ["QSVT", "QSP"]: if not ( np.isclose(qml.math.sum(qml.math.abs(poly[::2])), 0.0) or np.isclose(qml.math.sum(qml.math.abs(poly[1::2])), 0.0) ): raise AssertionError( "The polynomial has no definite parity. All odd or even entries in the array must take a value of zero." ) assert np.allclose( np.array(poly, dtype=np.complex128).imag, 0 ), "Array must not have an imaginary part" if routine == "QSVT": if angle_solver == "root-finding": return transform_angles(_compute_qsp_angle(poly), "QSP", "QSVT") raise AssertionError("Invalid angle solver method. We currently support 'root-finding'") if routine == "QSP": if angle_solver == "root-finding": return _compute_qsp_angle(poly) raise AssertionError("Invalid angle solver method. Valid value is 'root-finding'") if routine == "GQSP": return _compute_gqsp_angles(poly) raise AssertionError("Invalid routine. Valid values are 'QSP' and 'QSVT'")