Source code for pennylane.transforms.core.transform

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This module contains the transform function/decorator to make your custom transforms compatible with tapes, quantum
functions and QNodes.
from typing import get_type_hints

from .transform_dispatcher import TransformDispatcher, TransformError

[docs]def transform( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments quantum_transform, expand_transform=None, classical_cotransform=None, is_informative=False, final_transform=False, use_argnum_in_expand=False, plxpr_transform=None, ) -> TransformDispatcher: r"""Generalizes a function that transforms tapes to work with additional circuit-like objects such as a :class:`~.QNode`. ``transform`` should be applied to a function that transforms tapes. Once validated, the result will be an object that is able to transform PennyLane's range of circuit-like objects: :class:`~.QuantumTape`, quantum function and :class:`~.QNode`. A circuit-like object can be transformed either via decoration or by passing it functionally through the created transform. Args: quantum_transform (Callable): The input quantum transform must be a function that satisfies the following requirements: * Accepts a :class:`~.QuantumTape` as its first input and returns a sequence of :class:`~.QuantumTape` and a processing function. * The transform must have the following structure (type hinting is optional): ``my_quantum_transform(tape: qml.tape.QuantumScript, ...) -> tuple[qml.tape.QuantumScriptBatch, qml.typing.PostprocessingFn]`` Keyword Args: expand_transform=None (Optional[Callable]): An optional expand transform is applied directly before the input quantum transform. It must be a function that satisfies the same requirements as ``quantum_transform``. classical_cotransform=None (Optional[Callable]): A classical co-transform is a function to post-process the classical jacobian and the quantum jacobian and has the signature: ``my_cotransform(qjac, cjac, tape) -> tensor_like`` is_informative=False (bool): Whether or not a transform is informative. If true the transform is queued at the end of the transform program and the tapes or qnode aren't executed. final_transform=False (bool): Whether or not the transform is terminal. If true the transform is queued at the end of the transform program. ``is_informative`` supersedes ``final_transform``. use_argnum_in_expand=False (bool): Whether or not to use ``argnum`` of the tape to determine trainable parameters during the expansion transform process. plxpr_transform=None (Optional[Callable]): Function for transforming plxpr. **Experimental** Returns: .TransformDispatcher: Returns a transform dispatcher object that that can transform any circuit-like object in PennyLane. **Example** First define an input quantum transform with the necessary structure defined above. In this example we copy the tape and sum the results of the execution of the two tapes. .. code-block:: python from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript, QuantumScriptBatch from pennylane.typing import PostprocessingFn def my_quantum_transform(tape: QuantumScript) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]: tape1 = tape tape2 = tape.copy() def post_processing_fn(results): return qml.math.sum(results) return [tape1, tape2], post_processing_fn We want to be able to apply this transform on both a ``qfunc`` and a :class:`pennylane.QNode` and will use ``transform`` to achieve this. ``transform`` validates the signature of your input quantum transform and makes it capable of transforming ``qfunc`` and :class:`pennylane.QNode` in addition to quantum tapes. Let's define a circuit as a :class:`pennylane.QNode`: .. code-block:: python dev = qml.device("default.qubit") @qml.qnode(device=dev) def qnode_circuit(a): qml.Hadamard(wires=0) qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1]) qml.X(0) qml.RZ(a, wires=1) return qml.expval(qml.Z(0)) We first apply ``transform`` to ``my_quantum_transform``: >>> dispatched_transform = transform(my_quantum_transform) Now you can use the dispatched transform directly on a :class:`pennylane.QNode`. For :class:`pennylane.QNode`, the dispatched transform populates the ``TransformProgram`` of your QNode. The transform and its processing function are applied in the execution. >>> transformed_qnode = dispatched_transform(qnode_circuit) <QNode: wires=2, device='default.qubit', interface='auto', diff_method='best'> >>> transformed_qnode.transform_program TransformProgram(my_quantum_transform) If we apply ``dispatched_transform`` a second time to the :class:`pennylane.QNode`, we would add it to the transform program again and therefore the transform would be applied twice before execution. >>> transformed_qnode = dispatched_transform(transformed_qnode) >>> transformed_qnode.transform_program TransformProgram(my_quantum_transform, my_quantum_transform) When a transformed QNode is executed, the QNode's transform program is applied to the generated tape and creates a sequence of tapes to be executed. The execution results are then post-processed in the reverse order of the transform program to obtain the final results. .. details:: :title: Dispatch a transform onto a batch of tapes We can compose multiple transforms when working in the tape paradigm and apply them to more than one tape. The following example demonstrates how to apply a transform to a batch of tapes. **Example** In this example, we apply sequentially a transform to a tape and another one to a batch of tapes. We then execute the transformed tapes on a device and post-process the results. .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml H = qml.PauliY(2) @ qml.PauliZ(1) + 0.5 * qml.PauliZ(2) + qml.PauliZ(1) measurement = [qml.expval(H)] operations = [qml.Hadamard(0), qml.RX(0.2, 0), qml.RX(0.6, 0), qml.CNOT((0, 1))] tape = qml.tape.QuantumTape(operations, measurement) batch1, function1 = qml.transforms.split_non_commuting(tape) batch2, function2 = qml.transforms.merge_rotations(batch1) dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3) result = dev.execute(batch2) The first ``split_non_commuting`` transform splits the original tape, returning a batch of tapes ``batch1`` and a processing function ``function1``. The second ``merge_rotations`` transform is applied to the batch of tapes returned by the first transform. It returns a new batch of tapes ``batch2``, each of which has been transformed by the second transform, and a processing function ``function2``. >>> batch2 (<QuantumTape: wires=[0, 1, 2], params=2>, <QuantumTape: wires=[0, 1, 2], params=1>) >>> type(function2) function We can combine the processing functions to post-process the results of the execution. >>> function1(function2(result)) [array(0.5)] .. details:: :title: Signature of a transform A dispatched transform is able to handle several PennyLane circuit-like objects: - :class:`pennylane.QNode` - a quantum function (callable) - :class:`pennylane.tape.QuantumTape` - a batch of :class:`pennylane.tape.QuantumTape` - :class:`pennylane.devices.Device`. For each object, the transform will be applied in a different way, but it always preserves the underlying tape-based quantum transform behaviour. The return of a dispatched transform depends upon which of the above objects is passed as an input: - For a :class:`~.QNode` input, the underlying transform is added to the QNode's :class:`~.TransformProgram` and the return is the transformed :class:`~.QNode`. For each execution of the :class:`pennylane.QNode`, it first applies the transform program on the original captured circuit. Then the transformed circuits are executed by a device and finally the post-processing function is applied on the results. When experimental program capture is enabled, transforming a :class:`~.QNode` returns a new function to which the transform has been added as a higher-order primitive. - For a quantum function (callable) input, the transform builds the tape when the quantum function is executed and then applies itself to the tape. The resulting tape is then converted back to a quantum function (callable). It therefore returns a transformed quantum function (Callable). The limitation is that the underlying transform can only return a sequence containing a single tape, because quantum functions only support a single circuit. When experimental program capture is enabled, transforming a function (callable) returns a new function to which the transform has been added as a higher-order primitive. - For a :class:`~.QuantumTape`, the underlying quantum transform is directly applied on the :class:`~.QuantumTape`. It returns a sequence of :class:`~.QuantumTape` and a processing function to be applied after execution. - For a batch of :class:`pennylane.tape.QuantumTape`, the quantum transform is mapped across all the tapes. It returns a sequence of :class:`~.QuantumTape` and a processing function to be applied after execution. Each tape in the sequence is transformed by the transform. - For a :class:`~.devices.Device`, the transform is added to the device's transform program and a transformed :class:`pennylane.devices.Device` is returned. The transform is added to the end of the device program and will be last in the overall transform program. .. details:: :title: Transforms with experimental program capture To define a transform that can be applied directly to plxpr without the need to create ``QuantumScript``\ s, users must provide the ``plxpr_transform`` argument. If this argument is not provided, executing transformed functions is not guaranteed to work. More details about this are provided below. The ``plxpr_transform`` argument should be a function that applies the respective transform to ``jax.core.Jaxpr`` and returns a transformed ``jax.core.ClosedJaxpr``. ``plxpr_transform`` can assume that no transform primitives are present in the input plxpr, and its implementation does not need to account for these primitives. The exact expected signature of ``plxpr_transform`` is shown in the example below: .. code-block:: python def dummy_plxpr_transform( jaxpr: jax.core.Jaxpr, consts: list, targs: list, tkwargs: dict, *args ) -> jax.core.ClosedJaxpr: ... Once the ``plxpr_transform`` argument is provided, the transform can be easily used with program capture enabled! To do so, apply the transform as you normally would: .. code-block:: python qml.capture.enable() @qml.transforms.cancel_inverses def circuit(): qml.X(0) qml.S(1) qml.X(0) qml.adjoint(qml.S(1)) return qml.expval(qml.Z(1)) >>> qml.capture.make_plxpr(circuit)() { lambda ; . let a:AbstractMeasurement(n_wires=None) = cancel_inverses_transform[ args_slice=slice(0, 0, None) consts_slice=slice(0, 0, None) inner_jaxpr={ lambda ; . let _:AbstractOperator() = PauliX[n_wires=1] 0 _:AbstractOperator() = S[n_wires=1] 1 _:AbstractOperator() = PauliX[n_wires=1] 0 b:AbstractOperator() = S[n_wires=1] 1 _:AbstractOperator() = Adjoint b c:AbstractOperator() = PauliZ[n_wires=1] 1 d:AbstractMeasurement(n_wires=None) = expval_obs c in (d,) } targs_slice=slice(0, None, None) tkwargs={} ] in (a,) } As shown, the transform gets applied as a higher-order primitive, with the jaxpr representation of the function being transformed stored in the ``inner_jaxpr`` parameter of the transform's primitive. **Fallback implementation of plxpr transforms:** If a transform that does not define a ``plxpr_transform`` is applied to a function, a fallback implementation of the transform is used. This fallback implementation converts the function into a :func:`~pennylane.tape.QuantumScript`, which is then transformed as a traditional tape. However, because of the constraints of program capture, many transforms will not be compatible with this fallback implementation: * Transforms that return multiple tapes are not compatible. * Transforms that require non-trivial post-processing of results are not compatible. * Dynamically shaped arrays are not compatible. * Functions that are being transformed that contain control flow dependent on dynamic parameters are not compatible. This includes: * :func:`pennylane.cond` with dynamic parameters as predicates. * :func:`pennylane.for_loop` with dynamic parameters for ``start``, ``stop``, or ``step``. * :func:`pennylane.while_loop` does not work. .. warning:: Currently, executing a function to which a transform has been applied will raise a ``NotImplementedError``. See below for details on how to use functions that are transformed. To perform the transform, the :func:`pennylane.capture.expand_plxpr_transforms` function should be used. This function accepts a function to which transforms have been applied as an input, and returns a new function that has been transformed: >>> transformed_circuit = qml.capture.expand_plxpr_transforms(circuit) >>> qml.capture.make_plxpr(transformed_circuit)() { lambda ; . let a:AbstractOperator() = PauliZ[n_wires=1] 1 b:AbstractMeasurement(n_wires=None) = expval_obs a in (b,) } """ # 1: Checks for the transform if not callable(quantum_transform): raise TransformError( f"The function to register, {quantum_transform}, " "does not appear to be a valid Python function or callable." ) signature_transform = get_type_hints(quantum_transform) # 2: Checks for the expand transform if expand_transform is not None: if not callable(expand_transform): raise TransformError("The expand function must be a valid Python function.") signature_expand_transform = get_type_hints(expand_transform) if signature_expand_transform != signature_transform: raise TransformError( "The expand transform must have the same signature as the transform" ) # 3: Check the classical co-transform if classical_cotransform is not None and not callable(classical_cotransform): raise TransformError("The classical co-transform must be a valid Python function.") return TransformDispatcher( quantum_transform, expand_transform=expand_transform, classical_cotransform=classical_cotransform, is_informative=is_informative, final_transform=final_transform, use_argnum_in_expand=use_argnum_in_expand, plxpr_transform=plxpr_transform, )