Source code for pennylane.transforms.optimization.merge_amplitude_embedding

# Copyright 2018-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Transform for merging AmplitudeEmbedding gates in a quantum circuit."""

from copy import copy
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from typing import Sequence

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import AmplitudeEmbedding
from pennylane.math import flatten, reshape
from pennylane.queuing import QueuingManager
from pennylane.tape import QuantumScript, QuantumScriptBatch
from pennylane.transforms import transform
from pennylane.typing import PostprocessingFn

# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def _get_plxpr_merge_amplitude_embedding():  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        from jax import make_jaxpr
        from jax.core import Jaxpr

        from pennylane.capture import PlxprInterpreter
        from pennylane.capture.base_interpreter import jaxpr_to_jaxpr
        from pennylane.capture.primitives import cond_prim, measure_prim
        from pennylane.operation import Operator
    except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
        return None, None

    # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    class MergeAmplitudeEmbeddingInterpreter(PlxprInterpreter):
        """Plxpr Interpreter for merging AmplitudeEmbedding gates when program capture is enabled."""

        def __init__(self):
            self._env = {}
            self.previous_ops = []
            self.state = {"visited_wires": set()}
            self.input_wires, self.input_vectors, self.input_batch_size = [], [], []

        def setup(self) -> None:
            """Setup the interpreter for a new evaluation."""
            self.previous_ops = []
            self.input_wires, self.input_vectors, self.input_batch_size = [], [], []

        def interpret_operation(self, op: Operator) -> None:
            """Interpret a PennyLane operation instance.

            If the operator is not an ``AmplitudeEmbedding`` operator, it is added to the new operations list;
            otherwise, the wires and parameters are stored for future usage.

                op (Operator): a pennylane operator instance

                DeviceError: if the AmplitudeEmbedding operator's wires have already been used by other operations

                None: returns None

            This method is only called when the operator's output is a dropped variable,
            so the output will not affect later equations in the circuit.

            if not isinstance(op, AmplitudeEmbedding):
                self.state["visited_wires"] = self.state["visited_wires"].union(set(op.wires))

            if len(self.state["visited_wires"].intersection(set(op.wires))) > 0:
                raise qml.DeviceError(
                    "qml.AmplitudeEmbedding cannot be applied on wires already used by other operations."

            self.state["visited_wires"] = self.state["visited_wires"].union(set(op.wires))

        def _merge_and_insert_at_the_start(self) -> None:
            """Merge the AmplitudeEmbedding gates and insert it at the beginning of the previously seen operations."""
            final_wires = self.input_wires[0]
            final_vector = self.input_vectors[0]
            final_batch_size = self.input_batch_size[0]

            for w, v, b in zip(
                final_vector = final_vector[..., :, None] * v[..., None, :]
                final_batch_size = final_batch_size or b
                final_wires = final_wires + w

                if final_batch_size:
                    final_vector = reshape(final_vector, (final_batch_size, -1))
                    final_vector = flatten(final_vector)

            # pylint: disable=protected-access
                0, qml.AmplitudeEmbedding._primitive.impl(final_vector, wires=final_wires)
            # Clear history of amplitude embedding gates since we've merged
            self.input_wires, self.input_vectors, self.input_batch_size = [], [], []

        def interpret_all_previous_ops(self) -> None:
            """Interpret all previous operations and clear the setup variables."""
            for op in self.previous_ops:

        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        def eval(self, jaxpr: Jaxpr, consts: Sequence, *args) -> list:
            """Evaluate a jaxpr.

                jaxpr (jax.core.Jaxpr): the jaxpr to evaluate
                consts (list[TensorLike]): the constant variables for the jaxpr
                *args (tuple[TensorLike]): The arguments for the jaxpr.

                list[TensorLike]: the results of the execution.

            self._env = {}

            for arg, invar in zip(args, jaxpr.invars, strict=True):
                self._env[invar] = arg
            for const, constvar in zip(consts, jaxpr.constvars, strict=True):
                self._env[constvar] = const

            for eqn in jaxpr.eqns:
                custom_handler = self._primitive_registrations.get(eqn.primitive, None)
                prim_type = getattr(eqn.primitive, "prim_type", "")

                # Currently cannot merge through higher order primitives.
                # Workaround is to merge and insert the merged gate before entering
                # a higher order primitive.
                if prim_type == "higher_order":
                    if len(self.input_wires) > 0:

                if custom_handler:
                    invals = [ for invar in eqn.invars]
                    outvals = custom_handler(self, *invals, **eqn.params)
                elif prim_type == "operator":
                    outvals = self.interpret_operation_eqn(eqn)
                elif prim_type == "measurement":
                    if len(self.input_wires) > 0:
                    outvals = self.interpret_measurement_eqn(eqn)
                    invals = [ for invar in eqn.invars]
                    extra_args, params = eqn.primitive.get_bind_params(eqn.params)
                    outvals = eqn.primitive.bind(*extra_args, *invals, **params)

                if not eqn.primitive.multiple_results:
                    outvals = [outvals]
                for outvar, outval in zip(eqn.outvars, outvals, strict=True):
                    self._env[outvar] = outval

            # The following is needed because any operations inside self.previous_ops have not yet
            # been applied.
            if len(self.input_wires) > 0:

            # Read the final result of the Jaxpr from the environment
            outvals = []
            for var in jaxpr.outvars:
                outval =
                if isinstance(outval, Operator):

            self._env = {}
            return outvals

    # Overwrite the cond primitive so that visited wires can be correctly
    # detected across the different branches.
    def _(self, *invals, jaxpr_branches, consts_slices, args_slice):
        args = invals[args_slice]

        new_jaxprs = []
        new_consts = []
        new_consts_slices = []
        end_const_ind = len(jaxpr_branches)

        # Store seen wires before we begin to process the branches
        # (create copies as to not accidently mutate the original state)
        initial_wires = copy(self.state["visited_wires"])
        visited_wires = copy(initial_wires)

        for const_slice, jaxpr in zip(consts_slices, jaxpr_branches):
            consts = invals[const_slice]
            if jaxpr is None:
                new_consts_slices.append(slice(0, 0))
                new_jaxpr = jaxpr_to_jaxpr(copy(self), jaxpr, consts, *args)

                # Update wires we've seen so far so collisions with
                # newly seen wires from the branches continue to be
                # detected after the cond
                visited_wires |= self.state["visited_wires"]

                # Reset visited wires for the next branch so we don't get false positive collisions
                # (copy so if state mutates we preserved true initial wires)
                self.state["visited_wires"] = copy(initial_wires)

                    slice(end_const_ind, end_const_ind + len(new_jaxpr.consts))
                end_const_ind += len(new_jaxpr.consts)

        # Reset visited wires to all wires encountered in the cond
        self.state["visited_wires"] = visited_wires

        new_args_slice = slice(end_const_ind, None)
        return cond_prim.bind(
            *invals[: len(jaxpr_branches)],

    def _(self, *invals, **params):
        # Make sure to record that we have visited the wires on this measurement
        # in order to be able to detect potential wire collisions with future AE gates
        self.state["visited_wires"] = self.state["visited_wires"].union(set(invals))
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        if len(self.input_wires) > 0:

        _, params = measure_prim.get_bind_params(params)
        return measure_prim.bind(*invals, **params)

    def merge_amplitude_embedding_plxpr_to_plxpr(jaxpr, consts, _, __, *args):
        """Function for applying the ``merge_amplitude_embedding`` transform on plxpr."""
        interpreter = MergeAmplitudeEmbeddingInterpreter()

        def wrapper(*inner_args):
            return interpreter.eval(jaxpr, consts, *inner_args)

        return make_jaxpr(wrapper)(*args)

    return MergeAmplitudeEmbeddingInterpreter, merge_amplitude_embedding_plxpr_to_plxpr

MergeAmplitudeEmbeddingInterpreter, merge_amplitude_embedding_plxpr_to_plxpr = (

[docs]@partial(transform, plxpr_transform=merge_amplitude_embedding_plxpr_to_plxpr) def merge_amplitude_embedding(tape: QuantumScript) -> tuple[QuantumScriptBatch, PostprocessingFn]: r"""Quantum function transform to combine amplitude embedding templates that act on different qubits. Args: tape (QNode or QuantumTape or Callable): A quantum circuit. Returns: qnode (QNode) or quantum function (Callable) or tuple[List[.QuantumTape], function]: The transformed circuit as described in :func:`qml.transform <pennylane.transform>`. **Example** >>> dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=4) You can apply the transform directly on :class:`QNode`: .. code-block:: python @qml.transforms.merge_amplitude_embedding @qml.qnode(device=dev) def circuit(): qml.CNOT(wires = [0,1]) qml.AmplitudeEmbedding([0,1], wires = 2) qml.AmplitudeEmbedding([0,1], wires = 3) return qml.state() >>> circuit() [1.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j] .. details:: :title: Usage Details You can also apply it on quantum function. .. code-block:: python def qfunc(): qml.CNOT(wires = [0,1]) qml.AmplitudeEmbedding([0,1], wires = 2) qml.AmplitudeEmbedding([0,1], wires = 3) return qml.state() The circuit before compilation will not work because of using two amplitude embedding. Using the transformation we can join the different amplitude embedding into a single one: >>> optimized_qfunc = qml.transforms.merge_amplitude_embedding(qfunc) >>> optimized_qnode = qml.QNode(optimized_qfunc, dev) >>> print(qml.draw(optimized_qnode)()) 0: ─╭●──────────────────────┤ State 1: ─╰X──────────────────────┤ State 2: ─╭AmplitudeEmbedding(M0)─┤ State 3: ─╰AmplitudeEmbedding(M0)─┤ State M0 = [0.+0.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j 1.+0.j] """ new_operations = [] visited_wires = set() input_wires, input_vectors, input_batch_size = [], [], [] for current_gate in tape.operations: wires_set = set(current_gate.wires) # Check if the current gate is an AmplitudeEmbedding. if not isinstance(current_gate, AmplitudeEmbedding): new_operations.append(current_gate) visited_wires = visited_wires.union(wires_set) continue # Check the qubits have not been used. if len(visited_wires.intersection(wires_set)) > 0: raise qml.DeviceError( f"Operation {} cannot be used after other Operation applied in the same qubit " ) input_wires.append(current_gate.wires) input_vectors.append(current_gate.parameters[0]) input_batch_size.append(current_gate.batch_size) visited_wires = visited_wires.union(wires_set) if len(input_wires) > 0: final_wires = input_wires[0] final_vector = input_vectors[0] final_batch_size = input_batch_size[0] # Merge all parameters and qubits into a single one. for w, v, b in zip(input_wires[1:], input_vectors[1:], input_batch_size[1:]): final_vector = final_vector[..., :, None] * v[..., None, :] final_batch_size = final_batch_size or b final_wires = final_wires + w if final_batch_size: final_vector = reshape(final_vector, (final_batch_size, -1)) else: final_vector = flatten(final_vector) with QueuingManager.stop_recording(): new_operations.insert(0, AmplitudeEmbedding(final_vector, wires=final_wires)) new_tape = tape.copy(operations=new_operations) def null_postprocessing(results): """A postprocesing function returned by a transform that only converts the batch of results into a result for a single ``QuantumTape``. """ return results[0] return [new_tape], null_postprocessing