Source code for pennylane.workflow.construct_execution_config

# Copyright 2018-2025 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

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"""Contains a function to construct an execution configuration from a QNode instance."""
import functools

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.math import Interface

from .construct_tape import construct_tape
from .resolution import _resolve_execution_config

[docs]def construct_execution_config(qnode: "qml.QNode", resolve: bool = True): """Constructs the execution configuration of a QNode instance. Args: qnode (QNode): the qnode we want to get execution configuration for resolve (bool): Whether or not to validate and fill in undetermined values like `"best"`. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: config (qml.devices.ExecutionConfig): the execution configuration **Example** .. code-block:: python @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit", wires=1)) def circuit(x): qml.RX(x, 0) return qml.expval(qml.Z(0)) First, let's import ``pprint`` to make it easier to read the execution configuration objects. >>> from pprint import pprint If we wish to construct an unresolved execution configuration, we can specify ``resolve=False``. This will leave properties like ``gradient_method`` and ``interface`` in their unrefined state (e.g. ``"best"`` or ``"auto"`` respectively). >>> config = qml.workflow.construct_execution_config(circuit, resolve=False)(1) >>> pprint(config) ExecutionConfig(grad_on_execution=None, use_device_gradient=None, use_device_jacobian_product=False, gradient_method='best', gradient_keyword_arguments={}, device_options={}, interface=<Interface.AUTO: 'auto'>, derivative_order=1, mcm_config=MCMConfig(mcm_method=None, postselect_mode=None), convert_to_numpy=True) Specifying ``resolve=True`` will then resolve these properties appropriately for the given ``QNode`` configuration that was provided, >>> resolved_config = qml.workflow.construct_execution_config(circuit, resolve=True)(1) >>> pprint(resolved_config) ExecutionConfig(grad_on_execution=False, use_device_gradient=True, use_device_jacobian_product=False, gradient_method='backprop', gradient_keyword_arguments={}, device_options={'max_workers': None, 'prng_key': None, 'rng': Generator(PCG64) at 0x15F6BB680}, interface=<Interface.NUMPY: 'numpy'>, derivative_order=1, mcm_config=MCMConfig(mcm_method=None, postselect_mode=None), convert_to_numpy=True) """ @functools.wraps(qnode) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): mcm_config = qml.devices.MCMConfig( postselect_mode=qnode.execute_kwargs["postselect_mode"], mcm_method=qnode.execute_kwargs["mcm_method"], ) grad_on_execution = qnode.execute_kwargs["grad_on_execution"] if qnode.interface in {Interface.JAX.value, Interface.JAX_JIT.value}: grad_on_execution = False elif grad_on_execution == "best": grad_on_execution = None config = qml.devices.ExecutionConfig( interface=qnode.interface, gradient_method=qnode.diff_method, grad_on_execution=grad_on_execution, use_device_jacobian_product=qnode.execute_kwargs["device_vjp"], derivative_order=qnode.execute_kwargs["max_diff"], gradient_keyword_arguments=qnode.gradient_kwargs, mcm_config=mcm_config, ) if resolve: tape = construct_tape(qnode, level=0)(*args, **kwargs) # pylint:disable=protected-access config = _resolve_execution_config( config, qnode.device, (tape,), qnode._transform_program ) return config return wrapper