Source code for pennylane.workflow.get_best_diff_method

# Copyright 2018-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

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"""Contains a function for getting the best differentiation method for a given QNode."""

from functools import wraps

import pennylane as qml
from pennylane.workflow.qnode import QNode, _make_execution_config

[docs]def get_best_diff_method(qnode: QNode): """Returns a function that computes the 'best' differentiation method for a particular QNode. This method prioritizes differentiation methods in the following order (SPSA-based and Hadamard-based gradients are not included here): * ``"device"`` * ``"backprop"`` * ``"parameter-shift"`` .. note:: The first differentiation method that is supported (from top to bottom) will be returned. The order is designed to maximize efficiency, generality, and stability. .. seealso:: For a detailed comparison of the backpropagation and parameter-shift methods, refer to the :doc:`quantum gradients with backpropagation example <demo:demos/tutorial_backprop>`. Args: qnode (.QNode): the qnode to get the 'best' differentiation method for. Returns: str: the gradient transform. """ def handle_return(transform): """Helper function to manage the return""" if transform in (qml.gradients.param_shift, qml.gradients.param_shift_cv): return "parameter-shift" return transform @wraps(qnode) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): device = qnode.device tape = qml.workflow.construct_tape(qnode)(*args, **kwargs) config = _make_execution_config(None, "best") if device.supports_derivatives(config, circuit=tape): new_config = device.setup_execution_config(config) transform = new_config.gradient_method return handle_return(transform) if tape and any(isinstance(o, qml.operation.CV) for o in tape): transform = qml.gradients.param_shift_cv return handle_return(transform) transform = qml.gradients.param_shift return handle_return(transform) return wrapper