
class ExecutionConfig(grad_on_execution=None, use_device_gradient=None, use_device_jacobian_product=None, gradient_method=None, gradient_keyword_arguments=None, device_options=None, interface=Interface.NUMPY, derivative_order=1, mcm_config=<factory>, convert_to_numpy=True)[source]

Bases: object

A class to configure the execution of a quantum circuit on a device.

See the Attributes section to learn more about the various configurable options.


Whether or not to convert parameters to numpy before execution.


The derivative order to compute while evaluating a gradient


Various options for the device executing a quantum circuit


Whether or not to compute the gradient at the same time as the execution.


Arguments used to control a gradient transform


The method used to compute the gradient of the quantum circuit being executed


The machine learning framework to use


Whether or not to compute the gradient on the device.


Whether or not to use the device provided vjp or jvp to compute gradients.


Configuration options for handling mid-circuit measurements

convert_to_numpy = True

Whether or not to convert parameters to numpy before execution.

If False and using the jax-jit, no pure callback will occur and the device execution itself will be jitted.

derivative_order = 1

The derivative order to compute while evaluating a gradient

device_options = None

Various options for the device executing a quantum circuit

grad_on_execution = None

Whether or not to compute the gradient at the same time as the execution.

If None, then the device or execution pipeline can decide which one is most efficient for the situation.

gradient_keyword_arguments = None

Arguments used to control a gradient transform

gradient_method = None

The method used to compute the gradient of the quantum circuit being executed

interface = 'numpy'

The machine learning framework to use

use_device_gradient = None

Whether or not to compute the gradient on the device.

None indicates to use the device if possible, but to fall back to pennylane behaviour if it isn’t.

True indicates a request to either use the device gradient or fail.

use_device_jacobian_product = None

Whether or not to use the device provided vjp or jvp to compute gradients.

None indicates to use the device if possible, but to fall back to the device Jacobian or PennyLane behaviour if it isn’t.

True indicates to either use the device Jacobian products or fail.


Configuration options for handling mid-circuit measurements


Using PennyLane

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