- class ShadowExpvalMP(H, seed=None, k=1, id=None)[source]¶
Measures the expectation value of an operator using the classical shadow measurement process.
Please refer to
for detailed documentation.- Parameters
H (Operator, Sequence[Operator]) – Operator or list of Operators to compute the expectation value over.
seed (Union[int, None]) – The seed used to generate the random measurements
k (int) – Number of equal parts to split the shadow’s measurements to compute the median of means.
corresponds to simply taking the mean over all measurements.id (str) – custom label given to a measurement instance, can be useful for some applications where the instance has to be identified
Whether or not the MeasurementProcess returns a defined decomposition when calling
.returns an integer hash uniquely representing the measurement process
The Python numeric type of the measurement result.
The wires the measurement process acts on.
Measurement return type.
Whether or not the MeasurementProcess measures in the computational basis.
The wires the measurement process acts on.
- has_decomposition¶
Whether or not the MeasurementProcess returns a defined decomposition when calling
.- Type
- hash¶
returns an integer hash uniquely representing the measurement process
- Type
- numeric_type¶
- raw_wires¶
The wires the measurement process acts on.
For measurements involving more than one set of wires (such as mutual information), this is a list of the Wires objects. Otherwise, this is the same as
- return_type¶
Measurement return type.
- samples_computational_basis¶
- wires¶
The wires the measurement process acts on.
This is the union of all the Wires objects of the measurement.
Returns the gates that diagonalize the measured wires such that they are in the eigenbasis of the circuit observables.
()Eigenvalues associated with the measurement process.
()Expand the measurement of an observable to a unitary rotation and a measurement in the computational basis.
(wire_map)Returns a copy of the current measurement process with its wires changed according to the given wire map.
(tape, device)Process the given quantum tape.
(state, wire_order, ...)Process the given quantum state with the given number of shots
([context])Append the measurement process to an annotated queue, making sure the observable is not queued
([shots, num_device_wires])Calculate the shape of the result object tensor.
()Reduce the depth of the observable to the minimum.
- diagonalizing_gates()¶
Returns the gates that diagonalize the measured wires such that they are in the eigenbasis of the circuit observables.
- Returns
the operations that diagonalize the observables
- Return type
- eigvals()¶
Eigenvalues associated with the measurement process.
If the measurement process has an associated observable, the eigenvalues will correspond to this observable. Otherwise, they will be the eigenvalues provided when the measurement process was instantiated.
Note that the eigenvalues are not guaranteed to be in any particular order.
>>> m = MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=qml.X(1)) >>> m.eigvals() array([1, -1])
- Returns
eigvals representation
- Return type
- expand()¶
Expand the measurement of an observable to a unitary rotation and a measurement in the computational basis.
- Returns
a quantum tape containing the operations required to diagonalize the observable
- Return type
Consider a measurement process consisting of the expectation value of an Hermitian observable:
>>> H = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 4]]) >>> obs = qml.Hermitian(H, wires=['a']) >>> m = MeasurementProcess(Expectation, obs=obs)
Expanding this out:
>>> tape = m.expand()
We can see that the resulting tape has the qubit unitary applied, and a measurement process with no observable, but the eigenvalues specified:
>>> print(tape.operations) [QubitUnitary(array([[-0.89442719, 0.4472136 ], [ 0.4472136 , 0.89442719]]), wires=['a'])] >>> print(tape.measurements[0].eigvals()) [0. 5.] >>> print(tape.measurements[0].obs) None
- map_wires(wire_map)¶
Returns a copy of the current measurement process with its wires changed according to the given wire map.
- Parameters
wire_map (dict) – dictionary containing the old wires as keys and the new wires as values
- Returns
new measurement process
- Return type
- process(tape, device)[source]¶
Process the given quantum tape.
- Parameters
tape (QuantumTape) – quantum tape to transform
device (pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice) – device used to transform the quantum tape
- process_state_with_shots(state, wire_order, shots, rng=None)[source]¶
Process the given quantum state with the given number of shots
- Parameters
state (Sequence[complex]) – quantum state
wire_order (Wires) – wires determining the subspace that
acts on; a matrix of dimension 2n acts on a subspace of n wiresshots (int) – The number of shots
rng (Union[None, int, array_like[int], SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator]) – A seed-like parameter matching that of
. If no value is provided, a default RNG will be used.
- Returns
The estimate of the expectation value.
- Return type
- queue(context=<class 'pennylane.queuing.QueuingManager'>)[source]¶
Append the measurement process to an annotated queue, making sure the observable is not queued
- shape(shots=None, num_device_wires=0)[source]¶
Calculate the shape of the result object tensor.
- Parameters
shots (Optional[int]) – the number of shots used execute the circuit.
indicates an analytic simulation. Shot vectors are handled by calling this method multiple times.num_device_wires (int) – The number of wires that will be used if the measurement is broadcasted across all available wires (
len(mp.wires) == 0
). If the device itself doesn’t provide a number of wires, the number of tape wires will be provided here instead:
- Returns
An arbitrary length tuple of ints. May be an empty tuple.
- Return type
>>> qml.probs(wires=(0,1)).shape() (4,) >>> qml.sample(wires=(0,1)).shape(shots=50) (50, 2) >>> qml.state().shape(num_device_wires=4) (16,) >>> qml.expval(qml.Z(0)).shape() ()
- simplify()¶
Reduce the depth of the observable to the minimum.
- Returns
A measurement process with a simplified observable.
- Return type