Source code for catalyst.api_extensions.callbacks

# Copyright 2022-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module contains public API functions that enable host callbacks from
a compiled program. Host callbacks are able to run non-jittable code at runtime
but require a Python interpreter instance.

import copy
import ctypes
import functools
import inspect
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax._src.api_util import shaped_abstractify
from jax._src.tree_util import (

from catalyst.jax_extras import transient_jax_config
from catalyst.jax_primitives import python_callback_p
from catalyst.tracing.contexts import AccelerateContext, EvaluationContext, GradContext
from catalyst.utils.exceptions import DifferentiableCompileError
from catalyst.utils.jnp_to_memref import (
from catalyst.utils.types import convert_pytype_to_shaped_array

# This is needed to avoid autograph conversion.
# Autograph uses the __module__ field to decide what to transform and what not
# to transform. If __module__ is something catalyst related, it won't transform
# it by default. There are some other ones.
# However, by using wraps and update_wrapper, __module__ is copied over
# from the wrapped function to the wrapper. This means that if a user
# provides a function from their module, here, we wrap some Catalyst
# functions here and copy over the __module__ field, then autograph
# will attempt to transform it. To avoid this, we just remove
# the __module__ string from the original functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS.
WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS = list(filter(lambda x: x != "__module__", functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS))

## API ##
[docs]def accelerate(func=None, *, dev=None): """Execute a ``jax.jit`` accelerated function on classical accelerators such as GPUs from within a qjit-compiled function. Args: func (Callable or PjitFunction): The function to be classically accelerated from within the qjit-compiled workflow. This function can be already just-in-time compiled with JAX via the ``jax.jit`` decorator and a specified device. If not, it will be implicitly JIT-compiled, and so must be JIT compatible. dev (jax.Device): the classical accelerator device the JIT-compiled function will run on. Available devices can be retrieved via ``jax.devices()``. If not provided, the default value of ``jax.devices()[0]`` as determined by JAX will be used. .. seealso:: :func:`~.pure_callback`, :func:`.debug.callback`. **Example** .. code-block:: python @accelerate(dev=jax.devices("gpu")[0]) def classical_fn(x): return jnp.sin(x) ** 2 @qjit def hybrid_fn(x): y = classical_fn(jnp.sqrt(x)) # will be executed on a GPU return jnp.cos(y) In addition, you can accelerate function that have already been ``jax.jit`` decorated: .. code-block:: python @jax.jit def classical_fn(x): x = jax.device_put(x, jax.local_devices("gpu")[0]) return jnp.sin(x) ** 2 @qjit def hybrid_fn(x): y = accelerate(classical_fn)(x) # will be executed on a GPU return jnp.cos(y) Accelerated functions also fully support autodifferentiation with :func:`~.grad`, :func:`~.jacobian`, and other Catalyst differentiation functions: .. code-block:: python @qjit @grad def f(x): expm = accelerate(jax.scipy.linalg.expm) return jnp.sum(expm(jnp.sin(x)) ** 2) >>> x = jnp.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4]]) >>> f(x) Array([[2.80120452, 1.67518663], [1.61605839, 4.42856163]], dtype=float64) """ # Setting default parameters if dev is None: dev = jax.devices()[0] # Just for convenience if func is None: kwargs = copy.copy(locals()) kwargs.pop("func") return functools.partial(accelerate, **kwargs) return accelerate_impl(func, dev=dev)
[docs]def pure_callback(callback_fn, result_type=None): """Execute and return the results of a functionally pure Python function from within a qjit-compiled function. The callback function will be quantum just-in-time compiled alongside the rest of the workflow, however it will be executed at runtime by the Python virtual machine. This is in contrast to functions which get directly qjit-compiled by Catalyst, which will be executed at runtime as machine-native code. .. note:: Callbacks do not automatically support differentiation. To use them within functions that are being differentiated, please define their vector-Jacobian product (see below for more details). Args: callback_fn (callable): The pure function to be used as a callback. Any Python-based function is supported, as long as it: * is a pure function (meaning it is deterministic --- for the same function arguments, the same result is always returned --- and has no side effects, such as modifying a non-local variable), * has a signature that can be inspected (that is, it is not a NumPy ufunc or Python builtin), * the return type and shape is deterministic and known ahead of time. result_type (type): The type returned by the function. .. seealso:: :func:`accelerate`, :func:`.debug.print`, :func:`.debug.callback`. **Example** ``pure_callback`` can be used as a decorator. In this case, we must specify the result type via a type hint: .. code-block:: python @catalyst.pure_callback def callback_fn(x) -> float: # here we call non-JAX compatible code, such # as standard NumPy return np.sin(x) @qjit def fn(x): return jnp.cos(callback_fn(x ** 2)) >>> fn(0.654) Array(0.9151995, dtype=float64) It can also be used functionally: >>> @qjit >>> def add_one(x): ... return catalyst.pure_callback(lambda x: x + 1, int)(x) >>> add_one(2) Array(3, dtype=int64) For callback functions that return arrays, a ``jax.ShapeDtypeStruct`` object can be created to specify the expected return shape and data type: .. code-block:: python @qjit def fn(x): x = jnp.cos(x) result_shape = jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(x.shape, jnp.complex128) @catalyst.pure_callback def callback_fn(y) -> result_shape: return jax.jit(jnp.fft.fft)(y) x = callback_fn(x) return x >>> fn(jnp.array([0.1, 0.2])) Array([1.97507074+0.j, 0.01493759+0.j], dtype=complex128) .. details:: :title: Differentiating callbacks with custom VJP rules Pure callbacks must have custom gradients manually registered with the Catalyst compiler in order to support differentiation. This can be done via the ``pure_callback.fwd`` and ``pure_callback.bwd`` methods, to specify how the forwards and backwards pass (the vector-Jacobian product) of the callback should be computed: .. code-block:: python @catalyst.pure_callback def callback_fn(x) -> float: return np.sin(x[0]) * x[1] @callback_fn.fwd def callback_fn_fwd(x): # returns the evaluated function as well as residual # values that may be useful for the backwards pass return callback_fn(x), x @callback_fn.bwd def callback_fn_vjp(res, dy): # Accepts residuals from the forward pass, as well # as (one or more) cotangent vectors dy, and returns # a tuple of VJPs corresponding to each input parameter. def vjp(x, dy) -> (jax.ShapeDtypeStruct((2,), jnp.float64),): return (np.array([np.cos(x[0]) * dy * x[1], np.sin(x[0]) * dy]),) # The VJP function can also be a pure callback return catalyst.pure_callback(vjp)(res, dy) >>> @qml.qjit ... @catalyst.grad ... def f(x): ... y = jnp.array([jnp.cos(x[0]), x[1]]) ... return jnp.sin(callback_fn(y)) >>> f(jnp.array([0.1, 0.2])) Array([-0.01071923, 0.82698717], dtype=float64) """ # Verify inputs if result_type is None: signature = inspect.signature(callback_fn) result_type = signature.return_annotation result_type = tree_map(convert_pytype_to_shaped_array, result_type) if result_type is None: msg = "A function using pure_callback requires return types " msg += "to be passed in as a parameter or type annotation." raise TypeError(msg) # Nicer inputs for the implementation. # The implementation expects a function # to be annotated with the correct result types annotated = AnnotatedFunctionImpl(callback_fn, result_type) return pure_callback_impl(annotated)
## IMPL ## class AnnotatedFunction(ABC): """Defining an interface for methods with result types.""" @abstractmethod def getResultTypes(self): """Get result type of function""" ... # pragma: nocover class AnnotatedFunctionImpl(AnnotatedFunction): """Callable with result_type field.""" def __init__(self, func, result_type): self.func = func self.result_type = result_type functools.update_wrapper(self, func, assigned=WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.func(*args, **kwargs) def getResultTypes(self): """Get the result types.""" return self.result_type def base_callback(func): """Decorator that will correctly pass the signature as arguments to the callback implementation. For base callback, the type is found by the annotation of the result. If it is empty or None, then there are no return values. Otherwise, it is whatever it says in the annotations. """ signature = inspect.signature(func) result_type = signature.return_annotation result_type = tree_map(convert_pytype_to_shaped_array, result_type) wrapper = AnnotatedFunctionImpl(func, result_type) return base_callback_impl(wrapper, device=None, custom_grad=None) def accelerate_impl(users_func=None, *, dev=None): """Logic for handling jax.Partial obtaining the result type from a user provided function and creating a jax_jit_callback. Args: users_func (Callable or PjitFunction): The user provided function dev (jax.Device): the classical accelerator device the JIT-compiled function will run on. Returns: Callable: a function that when trace, will bind the arguments to a callback primitive. When it is not traced, it will just called the wrapped function. """ # If this is a partial, we need to make the tracers part of the input is_partial = isinstance(users_func, Partial) context = [] if is_partial: context = tree_leaves(users_func) @functools.wraps(users_func, assigned=WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) def total(context, *args, **kwargs): with AccelerateContext(): nonlocal users_func if is_partial: _, shape = tree_flatten(users_func) users_func = tree_unflatten(shape, context) return users_func(*args, **kwargs) else: return users_func(*args, **kwargs) with transient_jax_config({"jax_dynamic_shapes": False}): # jax.jit will wrap total and total wraps the user_function # which means jitted_fn has the user_function's identifier jitted_fn = jax.jit(total) # wraps total which wraps user @functools.wraps(total, assigned=WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) def back_to_user(*args, **kwargs): absextra, absargs, abskwargs = tree_map(shaped_abstractify, (context, args, kwargs)) try: # Find the shape of the return value with transient_jax_config({"jax_dynamic_shapes": False}): _, returnshape = jax.make_jaxpr(jitted_fn, return_shape=True)( absextra, *absargs, **abskwargs ) except Exception as e: name = users_func.__name__ msg = f"Function {name} must be jax.jit-able." msg += f"But failed with error message {str(e)}." raise ValueError(msg) from e annotated = AnnotatedFunctionImpl(jitted_fn, returnshape) with_custom_grad = CallbackWithPotentialCustomGrad(annotated, dev) if GradContext.am_inside_grad(): @with_custom_grad.fwd @accelerate(dev=dev) def vjp_wrapper(context, *args, **kwargs): return jax.vjp(jitted_fn, context, *args, **kwargs) @with_custom_grad.bwd @accelerate(dev=dev) def reverse(vjp_func, dy): return vjp_func(dy) return with_custom_grad(context, *args, **kwargs) return back_to_user def pure_callback_impl(callback_fn: AnnotatedFunction): """Wrapper around CallbackWithPotentialCustomGrad""" return CallbackWithPotentialCustomGrad(callback_fn) # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes) class CallbackWithCustomGrad(AnnotatedFunction): """A callback with a custom grad""" def __init__(self, func, forward, reverse, device): assert func and forward and reverse functools.update_wrapper(self, func, assigned=WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) self.func = func assert isinstance(func, AnnotatedFunction) self.restype = func.getResultTypes() self._fwd = forward self._fwd_jaxpr = None self._bwd = reverse self._bwd_jaxpr = None self.callback = None self.device = device def getResultTypes(self): return self.restype def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.callback: return self.callback(*args, **kwargs) # We need this here to avoid infinite recursion # Where does the infinite recursion happen? # It happens if the fwd or bwd passes have a call to # the pure_callback implementation. self.callback = base_callback_impl(self.func, device=self.device, custom_grad=self) # The arguments here are tracers. # And we want to just get the abstraction of the tracers (i.e., the types) absargs, abskwargs = tree_map(shaped_abstractify, (args, kwargs)) cotangents = tree_map(shaped_abstractify, self.getResultTypes()) # The forward pass must have the same input types as the original function no_dyn_shapes = {"jax_dynamic_shapes": False} with transient_jax_config(no_dyn_shapes), GradContext(peel=True): self._fwd_jaxpr, shape = jax.make_jaxpr(self._fwd, return_shape=True)( *absargs, **abskwargs ) # But its output is always going to be two pairs. _primal, residuals = shape # The input for the bwd pass is the residuals and the cotangents. with transient_jax_config(no_dyn_shapes), GradContext(peel=True): self._bwd_jaxpr = jax.make_jaxpr(self._bwd)(residuals, cotangents) return self.callback(*args, **kwargs) class CallbackWithPotentialCustomGrad: """A callback which is not guaranteed to have a custom grad, but the user may define one. E.g., a pure_callback is not required to have a custom grad if it is never differentiated, but a user may register one. A debug.callback will never have a custom grad.""" def __init__(self, func, device=None): self.func = func # TODO: Investigate why we can't just use update_wrapper here # It doesn't matter too much since we just use it for the name. # But having update_wrapper here would change the type # of self (or of self.func?) to just a function # as opposed to an AnnotatedFunction self.__name__ = func.__name__ self.restype = func.getResultTypes() self._fwd = None self._bwd = None self.callback = None self.device = device def fwd(self, func): """Save forward pass as implemented by the user""" self._fwd = func def bwd(self, func): """Save reverse pass as implemented by the user""" self._bwd = func def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not EvaluationContext.is_tracing(): # If we are not in the tracing context, just evaluate the function. return self.func(*args, **kwargs) incomplete_grad = bool(self._fwd) != bool(self._bwd) if incomplete_grad: # If we are here, then we have either _fwd and _bwd but not both msg = f"Function {self.func} differentiated but missing " msg += "forward" if not self._fwd else "reverse" msg += " pass" raise DifferentiableCompileError(msg) if self.callback: return self.callback(*args, **kwargs) if self._fwd and self._bwd: self.callback = CallbackWithCustomGrad(self.func, self._fwd, self._bwd, self.device) return self.callback(*args, **kwargs) self.callback = base_callback_impl(self.func, device=self.device) return self.callback(*args, **kwargs) def base_callback_impl(func: AnnotatedFunction, device=None, custom_grad=None): """The most general way to obtain a callback""" # We just disable inconsistent return statements # Since we are building this feature step by step. @functools.wraps(func, assigned=WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) def bind_callback(*args, **kwargs): if not EvaluationContext.is_tracing(): # If we are not in the tracing context, just evaluate the function. return func(*args, **kwargs) return callback_implementation( func, *args, device=device, custom_grad=custom_grad, **kwargs ) return bind_callback class FlatCallable: """This is a simple class that wraps around a function and calls it with a flat list.""" def __init__(self, func, *params, **kwparams): self.func = func functools.update_wrapper(self, func, assigned=WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS) self.flat_params, self.shape = tree_flatten((params, kwparams)) def __call__(self, flat_args): """args: flat list of arguments returns flat list of return values""" args, kwargs = tree_unflatten(self.shape, flat_args) return tree_leaves(self.func(*args, **kwargs)) def getOperand(self, i): """Get operand at position i""" return self.flat_params[i] def getOperands(self): """Get all operands""" return self.flat_params def getOperandTypes(self): """Get operand types""" return map(type, self.getOperands()) class MemrefCallable(FlatCallable): """Callable that receives void ptrs.""" CACHE = {} def __new__(cls, func, results_aval, *args, **kwargs): # Hash-cons: absargs, abskwargs = tree_map(shaped_abstractify, (args, kwargs)) flat_params, _ = tree_flatten((absargs, abskwargs)) flat_results_aval, _ = tree_flatten(results_aval) cache_key = (func, *flat_params, *flat_results_aval) if cls.CACHE.get(cache_key): return cls.CACHE.get(cache_key) instance = super().__new__(cls) cls.CACHE[cache_key] = instance return instance @classmethod def clearcache(cls): """Clear the memref callable cache""" cls.CACHE.clear() def __init__(self, func, results_aval, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(func, *args, **kwargs) self.results_aval = results_aval def __call__(self, args): jnpargs = self.asarrays(args) retvals = super().__call__(jnpargs) return_values = [] flat_results_aval, _ = tree_flatten(self.results_aval) for retval, exp_aval in zip(retvals, flat_results_aval): self._check_types(retval, exp_aval) ranked_memref = get_ranked_memref_descriptor(retval) element_size = ctypes.sizeof(ranked_memref.aligned.contents) unranked_memref = get_unranked_memref_descriptor(retval) unranked_memref_ptr = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(unranked_memref), ctypes.c_void_p) # We need to keep a value of retval around # Otherwise, Python's garbage collection will collect the memory # before we run the memory copy in the runtime. # We need to copy the unranked_memref_ptr and we need to know the element size. return_values.append((unranked_memref_ptr, element_size, retval)) return return_values def _check_types(self, obs, exp_aval): """Raise error if observed value is different than expected abstract value""" obs_aval = shaped_abstractify(obs) if obs_aval != exp_aval: # pylint: disable-next=line-too-long msg = f"Callback {self.func.__name__} expected type {exp_aval} but observed {obs_aval} in its return value" raise TypeError(msg) def asarrays(self, void_ptrs): """cast void_ptrs to jax arrays""" expected_types = self.getOperandTypes() return MemrefCallable._asarrays(void_ptrs, expected_types) @staticmethod def _asarrays(void_ptrs, ptr_tys): """cast void_ptrs to jax arrays""" asarray = MemrefCallable.asarray return [asarray(mem, ty) for mem, ty in zip(void_ptrs, ptr_tys)] @staticmethod def asarray(void_ptr, ptr_ty): """cast a single void pointer to a jax array""" # The type is guaranteed by JAX, so we don't need # to check here. ptr_to_memref_descriptor = ctypes.cast(void_ptr, ptr_ty) array = ranked_memref_to_numpy(ptr_to_memref_descriptor) return jnp.asarray(array) def getOperand(self, i): """Get operand at position i""" array = super().getOperand(i) return get_ranked_memref_descriptor(array) def getOperands(self): """Get operands""" operands = super().getOperands() return [get_ranked_memref_descriptor(operand) for operand in operands] def getOperandTypes(self): """Get operand types""" operandTys = map(type, self.getOperands()) return list(map(ctypes.POINTER, operandTys)) class JaxJitCallable(MemrefCallable): """Callable that places the arguments in device before execution""" def __init__(self, func, device, results_aval, *args, **kwargs): assert device is not None, "Cannot have none device" self.device = device super().__init__(func, results_aval, *args, **kwargs) def asarrays(self, void_ptrs): """cast void_ptrs to jax arrays and move them to a device""" expected_types = self.getOperandTypes() jnparrays = MemrefCallable._asarrays(void_ptrs, expected_types) movedarrays = [jax.device_put(array, self.device) for array in jnparrays] return movedarrays def callback_implementation( cb: Callable[..., Any], *args: Any, device=None, custom_grad=None, **kwargs: Any, ): """ This function has been modified from its original form in the JAX project at version released under the Apache License, Version 2.0, with the following copyright notice: Copyright 2022 The JAX Authors. """ flat_args = tree_leaves((args, kwargs)) result_shape_dtypes = cb.getResultTypes() results_aval = tree_map(convert_pytype_to_shaped_array, result_shape_dtypes) flat_results_aval, out_tree = tree_flatten(results_aval) if device is None: memref_callable = MemrefCallable(cb, results_aval, *args, **kwargs) else: memref_callable = JaxJitCallable(cb, device, results_aval, *args, **kwargs) out_flat = python_callback_p.bind( *flat_args, callback=memref_callable, custom_grad=custom_grad, results_aval=tuple(flat_results_aval), ) return tree_unflatten(out_tree, out_flat)