
debug_assert(condition: bool, error: str)[source]

Asserts at runtime that the given condition holds, raising an error with the provided message if it does not.

Note that Python-based exceptions (via raise) and assertions (via assert) will always be evaluated at program capture time, before certain runtime information may be available.

Use debug_assert to instead raise assertions at runtime, including assertions that depend on values of dynamic variables.

  • condition (bool) – The condition to assert.

  • message (str) – The error message to raise if the condition is False.


RuntimeError – raised if the condition evaluates to False


def f(x):
    debug_assert(x < 5, "x was greater than 5")
    return x * 8
>>> f(4)
Array(32, dtype=int64)
>>> f(6)
RuntimeError: x was greater than 5

Assertions can be disabled globally for a qjit-compiled function via the disable_assertions keyword argument:

def g(x):
    debug_assert(x < 5, "x was greater than 5")
    return x * 8
>>> g(6)
Array(48, dtype=int64)