Program Listing for File Gates.hpp

Return to documentation for file (pennylane_lightning/core/src/gates/Gates.hpp)

// Copyright 2018-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at


// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <vector>

#include "Util.hpp"

namespace {
using namespace Pennylane::Util;
} // namespace

namespace Pennylane::Gates {
template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getIdentity() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getPauliX() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getPauliY() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), -IMAG<ComplexT, T>(), IMAG<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getPauliZ() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            -ONE<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getHadamard() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {INVSQRT2<ComplexT, T>(), INVSQRT2<ComplexT, T>(),
            INVSQRT2<ComplexT, T>(), -INVSQRT2<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getS() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            IMAG<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getT() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ConstMult(INVSQRT2<ComplexT, T>(),
                      ConstSum(ONE<ComplexT, T>(), IMAG<ComplexT, T>()))};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getCNOT() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getSWAP() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getCY() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), -IMAG<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), IMAG<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getCZ() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            -ONE<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getCSWAP() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getToffoli() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getPhaseShift(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            {std::cos(angle), std::sin(angle)}};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getRX(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(angle / 2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> js{0, -std::sin(angle / 2)};
    return {c, js, js, c};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getRY(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(angle / 2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> s{std::sin(angle / 2), 0};
    return {c, -s, s, c};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getRZ(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {{std::cos(-angle / 2), std::sin(-angle / 2)},
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            {std::cos(angle / 2), std::sin(angle / 2)}};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T, typename U = T>
static auto getRot(U phi, U theta, U omega) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T c = std::cos(theta / 2);
    const T s = std::sin(theta / 2);
    const U p{phi + omega};
    const U m{phi - omega};

    return {ComplexT<T>{std::cos(p / 2) * c, -std::sin(p / 2) * c},
            ComplexT<T>{-std::cos(m / 2) * s, -std::sin(m / 2) * s},
            ComplexT<T>{std::cos(m / 2) * s, -std::sin(m / 2) * s},
            ComplexT<T>{std::cos(p / 2) * c, std::sin(p / 2) * c}};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getCRX(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const auto rx{getRX<ComplexT<T>>(angle)};
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getCRY(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const auto ry{getRY<ComplexT<T>>(angle)};
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getCRZ(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const ComplexT<T> first{std::cos(-angle / 2), std::sin(-angle / 2)};
    const ComplexT<T> second{std::cos(angle / 2), std::sin(angle / 2)};
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getCRot(T phi, T theta, T omega) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const auto rot{std::move(getRot<ComplexT<T>>(phi, theta, omega))};
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getControlledPhaseShift(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), {std::cos(angle), std::sin(angle)}};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getSingleExcitation(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> s{std::sin(p2), 0};
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorSingleExcitation()
    -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        IMAG<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), -IMAG<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getSingleExcitationMinus(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> e = std::exp(ComplexT<T>(0, -p2));
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> s{std::sin(p2), 0};
    return {e,
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorSingleExcitationMinus()
    -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {
        ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        IMAG<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), -IMAG<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getSingleExcitationPlus(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> e = std::exp(ComplexT<T>(0, p2));
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> s{std::sin(p2), 0};
    return {e,
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorSingleExcitationPlus()
    -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {
        -ONE<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        IMAG<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), -IMAG<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), -ONE<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getDoubleExcitation(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> s{std::sin(p2), 0};
    std::vector<ComplexT<T>> mat(256, ZERO<ComplexT, T>());
    mat[0] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[17] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[34] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[51] = c;
    mat[60] = -s;
    mat[68] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[85] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[102] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[119] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[136] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[153] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[170] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[187] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[195] = s;
    mat[204] = c;
    mat[221] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[238] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[255] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    return mat;

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorDoubleExcitation()
    -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    std::vector<ComplexT<T>> mat(256, ZERO<ComplexT, T>());
    mat[60] = IMAG<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[195] = -IMAG<ComplexT, T>();
    return mat;

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getDoubleExcitationMinus(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> e = std::exp(ComplexT<T>(0, -p2));
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> s{std::sin(p2), 0};
    std::vector<ComplexT<T>> mat(256, ZERO<ComplexT, T>());
    mat[0] = e;
    mat[17] = e;
    mat[34] = e;
    mat[51] = c;
    mat[60] = -s;
    mat[68] = e;
    mat[85] = e;
    mat[102] = e;
    mat[119] = e;
    mat[136] = e;
    mat[153] = e;
    mat[170] = e;
    mat[187] = e;
    mat[195] = s;
    mat[204] = c;
    mat[221] = e;
    mat[238] = e;
    mat[255] = e;
    return mat;

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorDoubleExcitationMinus()
    -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    std::vector<ComplexT<T>> mat(256, ZERO<ComplexT, T>());
    mat[0] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[17] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[34] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[60] = IMAG<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[68] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[85] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[102] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[119] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[136] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[153] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[170] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[187] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[195] = -IMAG<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[221] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[238] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[255] = ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    return mat;

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getDoubleExcitationPlus(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> e = std::exp(ComplexT<T>(0, p2));
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> s{std::sin(p2), 0};
    std::vector<ComplexT<T>> mat(256, ZERO<ComplexT, T>());
    mat[0] = e;
    mat[17] = e;
    mat[34] = e;
    mat[51] = c;
    mat[60] = -s;
    mat[68] = e;
    mat[85] = e;
    mat[102] = e;
    mat[119] = e;
    mat[136] = e;
    mat[153] = e;
    mat[170] = e;
    mat[187] = e;
    mat[195] = s;
    mat[204] = c;
    mat[221] = e;
    mat[238] = e;
    mat[255] = e;
    return mat;

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorDoubleExcitationPlus()
    -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    std::vector<ComplexT<T>> mat(256, ZERO<ComplexT, T>());
    mat[0] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[17] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[34] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[60] = IMAG<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[68] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[85] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[102] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[119] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[136] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[153] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[170] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[187] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[195] = -IMAG<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[221] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[238] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    mat[255] = -ONE<ComplexT, T>();
    return mat;

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getIsingXX(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> neg_is{0, -std::sin(p2)};
    return {c,
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorIsingXX() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getIsingXY(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> neg_is{0, std::sin(p2)};
    return {ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ONE<ComplexT, T>()};

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorIsingXY() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getIsingYY(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> c{std::cos(p2), 0};
    const ComplexT<T> pos_is{0, std::sin(p2)};
    const ComplexT<T> neg_is{0, -std::sin(p2)};
    return {c,
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorIsingYY() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), -ONE<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        -ONE<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static auto getIsingZZ(T angle) -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    const T p2 = angle / 2;
    const ComplexT<T> neg_e = std::exp(ComplexT<T>(0, -p2));
    const ComplexT<T> pos_e = std::exp(ComplexT<T>(0, p2));
    return {neg_e,
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
            ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

template <template <typename...> class ComplexT, typename T>
static constexpr auto getGeneratorIsingZZ() -> std::vector<ComplexT<T>> {
    return {
        -ONE<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ONE<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ONE<ComplexT, T>(),  ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),

        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), ZERO<ComplexT, T>(),
        ZERO<ComplexT, T>(), -ONE<ComplexT, T>(),

} // namespace Pennylane::Gates