Program Listing for File LightningKokkosSimulator.hpp

Return to documentation for file (pennylane_lightning/core/src/simulators/lightning_kokkos/catalyst/LightningKokkosSimulator.hpp)

// Copyright 2022-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at


// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#define __device_lightning_kokkos

#include <bitset>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <random>
#include <span>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>

#include "AdjointJacobianKokkos.hpp"
#include "MeasurementsKokkos.hpp"
#include "StateVectorKokkos.hpp"

#include "CacheManager.hpp"
#include "Exception.hpp"
#include "LightningKokkosObsManager.hpp"
#include "QuantumDevice.hpp"
#include "QubitManager.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"

namespace Catalyst::Runtime::Simulator {
class LightningKokkosSimulator final : public Catalyst::Runtime::QuantumDevice {
    using StateVectorT = Pennylane::LightningKokkos::StateVectorKokkos<double>;

    // static constants for RESULT values
    static constexpr bool GLOBAL_RESULT_TRUE_CONST = true;
    static constexpr bool GLOBAL_RESULT_FALSE_CONST = false;

    Catalyst::Runtime::QubitManager<QubitIdType, std::size_t> qubit_manager{};
    Catalyst::Runtime::CacheManager<Kokkos::complex<double>> cache_manager{};
    bool tape_recording{false};

    std::size_t device_shots;

    std::mt19937 *gen{nullptr};

    std::unique_ptr<StateVectorT> device_sv = std::make_unique<StateVectorT>(0);
    LightningKokkosObsManager<double> obs_manager{};

    inline auto isValidQubit(QubitIdType wire) -> bool {
        return this->qubit_manager.isValidQubitId(wire);

    inline auto isValidQubits(const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires) -> bool {
        return std::all_of(wires.begin(), wires.end(), [this](QubitIdType w) {
            return this->isValidQubit(w);

    inline auto isValidQubits(std::size_t numWires, const QubitIdType *wires)
        -> bool {
        return std::all_of(wires, wires + numWires, [this](QubitIdType w) {
            return this->isValidQubit(w);

    inline auto getDeviceWires(const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires)
        -> std::vector<std::size_t> {
        std::vector<std::size_t> res;
            wires.begin(), wires.end(), std::back_inserter(res),
            [this](auto w) { return this->qubit_manager.getDeviceId(w); });
        return res;

    explicit LightningKokkosSimulator(const std::string &kwargs = "{}") {
        auto &&args = Catalyst::Runtime::parse_kwargs(kwargs);
        device_shots = args.contains("shots")
                           ? static_cast<std::size_t>(std::stoll(args["shots"]))
                           : 0;
    ~LightningKokkosSimulator() = default;

    LightningKokkosSimulator(const LightningKokkosSimulator &) = delete;
    LightningKokkosSimulator &
    operator=(const LightningKokkosSimulator &) = delete;
    LightningKokkosSimulator(LightningKokkosSimulator &&) = delete;
    LightningKokkosSimulator &operator=(LightningKokkosSimulator &&) = delete;

    auto AllocateQubit() -> QubitIdType override;
    auto AllocateQubits(std::size_t num_qubits)
        -> std::vector<QubitIdType> override;
    void ReleaseQubit(QubitIdType q) override;
    void ReleaseAllQubits() override;
    [[nodiscard]] auto GetNumQubits() const -> std::size_t override;
    void StartTapeRecording() override;
    void StopTapeRecording() override;
    void SetDeviceShots(std::size_t shots) override;
    void SetDevicePRNG(std::mt19937 *) override;
    void SetState(DataView<std::complex<double>, 1> &,
                  std::vector<QubitIdType> &) override;
    void SetBasisState(DataView<int8_t, 1> &,
                       std::vector<QubitIdType> &) override;
    [[nodiscard]] auto GetDeviceShots() const -> std::size_t override;
    void PrintState() override;
    [[nodiscard]] auto Zero() const -> Result override;
    [[nodiscard]] auto One() const -> Result override;

    NamedOperation(const std::string &name, const std::vector<double> &params,
                   const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires, bool inverse = false,
                   const std::vector<QubitIdType> &controlled_wires = {},
                   const std::vector<bool> &controlled_values = {}) override;
    using Catalyst::Runtime::QuantumDevice::MatrixOperation;
    MatrixOperation(const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &matrix,
                    const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires, bool inverse = false,
                    const std::vector<QubitIdType> &controlled_wires = {},
                    const std::vector<bool> &controlled_values = {}) override;
    auto Observable(ObsId id, const std::vector<std::complex<double>> &matrix,
                    const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires)
        -> ObsIdType override;
    auto TensorObservable(const std::vector<ObsIdType> &obs)
        -> ObsIdType override;
    auto HamiltonianObservable(const std::vector<double> &coeffs,
                               const std::vector<ObsIdType> &obs)
        -> ObsIdType override;
    auto Expval(ObsIdType obsKey) -> double override;
    auto Var(ObsIdType obsKey) -> double override;
    void State(DataView<std::complex<double>, 1> &state) override;
    void Probs(DataView<double, 1> &probs) override;
    void PartialProbs(DataView<double, 1> &probs,
                      const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires) override;
    void Sample(DataView<double, 2> &samples, std::size_t shots) override;
    void PartialSample(DataView<double, 2> &samples,
                       const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires,
                       std::size_t shots) override;
    void Counts(DataView<double, 1> &eigvals, DataView<int64_t, 1> &counts,
                std::size_t shots) override;
    void PartialCounts(DataView<double, 1> &eigvals,
                       DataView<int64_t, 1> &counts,
                       const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires,
                       std::size_t shots) override;
    auto Measure(QubitIdType wire,
                 std::optional<int32_t> postselect = std::nullopt)
        -> Result override;
    void Gradient(std::vector<DataView<double, 1>> &gradients,
                  const std::vector<std::size_t> &trainParams) override;

    auto CacheManagerInfo()
        -> std::tuple<std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t,
                      std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<ObsIdType>>;

} // namespace Catalyst::Runtime::Simulator