Source code for pennylane_orquestra.orquestra_device

# Copyright 2020-2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Base device class for PennyLane-Orquestra.
# pylint: disable=protected-access, consider-using-enumerate

import abc
import json
import re
import uuid

from pennylane import QubitDevice, matrix, pauli_decompose
from pennylane.operation import Tensor
from pennylane.measurements import Expectation
from pennylane.ops import Identity
from pennylane.wires import Wires

from pennylane_orquestra._version import __version__
from pennylane_orquestra.cli_actions import (
from pennylane_orquestra.gen_workflow import gen_expval_workflow
from pennylane_orquestra.utils import _terms_to_qubit_operator_string

[docs]class OrquestraDevice(QubitDevice, abc.ABC): """The Orquestra base device. Provides the :meth:`~.execute` and :meth:`~.batch_execute` methods which allows remote device executions by generating, submitting Orquestra workflows and processing their results. The :meth:`~.batch_execute` method can be utilized to send workflows that contain several circuits which are computed in parallel on a remote device. The workflow files generated are placed into a user specific data folder specified by the output of ``appdirs.user_data_dir("pennylane-orquestra", "Xanadu")``. By default, such files are removed (see ``keep_files`` keyword argument). After each device execution, filenames for the generated workflows are stored in the ``filenames`` attribute. Computing the expectation value of the identity operator does not involve a workflow submission (hence no files are created). Args: wires (int, Iterable[Number, str]]): Number of subsystems represented by the device, or iterable that contains unique labels for the subsystems as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings (``['ancilla', 'q1', 'q2']``). Default 1 if not specified. shots (int or list[int]): Number of circuit evaluations/random samples used to estimate expectation values of observables. If ``None``, the device calculates probability, expectation values, and variances analytically. If an integer, it specifies the number of samples to estimate these quantities. If a list of integers is passed, the circuit evaluations are batched over the list of shots. Keyword Args: backend=None (str): the Orquestra backend device to use for the specific Orquestra backend, if applicable batch_size=10 (int): the size of each circuit batch when using the :meth:`~.batch_execute` method to send multiple workflows keep_files=False (bool): whether or not the workflow files generated during the circuit execution should be kept or deleted resources=None (dict): an option for Orquestra, specifies the resources provisioned for the clusters running each workflow step timeout=600 (int): the maximum time until a job will timeout after getting no response from Orquestra (in seconds) """ name = "Orquestra base device for PennyLane" short_name = "orquestra.base" pennylane_requires = ">=0.15.0" version = __version__ author = "Xanadu" operations = { "BasisState", "CNOT", "CRX", "CRY", "CRZ", "CRot", "CSWAP", "CY", "CZ", "Hadamard", "MultiRZ", "PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "PhaseShift", "QubitStateVector", "StatePrep", "RX", "RY", "RZ", "Rot", "S", "SWAP", "SX", "T", "Toffoli", } observables = {"PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "Identity", "Hadamard"} def __init__(self, wires, shots=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(wires=wires, shots=shots) self.backend = kwargs.get("backend", None) self._batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 10) self._keep_files = kwargs.get("keep_files", False) self._resources = kwargs.get("resources", None) self._timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 600) self._latest_id = None self._filenames = [] self._backend_specs = None
[docs] def apply(self, operations, **kwargs): pass
[docs] @classmethod def capabilities(cls): capabilities = super().capabilities().copy() capabilities.update( model="qubit", supports_inverse_operations=False, supports_analytic_computation=True, returns_probs=False, ) return capabilities
@property def backend_specs(self): """The backend specifications defined for the device. Returns: str: the backend specifications represented as a string """ if self._backend_specs is None: backend_specs_dict = self.create_backend_specs() self._backend_specs = json.dumps(backend_specs_dict) return self._backend_specs
[docs] def create_backend_specs(self): """Create the backend specifications as a dictionary based on the device options. Backend specifications are dictionaries submitted in a serialized json string format to Orquestra to specify which ``QuantumBackend`` to run quantum circuits on. Data specified include details such as the name of the external framework, the exact device to be used when several availabe, the number of samples to obtain (if not exact computation). Returns: dict: the backend specifications represented as a dictionary """ backend_specs = {} backend_specs["module_name"] = self.qe_module_name backend_specs["function_name"] = self.qe_function_name if self.backend is not None: # Only devices that allow multiple backends need to specify one # E.g., qe-qiskit backend_specs["device_name"] = self.backend if self.shots is not None: backend_specs["n_samples"] = self.shots return backend_specs
@property def latest_id(self): """Returns the latest workflow ID that has been executed. Returns: str: the ID of the latest workflow that has been submitted """ return self._latest_id @property def filenames(self): """Returns the names of the workflow files created during device executions. Returns: list: the workflow filenames """ return self._filenames @property @abc.abstractmethod def qe_module_name(self): """Device specific Orquestra module name used in the backend specification.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def qe_function_name(self): """Device specific Orquestra function name used in the backend specification.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def qe_component(self): """Device specific Orquestra component name used in the backend specification."""
[docs] def serialize_circuit(self, circuit): """Serializes the circuit before submission according to the backend specified. The circuit is represented as an OpenQASM 2.0 program. Measurement instructions are removed from the program as the operator is passed separately. Args: circuit (~.QuantumTape): circuit to serialize Returns: str: OpenQASM 2.0 representation of the circuit without any measurement instructions """ qasm_str = circuit.to_openqasm(rotations=self.shots is not None) qasm_without_measurements = re.sub(r"measure.*?;\n?\s*", "", qasm_str) return qasm_without_measurements
[docs] def process_observables(self, observables): """Processes the observables provided with the circuits. If the observable defined is the identity, then no serialization happens. Instead, the index of the observable is saved. Args: observables (list): a list of observables to process Returns: tuple: * the serialized non-identity operators * the indices of the identity operators """ ops = [] identity_indices = [] for idx, obs in enumerate(observables): if not isinstance(obs, Identity): # Only serialize if it's not the identity ops.append(self.serialize_operator(obs)) else: # Otherwise keep track of the indices and use the theoreticaly # value as a result later identity_indices.append(idx) return ops, identity_indices
[docs] def serialize_operator(self, observable): """Serialize the observable specified for the circuit as an OpenFermion operator. Args: observable (pennylane.operation.Observable): the observable to get the operator representation for Returns: str: string representation of terms making up the observable """ if self.shots is not None: obs_wires = observable.wires wires = self.wires.indices(obs_wires) op_str = self.pauliz_operator_string(wires) else: op_str = self.qubit_operator_string(observable) return op_str
[docs] @staticmethod def pauliz_operator_string(wires): """Creates an OpenFermion operator string based on the measured wires that can be passed when creating an ``openfermion.IsingOperator``. This method is used if rotations are needed for the backend specified. In such a case a string that represents measuring PauliZ on each of the affected wires is used. **Example** >>> dev = QeQiskitDevice(wires=2) >>> wires = [0, 1, 2] >>> op_str = dev.pauliz_operator_string(wires) >>> print(op_str) [Z0 Z1 Z2] >>> print(openfermion.IsingOperator(op_str)) 1.0 [Z0 Z1 Z2] Args: wires (Wires): the wires the observable of the quantum function acts on Returns: str: the ``openfermion.IsingOperator`` string representation """ op_wires_but_last = [f"Z{w} " for w in wires[:-1]] # No space after the last wire op_last_wire = f"Z{wires[-1]}" op_str = "".join(["[", *op_wires_but_last, op_last_wire, "]"]) return op_str
[docs] def qubit_operator_string(self, observable): """Serializes a PennyLane observable to a string compatible with the openfermion.QubitOperator class. This method decomposes an observable into a sum of Pauli terms and identities, if needed. **Example** >>> dev = QeQiskitDevice(wires=2) >>> obs = qml.PauliZ(0) >>> op_str = dev.qubit_operator_string(obs) >>> print(op_str) 1 [Z0] >>> obs = qml.Hadamard(0) >>> op_str = dev.qubit_operator_string(obs) >>> print(op_str) 0.7071067811865475 [X0] + 0.7071067811865475 [Z0] Args: observable (pennylane.operation.Observable): the observable to serialize Returns: str: the ``openfermion.QubitOperator`` string representation """ accepted_obs = {"PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "Identity"} if isinstance(observable, Tensor): need_decomposition = any( not in accepted_obs for o in observable.obs) else: need_decomposition = not in accepted_obs if need_decomposition: original_observable = observable # Decompose the matrix of the observable # This removes information about the wire labels used and # consecutive integer wires are used coeffs, obs_list = pauli_decompose(matrix(original_observable)).terms() for idx in range(len(obs_list)): obs = obs_list[idx] if not isinstance(obs, Tensor): # Convert terms to Tensor such that _terms_to_qubit_operator # can be used obs_list[idx] = Tensor(obs) # Need to use the custom wire labels of the original observable original_wires = original_observable.wires.tolist() for o, mapped_w in zip(obs_list[idx].obs, original_wires): o._wires = Wires(mapped_w) else: if not isinstance(observable, Tensor): # If decomposition is not needed and is not a Tensor, we need # to convert the single observable observable = Tensor(observable) coeffs = [1] obs_list = [observable] # Use consecutive integers as default wire_map wire_map = {v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(self.wires)} return _terms_to_qubit_operator_string(coeffs, obs_list, wires=wire_map)
[docs] def execute(self, circuit, **kwargs): # Input checks not_all_expval = any(obs.return_type is not Expectation for obs in circuit.observables) if not_all_expval: raise NotImplementedError( f"The {self.short_name} device only supports returning expectation values." ) self.check_validity(circuit.operations, circuit.observables) qasm_circuit = self.serialize_circuit(circuit) # 2. Create the qubit operators ops, identity_indices = self.process_observables(circuit.observables) if not ops: # All the observables were identity, no workflow submission needed return self._asarray([1] * len(identity_indices)) ops_json = json.dumps(ops) # Single step: need to nest the operators into a list ops = [ops_json] qasm_circuit = [qasm_circuit] # 4-5. Create the backend specs & workflow file workflow = gen_expval_workflow( self.qe_component, self.backend_specs, qasm_circuit, ops, resources=self._resources, **kwargs, ) file_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) filename = f"expval-{file_id}.yaml" filepath = write_workflow_file(filename, workflow) # 6. Submit the workflow workflow_id = qe_submit(filepath, keep_file=self._keep_files) if self._keep_files: self._filenames.append(filename) self._latest_id = workflow_id # 7. Loop until finished results = self.single_step_results(workflow_id) # Insert the theoretical value for the expectation value of the # identity operator for idx in identity_indices: results.insert(idx, 1) res = self._asarray(results) return res
[docs] def single_step_results(self, workflow_id): """Extracts the results of a single step obtained for a workflow. This method assumes that the workflow had a single step and that the structure of the result corresponds to results sent by Orquestra API v1.0.0. Args: workflow_id (str): the ID of the workflow to extract results for Returns: results (list): a list of workflow results """ data = loop_until_finished(workflow_id, timeout=self._timeout) try: step_result = [v for k, v in data.items()][0] results = step_result["expval"]["list"] except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError) as e: current_status = workflow_details(workflow_id) raise ValueError( f"Unexpected result format for workflow {workflow_id}.\n " f"{''.join(current_status)}" ) from e return results
[docs] @staticmethod def insert_identity_res_batch(results, empty_obs_list, identity_indices): """An auxiliary function for inserting values which were not computed using workflows into batch results. Computations involving the identity observable are given by theoretical values rather than as part of a workflow. Therefore, such values need to be inserted into the results later. Args: results (list): workflow results of the batched execution empty_obs_list (list): list of indices where every observable is the identity identity_indices (dict): maps the index of a sublist to the the list of indices where the observable is an identity Returns: list: list of results """ # Insert the lists needed for only identity results for idx in empty_obs_list: results.insert(idx, []) # Insert further identity results for list_idx in identity_indices.keys(): for iden_idx in identity_indices[list_idx]: results[list_idx].insert(iden_idx, 1) return results
[docs] def batch_execute(self, circuits, **kwargs): if len(circuits) == 1: return [self.execute(circuits[0], **kwargs)] results = [] idx = 0 file_prefix = f"{str(uuid.uuid4())}" # Iterating through the circuits based on the allowed number of # circuits per workflow while idx < len(circuits): end_idx = idx + self._batch_size batch = circuits[idx:end_idx] file_id = f"{file_prefix}-{str(idx)}" res = self.multi_step_execute(batch, file_id, **kwargs) results.extend(res) idx += self._batch_size return results
[docs] def multi_step_execute(self, circuits, file_id, **kwargs): """Creates a multi-step workflow for executing a batch of circuits. Args: circuits (list[QuantumTape]): circuits to execute on the device file_id (str): the file id to be used for naming the workflow file Returns: list[array[float]]: list of measured value(s) for the batch """ for circuit in circuits: # Input checks not_all_expval = any(obs.return_type is not Expectation for obs in circuit.observables) if not_all_expval: raise NotImplementedError( f"The {self.short_name} device only supports returning expectation values." ) self.check_validity(circuit.operations, circuit.observables) # 1. Create qasm strings from the circuits qasm_circuits = [self.serialize_circuit(circuit) for circuit in circuits] # 2. Create the qubit operators of observables for each circuit ops = [] identity_indices = {} empty_obs_list = [] for idx, circuit in enumerate(circuits): processed_observables, current_id_indices = self.process_observables( circuit.observables ) ops.append(processed_observables) if not processed_observables: # Keep track of empty observable lists empty_obs_list.append(idx) identity_indices[idx] = current_id_indices if not all(ops): # There were batches which had only identity observables if not any(ops): # All the batches only had identity observables, no workflow submission needed return [self._asarray([1] * len(circuit.observables)) for circuit in circuits] # Remove the empty lists so that those are not submitted ops = [o for o in ops if o] # Multiple steps: need to create json strings as elements of the list ops = [json.dumps(o) for o in ops] # 3-4. Create the backend specs & workflow file workflow = gen_expval_workflow( self.qe_component, self.backend_specs, qasm_circuits, ops, resources=self._resources, **kwargs, ) filename = f"expval-{file_id}.yaml" filepath = write_workflow_file(filename, workflow) # 5. Submit the workflow workflow_id = qe_submit(filepath, keep_file=self._keep_files) self._latest_id = workflow_id if self._keep_files: self._filenames.append(filename) # 6. Loop until finished results = self.multiple_steps_results(workflow_id) results = self.insert_identity_res_batch(results, empty_obs_list, identity_indices) results = [self._asarray(res) for res in results] return results
[docs] def multiple_steps_results(self, workflow_id): """Extracts the results of multiple steps obtained for a workflow. This method assumes that the workflow had multiple steps and that the structure of the result corresponds to results sent by Orquestra API v1.0.0. Orquestra doesn't necessarily execute parallel steps in the order they were defined in a workflow file. Therefore, due to parallel execution, results might have been written in any order, so results are sorted by the step name. Args: workflow_id (str): the ID of the workflow to extract results for Returns: results (list): a list of workflow results for each step """ data = loop_until_finished(workflow_id, timeout=self._timeout) try: # Sort results by step name get_step_name = lambda entry: entry[1]["stepName"] data = dict(sorted(data.items(), key=get_step_name)) # Obtain the results for each step result_dicts = [v for k, v in data.items()] results = [dct["expval"]["list"] for dct in result_dicts] except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError) as e: current_status = workflow_details(workflow_id) raise ValueError( f"Unexpected result format for workflow {workflow_id}.\n " f"{''.join(current_status)}" ) return results