Source code for pennylane_qiskit.qiskit_device

# Copyright 2019-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains a prototype base class for constructing Qiskit devices
for PennyLane with the new device API.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,attribute-defined-outside-init

import warnings
import inspect
from typing import Union, Callable, Tuple, Sequence
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np
import pennylane as qml
from qiskit.compiler import transpile
from qiskit.providers import BackendV2

from qiskit_ibm_runtime import Session, SamplerV2 as Sampler, EstimatorV2 as Estimator

from pennylane import transform
from pennylane.transforms.core import TransformProgram
from pennylane.transforms import broadcast_expand, split_non_commuting
from pennylane.tape import QuantumTape, QuantumScript
from pennylane.typing import Result, ResultBatch
from pennylane.devices import Device
from pennylane.devices.execution_config import ExecutionConfig, DefaultExecutionConfig
from pennylane.devices.preprocess import (

from pennylane.measurements import ExpectationMP, VarianceMP
from pennylane.devices.modifiers.simulator_tracking import simulator_tracking
from ._version import __version__
from .converter import QISKIT_OPERATION_MAP, circuit_to_qiskit, mp_to_pauli

QuantumTapeBatch = Sequence[QuantumTape]
QuantumTape_or_Batch = Union[QuantumTape, QuantumTapeBatch]
Result_or_ResultBatch = Union[Result, ResultBatch]

def custom_simulator_tracking(cls):
    """Decorator that adds custom tracking to the device class."""

    cls = simulator_tracking(cls)
    tracked_execute = cls.execute

    def execute(self, circuits, execution_config=DefaultExecutionConfig):
        results = tracked_execute(self, circuits, execution_config)
            res = []
            del self.tracker.totals["simulations"]
            del self.tracker.history["simulations"]
            del self.tracker.latest["simulations"]
            for r in self.tracker.history["results"]:
                while isinstance(r, (list, tuple)) and len(r) == 1:
                    r = r[0]
            self.tracker.history["results"] = res
        return results

    cls.execute = execute

    return cls

# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] @contextmanager def qiskit_session(device, **kwargs): """ A context manager that creates a Qiskit Session and sets it as a session on the device while the context manager is active. .. warning:: Currently, sessions cannot be used by IBM users on the Open plan. We recommend referring to the Qiskit Session `documentation <>`_ and opening a session with Qiskit's session directly. Using the context manager will ensure the Session closes properly and is removed from the device after completing the tasks. Any Session that was initialized and passed into the device will be overwritten by the Qiskit Session created by this context manager. Args: device (QiskitDevice2): the device that will create remote tasks using the session **kwargs: keyword arguments for session settings. Currently, the only relevant keyword argument is "max_time", which allows setting the maximum amount of time the session is open. **Example:** .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml from pennylane_qiskit import qiskit_session from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService # get backend service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum") backend = service.least_busy(simulator=False, operational=True) # initialize device dev = qml.device('qiskit.remote', wires=2, backend=backend) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(x): qml.RX(x, 0) qml.CNOT([0, 1]) return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1)) angle = 0.1 with qiskit_session(dev, max_time=60) as session: # queue for the first execution res = circuit(angle)[0] # then this loop executes immediately after without queueing again while res > 0: angle += 0.3 res = circuit(angle)[0] Note that if you passed in a session to your device, that session will be overwritten by `qiskit_session`. .. code-block:: python import pennylane as qml from pennylane_qiskit import qiskit_session from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Session # get backend service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum") backend = service.least_busy(simulator=False, operational=True) # initialize device dev = qml.device('qiskit.remote', wires=2, backend=backend, session=Session(backend=backend, max_time=30)) @qml.qnode(dev) def circuit(x): qml.RX(x, 0) qml.CNOT([0, 1]) return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1)) angle = 0.1 # This session will have the Qiskit default settings max_time=900 with qiskit_session(dev) as session: res = circuit(angle)[0] while res > 0: angle += 0.3 res = circuit(angle)[0] """ # Code to acquire session: existing_session = device._session session_options = {"backend": device.backend, "service": device.service} for k, v in kwargs.items(): # Options like service and backend should be tied to the settings set on device if k in session_options: warnings.warn(f"Using '{k}' set in device, {getattr(device, k)}", UserWarning) else: session_options[k] = v session = Session(**session_options) device._session = session try: yield session finally: # Code to release session: session.close() device._session = existing_session
def accepted_sample_measurement(m: qml.measurements.MeasurementProcess) -> bool: """Specifies whether or not a measurement is accepted when sampling.""" return isinstance( m, ( qml.measurements.SampleMeasurement, qml.measurements.ClassicalShadowMP, qml.measurements.ShadowExpvalMP, ), ) @transform def split_execution_types( tape: qml.tape.QuantumTape, ) -> (Sequence[qml.tape.QuantumTape], Callable): """Split into separate tapes based on measurement type. Counts and sample-based measurements will use the Qiskit Sampler. ExpectationValue and Variance will use the Estimator, except when the measured observable does not have a `pauli_rep`. In that case, the Sampler will be used, and the raw samples will be processed to give an expectation value.""" estimator = [] sampler = [] for i, mp in enumerate(tape.measurements): if isinstance(mp, (ExpectationMP, VarianceMP)): if mp.obs.pauli_rep: estimator.append((mp, i)) else: warnings.warn( f"The observable measured {mp.obs} does not have a `pauli_rep` " "and will be run without using the Estimator primitive. Instead, " "raw samples from the Sampler will be used." ) sampler.append((mp, i)) else: sampler.append((mp, i)) order_indices = [[i for mp, i in group] for group in [estimator, sampler]] tapes = [] if estimator: tapes.extend( [ qml.tape.QuantumScript( tape.operations, measurements=[mp for mp, i in estimator], shots=tape.shots, ) ] ) if sampler: tapes.extend( [ qml.tape.QuantumScript( tape.operations, measurements=[mp for mp, i in sampler], shots=tape.shots, ) ] ) def reorder_fn(res): """re-order the output to the original shape and order""" flattened_indices = [i for group in order_indices for i in group] flattened_results = [r for group in res for r in group] if len(flattened_indices) != len(flattened_results): raise ValueError( "The lengths of flattened_indices and flattened_results do not match." ) # pragma: no cover result = dict(zip(flattened_indices, flattened_results)) result = tuple(result[i] for i in sorted(result.keys())) return result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result return tapes, reorder_fn @custom_simulator_tracking class QiskitDevice(Device): r"""Hardware/simulator Qiskit device for PennyLane. Args: wires (int or Iterable[Number, str]]): Number of subsystems represented by the device, or iterable that contains unique labels for the subsystems as numbers (i.e., ``[-1, 0, 2]``) or strings (``['aux_wire', 'q1', 'q2']``). backend (Backend): the initialized Qiskit backend Keyword Args: shots (int or None): number of circuit evaluations/random samples used to estimate expectation values and variances of observables. session (Session): a Qiskit Session to use for device execution. If none is provided, a session will be created at each device execution. compile_backend (Union[Backend, None]): the backend to be used for compiling the circuit that will be sent to the backend device, to be set if the backend desired for compliation differs from the backend used for execution. Defaults to ``None``, which means the primary backend will be used. **kwargs: transpilation and runtime keyword arguments to be used for measurements with Primitives. If an `options` dictionary is defined amongst the kwargs, and there are settings that overlap with those in kwargs, the settings in `options` will take precedence over kwargs. Keyword arguments accepted by both the transpiler and at runtime (e.g. ``optimization_level``) will be passed to the transpiler rather than to the Primitive. """ operations = set(QISKIT_OPERATION_MAP.keys()) observables = { "PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "Identity", "Hadamard", "Hermitian", "Projector", "Prod", "Sum", "LinearCombination", "SProd", # TODO Could support SparseHamiltonian } # pylint:disable = too-many-arguments def __init__( self, wires, backend, shots=1024, session=None, compile_backend=None, **kwargs, ): if shots is None: warnings.warn( "Expected an integer number of shots, but received shots=None. Defaulting " "to 1024 shots. The analytic calculation of results is not supported on " "this device. All statistics obtained from this device are estimates based " "on samples.", UserWarning, ) shots = 1024 super().__init__(wires=wires, shots=shots) self._backend = backend self._compile_backend = compile_backend if compile_backend else backend self._service = getattr(backend, "_service", None) self._session = session kwargs["shots"] = shots # Perform validation against backend available_qubits = ( backend.num_qubits if isinstance(backend, BackendV2) else backend.configuration().n_qubits ) if len(self.wires) > int(available_qubits): raise ValueError(f"Backend '{backend}' supports maximum {available_qubits} wires") self.reset() self._kwargs, self._transpile_args = self._process_kwargs( kwargs ) # processes kwargs and separates transpilation arguments to dev._transpile_args @property def backend(self): """The Qiskit backend object. Returns: qiskit.providers.Backend: Qiskit backend object. """ return self._backend @property def compile_backend(self): """The ``compile_backend`` is a Qiskit backend object to be used for transpilation. Returns: qiskit.providers.backend: Qiskit backend object. """ return self._compile_backend @property def service(self): """The QiskitRuntimeService service. Returns: qiskit.qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService """ return self._service @property def session(self): """The QiskitRuntimeService session. Returns: qiskit.qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session """ return self._session @property def num_wires(self): """Get the number of wires. Returns: int: The number of wires. """ return len(self.wires) def update_session(self, session): """Update the session attribute. Args: session: The new session to be set. """ self._session = session def reset(self): """Reset the current job to None.""" self._current_job = None def stopping_condition(self, op: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool: """Specifies whether or not an Operator is accepted by QiskitDevice2.""" return in self.operations def observable_stopping_condition(self, obs: qml.operation.Operator) -> bool: """Specifies whether or not an observable is accepted by QiskitDevice2.""" return in self.observables def preprocess( self, execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig, ) -> Tuple[TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig]: """This function defines the device transform program to be applied and an updated device configuration. Args: execution_config (Union[ExecutionConfig, Sequence[ExecutionConfig]]): A data structure describing the parameters needed to fully describe the execution. Returns: TransformProgram, ExecutionConfig: A transform program that when called returns QuantumTapes that the device can natively execute as well as a postprocessing function to be called after execution, and a configuration with unset specifications filled in. This device: * Supports any operations with explicit PennyLane to Qiskit gate conversions defined in the plugin * Does not intrinsically support parameter broadcasting """ config = execution_config config.use_device_gradient = False transform_program = TransformProgram() transform_program.add_transform(validate_device_wires, self.wires, transform_program.add_transform( decompose, stopping_condition=self.stopping_condition,, skip_initial_state_prep=False, ) transform_program.add_transform( validate_measurements, sample_measurements=accepted_sample_measurement,, ) transform_program.add_transform( validate_observables, stopping_condition=self.observable_stopping_condition,, ) transform_program.add_transform(broadcast_expand) transform_program.add_transform(split_non_commuting) transform_program.add_transform(split_execution_types) return transform_program, config def _process_kwargs(self, kwargs): """Processes kwargs given and separates them into kwargs and transpile_args. If given a keyword argument 'options' that is a dictionary, a common practice in Qiskit, the options in said dictionary take precedence over any overlapping keyword arguments defined in the kwargs. Keyword Args: kwargs (dict): keyword arguments that set either runtime options or transpilation options. Returns: kwargs, transpile_args: keyword arguments for the runtime options and keyword arguments for the transpiler """ if "noise_model" in kwargs: noise_model = kwargs.pop("noise_model") self.backend.set_options(noise_model=noise_model) if "options" in kwargs: for key, val in kwargs.pop("options").items(): if key in kwargs: warnings.warn( "An overlap between what was passed in via options and what was passed in via kwargs was found." f"The value set in options {key}={val} will be used." ) kwargs[key] = val shots = kwargs.pop("shots") if "default_shots" in kwargs: warnings.warn( f"default_shots was found in the keyword arguments, but it is not supported by {}" "Please use the `shots` keyword argument instead. The number of shots " f"{shots} will be used instead." ) kwargs["default_shots"] = shots kwargs, transpile_args = self.get_transpile_args(kwargs) return kwargs, transpile_args @staticmethod def get_transpile_args(kwargs): """The transpile argument setter. This separates keyword arguments related to transpilation from the rest of the keyword arguments and removes those keyword arguments from kwargs. Keyword Args: kwargs (dict): combined keyword arguments to be parsed for the Qiskit transpiler. For more details, see the `Qiskit transpiler documentation <>`_ Returns: kwargs (dict), transpile_args (dict): keyword arguments for the runtime options and keyword arguments for the transpiler """ transpile_sig = inspect.signature(transpile).parameters transpile_args = {arg: kwargs.pop(arg) for arg in transpile_sig if arg in kwargs} transpile_args.pop("circuits", None) transpile_args.pop("backend", None) return kwargs, transpile_args def compile_circuits(self, circuits): """Compiles multiple circuits one after the other. Args: circuits (list[QuantumCircuit]): the circuits to be compiled Returns: list[QuantumCircuit]: the list of compiled circuits """ # Compile each circuit object compiled_circuits = [] transpile_args = self._transpile_args for i, circuit in enumerate(circuits): compiled_circ = transpile(circuit, backend=self.compile_backend, **transpile_args) = f"circ{i}" compiled_circuits.append(compiled_circ) return compiled_circuits # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-member def execute( self, circuits: QuantumTape_or_Batch, execution_config: ExecutionConfig = DefaultExecutionConfig, ) -> Result_or_ResultBatch: """Execute a circuit or a batch of circuits and turn it into results.""" session = self._session or Session(backend=self.backend) results = [] if isinstance(circuits, QuantumScript): circuits = [circuits] @contextmanager def execute_circuits(session): try: for circ in circuits: if circ.shots and len(circ.shots.shot_vector) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Setting shot vector {circ.shots.shot_vector} is not supported for {}." "Please use a single integer instead when specifying the number of shots." ) if isinstance(circ.measurements[0], (ExpectationMP, VarianceMP)) and getattr( circ.measurements[0].obs, "pauli_rep", None ): execute_fn = self._execute_estimator else: execute_fn = self._execute_sampler results.append(execute_fn(circ, session)) yield results finally: session.close() with execute_circuits(session) as results: return results def _execute_sampler(self, circuit, session): """Returns the result of the execution of the circuit using the SamplerV2 Primitive. Note that this result has been processed respective to the MeasurementProcess given. E.g. `qml.expval` returns an expectation value whereas `qml.sample()` will return the raw samples. Args: circuits (list[QuantumCircuit]): the circuits to be executed via SamplerV2 session (Session): the session that the execution will be performed with Returns: result (tuple): the processed result from SamplerV2 """ qcirc = [circuit_to_qiskit(circuit, self.num_wires, diagonalize=True, measure=True)] sampler = Sampler(session=session) compiled_circuits = self.compile_circuits(qcirc) sampler.options.update(**self._kwargs) # len(compiled_circuits) is always 1 so the indexing does not matter. result = compiled_circuits, shots=circuit.shots.total_shots if circuit.shots.total_shots else None, ).result()[0] classical_register_name = compiled_circuits[0].cregs[0].name self._current_job = getattr(, classical_register_name) # needs processing function to convert to the correct format for states, and # also handle instances where wires were specified in probs, and for multiple probs measurements self._samples = self.generate_samples(0) res = [ mp.process_samples(self._samples, wire_order=self.wires) for mp in circuit.measurements ] single_measurement = len(circuit.measurements) == 1 res = (res[0],) if single_measurement else tuple(res) return res def _execute_estimator(self, circuit, session): """Returns the result of the execution of the circuit using the EstimatorV2 Primitive. Note that this result has been processed respective to the MeasurementProcess given. E.g. `qml.expval` returns an expectation value whereas `qml.var` will return the variance. Args: circuits (list[QuantumCircuit]): the circuits to be executed via EstimatorV2 session (Session): the session that the execution will be performed with Returns: result (tuple): the processed result from EstimatorV2 """ # the Estimator primitive takes care of diagonalization and measurements itself, # so diagonalizing gates and measurements are not included in the circuit qcirc = [circuit_to_qiskit(circuit, self.num_wires, diagonalize=False, measure=False)] estimator = Estimator(session=session) pauli_observables = [mp_to_pauli(mp, self.num_wires) for mp in circuit.measurements] compiled_circuits = self.compile_circuits(qcirc) estimator.options.update(**self._kwargs) # split into one call per measurement # could technically be more efficient if there are some observables where we ask # for expectation value and variance on the same observable, but spending time on # that right now feels excessive circ_and_obs = [(compiled_circuits[0], pauli_observables)] result = circ_and_obs, precision=np.sqrt(1 / circuit.shots.total_shots) if circuit.shots else None, ).result() self._current_job = result result = self._process_estimator_job(circuit.measurements, result) return result @staticmethod def _process_estimator_job(measurements, job_result): """Estimator returns the expectation value and standard error for each observable measured, along with some metadata that contains the precision. Extracts the relevant number for each measurement process and return the requested results from the Estimator executions. Note that for variance, we calculate the variance by using the standard error and the precision value. Args: measurements (list[MeasurementProcess]): the measurements in the circuit job_result (Any): the result from EstimatorV2 Returns: result (tuple): the processed result from EstimatorV2 """ expvals = job_result[0].data.evs variances = (job_result[0].data.stds / job_result[0].metadata["target_precision"]) ** 2 result = [] for i, mp in enumerate(measurements): if isinstance(mp, ExpectationMP): result.append(expvals[i]) elif isinstance(mp, VarianceMP): result.append(variances[i]) single_measurement = len(measurements) == 1 result = (result[0],) if single_measurement else tuple(result) return result def generate_samples(self, circuit=None): r"""Returns the computational basis samples generated for all wires. Note that PennyLane uses the convention :math:`|q_0,q_1,\dots,q_{N-1}\rangle` where :math:`q_0` is the most significant bit. Args: circuit (int): position of the circuit in the batch. Returns: array[complex]: array of samples in the shape ``(dev.shots, dev.num_wires)`` """ counts = self._current_job.get_counts() # Batch of circuits if not isinstance(counts, dict): counts = self._current_job.get_counts()[circuit] samples = [] for key, value in counts.items(): samples.extend([key] * value) return np.vstack([np.array([int(i) for i in s[::-1]]) for s in samples])