Source code for pennylane_rigetti.qpu

QPU Device

**Module name:** :mod:`pennylane_rigetti.qpu`

.. currentmodule:: pennylane_rigetti.qpu

This module contains the :class:`~.QPUDevice` class, a PennyLane device that allows
evaluation and differentiation of Rigetti's Quantum Processing Units (QPUs)
using PennyLane.


.. autosummary::

Code details

import warnings

import numpy as np
from pennylane.measurements import Expectation
from pennylane.operation import Tensor
from pennylane.ops import Prod
from pennylane.tape import QuantumTape
from pyquil import get_qc
from pyquil.api import QuantumComputer
from pyquil.experiment import SymmetrizationLevel
from pyquil.operator_estimation import (
from pyquil.paulis import sI, sZ
from pyquil.quil import Program
from pyquil.quilbase import Gate

from .qc import QuantumComputerDevice

[docs]class QPUDevice(QuantumComputerDevice): r"""Rigetti QPU device for PennyLane. Args: device (str): the name of the device to initialise. shots (int): number of circuit evaluations/random samples used to estimate expectation values of observables. wires (Iterable[Number, str]): Iterable that contains unique labels for the qubits as numbers or strings (i.e., ``['q1', ..., 'qN']``). The number of labels must match the number of qubits accessible on the backend. If not provided, qubits are addressed as consecutive integers ``[0, 1, ...]``, and their number is inferred from the backend. active_reset (bool): whether to actively reset qubits instead of waiting for for qubits to decay to the ground state naturally. Setting this to ``True`` results in a significantly faster expectation value evaluation when the number of shots is larger than ~1000. load_qc (bool): set to False to avoid getting the quantum computing device on initialization. This is convenient if not currently connected to the QPU. readout_error (list): specifies the conditional probabilities [p(0|0), p(1|1)], where p(i|j) denotes the prob of reading out i having sampled j; can be set to `None` if no readout errors need to be simulated; can only be set for the QPU-as-a-QVM symmetrize_readout (pyquil.experiment.SymmetrizationLevel): method to perform readout symmetrization, using exhaustive symmetrization by default calibrate_readout (str): method to perform calibration for readout error mitigation, normalizing by the expectation value in the +1-eigenstate of the observable by default Keyword args: compiler_timeout (int): number of seconds to wait for a response from quilc (default 10). execution_timeout (int): number of seconds to wait for a response from the QVM (default 10). parametric_compilation (bool): a boolean value of whether or not to use parametric compilation. """ name = "Rigetti QPU Device" short_name = "rigetti.qpu" def __init__( self, device, *, shots=1000, wires=None, active_reset=True, load_qc=True, readout_error=None, symmetrize_readout=SymmetrizationLevel.EXHAUSTIVE, calibrate_readout="plus-eig", **kwargs, ): if readout_error is not None and load_qc: raise ValueError("Readout error cannot be set on the physical QPU") self.readout_error = readout_error if kwargs.get("parametric_compilation", False): # Raise a warning if parametric compilation was explicitly turned on by the user # about turning the operator estimation off # TODO: Remove the warning and toggling once a migration to the new operator estimation # API has been executed. This new API provides compatibility between parametric # compilation and operator estimation. warnings.warn( "Parametric compilation is currently not supported with operator" "estimation. Operator estimation is being turned off." ) self.as_qvm = not load_qc self.symmetrize_readout = symmetrize_readout self.calibrate_readout = calibrate_readout self._skip_generate_samples = False super().__init__(device, wires=wires, shots=shots, active_reset=active_reset, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_qc(self, device, **kwargs) -> QuantumComputer: return get_qc(device, as_qvm=self.as_qvm, **kwargs)
[docs] def expval(self, observable, shot_range=None, bin_size=None): # translate operator wires to wire labels on the device device_wires = self.map_wires(observable.wires) # `measure_observables` called only when parametric compilation is turned off if not self.parametric_compilation: # Single-qubit observable if len(device_wires) == 1: # Ensure sensible observable assert in [ "PauliX", "PauliY", "PauliZ", "Identity", "Hadamard", ], "Unknown observable" # Create appropriate PauliZ operator wire = device_wires.labels[0] pauli_obs = sZ(wire) # Multi-qubit observable elif len(device_wires) > 1 and isinstance(observable, (Tensor, Prod)): # All observables are rotated to be measured in the Z-basis, so we just need to # check which wires exist in the observable, map them to physical qubits, and measure # the product of PauliZ operators on those qubits pauli_obs = sI() for label in device_wires.labels: pauli_obs *= sZ(label) # Program preparing the state in which to measure observable prep_prog = Program("RESET 0") for instr in self.program.instructions: if isinstance(instr, Gate): # split gate and wires -- assumes 1q and 2q gates tup_gate_wires = instr.out().split(" ") gate = tup_gate_wires[0] str_instr = str(gate) # map wires to qubits for w in tup_gate_wires[1:]: str_instr += f" {int(w)}" prep_prog += Program(str_instr) if self.readout_error is not None: for label in device_wires.labels: prep_prog.define_noisy_readout( label, p00=self.readout_error[0], p11=self.readout_error[1] ) prep_prog.wrap_in_numshots_loop(self.shots) # Measure out multi-qubit observable tomo_expt = Experiment( settings=[ExperimentSetting(TensorProductState(), pauli_obs)], program=prep_prog, symmetrization=self.symmetrize_readout, ) grouped_tomo_expt = group_experiments(tomo_expt) meas_obs = list( measure_observables( self.qc, grouped_tomo_expt, calibrate_readout=self.calibrate_readout, ) ) # Return the estimated expectation value return np.sum([expt_result.expectation for expt_result in meas_obs]) # Calculation of expectation value without using `measure_observables` return super().expval(observable, shot_range, bin_size)
[docs] def execute(self, circuit: QuantumTape, **kwargs): self._skip_generate_samples = ( all(mp.return_type is Expectation for mp in circuit.measurements) and not self.parametric_compilation ) return super().execute(circuit, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate_samples(self): return None if self._skip_generate_samples else super().generate_samples()