- plxpr_to_tape(plxpr, consts, *args, shots=None)[source]¶
Convert a plxpr into a tape.
- Parameters
plxpr (jax.core.Jaxpr) – a pennylane variant jaxpr
consts (list) – the consts for the jaxpr
*args – the arguments to execute the plxpr with
- Keyword Arguments
shots (None, int, Sequence[int], Shots) – the shots for the tape.
- Returns
a single quantum script containing the quantum operations and measurements
- Return type
@qml.for_loop(3) def loop(i): qml.X(i) def f(x): loop() qml.adjoint(qml.S)(0) m0 = qml.measure(0) qml.RX(2*x, 0) return qml.probs(wires=0), qml.expval(qml.Z(1)) qml.capture.enable() plxpr = jax.make_jaxpr(f)(0.5) tape = qml.tape.plxpr_to_tape(plxpr.jaxpr, plxpr.consts, 1.2) print(qml.drawer.tape_text(tape, decimals=2))
0: ──X──S†──┤↗├──RX(2.40)─┤ Probs 1: ──X────────────────────┤ <Z> 2: ──X────────────────────┤