Template Class StateVectorCudaBase

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template<class Precision, class Derived>
class StateVectorCudaBase : public Pennylane::StateVectorBase<Precision, Derived>

CRTP-enabled base class for CUDA-capable state-vector simulators.

Template Parameters
  • Precision – Floating point precision.

  • Derived – Derived class to instantiate using CRTP.

Public Types

using scalar_type_t = Precision

Alias for accessing the class templated precision type.

using CFP_t = decltype(cuUtil::getCudaType(Precision{}))

Alias for complex floating point datatype supported by class.

Public Functions

inline auto getData() const -> const CFP_t*

Return a pointer to the GPU data.


const CFP_t* Complex device pointer.

inline auto getData() -> CFP_t*

Return a pointer to the GPU data.


CFP_t* Complex device pointer.

inline auto getStream() -> cudaStream_t

Get the CUDA stream for the given object.



inline auto getStream() const -> cudaStream_t

Get the CUDA stream for the given object.


const cudaStream_t&

inline void setStream(const cudaStream_t &s)
inline void CopyHostDataToGpu(const std::vector<std::complex<Precision>> &sv, bool async = false)

Explicitly copy data from host memory to GPU device.


sv – StateVector host data class.

inline void CopyGpuDataToGpuIn(const CFP_t *gpu_sv, std::size_t length, bool async = false)

Explicitly copy data from host memory to GPU device.

  • host_sv – Complex data pointer to array.

  • length – Number of complex elements.

inline void CopyGpuDataToGpuIn(const Derived &sv, bool async = false)

Explicitly copy data from another GPU device memory block to this GPU device.


sv – LightningGPU object to send data.

inline void CopyHostDataToGpu(const std::complex<Precision> *host_sv, std::size_t length, bool async = false)

Explicitly copy data from host memory to GPU device.

  • host_sv – Complex data pointer to array.

  • length – Number of complex elements.

inline void CopyGpuDataToHost(std::complex<Precision> *host_sv, size_t length, bool async = false) const

Explicitly copy data from GPU device to host memory.


sv – Complex data pointer to receive data from device.

inline void CopyGpuDataToGpuOut(Derived &sv, bool async = false)

Explicitly copy data from this GPU device to another GPU device memory block.


sv – LightningGPU object to receive data.

inline const LightningGPU::DataBuffer<CFP_t> &getDataBuffer() const
inline LightningGPU::DataBuffer<CFP_t> &getDataBuffer()
inline void updateData(const Derived &other, bool async = false)

Update GPU device data from given derived object.

  • other – Source data to copy from.

  • async – Use asynchronous copies.

inline void updateData(std::unique_ptr<LightningGPU::DataBuffer<CFP_t>> &&other)

Move and replace DataBuffer for statevector.


other – Source data to copy from.

inline void initSV(bool async = false)

Initialize the statevector data to the |0…0> state.

Protected Types

using ParFunc = std::function<void(const std::vector<size_t>&, bool, const std::vector<Precision>&)>
using FMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, ParFunc>

Protected Functions

inline StateVectorCudaBase(size_t num_qubits, int device_id = 0, cudaStream_t stream_id = 0, bool device_alloc = true)
inline StateVectorCudaBase(size_t num_qubits, LightningGPU::DevTag<int> dev_tag, bool device_alloc = true)
StateVectorCudaBase() = delete
StateVectorCudaBase(const StateVectorCudaBase &other) = delete
StateVectorCudaBase(StateVectorCudaBase &&other) = delete
inline virtual ~StateVectorCudaBase()
inline auto getCtrlMap() -> const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::size_t>&

Return the mapping of named gates to amount of control wires they have.


const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::size_t>&

inline auto getParametricGatesMap() -> const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::size_t>&

Utility method to get the mappings from gate to supported wires.


const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::size_t>&