Template Class MPSTNCuda¶
Defined in File MPSTNCuda.hpp
Inheritance Relationships¶
Base Type¶
public Pennylane::LightningTensor::TNCuda::TNCuda< Precision, MPSTNCuda< Precision > >
(Template Class TNCuda)
Class Documentation¶
template<class Precision>
class MPSTNCuda : public Pennylane::LightningTensor::TNCuda::TNCuda<Precision, MPSTNCuda<Precision>>¶ Managed memory MPS class using cutensornet high-level APIs backed.
- Template Parameters
Precision – Floating-point precision type.
Public Types
Public Functions
MPSTNCuda() = delete¶
inline explicit MPSTNCuda(const std::size_t numQubits, const std::size_t maxBondDim)¶
inline explicit MPSTNCuda(const std::size_t numQubits, const std::size_t maxBondDim, DevTag<int> dev_tag)¶
~MPSTNCuda() = default¶
inline auto getMaxBondDim() const -> std::size_t¶
Get the max bond dimension.
- Returns
inline auto getBondDims(std::size_t idx) const -> std::size_t¶
Get the bond dimensions.
- Returns
inline void applyMPOOperation(const std::vector<std::vector<ComplexT>> &tensors, const std::vector<std::size_t> &wires, const std::size_t max_mpo_bond_dim)¶
Apply an MPO operator with the gate’s MPO decomposition data provided by the user to the compute graph.
This API only works for the MPS backend.
- Parameters
tensors – The MPO representation of a gate. Each element in the outer vector represents a MPO tensor site.
wires – The wire indices of the gate acts on. The size of this vector should match the size of the
vector.max_mpo_bond_dim – The maximum bond dimension of the MPO operator.
inline void append_mps_final_state(double cutoff = 0, std::string cutoff_mode = "abs")¶
Append MPS final state to the quantum circuit.
- Parameters
cutoff – Cutoff value for SVD decomposition. Default is 0.
cutoff_mode – Cutoff mode for SVD decomposition. Default is “abs”.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr auto method = "mps"¶