Template Class TensorCuda

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template<class PrecisionT>
class TensorCuda : public Pennylane::LightningTensor::TensorBase<PrecisionT, TensorCuda<PrecisionT>>

CRTP-enabled class for CUDA-capable Tensor.

Template Parameters

PrecisionT – Floating point precision.

Public Types

using BaseType = TensorBase<PrecisionT, TensorCuda>
using CFP_t = decltype(cuUtil::getCudaType(PrecisionT{}))

Public Functions

inline explicit TensorCuda(const std::size_t rank, const std::vector<std::size_t> &modes, const std::vector<std::size_t> &extents, const DevTag<int> &dev_tag, bool device_alloc = true)

Construct a new TensorCuda object.

  • rank – Tensor rank.

  • modes – Tensor modes.

  • extents – Tensor extents.

  • dev_tag – Device tag.

  • device_alloc – If true, allocate memory on device.

inline explicit TensorCuda(const std::vector<std::size_t> &extents, const std::vector<CFP_t> &host_tensor, const DevTag<int> &dev_tag, bool device_alloc = true)

Construct a new TensorCuda object from a host data.

  • extents – Tensor extents.

  • host_tensor – Host tensor data.

  • dev_tag – Device tag.

  • device_alloc – If true, allocate memory on device.

TensorCuda() = delete
~TensorCuda() = default
inline void CopyGpuDataToHost(std::complex<PrecisionT> *host_tensor, std::size_t length, bool async = false) const

Explicitly copy data from GPU device to host memory.

  • host_tensor – Complex data pointer to receive data from device.

  • length – Number of elements to copy.

  • async – If true, the copy is asynchronous. Only synchronous copy is supported now.

inline DataBuffer<CFP_t> &getDataBuffer()