Template Function Pennylane::LightningKokkos::Util::SparseMV_Kokkos

Function Documentation

template<class PrecisionT, class ComplexT>
void Pennylane::LightningKokkos::Util::SparseMV_Kokkos(Kokkos::View<ComplexT*> x, Kokkos::View<ComplexT*> y, const std::size_t *row_map, const std::size_t row_map_size, const std::size_t *entries_ptr, const ComplexT *values_ptr, const std::size_t numNNZ)

Sparse matrix vector multiply :math: y=A*x.

  • x – Input vector

  • y – Result vector

  • row_map_ptr – row_map array pointer. The j element encodes the number of non-zeros above row j.

  • row_map_size – row_map array size.

  • entries_ptr – pointer to an array with column indices of the non-zero elements.

  • values_ptr – pointer to an array with the non-zero elements.

  • numNNZ – number of non-zero elements.