Struct getTransposedIndexFunctor

Struct Documentation

struct getTransposedIndexFunctor

Determines the transposed index of a tensor stored linearly. This function assumes each axis will have a length of 2 (|0>, |1>).

Param sorted_ind_wires

Data of indices for transposition.

Param trans_index

Data of indices after transposition.

Param max_index_sorted_ind_wires_

Length of sorted_ind_wires.

Public Functions

inline getTransposedIndexFunctor(Kokkos::View<std::size_t*> sorted_ind_wires_, Kokkos::View<std::size_t*> trans_index_, const int length_sorted_ind_wires_)
inline KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator() (const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j) const

Public Members

Kokkos::View<std::size_t*> sorted_ind_wires
Kokkos::View<std::size_t*> trans_index
const std::size_t max_index_sorted_ind_wires