AVX2/512 kernel implementation¶
AVX2 and AVX512 are extensions to the x86 instruction set providing multiple data processing within a single instruction (SIMD; single instruction, multiple data), supported by modern Intel and AMD CPUs. AVX2 (AVX512) works with 256-bit (512-bit) registers and naturally supports different integer types (4 or 8 bytes) as well as floating point types (single or double precision). Those instructions are accessible within C++ using intrinsic functions provided by compilers (Intel/GCC/Clang) 1. As an introduction to AVX2/512 intrinsic is out of the scope of this document, we recommend e.g. this website for an introduction and Intel intrinsics guide for a reference.
We now discuss how we use SIMD to implement quantum gate operations in Lightning Qubit.
When using SIMD, it is natural to consider data as a list of packed arrays, i.e. two-dimensional array where each row has packed_size
For example, let us consider a four-qubit quantum state C (which has 16 complex numbers) and packed_size=8
(when we use AVX512 with a double precision floating point or AVX2 with a single precision floating point). In this case, we can write down the statevector (coefficients in the computational basis) as
C[0000].real |
C[0000].imag |
C[0001].real |
C[0001].imag |
C[0010].real |
C[0010].imag |
C[0011].real |
C[0011].imag |
C[0100].real |
C[0100].imag |
C[0101].real |
C[0101].imag |
C[0110].real |
C[0110].imag |
C[0111].real |
C[0111].imag |
C[1000].real |
C[1000].imag |
C[1001].real |
C[1001].imag |
C[1010].real |
C[1010].imag |
C[1011].real |
C[1011].imag |
C[1100].real |
C[1100].imag |
C[1101].real |
C[1101].imag |
C[1110].real |
C[1110].imag |
C[1111].real |
C[1111].imag |
where we use the binary representation for indices, i.e. C[i0i1i2i3]=⟨i0i1i2i3|C⟩. We can use SIMD to load a whole row (8 numbers) from memory to the register and manipulate multiple data within a row (e.g. swap the first 4 values to the last 4 values).
Implementing single qubit gates¶
We now consider an implementation of a single qubit gate. For simplicity, we use the Pauli-X gate where the operation just flips the qubit, e.g. applying X2 gives
where ¬0=1 and ¬1=0 is the bit negation operator.
We see that the gates (1) on the second and the last wires (X2 and X3) act within a row (internally in a packed array) but (2) on the zeroth and the first wires (X0 and X1) act between rows (externally). Specifically, the Pauli-X gate just permutes the elements within a row in the former case (1) whereas it swaps the whole two rows in the latter case (2). This implies that we need two independent implementations of the same gate depending on where the gate applies to.
The following simple (C++ style) pseudocode shows how the algorithm is implemented.
template<typename PrecisionT, std::size_t packed_size>
class ApplyPauliX {
template<std::size_t wire>
void applyInternal(...) {
// Within a row
permutation = compute a permutation within a row for a given wire
for every row index {
row = load a row from the memory
permute elements in row using permutation
save row to the memory
void applyExternal(std::size_t wire, ...) {
// Between rows
for proper index k {
row1 = load k-th row
row2 = load [k + (1 << wire)]-th row
save row2 to k-th row
save row1 to [k + (1 << wire)]-th row
Note that this is a general high-level code and does not care about details such as how many elements are in a row.
However, one can translate it to C++ code without runtime overhead with modern techniques (constexpr
and template
classes/functions). One tricky part is how we implement permutations efficiently,
which can be found in Namespace Pennylane::LightningQubit::Gates::AVXCommon::Permutation.
As some AVX2/512 permutation functions require its permutation data to be a compile-time constant, we require wire
to be a compile-time parameter for applyInternal
The full implementation of the functions can be found in
Choosing an appropriate function¶
When such a function is given, we can choose a proper function to call for a given statevector and a wire. For example, we can simply write as follows.
void applyPauliX(num_qubits, wire, ...) {
if (2**num_qubits < packed_size / 2) {
// data size is smaller than the size of a row
call a fallback function
if (packed_size/2 < 2**wire) {
switch(wire) {
case 0:
call ApplyPauliX<PrecisionT, packed_size>::applyInternal<0>(...)
case 1:
call ApplyPauliX<PrecisionT, packed_size>::applyInternal<1>(...)
} else {
call ApplyPauliX<PrecisionT, packed_size>::applyExternal(wire, ...)
Note that we used a switch-case statement for calling internal functions as the wire index must be a compile-time template parameter for applyInternal
Since all single-qubit gate functions share the same structure,
it might be beneficial to make a simple helper function that automatically finds a target function depending on the given information.
Two classes Pennylane::LightningQubit::Gates::AVXCommon::SingleQubitGateWithParamHelper
and Pennylane::LightningQubit::Gates::AVXCommon::SingleQubitGateWithoutParamHelper
provide such functionality for a single-qubit gate with and without parameters, respectively.
Two-qubit gates¶
Two qubit gates are also implemented in the same way.
It is slightly more involved as there are four different cases depending on the wires.
So we implement 4 (or 3 when the gate acts symmetrically on the wires) functions.
See Pennylane::LightningQubit::Gates::AVXCommon::ApplyCNOT
for example.
- 1
Still, note that each intrinsic function will not necessarily be a single instruction after compilation, as the number of SIMD registers is limited. Thus compilers handle these optimizations.