Lightning-Qubit installation

PyPI wheels (pip)

Lightning plugins can be installed using pip as follows

$ pip install pennylane-lightning

The above command will install the Lightning-Qubit plugin (the default since it is most broadly supported). In order to install the Lightning-GPU and Lightning-Kokkos (OpenMP) backends, you can respectively use the following commands:

$ pip install pennylane-lightning[gpu]
$ pip install pennylane-lightning[kokkos]

Install from source

To build Lightning plugins from source you can run

$ PL_BACKEND=${PL_BACKEND} pip install pybind11 pennylane-lightning --no-binary :all:

where ${PL_BACKEND} can be lightning_qubit (default), lightning_gpu or lightning_kokkos. The pybind11 library is required to bind the C++ functionality to Python.

A C++ compiler such as g++, clang++, or MSVC is required. On Debian-based systems, this can be installed via apt:

$ sudo apt -y update &&
$ sudo apt install g++ libomp-dev

where libomp-dev is included to also install OpenMP. On MacOS, we recommend using the latest version of clang++ and libomp:

$ brew install llvm libomp

The Lightning-GPU backend has several dependencies (e.g. CUDA, custatevec-cu12, etc.), and hence we recommend referring to Lightning-GPU installation section. Similarly, for Lightning-Kokkos it is recommended to configure and install Kokkos independently as prescribed in the Lightning-Kokkos installation section.

Development installation

For development and testing, you can install by cloning the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd pennylane-lightning
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ PL_BACKEND=${PL_BACKEND} pip install -e . -vv

Note that subsequent calls to pip install -e . will use cached binaries stored in the build folder. Run make clean if you would like to recompile from scratch.

You can also pass cmake options with CMAKE_ARGS as follows:


or with build_ext and the --define flag as follows:

$ python3 build_ext -i --define="ENABLE_OPENMP=OFF;ENABLE_BLAS=OFF"
$ python3 develop

where -D must not be included before ;-separated options.

Compile MSVC (Windows)

Lightning-Qubit can be compiled on Windows using the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler. You need cmake and appropriate Python environment (e.g. using Anaconda).

We recommend using [x64 (or x86)] Native Tools Command Prompt for VS [version] to compile the library. Be sure that cmake and python can be called within the prompt.

$ cmake --version
$ python --version

Then a common command will work.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

Note that OpenMP and BLAS are disabled on this platform.

CMake support

One can also build the plugin using CMake:

$ cmake -S. -B build
$ cmake --build build

Supported options are


  • -DENABLE_NATIVE:BOOL=ON (for -march=native)





To test that a plugin is working correctly, test the Python code with:

$ make test-python device=${PL_DEVICE}

where ${PL_DEVICE} can be lightning.qubit (default), lightning.gpu or lightning.kokkos. These differ from ${PL_BACKEND} by replacing the underscore by a dot. The C++ code can be tested with

$ PL_BACKEND=${PL_BACKEND} make test-cpp