Source code for catalyst.api_extensions.differentiation
# Copyright 2022-2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module contains public API functions that provide differentiation
capabilities for hybrid quantum programs. This includes the computation
of gradients, jacobians, jacobian-vector products, and more.
import copy
import functools
import numbers
from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Union
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax._src.api import _dtype
from jax._src.tree_util import PyTreeDef, tree_flatten, tree_unflatten
from pennylane import QNode
import catalyst
from catalyst.jax_extras import Jaxpr
from catalyst.jax_primitives import (
from catalyst.jax_tracer import Function, mark_gradient_tracing
from catalyst.tracing.contexts import EvaluationContext, GradContext
from catalyst.utils.callables import CatalystCallable
from catalyst.utils.exceptions import DifferentiableCompileError
Differentiable = Union[Function, QNode]
## API ##
[docs]def grad(fn=None, *, method=None, h=None, argnums=None):
"""A :func:`~.qjit` compatible gradient transformation for PennyLane/Catalyst.
This function allows the gradient of a hybrid quantum-classical function to be computed within
the compiled program. Outside of a compiled function, this function will simply dispatch to its
JAX counterpart ``jax.grad``. The function ``f`` can return any pytree-like shape.
.. warning::
Currently, higher-order differentiation is only supported by the finite-difference
fn (Callable): a function or a function object to differentiate
method (str): The method used for differentiation, which can be any of ``["auto", "fd"]``,
- ``"auto"`` represents deferring the quantum differentiation to the method
specified by the QNode, while the classical computation is differentiated
using traditional auto-diff. Catalyst supports ``"parameter-shift"`` and
``"adjoint"`` on internal QNodes. Notably, QNodes with
``diff_method="finite-diff"`` is not supported with ``"auto"``.
- ``"fd"`` represents first-order finite-differences for the entire hybrid
h (float): the step-size value for the finite-difference (``"fd"``) method
argnums (Tuple[int, List[int]]): the argument indices to differentiate
Callable: A callable object that computes the gradient of the wrapped function for the given
ValueError: Invalid method or step size parameters.
DifferentiableCompilerError: Called on a function that doesn't return a single scalar.
.. note::
Any JAX-compatible optimization library, such as `Optax
<>`_, can be used
alongside ``grad`` for JIT-compatible variational workflows.
See the :doc:`/dev/quick_start` for examples.
.. seealso:: :func:`~.jacobian`, :func:`~.value_and_grad`.
**Example 1 (Classical preprocessing)**
.. code-block:: python
dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
def workflow(x):
def circuit(x):
qml.RX(jnp.pi * x, wires=0)
return qml.expval(qml.PauliY(0))
g = grad(circuit)
return g(x)
>>> workflow(2.0)
Array(-3.14159265, dtype=float64)
**Example 2 (Classical preprocessing and postprocessing)**
.. code-block:: python
dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
def grad_loss(theta):
@qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="adjoint")
def circuit(theta):
qml.RX(jnp.exp(theta ** 2) / jnp.cos(theta / 4), wires=0)
return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=0))
def loss(theta):
return jnp.pi / jnp.tanh(circuit(theta))
return catalyst.grad(loss, method="auto")(theta)
>>> grad_loss(1.0)
Array(-1.90958669, dtype=float64)
**Example 3 (Multiple QNodes with their own differentiation methods)**
.. code-block:: python
dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
def grad_loss(theta):
@qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="parameter-shift")
def circuit_A(params):
qml.RX(jnp.exp(params[0] ** 2) / jnp.cos(params[1] / 4), wires=0)
return qml.probs()
@qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="adjoint")
def circuit_B(params):
qml.RX(jnp.exp(params[1] ** 2) / jnp.cos(params[0] / 4), wires=0)
return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=0))
def loss(params):
return + circuit_B(params)
return catalyst.grad(loss)(theta)
>>> grad_loss(jnp.array([1.0, 2.0]))
Array([ 0.57367285, 44.4911605 ], dtype=float64)
**Example 4 (Purely classical functions)**
.. code-block:: python
def square(x: float):
return x ** 2
def dsquare(x: float):
return catalyst.grad(square)(x)
>>> dsquare(2.3)
Array(4.6, dtype=float64)
kwargs = copy.copy(locals())
if fn is None:
return functools.partial(grad, **kwargs)
return GradCallable(fn, GradParams(method=method, scalar_out=True, h=h, argnums=argnums))
[docs]def value_and_grad(fn=None, *, method=None, h=None, argnums=None):
"""A :func:`~.qjit`-compatible transformation for returning the result and gradient of a
This function allows the value and the gradient of a hybrid quantum-classical function to be
computed within the compiled program. Outside of a compiled function, this function will
simply dispatch to its JAX counterpart ``jax.value_and_grad``.
Note that ``value_and_grad`` can be more efficient, and reduce overall quantum executions,
compared to separately executing the function and then computing its gradient.
.. warning::
Currently, higher-order differentiation is only supported by the finite-difference
fn (Callable): a function or a function object to differentiate
method (str): The method used for differentiation, which can be any of ``["auto", "fd"]``,
- ``"auto"`` represents deferring the quantum differentiation to the method
specified by the QNode, while the classical computation is differentiated
using traditional auto-diff. Catalyst supports ``"parameter-shift"`` and
``"adjoint"`` on internal QNodes. Notably, QNodes with
``diff_method="finite-diff"`` is not supported with ``"auto"``.
- ``"fd"`` represents first-order finite-differences for the entire hybrid
h (float): the step-size value for the finite-difference (``"fd"``) method
argnums (Tuple[int, List[int]]): the argument indices to differentiate
Callable: A callable object that computes the value and gradient of the wrapped function
for the given arguments.
ValueError: Invalid method or step size parameters.
DifferentiableCompilerError: Called on a function that doesn't return a single scalar.
.. note::
Any JAX-compatible optimization library, such as `Optax
<>`_, can be used
alongside ``value_and_grad`` for JIT-compatible variational workflows.
See the :doc:`/dev/quick_start` for examples.
.. seealso:: :func:`~.grad`, :func:`~.jacobian`
**Example 1 (Classical preprocessing)**
.. code-block:: python
dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
def workflow(x):
def circuit(x):
qml.RX(jnp.pi * x, wires=0)
return qml.expval(qml.PauliY(0))
return value_and_grad(circuit)(x)
>>> workflow(0.2)
(Array(-0.58778525, dtype=float64),
(Array(-0.58778525, dtype=float64), Array(-2.54160185, dtype=float64)))
**Example 2 (Classical preprocessing and postprocessing)**
.. code-block:: python
dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
def value_and_grad_loss(theta):
@qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="adjoint")
def circuit(theta):
qml.RX(jnp.exp(theta ** 2) / jnp.cos(theta / 4), wires=0)
return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=0))
def loss(theta):
return jnp.pi / jnp.tanh(circuit(theta))
return catalyst.value_and_grad(loss, method="auto")(theta)
>>> value_and_grad_loss(1.0)
(Array(-4.2622289, dtype=float64), Array(5.04324559, dtype=float64))
**Example 3 (Purely classical functions)**
.. code-block:: python
def square(x: float):
return x ** 2
def dsquare(x: float):
return catalyst.value_and_grad(square)(x)
>>> dsquare(2.3)
(Array(5.29, dtype=float64), Array(4.6, dtype=float64))
kwargs = copy.copy(locals())
if fn is None:
return functools.partial(value_and_grad, **kwargs)
return GradCallable(
fn, GradParams(method=method, scalar_out=True, h=h, argnums=argnums, with_value=True)
[docs]def jacobian(fn=None, *, method=None, h=None, argnums=None):
"""A :func:`~.qjit` compatible Jacobian transformation for PennyLane/Catalyst.
This function allows the Jacobian of a hybrid quantum-classical function to be computed within
the compiled program. Outside of a compiled function, this function will simply dispatch to its
JAX counterpart ``jax.jacobian``. The function ``f`` can return any pytree-like shape.
fn (Callable): a function or a function object to differentiate
method (str): The method used for differentiation, which can be any of ``["auto", "fd"]``,
- ``"auto"`` represents deferring the quantum differentiation to the method
specified by the QNode, while the classical computation is differentiated
using traditional auto-diff. Catalyst supports ``"parameter-shift"`` and
``"adjoint"`` on internal QNodes. Notably, QNodes with
``diff_method="finite-diff"`` is not supported with ``"auto"``.
- ``"fd"`` represents first-order finite-differences for the entire hybrid
h (float): the step-size value for the finite-difference (``"fd"``) method
argnums (Tuple[int, List[int]]): the argument indices to differentiate
Callable: A callable object that computes the Jacobian of the wrapped function for the given
ValueError: Invalid method or step size parameters.
.. note::
Any JAX-compatible optimization library, such as `Optax
<>`_, can be used
alongside ``jacobian`` for JIT-compatible variational workflows.
See the :doc:`/dev/quick_start` for examples.
.. seealso:: :func:`~.grad`, :func:`~.value_and_grad`.
.. code-block:: python
dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
def workflow(x):
def circuit(x):
qml.RX(jnp.pi * x[0], wires=0)
qml.RY(x[1], wires=0)
return qml.probs()
g = jacobian(circuit)
return g(x)
>>> workflow(jnp.array([2.0, 1.0]))
Array([[ 3.48786850e-16 -4.20735492e-01]
[-8.71967125e-17 4.20735492e-01]], dtype=float64)
kwargs = copy.copy(locals())
if fn is None:
return functools.partial(jacobian, **kwargs)
return GradCallable(fn, GradParams(method=method, scalar_out=False, h=h, argnums=argnums))
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def jvp(f: Callable, params, tangents, *, method=None, h=None, argnums=None):
"""A :func:`~.qjit` compatible Jacobian-vector product for PennyLane/Catalyst.
This function allows the Jacobian-vector Product of a hybrid quantum-classical function to be
computed within the compiled program. Outside of a compiled function, this function will simply
dispatch to its JAX counterpart ``jax.jvp``. The function ``f`` can return any pytree-like
f (Callable): Function-like object to calculate JVP for
params (List[Array]): List (or a tuple) of the function arguments specifying the point
to calculate JVP at. A subset of these parameters are declared as
differentiable by listing their indices in the ``argnums`` parameter.
tangents(List[Array]): List (or a tuple) of tangent values to use in JVP. The list size and
shapes must match the ones of differentiable params.
method(str): Differentiation method to use, same as in :func:`~.grad`.
h (float): the step-size value for the finite-difference (``"fd"``) method
argnums (Union[int, List[int]]): the params' indices to differentiate.
Tuple[Any]: Return values of ``f`` paired with the JVP values.
TypeError: invalid parameter types
ValueError: invalid parameter values
**Example 1 (basic usage)**
.. code-block:: python
def jvp(params, tangent):
def f(x):
y = [jnp.sin(x[0]), x[1] ** 2, x[0] * x[1]]
return jnp.stack(y)
return catalyst.jvp(f, [params], [tangent])
>>> x = jnp.array([0.1, 0.2])
>>> tangent = jnp.array([0.3, 0.6])
>>> jvp(x, tangent)
(Array([0.09983342, 0.04 , 0.02 ], dtype=float64),
Array([0.29850125, 0.24 , 0.12 ], dtype=float64))
**Example 2 (argnums usage)**
Here we show how to use ``argnums`` to ignore the non-differentiable parameter ``n`` of the
target function. Note that the length and shapes of tangents must match the length and shape of
primal parameters which we mark as differentiable by passing their indices to ``argnums``.
.. code-block:: python
@qml.qnode(qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=2))
def circuit(n, params):
qml.RX(params[n, 0], wires=n)
qml.RY(params[n, 1], wires=n)
return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))
def workflow(primals, tangents):
return catalyst.jvp(circuit, [1, primals], [tangents], argnums=[1])
>>> params = jnp.array([[0.54, 0.3154], [0.654, 0.123]])
>>> dy = jnp.array([[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]])
>>> workflow(params, dy)
(Array(0.78766064, dtype=float64), Array(-0.7011436, dtype=float64))
def check_is_iterable(x, hint):
if not isinstance(x, Iterable):
raise ValueError(f"vjp '{hint}' argument must be an iterable, not {type(x)}")
check_is_iterable(params, "params")
check_is_iterable(tangents, "tangents")
if EvaluationContext.is_tracing():
scalar_out = False
fn = wrap_callable(f)
args_flatten, in_tree = tree_flatten(params)
tangents_flatten, _ = tree_flatten(tangents)
grad_params = _check_grad_params(method, scalar_out, h, argnums, len(args_flatten), in_tree)
if len(tangents_flatten) != len(grad_params.expanded_argnums):
raise TypeError(
"number of tangent and number of differentiable parameters in catalyst.jvp do not "
"match; the number of parameters must be equal. "
f"Got {len(grad_params.expanded_argnums)} differentiable parameters and so expected "
f"as many tangents, but got {len(tangents_flatten)} instead."
# Only check dtypes and shapes of parameters marked as differentiable by the `argnum` param
args_to_check = [args_flatten[i] for i in grad_params.argnums]
for p, t in zip(args_to_check, tangents_flatten):
if _dtype(p) != _dtype(t):
raise TypeError(
"function params and tangents arguments to catalyst.jvp do not match; "
"dtypes must be equal. "
f"Got function params dtype {_dtype(p)} and so expected tangent dtype "
f"{_dtype(p)}, but got tangent dtype {_dtype(t)} instead."
if jnp.shape(p) != jnp.shape(t):
raise ValueError(
"catalyst.jvp called with different function params and tangent shapes; "
f"got function params shape {jnp.shape(p)} and tangent shape {jnp.shape(t)}"
jaxpr, out_tree = _make_jaxpr_check_differentiable(fn, grad_params, *params)
results = jvp_p.bind(
*args_flatten, *tangents_flatten, jaxpr=jaxpr, fn=fn, grad_params=grad_params
midpoint = len(results) // 2
func_res = results[:midpoint]
jvps = results[midpoint:]
func_res = tree_unflatten(out_tree, func_res)
jvps = tree_unflatten(out_tree, jvps)
results = (func_res, jvps)
results = jax.jvp(f, params, tangents)
return results
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def vjp(f: Callable, params, cotangents, *, method=None, h=None, argnums=None):
"""A :func:`~.qjit` compatible Vector-Jacobian product for PennyLane/Catalyst.
This function allows the Vector-Jacobian Product of a hybrid quantum-classical function to be
computed within the compiled program. Outside of a compiled function, this function will simply
dispatch to its JAX counterpart ``jax.vjp``. The function ``f`` can return any pytree-like
f(Callable): Function-like object to calculate JVP for
params(List[Array]): List (or a tuple) of f's arguments specifying the point to calculate
VJP at. A subset of these parameters are declared as
differentiable by listing their indices in the ``argnums`` parameter.
cotangents(List[Array]): List (or a tuple) of tangent values to use in JVP. The list size
and shapes must match the size and shape of ``f`` outputs.
method(str): Differentiation method to use, same as in ``grad``.
h (float): the step-size value for the finite-difference (``"fd"``) method
argnums (Union[int, List[int]]): the params' indices to differentiate.
Tuple[Any]): Return values of ``f`` paired with the VJP values.
TypeError: invalid parameter types
ValueError: invalid parameter values
.. code-block:: python
def vjp(params, cotangent):
def f(x):
y = [jnp.sin(x[0]), x[1] ** 2, x[0] * x[1]]
return jnp.stack(y)
return catalyst.vjp(f, [params], [cotangent])
>>> x = jnp.array([0.1, 0.2])
>>> dy = jnp.array([-0.5, 0.1, 0.3])
>>> vjp(x, dy)
(Array([0.09983342, 0.04 , 0.02 ], dtype=float64),
(Array([-0.43750208, 0.07 ], dtype=float64),))
def check_is_iterable(x, hint):
if not isinstance(x, Iterable):
raise ValueError(f"vjp '{hint}' argument must be an iterable, not {type(x)}")
check_is_iterable(params, "params")
check_is_iterable(cotangents, "cotangents")
if EvaluationContext.is_tracing():
scalar_out = False
fn = wrap_callable(f)
args_flatten, in_tree = tree_flatten(params)
cotangents_flatten, _ = tree_flatten(cotangents)
grad_params = _check_grad_params(method, scalar_out, h, argnums, len(args_flatten), in_tree)
args_argnums = tuple(params[i] for i in grad_params.argnums)
_, in_tree = tree_flatten(args_argnums)
jaxpr, out_tree = _make_jaxpr_check_differentiable(fn, grad_params, *params)
if len(jaxpr.out_avals) != len(cotangents_flatten):
raise TypeError(
"number of cotangent and number of function output parameters in catalyst.vjp do "
"not match; the number of parameters must be equal. "
f"Got {len(jaxpr.out_avals)} function output parameters and so expected as many "
f"cotangents, but got {len(cotangents_flatten)} instead."
for p, t in zip(jaxpr.out_avals, cotangents_flatten):
if _dtype(p) != _dtype(t):
raise TypeError(
"function output params and cotangents arguments to catalyst.vjp do not match; "
"dtypes must be equal. "
f"Got function output params dtype {_dtype(p)} and so expected cotangent dtype "
f"{_dtype(p)}, but got cotangent dtype {_dtype(t)} instead."
if jnp.shape(p) != jnp.shape(t):
raise ValueError(
"catalyst.vjp called with different function output params and cotangent "
f"shapes; got function output params shape {jnp.shape(p)} and cotangent shape "
cotangents, _ = tree_flatten(cotangents)
results = vjp_p.bind(
*args_flatten, *cotangents_flatten, jaxpr=jaxpr, fn=fn, grad_params=grad_params
func_res = results[: len(jaxpr.out_avals)]
vjps = results[len(jaxpr.out_avals) :]
func_res = tree_unflatten(out_tree, func_res)
vjps = tree_unflatten(in_tree, vjps)
results = (func_res, vjps)
if isinstance(params, jax.numpy.ndarray) and params.ndim == 0:
primal_outputs, vjp_fn = jax.vjp(f, params)
primal_outputs, vjp_fn = jax.vjp(f, *params)
results = (primal_outputs, vjp_fn(cotangents))
return results
## IMPL ##
class GradCallable(CatalystCallable):
"""An object that specifies that a function will be differentiated.
fn (Differentiable): the function to differentiate
method (str): the method used for differentiation
h (float): the step-size value for the finite difference method
argnums (list[int]): the argument indices which define over which arguments to differentiate
ValueError: Higher-order derivatives and derivatives of non-QNode functions can only be
computed with the finite difference method.
TypeError: Non-differentiable object was passed as `fn` argument.
def __init__(self, fn: Differentiable, grad_params: GradParams):
functools.update_wrapper(self, fn)
self.fn = fn
self.__name__ = f"grad.{getattr(fn, '__name__', 'unknown')}"
self.grad_params = grad_params
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Specifies that an actual call to the differentiated function.
args: the arguments to the differentiated function
with GradContext():
if EvaluationContext.is_tracing():
fn = wrap_callable(self.fn)
args_data, in_arg_tree = tree_flatten(args)
grad_params = _check_grad_params(
input_data_flat, _ = tree_flatten((args, kwargs))
jaxpr, out_tree = _make_jaxpr_check_differentiable(fn, grad_params, *args, **kwargs)
if self.grad_params.with_value: # use value_and_grad
args_argnum = tuple(args[i] for i in grad_params.argnums)
_, in_arg_tree = tree_flatten(args_argnum)
# It always returns list as required by catalyst control-flows
results = value_and_grad_p.bind(
*input_data_flat, jaxpr=jaxpr, fn=fn, grad_params=grad_params
# value_and_grad returns two results: the values and the gradients,
# hence we have to split the obtained results
vals = results[: len(jaxpr.out_avals)]
gradients = results[len(jaxpr.out_avals) :]
vals = tree_unflatten(out_tree, vals)
gradients = _unflatten_derivatives(
gradients, in_arg_tree, out_tree, grad_params, len(jaxpr.out_avals)
results = (vals, gradients)
else: # use grad
args_argnum = tuple(args[i] for i in grad_params.argnums)
_, in_arg_tree = tree_flatten(args_argnum)
# It always returns list as required by catalyst control-flows
results = grad_p.bind(
*input_data_flat, jaxpr=jaxpr, fn=fn, grad_params=grad_params
# grad returns only the gradients,
# so there is no need to split the results.
results = _unflatten_derivatives(
results, in_arg_tree, out_tree, grad_params, len(jaxpr.out_avals)
if (argnums := self.grad_params.argnums) is None:
argnums = 0
if self.grad_params.scalar_out:
if self.grad_params.with_value:
results = jax.value_and_grad(self.fn, argnums=argnums)(*args, **kwargs)
results = jax.grad(self.fn, argnums=argnums)(*args, **kwargs)
assert (
not self.grad_params.with_value
), "value_and_grad cannot be used with a Jacobian"
results = jax.jacobian(self.fn, argnums=argnums)(*args, **kwargs)
return results
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def _check_grad_params(
method: str,
scalar_out: bool,
h: Optional[float],
argnums: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]],
len_flatten_args: int,
in_tree: PyTreeDef,
with_value: bool = False,
) -> GradParams:
"""Check common gradient parameters and produce a class``GradParams`` object"""
methods = {"fd", "auto"}
if method is None:
method = "auto"
if method not in methods:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid differentiation method '{method}'. "
f"Supported methods are: {' '.join(sorted(methods))}"
if method == "fd" and h is None:
h = 1e-7
if not (h is None or isinstance(h, numbers.Number)):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid h value ({h}). None or number was expected.")
if argnums is None:
argnum_list = [0]
elif isinstance(argnums, int):
argnum_list = [argnums]
elif isinstance(argnums, tuple):
argnum_list = list(argnums)
elif isinstance(argnums, list) and all(isinstance(i, int) for i in argnums):
argnum_list = argnums
raise ValueError(f"argnums should be integer or a list of integers, not {argnums}")
# Compute the argnums of the pytree arg
total_argnums = list(range(0, len_flatten_args))
argnum_unflatten = tree_unflatten(in_tree, total_argnums)
argnum_selected = [argnum_unflatten[i] for i in argnum_list]
argnum_expanded, _ = tree_flatten(argnum_selected)
scalar_argnums = isinstance(argnums, int) or argnums is None
return GradParams(
def _unflatten_derivatives(results, in_tree, out_tree, grad_params, num_results):
"""Unflatten the flat list of derivatives results given the out tree."""
num_trainable_params = len(grad_params.expanded_argnums)
results_final = []
for i in range(0, num_results):
intermediate_results = results[
i * num_trainable_params : i * num_trainable_params + num_trainable_params
intermediate_results = tree_unflatten(in_tree, intermediate_results)
if grad_params.scalar_argnums:
intermediate_results = intermediate_results[0]
intermediate_results = tuple(intermediate_results)
results_final = tree_unflatten(out_tree, results_final)
return results_final
def wrap_callable(f: Callable) -> Differentiable:
"""The differentiation target needs to either a QNode or wrapped in a Function object. The
reason is that we need to lower the target as a real function in MLIR with its own symbol."""
# Unwrap the function from an existing QJIT object.
if isinstance(f, catalyst.QJIT):
f = f.user_function
if isinstance(f, (Function, QNode)):
return f
elif isinstance(f, Callable): # Keep at the bottom
return Function(f)
raise TypeError(f"Differentiation target must be callable, got: {type(f)}")
def _make_jaxpr_check_differentiable(
f: Differentiable, grad_params: GradParams, *args, **kwargs
) -> Jaxpr:
"""Gets the jaxpr of a differentiable function. Perform the required additional checks and
return the output tree."""
method = grad_params.method
with mark_gradient_tracing(method):
jaxpr, shape = jax.make_jaxpr(f, return_shape=True)(*args, **kwargs)
_, out_tree = tree_flatten(shape)
for pos, arg in enumerate(jaxpr.in_avals):
if arg.dtype.kind != "f" and pos in grad_params.expanded_argnums:
raise DifferentiableCompileError(
"Catalyst.grad/jacobian only supports differentiation on floating-point "
f"arguments, got '{arg.dtype}' at position {pos}."
if grad_params.scalar_out:
if not (len(jaxpr.out_avals) == 1 and jaxpr.out_avals[0].shape == ()):
raise DifferentiableCompileError(
f"Catalyst.grad only supports scalar-output functions, got {jaxpr.out_avals}"
for pos, res in enumerate(jaxpr.out_avals):
if res.dtype.kind != "f":
raise DifferentiableCompileError(
"Catalyst.grad/jacobian only supports differentiation on floating-point "
f"results, got '{res.dtype}' at position {pos}."
_verify_differentiable_child_qnodes(jaxpr, method)
return jaxpr, out_tree
def _verify_differentiable_child_qnodes(jaxpr, method):
"""Traverse QNodes being differentiated in the 'call graph' of the JAXPR to verify them."""
visited = set()
def traverse_children(jaxpr):
for eqn in jaxpr.eqns:
primitive = eqn.primitive
if primitive in {func_p, quantum_kernel_p}:
child_jaxpr = eqn.params.get("call_jaxpr")
elif primitive is grad_p:
child_jaxpr = eqn.params.get("jaxpr")
_check_primitive_is_differentiable(primitive, method)
py_callable = eqn.params.get("qnode")
if py_callable not in visited:
if isinstance(py_callable, QNode):
_check_qnode_against_grad_method(py_callable, method, child_jaxpr)
def _check_primitive_is_differentiable(primitive, method):
"""Verify restriction on primitives in the call graph of a Grad operation."""
if primitive is grad_p and method != "fd":
raise DifferentiableCompileError(
"Only finite difference can compute higher order derivatives."
def _check_qnode_against_grad_method(f: QNode, method: str, jaxpr: Jaxpr):
"""Additional checks for the given jaxpr of a differentiable function."""
if method == "fd":
return_ops = []
for res in jaxpr.outvars:
for eq in reversed(jaxpr.eqns): # pragma: no branch
if res in eq.outvars:
if f.diff_method is None:
raise DifferentiableCompileError(
"Cannot differentiate a QNode explicitly marked non-differentiable (with "
if f.diff_method == "parameter-shift" and any(
prim not in [expval_p, probs_p] for prim in return_ops
raise DifferentiableCompileError(
"The parameter-shift method can only be used for QNodes "
"which return either qml.expval or qml.probs."
if f.diff_method == "adjoint" and any(prim not in [expval_p] for prim in return_ops):
raise DifferentiableCompileError(
"The adjoint method can only be used for QNodes which return qml.expval."
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