
  • Frontend: As we continue to build out Catalyst, the PennyLane frontend will likely be upstreamed into PennyLane proper, providing native JIT functionality built-in to PennyLane. The Catalyst compiler and runtime will remain part of the Catalyst project. If you are interested in working on additional frontends for Catalyst, please get in touch.

  • Compiler: We will continue to build out the compiler stack, and add quantum compilation routines. This includes an API for providing or writing Catalyst-compatible compilation routines. In addition, we will be improving the autodifferentiation support, and adding support for classical autodiff, additional quantum gradients, and quantum-aware optimization methods.

  • Runtime: We will be adding support for more devices, including quantum hardware devices. In addition, we will be building out support for heterogeneous execution. If you are interested in working on connecting a backend device with Catalyst, please get in touch.

To figure out the details, we need your help — please send us your use cases by starting a conversation, or trying Catalyst out.