
The Catalyst stack leverages state-of-the-art technologies to accelerate hybrid quantum-classical workflows without losing the ability to quickly prototype in Python. To do so, Catalyst builds upon the MLIR and LLVM compiler frameworks, the QIR project, and the JAX framework for composable transforms in machine learning (ML). Among the transforms provided by JAX, some of the most impactful arguably consist of automatic differentiation (AD) and just-in-time (JIT) compilation. AD has long been one of the cornerstones of PennyLane, and, with the introduction of Catalyst, JIT compilation for (hybrid) quantum programs is added as another.

One of the core goals of Catalyst is to provide a unified representation for hybrid programs with which to drive optimization, device compilation, automatic differentiation, and many other types of transformations in a scalable way. Moreover, Catalyst is being developed to support next-generation quantum programming paradigms, such as dynamic circuit generation with classical control flow, real-time measurement feedback, qubit reuse, and dynamic quantum memory management. Most importantly, Catalyst provides a way transform large scale user workflows from Python into low-level binary code for accelerated execution in heterogenous environments.

While PennyLane is used as the primary frontend to Catalyst, each element of the compilation stack is in-principle built in a modular and reusable way. Let’s take a look at what this stack looks like.

Compilation Stack

The following diagram represents the current architecture of Catalyst using an adaptation of the C4 container model. The Legend section describes the notation in more detail.

Compilation Stack

The three components of the stack can be summarized as follows:

  • Frontend: A Python frontend for just-in-time compilation & execution of PennyLane programs. Currently traces hybrid computation by leveraging the JAX infrastructure and extending the JAX Program Representation, but this will be generalized in the future.

  • Compiler Core: An MLIR-based compiler for hybrid quantum programs. Provides optimizations and other transformations such as automatic differentiation, with a growing library of compilation passes. Targets LLVM IR with QIR syntax for code generation.

  • Runtime: A runtime library for execution of hybrid quantum programs. While classical computation is compiled to native code, all quantum functionality is managed and provided by the runtime as an interface layer to backend devices (such as CPU simulators, GPU simulators, and hardware).


An overview of the Python frontend is presented below. At the moment, the frontend is not only responsible for converting user programs to the compiler IR, but also comes with a compiler driver that manages the entire compilation pipeline.


Compilation happens in 3 stages which are successively invoked by the frontend and compiler driver:

  • Program Capture / IR Generation: The frontend primarily provides a method for hybrid program capture of PennyLane/JAX programs. This uses the tracing & op queueing mechanism of both frameworks, extending the JAX program representation (JAXPR) with quantum primitives. Custom JAXPR → MLIR lowerings are registered to these primitives to fully convert a hybrid program to MLIR for consumption by the compiler.

  • Program Transformation: The main part of compilation is performed on the MLIR-based representation for hybrid quantum programs defined by Catalyst. The user program is passed to the Catalyst compiler libraries in its textual form, as the MLIR memory objects are not compatible between Catalyst and jaxlib. The driver then invokes a sequence of transformations that lowers the user program to a lower level of abstraction, outputting LLVM IR with QIR syntax. For more details consult the compiler section.

  • Code Generation: At this stage the LLVM IR is compiled down to native object code using the LLVM Static Compiler (llc) for the local system architecture. A native linker is then used to link the user program to the Catalyst Runtime library. The frontend will load this library into the Python environment and attach its entry point to the callable @qjit object defined by the user. For more details on the program execution consult the runtime section.

Elaborating on the program capture phase, tracing is a mechanism by which a function is executed with abstract arguments called tracers. Calling operations from the tracing library (such as jax.numpy) will record the operation and which tracers (or constants) it acts upon in a global data structure. Note that JAX’s tracing contexts can be nested to allow scoped region capture, which is relevant when tracing control flow operations.

During the tracing of quantum functions (qml.qnode), PennyLane’s queuing context is activated to build a QuantumTape data structure that records all quantum operations. Nested queuing contexts are leveraged to allow for scoped operation capture, including control flow operations which are themselves captured as pseudo-quantum operations on the tape.

Catalyst provides the “glue” to embed quantum tapes into the JAXPR, by converting PennyLane operations to their corresponding JAX primitive and by connecting operation arguments/results to the correct tracer objects.

See also

For more details on the frontend code organization see Catalyst Frontend for PennyLane.

Compiler Core

This section will focus on the series of compiler passes that convert a high-level quantum program to its low-level LLVM IR and subsequent binary form. While the exact passes may frequently change, the general stages should still be applicable. See the graph below for an overview of the transformations applied to the user program:

Compiler Core

  • HLO lowering:

    • HLO is a high-level IR used by the XLA compiler to compile tensor compute graphs, like those produced by JAX and TensorFlow. JAX natively outputs HLO in MLIR form, via the StableHLO MLIR dialect.

    • Since we provide our own compilation & code generation pipeline, we lower out of the HLO dialect into standard MLIR dialects, such as linalg, arith, func, and others, such that the program no longer contains any HLO operations. The term lowering here refers to converting one program representation into another “lower down” in the compilation pipeline. This is done using the transformation rules (or lowerings) provided by the mlir-hlo project.

    • Quantum dialect operations present in the input are not affected by this transformation.

  • Quantum optimizations:

    • Many quantum compilation routines can be run at this point, in order to reduce the gate or qubit count of the program. This could include peephole optimizations expressed as MLIR DAG rewrites (such as adjoint cancellation, operator fusion, gate identities, etc.), or more complex synthesis algorithms that act on an entire block of quantum code.

  • Automatic differentiation:

    • Several automatic differentiation routines are implemented at the compiler level. In general, a quantum function will be split out into classical pre-processing and quantum execution. Separate compilation routines are then applied to both components.

    • For the classical pre-processing, the main method of differentiation is forward or reverse mode AD via the Enzyme framework. Enzyme can also drive the differentiation of the entire program to allow differentiating through post-processing functions. In this case, quantum AD methods are registered as custom gradients in the framework.

    • For the quantum execution, different methods are available depending on the execution device. On simulators with support for it, the most efficient differentiation method is the adjoint-jacobian method, a technique similar to classical backpropagation. By taking advantage of the reversibility of quantum computing, a backwards pass can be performed with a much lower memory footprint than with backpropagation.

      Hardware compatible methods can directly be applied in the compiler without requiring explicit device support. This includes the parameter-shift method and finite-differences. The parameter-shift method has been adapted to work in presence of hybrid program representations including control flow, as long as measurement feedback is not used.

    • Checkpointing is employed to eliminate redundant invocations of the pre-processing function, by storing intermediate results and control flow information in a forward pass through the classical code to allow the quantum program to be reconstructed exactly.

  • Classical optimizations:

    • Basic optimizations are frequently performed in between other passes in order to improve performance and reduce the computational load of subsequent transformations. This includes dead code elimination, common sub-expression elimination, and constant propagation, as well other simplifications (canonicalizations) registered to the various dialect operations.

    • More advanced optimization techniques might also be added to various parts of the pass pipeline.

  • Bufferization:

    • Bufferization is a process by which operations are transformed from operating on tensors to operating on memory, represented by memrefs (memory references) in MLIR. The key difference between the two is that tensors behave according to value semantics, that is they cannot be modified in-place. Instead, operations consume and produce new tensor values.

    • In order to bufferize a program, memory has to be allocated and a buffer assigned to each tensor, reusing buffers whenever possible to minimize unnecessary data copies, and eventually deallocating buffers when they are no longer needed to prevent memory leaks.

    • Bufferization should generally be the last step before converting to the LLVM dialect, as optimizations are typically easier to implement in the tensor domain than in the memory domain.

  • LLVM dialect generation:

    • As an intermediate step in the LLVM IR generation, the LLVM dialect in MLIR provides a simple target for other dialects to lower to, and simplifies the conversion between MLIR and LLVM IR by providing a one-to-one mapping from MLIR objects to LLVM IR objects.

    • Generally, dialects will make use of the dialect conversion infrastructure to provide lowerings to the LLVM dialect. The quantum dialect provides lowering patterns to QIR-style operations, and the Catalyst gradient dialect can lower to device-based implementations of quantum AD or to an Enzyme-based implementation for AD on classical code.

  • LLVM IR generation:

    • Conversion from the LLVM dialect in MLIR to LLVM IR is handled by the mlir-translate tool.

  • Enzyme auto-differentiation:

    • Functions that have been set-up to be differentiated via Enzyme will be transformed at this stage. The separately compiled Enzyme library is loaded into the LLVM opt tool to perform the relevant code transformations.

  • LLVM optimizations:

    • The opt tool can also be used to run additional LLVM passes at this point, such as optimizations.

    • For quantum bound programs, optimizations at this stage may see little benefit however, and are generally better left out to save on compilation time.

  • Native code generation:

    • The LLVM static compiler (llc) is invoked to perform code generation for the local target architecture. A single object file is produced for the entire user program.

  • Linking:

    • Using a linker available on the system, the user program is linked against the Catalyst runtime. To simplify the process, a compiler will be used to drive the linking process, such as clang, gcc, or c99.

    • The shared library produced by the linking step is the output of the compilation process.

See also

For more details on the compiler code organization see Catalyst Quantum Compiler.

Runtime & Execution


Catalyst is constantly evolving and improving, and this is especially true for the runtime component and execution model. Consequently, the below information may not reflect the latest state of development.

The Catalyst Runtime is designed to enable Catalyst’s highly dynamic execution model. As such, it generally assumes real-time communication between a quantum device and its classical controller or host, although it also supports more restrictive execution models. Execution of the user program proceeds on the host’s native architecture, while the runtime provides an abstract communication API for quantum devices that the user program is free to invoke at any time during its execution.

The high-level components of the Catalyst Runtime are shown below.

Runtime & Execution

The runtime essentially acts as a bridge between two public interfaces:

  • The QIR API provides a list of QIR-style symbols to target during the LLVM generation phase in the compiler. This includes symbols for runtime functions such as device instantiation, quantum memory management, and error message emission. Additionally, quantum operations to be executed on a device are also included in this list. The symbols in the user program are then directly linked to the definitions provided by the runtime. Below are some examples of functions that might be included in the QIR API, please see the documentation for an up-to-date list.

    void __catalyst__rt__initialize();
    void __catalyst__rt__device(int8_t *, int8_t *);
    QUBIT *__catalyst__rt__qubit_allocate();
    void __catalyst__qis__PauliX(QUBIT *);
    void __catalyst__qis__CRZ(double /*angle*/, QUBIT *, QUBIT *);
    RESULT *__catalyst__qis__Measure(QUBIT *);
    ObsIdType __catalyst__qis__NamedObs(int64_t /*name_id*/, QUBIT *);
    double __catalyst__qis__Expval(ObsIdType);
    void __catalyst__qis__Probs(MemRefT_double_1d *, int64_t, /*qubits*/...);
    void __catalyst__qis__Gradient(int64_t, /*results*/...);
  • The QuantumDevice interface is a C++ abstract base class that devices can implement in order to automatically receive dispatched QIR calls whenever the respective quantum device is active. This interface is a bit higher level than the QIR API by abstracting away certain details, as well as reusing common functionality across devices. Below are some examples of functions that might be included in this interface, please see the documentation for an up-to-date list.

    virtual auto AllocateQubits(size_t num_qubits) -> std::vector<QubitIdType> = 0;
    virtual void NamedOperation(const std::string &name,
                                const std::vector<double> &params,
                                const std::vector<QubitIdType> &wires,
                                bool inverse) = 0;
    virtual auto Measure(QubitIdType wire) -> Result = 0;
    virtual void Probs(DataView<double, 1> &probs) = 0;
    virtual void Gradient(std::vector<DataView<double, 1>> &gradients,
                          const std::vector<size_t> &trainParams) = 0;

Besides the interfaces described above, the runtime also provides a series of other functions relevant to hybrid program execution:

  • Quantum device management: The runtime can manage the lifecycle of device instances, which are typically instantiated upon request by the program. With multiple backend devices being available, the program can request to switch between devices . Quantum instructions are always automatically dispatched to the currently active device.

  • Logical qubit management: Device backends for free to provide “hardware” or device IDs for qubits when responding to an allocation request. The runtime keeps a record of active device IDs and how they map to logical program qubits. In this way, the same device qubit may be reused for different logical qubits, all the while providing some safety guarantees that an operation acting on a previously deallocated qubit is not silently rerouted to a device qubit that has already been remapped to another logical qubit. Instead, an error is raised as this always indicates a bug in the compiled program (use-after-free).

  • Remote execution: While the aim of Catalyst is to locate the runtime as close to devices as possible to enable real-time communication, it currently features a “legacy” execution mode for local or remote devices that require a complete quantum circuit ahead of time. This mode is enabled via a two-step process:

    • Assembly generation: Generators for assembly formats such as OpenQASM can be implemented as pseudo execution devices which simply print the instructions rather than executing them. One benefit of generating the circuit at runtime is that the hybrid program can include arbitrary complex classical code, without being constrained by what may or may not be available in the (primarily) quantum assembly.

    • Circuit execution: Upon completion of the quantum function the generated assembly can be sent off to local or remote services for execution. Typically, this involves a much higher latency than when executing programs via the runtime directly. As an example, Catalyst currently connects to the AWS Braket cloud service for remote execution on NISQ hardware, but the full list of supported backends should always be obtained from the documentation.

    Circuit execution calls are made in a blocking fashion and will wait until all results are returned from the device. This mode also limits the interaction that host code can have with device code, such as real-time measurement feedback.

  • Classical memory management: In order to simplify the bufferization phase in the compiler, memory allocations that are returned from functions are allowed to remain live until the end of the program. The runtime tracks all allocation requests made by the program and will automatically deallocate all remaining buffers by the end of the program’s execution.

See also

For more details on the runtime code organization see Catalyst Quantum Runtime.


In our C4 adaptation, light blue boxes represent algorithms where in brackets we specify the related technologies in use. Dark blue boxes specify the data and the grey boxes refer to external projects. Data flow directions are shown as solid arrows. All other types of relationships between objects including user actions are shown as dotted arrows.
