- to_ppr(qnode)[source]¶
Specify that the
MLIR compiler pass for converting clifford+T gates into Pauli product rotations will be applied.The full list of supported gates are as follows:
, :param fn: QNode to apply the pass to :type fn: QNode- Returns
In this example the Clifford+T gates will be converted into PPRs.
from catalyst import * from catalyst.passes import to_ppr from catalyst.debug import get_compilation_stage @qjit(keep_intermediate=True) @to_ppr @qml.qnode(qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=2)) def circuit(): qml.H(0) qml.S(1) qml.T(0) qml.CNOT([0, 1]) m1 = measure(wires=0) m2 = measure(wires=1) get_compilation_stage(circuit, "EnforceRuntimeInvariantsPass")
Example MLIR Representation: .. code-block:: mlir
%0 = quantum.alloc( 2) : !quantum.reg %1 = quantum.extract %0[ 1] : !quantum.reg -> !quantum.bit %2 = qec.ppr [“Z”](4) %1 : !quantum.bit %3 = quantum.extract %0[ 0] : !quantum.reg -> !quantum.bit %4 = qec.ppr [“Z”](4) %3 : !quantum.bit %5 = qec.ppr [“X”](4) %4 : !quantum.bit %6 = qec.ppr [“Z”](4) %5 : !quantum.bit %7 = qec.ppr [“Z”](8) %6 : !quantum.bit %8:2 = qec.ppr [“Z”, “X”](4) %7, %2 : !quantum.bit, !quantum.bit %9 = qec.ppr [“Z”](-4) %8#0 : !quantum.bit %10 = qec.ppr [“X”](-4) %8#1 : !quantum.bit %mres, %out_qubits = qec.ppm [“Z”] %9 : !quantum.bit %mres_0, %out_qubits_1 = qec.ppm [“Z”] %10 : !quantum.bit …