- max_independent_set(graph, constrained=True)[source]¶
For a given graph, returns the QAOA cost Hamiltonian and the recommended mixer corresponding to the Maximum Independent Set problem.
Given some graph \(G\), an independent set is a set of vertices such that no pair of vertices in the set share a common edge. The Maximum Independent Set problem, is the problem of finding the largest such set.
- Parameters
graph (nx.Graph or rx.PyGraph) – a graph whose edges define the pairs of vertices on which each term of the Hamiltonian acts
constrained (bool) – specifies the variant of QAOA that is performed (constrained or unconstrained)
- Returns
The cost and mixer Hamiltonians
- Return type
(Hamiltonian, Hamiltonian)
Usage Details
There are two variations of QAOA for this problem, constrained and unconstrained:
This method of constrained QAOA was introduced by Hadfield, Wang, Gorman, Rieffel, Venturelli, and Biswas (2019).
The Maximum Independent Set cost Hamiltonian for constrained QAOA is defined as:
\[H_C \ = \ \displaystyle\sum_{v \in V(G)} Z_{v},\]where \(V(G)\) is the set of vertices of the input graph, and \(Z_i\) is the Pauli-Z operator applied to the \(i\)-th vertex.
The returned mixer Hamiltonian is
applied to \(G\).Note
- Recommended initialization circuit:
Each wire in the \(|0\rangle\) state.
The Maximum Independent Set cost Hamiltonian for unconstrained QAOA is defined as:
\[H_C \ = \ 3 \sum_{(i, j) \in E(G)} (Z_i Z_j \ - \ Z_i \ - \ Z_j) \ + \ \displaystyle\sum_{i \in V(G)} Z_i\]where \(E(G)\) is the set of edges of \(G\), \(V(G)\) is the set of vertices, and \(Z_i\) is the Pauli-Z operator acting on the \(i\)-th vertex.
The returned mixer Hamiltonian is
applied to all wires.Note
- Recommended initialization circuit:
Even superposition over all basis states.