
construct_batch(qnode, level='user')[source]

Construct the batch of tapes and post processing for a designated stage in the transform program.

  • qnode (QNode) – the qnode we want to get the tapes and post-processing for.

  • level (None, str, int, slice) –

    And indication of what transforms to use from the full program.

    • None: use the full transform program.

    • str: Acceptable keys are "top", "user", "device", and "gradient".

    • int: How many transforms to include, starting from the front of the program.

    • slice: a slice to select out components of the transform program.


A function with the same call signature as the initial quantum function. This function returns a batch (tuple) of tapes and postprocessing function.

Return type


See also

pennylane.workflow.get_transform_program() to inspect the contents of the transform program for a specified level.

Suppose we have a QNode with several user transforms.

from pennylane.workflow import construct_batch

@qml.qnode(qml.device('default.qubit'), diff_method="parameter-shift", shifts=np.pi / 4)
def circuit(x):
    qml.RandomLayers(qml.numpy.array([[1.0, 2.0]]), wires=(0,1))
    qml.RX(x, wires=0)
    qml.RX(-x, wires=0)
    return qml.expval(qml.X(0) + qml.Y(0))

We can inspect what the device will execute with:

>>> batch, fn = construct_batch(circuit, level="device")(1.23)
>>> batch[0].circuit
[RY(tensor(1., requires_grad=True), wires=[1]),
 RX(tensor(2., requires_grad=True), wires=[0]),
 expval(X(0) + Y(0))]

These tapes can be natively executed by the device. However, with non-backprop devices the parameters will need to be converted to NumPy with convert_to_numpy_parameters().

>>> fn(dev.execute(batch))
(tensor(-0.90929743, requires_grad=True),)

Or what the parameter shift gradient transform will be applied to:

>>> batch, fn = construct_batch(circuit, level="gradient")(1.23)
>>> batch[0].circuit
[RY(tensor(1., requires_grad=True), wires=[1]),
 RX(tensor(2., requires_grad=True), wires=[0]),
 expval(X(0) + Y(0))]

We can inspect what was directly captured from the qfunc with level=0.

>>> batch, fn = construct_batch(circuit, level=0)(1.23)
>>> batch[0].circuit
[RandomLayers(tensor([[1., 2.]], requires_grad=True), wires=[0, 1]),
 RX(1.23, wires=[0]),
 RX(-1.23, wires=[0]),
 SWAP(wires=[0, 1]),
 expval(X(0) + Y(0))]

And iterate though stages in the transform program with different integers. If we request level=1, the cancel_inverses transform has been applied.

>>> batch, fn = construct_batch(circuit, level=1)(1.23)
>>> batch[0].circuit
[RandomLayers(tensor([[1., 2.]], requires_grad=True), wires=[0, 1]),
 RX(1.23, wires=[0]),
 RX(-1.23, wires=[0]),
 SWAP(wires=[0, 1]),
 expval(X(0) + Y(0))]

We can also slice into a subset of the transform program. slice(1, None) would skip the first user transform cancel_inverses:

>>> batch, fn = construct_batch(circuit, level=slice(1,None))(1.23)
>>> batch[0].circuit
[RY(tensor(1., requires_grad=True), wires=[1]),
 RX(tensor(2., requires_grad=True), wires=[0]),
 expval(X(0) + Y(0))]