
This module contains functions for adding the TensorFlow interface to a PennyLane Device class.

How to bind a custom derivative with TensorFlow.

To bind a custom derivative with tensorflow, you:

  1. Decorate the function with tf.custom_gradient

  2. Alter the return to include a function that computes the VJP.

def f(x):
    print("forward pass")
    y = x**2

    def vjp(*dy):
        print("In the VJP function with: ", dy)
        print("eager? ", tf.executing_eagerly())
        return dy[0] * 2 * x
    return y, vjp
>>> x = tf.Variable(0.1)
>>> with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
...         y = f(x)
forward pass
>>> tape.gradient(y, x)
In the VJP function with:  (<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=1.0>,)
eager?  True
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=0.2>
>>> tape.jacobian(y, x)
In the VJP function with:  (<tf.Tensor 'gradient_tape/Reshape:0' shape=() dtype=float32>,)
eager?  False
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=0.2>
>>> tape.jacobian(y, x, experimental_use_pfor=False)
In the VJP function with:  (<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=1.0>,)
eager?  True
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=0.2>

You will note in this example that the we printed out whether or not tensorflow was in eager mode execution inside the VJP function or not. Whether or not eager mode is enabled will effect what we can and cannot do inside the VJP function. Non-eager mode (tracing mode) is enabled when we are taking a jacobian and not explicitly setting experimental_use_pfor=False.

For example, when eager mode is disabled, we cannot cast the relevant parameters to numpy. To circumvent this, we convert the parameters to numpy outside the VJP function, and then use those numbers instead.

Due to the fact that the dy must be converted to numpy for it to be used with a device-provided VJP, we are restricting the use of device VJP’s to when the VJP calculation is strictly eager. If someone wishes to calculate a full Jacobian with device_vjp=True, they must set experimental_use_pfor=False.

Alternatively, we could have calculated the VJP inside a tf.py_function or tf.numpy_function. Unfortunately, we then get an extra call to the vjp function.

def f(x):
    y = x**2

    def vjp(*dy):
        print("In the VJP function with: ", dy)
        print("eager? ", tf.executing_eagerly())
        return dy[0] * 2 * x

    return y, vjp
>>> x = tf.Variable(0.1)
>>> with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
...         y = f(x)
>>> tape.jacobian(y, x)
In the VJP function with:  (<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=1.0>,)
eager?  True
In the VJP function with:  (<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=1.0>,)
eager?  True
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=0.2>

As you can see, we got 2 calls to vjp instead of 1, and the calls have identical dy. We do not want to have to perform this extra call.


set_parameters_on_copy(tapes, params)

Copy a set of tapes with operations and set parameters

tf_execute(tapes, execute_fn, jpc[, device, …])

Execute a batch of tapes with TensorFlow parameters on a device.