Building a legacy plugin

For adding a plugin that inherits from the new device interface, see Building a plugin.

PennyLane plugins allow an external quantum library to take advantage of the automatic differentiation ability of PennyLane. Writing your own plugin is a simple and easy process. In this section, we will walk through the steps for creating your own PennyLane plugin within the legacy device API.

What a plugin provides

Here’s a quick primer on PennyLane plugins:

  • A plugin is an external Python package that provides additional quantum devices to PennyLane.

  • Each plugin may provide one or more devices that are accessible directly through PennyLane, as well as any additional private functions or classes.

  • Depending on the scope of the plugin, you may wish to provide additional (custom) quantum operations and observables that the user can import.


In your plugin module, standard NumPy (not the wrapped Autograd version of NumPy, pennylane.numpy) should be imported in all places (i.e., import numpy as np).

Creating your device

The first step in creating your PennyLane plugin is to create your device class. This is as simple as importing the abstract base class pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice from PennyLane, and subclassing it:

from pennylane.devices import LegacyDevice

class MyDevice(LegacyDevice):
    """MyDevice docstring"""
    name = 'My custom device'
    short_name = 'example.mydevice'
    pennylane_requires = '0.1.0'
    version = '0.0.1'
    author = 'Ada Lovelace'


Most devices inherit from a subclass of pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice called QubitDevice, which contains a lot of functionality specific to computations based on qubits. We will take a deeper look at this important case below.


The API of PennyLane devices is currently being updated to follow a new interface defined by the pennylane.devices.Device class. This guide describes how to create a device with the pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice and pennylane.devices.QubitDevice base classes, and will be updated as we continue switching to the new API. In the meantime, please reach out to the PennyLane team if you would like help with building a plugin, either by creating an issue or by posting in our discussion forum.

Here, we have begun defining some important class attributes that allow PennyLane to identify and use the device. These include:

  • a string containing the official name of the device

  • pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice.short_name: the string used to identify and load the device by users of PennyLane

  • pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice.pennylane_requires: the PennyLane version this device supports. Note that this class attribute supports pip requirements.txt style version ranges, for example:

    • pennylane_requires = "2" to support PennyLane version 2.x.x

    • pennylane_requires = ">=0.1.5,<0.6" to support a range of PennyLane versions

  • pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice.version: the version number of the device

  • the author of the device

Defining all of the attributes above is mandatory.

Device capabilities

Furthermore, you must tell PennyLane about the operations that your device supports, as well as potential further capabilities, by providing the following class attributes/properties:

  • pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice.stopping_condition: This BooleanFn should return True for supported operations and measurement processes, and False otherwise. Note that this function is called on both Operator and MeasurementProcess classes. Though this function must accept both Operator and MeasurementProcess classes, it does not affect whether a MeasurementProcess is supported or not.

    def stopping_condition(self):
        def accepts_obj(obj):
            return in {'CNOT', 'PauliX', 'PauliY', 'PauliZ'}
        return qml.BooleanFn(accepts_obj)

    Supported operations can also be determined by the pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice.operations property. This property is a list of string names for supported operations.

    operations = {"CNOT", "PauliX"}

    See Quantum operators for a full list of operations supported by PennyLane.

    If your device does not natively support an operation that has the decomposition() static method defined, PennyLane will attempt to decompose the operation before calling the device. For example, the Rot decomposition method will decompose the single-qubit rotation gate to RZ and RY gates.


    If the convention differs between the built-in PennyLane operation and the corresponding operation in the targeted framework, ensure that the conversion between the two conventions takes place automatically by the plugin device.

  • pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice.capabilities(): A class method which returns the dictionary of capabilities of a device. A new device should override this method to retrieve the parent classes’ capabilities dictionary, make a copy, and update and/or add capabilities before returning the copy.

    Examples of capabilities are:

    • 'model' (str): either 'qubit' or 'cv'.

    • 'returns_state' (bool): True if the device returns the quantum state via dev.state.

    • 'supports_inverse_operations' (bool): True if the device supports applying the inverse of operations. Operations which should be inverted have the property operation.inverse == True.

    • 'supports_tensor_observables' (bool): True if the device supports observables composed from tensor products such as PauliZ(wires=0) @ PauliZ(wires=1).

    • 'supports_tracker' (bool): True if it has a device tracker attribute and updates information with it.

    Some capabilities are queried by PennyLane core to make decisions on how to best run computations, while others are used by external apps built on top of the device ecosystem.

    To find out which capabilities are (possibly automatically) defined for your device, dev = qml.device('my.device', *args, **kwargs), check the output of dev.capabilities().

Adding arguments to your device


PennyLane supports both qubit and continuous-variable (CV) devices. However, from here onwards, we will demonstrate plugin development focusing on qubit-based devices inheriting from the QubitDevice class.

Defining the __init__ method of a custom device is not necessary; by default, the QubitDevice initialization will be called, where the user can pass the following arguments:

  • wires (int or Iterable[Number, str]): The number of subsystems represented by the device, or an iterable that contains unique labels for the subsystems as numbers (e.g., [-1, 0, 2]) and/or strings (['auxiliary', 'q1', 'q2']).

  • shots=1000 (None, int or List[int]): number of circuit evaluations/random samples used to estimate probabilities, expectation values, variances of observables in non-analytic mode. If shots=None, the device calculates probability, expectation values, and variances analytically. If shots is an integer, it specifies the number of samples to estimate these quantities. If a list of integers is passed, the circuit evaluations are batched over the list of shots.

To add your own device arguments, or to override any of the above defaults, simply overwrite the __init__ method. For example, here is a device where the number of wires is fixed to 24, that cannot be used in analytic mode, and that can accept a dictionary of low-level hardware control options:

class CustomDevice(QubitDevice):
    name = 'My custom device'
    short_name = 'example.mydevice'
    pennylane_requires = '0.1.0'
    version = '0.0.1'
    author = 'Ada Lovelace'

    operations = {"PauliX", "RX", "CNOT"}
    observables = {"PauliZ", "PauliX", "PauliY"}

    def __init__(self, shots=1024, hardware_options=None):
        super().__init__(wires=24, shots=shots)
        self.hardware_options = hardware_options or hardware_defaults

Note that we have also overridden the default shot number.

The user can now pass any of these arguments to the PennyLane device loader:

>>> dev = qml.device("example.mydevice", hardware_options={"t2": 0.1})
>>> dev.hardware_options
{"t2": 0.1}

Device execution

Once all of the class attributes are defined, it is necessary to define some required class methods to allow PennyLane to apply operations and measure observables on your device.

To execute operations on the device, the following methods must be defined:

apply(operations, **kwargs)

Apply quantum operations, rotate the circuit into the measurement basis, and compile and execute the quantum circuit.

If the device is a statevector simulator (it can perform analytic computations when shots=None) then it must also overwrite:


Return the (marginal) probability of each computational basis state from the last run of the device.

The QubitDevice class provides the following convenience methods that may be used by the plugin:


Returns the wires acted on by a set of operators.

marginal_prob(prob[, wires])

Return the marginal probability of the computational basis states by summing the probabiliites on the non-specified wires.

In addition, if your qubit device generates its own computational basis samples for measured wires after execution, you need to overwrite the following method:


Returns the computational basis samples generated for all wires.

generate_samples() should return samples with shape (dev.shots, dev.num_wires). Furthermore, PennyLane uses the convention \(|q_0,q_1,\dots,q_{N-1}\rangle\) where \(q_0\) is the most significant bit.

And thats it! The device has inherited expval(), var(), and sample() methods, each of which accepts an observable (or tensor product of observables) and returns the corresponding measurement statistic.

Additional flexibility is sometimes required for interfacing with more complicated frameworks.

When PennyLane needs to evaluate a QNode, it accesses the execute() method of your plugin which, by default, performs the following process:

self.check_validity(circuit.operations, circuit.observables)

# apply all circuit operations
self.apply(circuit.operations, rotations=circuit.diagonalizing_gates)

# generate computational basis samples
if self.shots is not None or circuit.is_sampled:
    self._samples = self.generate_samples()

# compute the required statistics
results = self.statistics(circuit)

return self._asarray(results)


  • circuit is a CircuitGraph object

  • circuit.operations are the user-provided operations to be executed

  • circuit.observables are the user-provided observables to be measured

  • circuit.diagonalizing_gates are the gates that rotate the circuit prior to measurement so that computational basis measurements are performed in the eigenbasis of the requested observables

  • statistics() returns the results of expval(), var(), or sample() depending on the type of observable.

In advanced cases, the execute() method, as well as statistics(), may be overwritten directly. This provides full flexibility for handling the device execution yourself. However, this may have unintended side-effects and is not recommended.

Wire handling

PennyLane uses the Wires class for the internal representation of wires. Wires inherits from Python’s Sequence, and represents an ordered set of unique wire labels. The labels attribute stores a tuple of the wire labels. Indexing a Wires instance with an integer will return the corresponding label. Indexing with a slice will return a Wires instance.

For example:

from pennylane.wires import Wires

wires = Wires(['auxiliary', 0, 1])
print(wires.labels) # ('auxiliary', 0, 1)
print(wires[0]) # 'auxiliary'
print(wires[0:1]) # Wires(['auxiliary'])

As shown in the section on Quantum circuits, a device can be created with custom wire labels:

from pennylane import *

dev = device('my.device', wires=['q11', 'q12', 'q21', 'q22'])

def circuit():
   return expval(Obs(wires='q11') @ Obs(wires='q12'))

Behind the scenes, when my.device gets created it turns ['q11', 'q12', 'q21', 'q22'] into a Wires object and stores it in the device’s wires attribute. Likewise, when gates and observables get created they turn their wires argument into a Wires object and store it in their wires attribute.

print(dev.wires) #  Wires(['q11', 'q12', 'q21', 'q22'])

op = Gate2(wires=['q21','q11'])
print(op.wires) # Wires(['q21', 'q11'])

When the device applies operations, it needs to translate op.wires into wire labels that the backend “understands”. This can be done with the pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice.map_wires() method, which maps Wires objects to other Wires objects and changes the labels according to the wire_map attribute of the device which defines the translation.

# inside the class defining 'my.device', which inherits from the base Device class
device_wires = self.map_wires(op.wires)
print(device_wires) # Wires([2, 0])

By default, the map translates the custom labels 'q11', 'q12', 'q21', 'q22' to consecutive integers 0, 1, 2, 3. If a device uses a different wire labeling, such as non-consecutive wires 0, 4, 7, 12, the pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice.define_wire_map() method has to be overwritten accordingly.

The device_wires can then be further processed, for example, by extracting the actual labels as a tuple, list or array, or by getting the number of wires:

device_wires.labels # (2, 0)

device_wires.tolist() # [2, 0]

device_wires.toarray() # ndarray([2, 0])

len(device_wires) # 2

The Wires class also offers set functionality like identifying the unique or shared wires between several Wires object.

As a convention, devices should do the translation and unpacking as late as possible in the function tree, and where possible pass the original Wires objects around.

Device tracker support

The device tracker stores and records information when tracking mode is turned on. Devices can store data like the number of executions, number of shots, number of batches, or remote simulator cost for users to interact with in a customizable way.

Three aspects of the Tracker class are relevant to plugin designers:

  • The boolean active attribute that denotes whether or not to update and record

  • update method which accepts keyword-value pairs and stores the information

  • record method which users can customize to log, print, or otherwise do something with the stored information

To gain any of the device tracker functionality, a device should initialize with a placeholder Tracker instance. Users can overwrite this attribute by initializing a new instance with the device as an argument.

We recommend placing the following code near the end of the execute method,

  self.tracker.update(executions=1, shots=self._shots)

and similar code in the batch_execute method:

  self.tracker.update(batches=1, batch_len=len(circuits))

These functions are called in base pennylane.devices.LegacyDevice and QubitDevice devices. Unless you are overriding the execute and batch_execute methods or want to customize the stored information, you do not need to add any new code.

While this is the recommended usage, the update and record methods can be called at any location within the device. While the above example tracks executions, shots, and batches, the update() method can accept any combination of keyword-value pairs. For example, a device could also track cost and a job ID via:

price_for_execution = 0.10
job_id = "abcde"
self.tracker.update(price=price_for_execution, job_id=job_id)

Identifying and installing your device

When performing a hybrid computation using PennyLane, one of the first steps is often to initialize the quantum device(s). PennyLane identifies the devices via their short_name, which allows the device to be initialized in the following way:

import pennylane as qml
dev1 = qml.device(short_name, wires=2)

where short_name is a string that uniquely identifies the device. The short_name should have the form pluginname.devicename, using periods for delimitation.

PennyLane uses a setuptools entry_points approach to plugin discovery/integration. In order to make the devices of your plugin accessible to PennyLane, simply provide the following keyword argument to the setup() function in your file:

devices_list = [
        'example.mydevice1 = MyModule.MySubModule:MyDevice1'
        'example.mydevice2 = MyModule.MySubModule:MyDevice2'
setup(entry_points={'pennylane.plugins': devices_list})


  • devices_list is a list of devices you would like to register,

  • example.mydevice1 is the short name of the device, and

  • MyModule.MySubModule is the path to your Device class, MyDevice1.

To ensure your device is working as expected, you can install it in developer mode using pip install -e pluginpath, where pluginpath is the location of the plugin. It will then be accessible via PennyLane.


All plugins should come with extensive unit tests, to ensure that each logical unit of the device has correct execution.

Integration tests to check that the probabilities, expectation values, variance, and samples are correct for various circuits and observables are provided as part of the PennyLane device test utility:

pl-device-test --device device_shortname --shots 10000

In general, as all supported operations have their gradient formula defined and tested by PennyLane, testing that your device calculates the correct gradients is not required. For more details on the PennyLane device test utility, see pennylane.devices.tests.

Supporting custom operators

If you would like to support an operator (such as a gate or observable) that is not currently supported by PennyLane, you can subclass the Operator class. Detailed information can be found in the section Adding new operators.

Users can then import this operator directly from your plugin, and use it when defining a QNode:

import pennylane as qml
from MyModule.MySubModule import CustomGate

def my_qfunc(phi):
    CustomGate(phi, theta, wires=0)
    return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))


If you are providing custom operators not natively supported by PennyLane, it is recommended that the plugin unit tests provide tests to ensure that PennyLane returns the correct gradient for the custom operations.

If the custom operator is diagonal in the computational basis, it can be added to the diagonal_in_z_basis attribute in pennylane.ops.qubit.attributes. Devices can use this information to implement faster simulations.