Source code for pennylane.capture.capture_qnode

# Copyright 2024 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This submodule defines a capture compatible call to QNodes.

import warnings
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import asdict
from functools import lru_cache, partial

import pennylane as qml

from .flatfn import FlatFn

has_jax = True
    import jax
except ImportError:
    has_jax = False

def _get_shapes_for(*measurements, shots=None, num_device_wires=0):
    if jax.config.jax_enable_x64:  # pylint: disable=no-member
        dtype_map = {
            float: jax.numpy.float64,
            int: jax.numpy.int64,
            complex: jax.numpy.complex128,
        dtype_map = {
            float: jax.numpy.float32,
            int: jax.numpy.int32,
            complex: jax.numpy.complex64,

    shapes = []
    if not shots:
        shots = [None]

    for s in shots:
        for m in measurements:
            shape, dtype = m.aval.abstract_eval(shots=s, num_device_wires=num_device_wires)
            shapes.append(jax.core.ShapedArray(shape, dtype_map.get(dtype, dtype)))
    return shapes

def _get_qnode_prim():
    if not has_jax:
        return None
    qnode_prim = jax.core.Primitive("qnode")
    qnode_prim.multiple_results = True

    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    def _(*args, qnode, shots, device, qnode_kwargs, qfunc_jaxpr, n_consts):
        consts = args[:n_consts]
        args = args[n_consts:]

        def qfunc(*inner_args):
            return jax.core.eval_jaxpr(qfunc_jaxpr, consts, *inner_args)

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                message=r"The max_expansion argument is deprecated and will be removed in version 0.39.",
            qnode = qml.QNode(qfunc, device, **qnode_kwargs)
        return qnode._impl_call(*args, shots=shots)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def _(*args, qnode, shots, device, qnode_kwargs, qfunc_jaxpr, n_consts):
        mps = qfunc_jaxpr.outvars
        return _get_shapes_for(*mps, shots=shots, num_device_wires=len(device.wires))

    return qnode_prim

[docs]def qnode_call(qnode: "qml.QNode", *args, **kwargs) -> "qml.typing.Result": """A capture compatible call to a QNode. This function is internally used by ``QNode.__call__``. Args: qnode (QNode): a QNode args: the arguments the QNode is called with Keyword Args: kwargs (Any): Any keyword arguments accepted by the quantum function Returns: qml.typing.Result: the result of a qnode execution **Example:** .. code-block:: python qml.capture.enable() @qml.qnode(qml.device('lightning.qubit', wires=1)) def circuit(x): qml.RX(x, wires=0) return qml.expval(qml.Z(0)), qml.probs() def f(x): expval_z, probs = circuit(np.pi * x, shots=50000) return 2 * expval_z + probs jaxpr = jax.make_jaxpr(f)(0.1) print("jaxpr:") print(jaxpr) res = jax.core.eval_jaxpr(jaxpr.jaxpr, jaxpr.consts, 0.7) print() print("result:") print(res) .. code-block:: none jaxpr: { lambda ; a:f32[]. let b:f32[] = mul 3.141592653589793 a c:f32[] d:f32[2] = qnode[ device=<lightning.qubit device (wires=1) at 0x10557a070> qfunc_jaxpr={ lambda ; e:f32[]. let _:AbstractOperator() = RX[n_wires=1] e 0 f:AbstractOperator() = PauliZ[n_wires=1] 0 g:AbstractMeasurement(n_wires=None) = expval_obs f h:AbstractMeasurement(n_wires=0) = probs_wires in (g, h) } qnode=<QNode: device='<lightning.qubit device (wires=1) at 0x10557a070>', interface='auto', diff_method='best'> qnode_kwargs={'diff_method': 'best', 'grad_on_execution': 'best', 'cache': False, 'cachesize': 10000, 'max_diff': 1, 'max_expansion': 10, 'device_vjp': False, 'mcm_method': None, 'postselect_mode': None} shots=Shots(total=50000) ] b i:f32[] = mul 2.0 c j:f32[2] = add i d in (j,) } result: [Array([-0.96939224, -0.38207346], dtype=float32)] """ if "shots" in kwargs: shots = qml.measurements.Shots(kwargs.pop("shots")) else: shots = qnode.device.shots if shots.has_partitioned_shots: # Questions over the pytrees and the nested result object shape raise NotImplementedError("shot vectors are not yet supported with plxpr capture.") if not qnode.device.wires: raise NotImplementedError("devices must specify wires for integration with plxpr capture.") qfunc = partial(qnode.func, **kwargs) if kwargs else qnode.func flat_fn = FlatFn(qfunc) qfunc_jaxpr = jax.make_jaxpr(flat_fn)(*args) execute_kwargs = copy(qnode.execute_kwargs) mcm_config = asdict(execute_kwargs.pop("mcm_config")) qnode_kwargs = {"diff_method": qnode.diff_method, **execute_kwargs, **mcm_config} qnode_prim = _get_qnode_prim() flat_args, _ = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(args) res = qnode_prim.bind( *qfunc_jaxpr.consts, *flat_args, shots=shots, qnode=qnode, device=qnode.device, qnode_kwargs=qnode_kwargs, qfunc_jaxpr=qfunc_jaxpr.jaxpr, n_consts=len(qfunc_jaxpr.consts), ) assert flat_fn.out_tree is not None, "out_tree should be set by call to flat_fn" return jax.tree_util.tree_unflatten(flat_fn.out_tree, res)