Source code for

# Copyright 2018-2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Contains the base class for Dataset attribute types, and a class for
attribute metadata."""

import typing
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
from functools import lru_cache
from numbers import Number
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (

from import hdf5
from import HDF5, HDF5Any, HDF5Group
from import UNSET, get_type, get_type_str

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class AttributeInfo(MutableMapping): """Contains metadata that may be assigned to a dataset attribute. Is stored in the HDF5 object's ``attrs`` dict. Attributes: attrs_bind: The HDF5 attrs dict that this instance is bound to, or any mutable mapping **kwargs: Extra metadata to include. Must be a string, number or numpy array """ attrs_namespace: ClassVar[str] = "" attrs_bind: typing.MutableMapping[str, Any] @overload def __init__( # overload to specify known keyword args self, attrs_bind: Optional[typing.MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None, *, doc: Optional[str] = None, py_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): pass @overload def __init__(self): # need at least two overloads when using @overload pass def __init__(self, attrs_bind: Optional[typing.MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any): object.__setattr__(self, "attrs_bind", attrs_bind if attrs_bind is not None else {}) for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def save(self, info: "AttributeInfo") -> None: """Inserts the values set in this instance into ``info``.""" for k, v in self.items(): info[k] = v
[docs] def load(self, info: "AttributeInfo"): """Inserts the values set in ``info`` into this instance."""
@property def py_type(self) -> Optional[str]: """String representation of this attribute's python type.""" return self.get("py_type") @py_type.setter def py_type(self, type_: Union[str, Type]): self["py_type"] = get_type_str(type_) @property def doc(self) -> Optional[str]: """Documentation for this attribute.""" return self.get("doc") @doc.setter def doc(self, doc: str): self["doc"] = doc def __len__(self) -> int: return self.attrs_bind.get("qml.__data_len__", 0) def _update_len(self, inc: int): self.attrs_bind["qml.__data_len__"] = len(self) + inc def __setitem__(self, __name: str, __value: Any): key = self.bind_key(__name) if __value is None: self.attrs_bind.pop(key, None) return exists = key in self.attrs_bind self.attrs_bind[key] = __value if not exists: self._update_len(1) def __getitem__(self, __name: str) -> Any: return self.attrs_bind[self.bind_key(__name)] def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: Any) -> None: if __name in self.__class__.__dict__: object.__setattr__(self, __name, __value) else: self[__name] = __value def __getattr__(self, __name: str) -> Any: try: return self[__name] except KeyError: return None def __delitem__(self, __name: str) -> None: del self.attrs_bind[self.bind_key(__name)] self._update_len(-1) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: ns = f"{self.attrs_namespace}." return ( key.split(ns, maxsplit=1)[1] for key in filter(lambda k: k.startswith(ns), self.attrs_bind) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(dict(self))})"
[docs] @classmethod @lru_cache() def bind_key(cls, __name: str) -> str: """Returns ``__name`` dot-prefixed with ``attrs_namespace``.""" return ".".join((cls.attrs_namespace, __name))
# Type variable for value returned by ``DatasetAttribute.get_value()`` ValueType = TypeVar("ValueType") # Type variable for ``value`` argument to ``DatasetAttribute.__init__()`` InitValueType = TypeVar("InitValueType")
[docs]class DatasetAttribute(ABC, Generic[HDF5, ValueType, InitValueType]): """ The DatasetAttribute class provides an interface for converting Python objects to and from a HDF5 array or Group. It uses the registry pattern to maintain a mapping of type_id to DatasetAttribute, and Python types to compatible AttributeTypes. Attributes: type_id: Unique identifier for this DatasetAttribute class. Must be declared in subclasses. """ type_id: ClassVar[str]
[docs] @abstractmethod def hdf5_to_value(self, bind: HDF5) -> ValueType: """Parses bind into Python object."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def value_to_hdf5(self, bind_parent: HDF5Group, key: str, value: InitValueType) -> HDF5: """Converts value into a HDF5 Array or Group under bind_parent[key]."""
@overload def __init__( self, value: Union[InitValueType, Literal[UNSET]] = UNSET, info: Optional[AttributeInfo] = None, *, parent_and_key: Optional[Tuple[HDF5Group, str]] = None, ): """Initialize a new dataset attribute from ``value``. Args: value: Value that will be stored in dataset attribute. info: Metadata to attach to attribute. parent_and_key: A 2-tuple specifying the HDF5 group that will contain this attribute, and its key. If None, attribute will be stored in-memory. """ @overload def __init__(self, *, bind: HDF5): """Load previously persisted dataset attribute from ``bind``. If ``bind`` contains an attribute of a different type, or does not contain a dataset attribute, a ``TypeError` will be raised. Args: bind: HDF5 object from which existing attribute will be loaded. """ def __init__( self, value: Union[InitValueType, Literal[UNSET]] = UNSET, info: Optional[AttributeInfo] = None, *, bind: Optional[HDF5] = None, parent_and_key: Optional[Tuple[HDF5Group, str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Initialize a new dataset attribute, or load from an existing hdf5 object. This constructor can be called two ways: value initialization or bind initialization. Value initialization creates the attribute with specified ``value`` in a new HDF5 object, with optional ``info`` attached. The attribute can be created in an existing HDF5 group by passing the ``parent_and_key`` argument. Bind initialization loads an attribute that was previously persisted in HDF5 object ``bind``. Note that if ``bind`` is provided, all other arguments will be ignored. Args: value: Value to initialize attribute to info: Metadata to attach to attribute bind: HDF5 object from which existing attribute will be loaded parent_and_key: A 2-tuple specifying the HDF5 group that will contain this attribute, and its key. """ if bind is not None: self._bind_init(bind) else: self._value_init(value, info, parent_and_key) def _bind_init(self, bind: HDF5) -> None: """Constructor for bind initialization. See __init__().""" self._bind = bind self._check_bind() def _value_init( self, value: Union[InitValueType, Literal[UNSET]], info: Optional[AttributeInfo], parent_and_key: Optional[Tuple[HDF5Group, str]], ): """Constructor for value initialization. See __init__().""" if parent_and_key is not None: parent, key = parent_and_key else: parent, key = hdf5.create_group(), "_" if value is UNSET: value = self.default_value() if value is UNSET: raise TypeError("__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'value'") self._bind = self._set_value(value, info, parent, key) self._check_bind() self.__post_init__(value) @property def info(self) -> AttributeInfo: """Returns the ``AttributeInfo`` for this attribute.""" return AttributeInfo(self.bind.attrs) @property def bind(self) -> HDF5: """Returns the HDF5 object that contains this attribute's data.""" return self._bind
[docs] @classmethod def default_value(cls) -> Union[InitValueType, Literal[UNSET]]: """Returns a valid default value for this type, or ``UNSET`` if this type must be initialized with a value.""" return UNSET
[docs] @classmethod def py_type(cls, value_type: Type[InitValueType]) -> str: """Determines the ``py_type`` of an attribute during value initialization, if it was not provided in the ``info`` argument. This method returns ``f"{value_type.__module__}.{value_type.__name__}``. """ return get_type_str(value_type)
[docs] @classmethod def consumes_types(cls) -> typing.Iterable[type]: """ Returns an iterable of types for which this should be the default codec. If a value of one of these types is assigned to a Dataset without specifying a `type_id`, this type will be used. """ return ()
def __post_init__(self, value: InitValueType) -> None: """Called after __init__(), only during value initialization. Can be implemented in subclasses that require additional initialization."""
[docs] def get_value(self) -> ValueType: """Deserializes the mapped value from ``bind``.""" return self.hdf5_to_value(self.bind)
[docs] def copy_value(self) -> ValueType: """Deserializes the mapped value from ``bind``, and also perform a 'deep-copy' of any nested values contained in ``bind``.""" return self.get_value()
def _set_value( self, value: InitValueType, info: Optional[AttributeInfo], parent: HDF5Group, key: str ) -> HDF5: """Converts ``value`` into HDF5 format and sets the attribute info.""" if info is None: info = AttributeInfo() info["type_id"] = self.type_id if info.py_type is None: info.py_type = self.py_type(type(value)) new_bind = self.value_to_hdf5(parent, key, value) new_info = AttributeInfo(new_bind.attrs) return new_bind def _set_parent(self, parent: HDF5Group, key: str): """Copies this attribute's data into ``parent``, under ``key``.""" hdf5.copy(source=self.bind, dest=parent, key=key, on_conflict="overwrite") self._bind = parent[key] # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def _check_bind(self): """ Checks that ``bind.attrs`` contains the type_id corresponding to this type. """ existing_type_id ="type_id") if existing_type_id is None: raise ValueError("'bind' does not contain a dataset attribute.") if existing_type_id != self.type_id: raise TypeError(f"'bind' is bound to another attribute type '{existing_type_id}'") def __copy__(self) -> "DatasetAttribute": impl_group = hdf5.create_group() hdf5.copy(self.bind, impl_group, "_") return type(self)(bind=impl_group["_"]) def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> "DatasetAttribute": return self.__copy__() def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return self.get_value() == __value def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}({repr(self.get_value())})" def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.get_value()) __registry: typing.Mapping[str, Type["DatasetAttribute"]] = {} __type_consumer_registry: typing.Mapping[type, Type["DatasetAttribute"]] = {} registry: typing.Mapping[str, Type["DatasetAttribute"]] = MappingProxyType(__registry) """Maps type_ids to their DatasetAttribute classes.""" type_consumer_registry: typing.Mapping[type, Type["DatasetAttribute"]] = MappingProxyType( __type_consumer_registry ) """Maps types to their default DatasetAttribute""" def __init_subclass__( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ cls, *, abstract: bool = False ) -> None: if abstract: return super().__init_subclass__() existing_type = DatasetAttribute.__registry.get(cls.type_id) if existing_type is not None: raise TypeError( f"DatasetAttribute with type_id '{cls.type_id}' already exists: {existing_type}" ) DatasetAttribute.__registry[cls.type_id] = cls # type: ignore for type_ in cls.consumes_types(): existing_type = DatasetAttribute.type_consumer_registry.get(type_) if existing_type is not None: warnings.warn( f"Conflicting default types: Both '{cls.__name__}' and '{existing_type.__name__}' " f"consume type '{type_.__name__}'. '{type_.__name__}' " f"will now be consumed by '{cls.__name__}'" ) DatasetAttribute.__type_consumer_registry[type_] = cls return super().__init_subclass__()
[docs]def attribute( val: T, doc: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> DatasetAttribute[HDF5Any, T, Any]: """Creates a dataset attribute that contains both a value and associated metadata. Args: val (any): the dataset attribute value doc (str): the docstring that describes the attribute **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments may be passed, which represents metadata which describes the attribute. Returns: DatasetAttribute: an attribute object .. seealso:: :class:`~.Dataset` **Example** >>> hamiltonian = qml.Hamiltonian([1., 1.], [qml.Z(0), qml.Z(1)]) >>> eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(qml.matrix(hamiltonian)) >>> dataset = = ... hamiltonian, ... doc="The hamiltonian of the system")) >>> dataset.eigen = ... {"eigvals": eigvals, "eigvecs": eigvecs}, ... doc="Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the hamiltonain") This metadata can then be accessed using the :meth:`~.Dataset.attr_info` mapping: >>> dataset.attr_info["eigen"]["doc"] 'Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the hamiltonain' """ return match_obj_type(val)(val, AttributeInfo(doc=doc, py_type=type(val), **kwargs))
def get_attribute_type(h5_obj: HDF5) -> Type[DatasetAttribute[HDF5, Any, Any]]: """ Returns the ``DatasetAttribute`` of the dataset attribute contained in ``h5_obj``. """ type_id = h5_obj.attrs[AttributeInfo.bind_key("type_id")] return DatasetAttribute.registry[type_id] def match_obj_type( type_or_obj: Union[ValueType, Type[ValueType]] ) -> Type[DatasetAttribute[HDF5Any, ValueType, ValueType]]: """ Returns an ``DatasetAttribute`` that can accept an object of type ``type_or_obj`` as a value. Args: type_or_obj: A type or an object Returns: DatasetAttribute that can accept ``type_or_obj`` (or an object of that type) as a value. Raises: TypeError, if no DatasetAttribute can accept an object of that type """ type_ = get_type(type_or_obj) if hasattr(type_, "type_id"): return DatasetAttribute.registry[type_.type_id] ret = DatasetAttribute.registry["array"] if type_ in DatasetAttribute.type_consumer_registry: ret = DatasetAttribute.type_consumer_registry[type_] elif issubclass(type_, Number): ret = DatasetAttribute.registry["scalar"] elif hasattr(type_, "__array__"): ret = DatasetAttribute.registry["array"] elif issubclass(type_, Sequence): ret = DatasetAttribute.registry["list"] elif issubclass(type_, Mapping): ret = DatasetAttribute.registry["dict"] return ret